Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 23

"Mr. Rocco, I'm so sorry, your city wall is useless in the eyes of the elites of the Vampire Clan." As soon as he finished speaking, countless figures rose into the sky, reflecting silver light under the moon, like stars.

Falling meteor.

Rocco understood. The previous proposal was not an expedient measure for the vampires, but to give them an opportunity.

Yes, surrender your chance of survival.

Whether you want to obey or not, the Border Blood Clan has entered Dharma today.

Rocco, who thought that relying on a strong fortress could withstand for a while, cursed the vampires for their lack of martial ethics.

It was obviously a well-prepared move, a long-planned robbery!

"You won't succeed!" Rocco, who had a tough mouth, furiously directed at the incompetent person below and ordered

His own bodyguard.

"You guys, go down and take advantage of the chaos to catch that silver-haired girl. She's from the royal family of the blood clan.

Member! With her as a hostage, the vampires will not dare to mess around. "Rocco knows it's hard, but it's better than hitting

For the retired Vampire Legion, it is much easier to capture the Royal Family alive.

Roko will not sit still and wait for death. When Princess Yating walks out surrounded by the vampire army,

He knew immediately what conspiracy the vampires were brewing.

We can't let these cunning vampires succeed!

Rocco, who gradually calmed down, thought about finding a turning point. No matter how hard it was, his leader was still on guard.

The soldiers of the Moon Clan who protect the border, these warriors who have been fighting against the external threats of the Moon Clan all year round are not

For being so easy to give in, they are the ceiling of combat effectiveness in the entire Moon Clan territory!

There is no need to panic, because he is holding on to the Moon Clan’s strongest fortress and commanding the Moon Clan’s strongest

Elite warriors, as long as they stay calm and calm, first deal with the winged troops that are constantly being dropped by the vampires.

Guarding the border is easy!

"Boom!" Like thunder, a huge black-robed skeleton appeared from the sky and struck down the city with one punch.

The wall was as fragile as mud. Suddenly, stone fragments flew everywhere, and Moon Clan soldiers followed with flesh and blood.

Flying across.

"Tsk, we thought your level of civilization was so advanced, but it turns out it's more advanced than those tribal civilizations.

So good. "Bai Ji held her small fists, with mountains of corpse fragments piled up in front of her and behind her——

They were the personal guards sent by Rocco to capture Bai Ji.

"How is this possible?! He erected a giant statue of heaven and earth, an existence that even Rocco couldn't look up at.

Such a huge demon was summoned by the silver-haired girl in just an instant.


Although the Blood Clan is powerful, the Moon Clan, which has never fought against them, does not have a complete

Concept, in their minds, the trolls are very strong, just like the vampires, and the ferocious advancement of the trolls

If the attack is blocked by them along the way, then even if the vampires are slightly stronger than the trolls, they are still unable to deal with them.

within the scope.

Whether it is vampires or trolls, with their invincible enchanted bows and arrows, - thousands of them come -

Thousands of dead people, this is what most people in the Yue tribe think.

To this day, the people of the Yue tribe, including Roko, can finally experience the blood and blood personally.

The royal family has become stronger.

Swapping creatures that do not belong to this plane and dimension to act as thugs, let them deal with the blood

A more comprehensive understanding of the clan’s summoning spell——

The huge Red Skull, which can smash the strongest fortress with a punch, is destined to bring disaster to all the moons present.

The clan soldiers left a lifelong shadow.

Bai Ji's brazen behavior successfully frightened the enemy and greatly inspired her own country.


Nothing boosts morale more than the ferocity displayed by a leader on the battlefield.

Under the huge virtual image, the vampire soldiers shouted Rasambo and filed in through the breach, like

The flood flowed into the pass like a bursting embankment.

Before coming here, Bai Ji had assumed that the strength of the Moon Clan must be at least stronger than the feudal sub-cat people.

It was not until the battle that she realized with regret that the Moon Clan was much weaker than she thought.

, and even some of the craftsmanship are worse than those of Bia Mao.

After all, the city walls of the demi-cats are still somewhat resistant to spells. After all, considering the spell attack

In this regard, no matter how many measures are taken to protect the city from the curse.

The Yue Clan's city walls don't take these into account at all. They are made of standard thick bricks and stones.

It is useless except for its thickness. It is as brittle as paper in front of the curse. The Infernal Skeleton will shatter with a punch.


"Vampires! Do you have to invade other people's territory to survive? ?" Seeing the border

Without help, Rocco stared at Bai Ji below with splitting eyes.

"Invading another country's territory? Which of your eyes saw that we were invading another country's territory?" Bai Ji sat on the sickle and stuck out her tongue. The battle situation was decided, and she no longer needed to take action.

"We are hunting down thieves and cleaning up the house for the Princess of the Moon Clan, trying to kill the genuine ones.

Members of the royal family, this is a heinous crime in the Vampire Clan that affects all nine clans. "

"Colluding with the illegal usurper is an even greater crime and is unpardonable. You and your subordinates

Now you are all traitors. Go down and see your late king and see if he is willing to forgive you.

"Strong words! These are just excuses for you bandits to seize our home."

, and you actually said it so righteously

Words! Coe's shoulders were shaking with anger.

"It's you who are using strong words to make excuses. Our vampire clan is upholding justice and upholding justice for heaven." Bai Ji

Baring his fangs. "You rebels who disobey the orthodox heir will all be hanged.



"I'll fight with you!" Rocco drew his sword and rushed over, waving it wildly.

The soldiers died in the battle and the border was gone. Roko rushed over alone regardless of his own safety, but only

It was just an overestimating counterattack. Before he could get close to Bai Ji, he was captured by the guards around Bai Ji and died.

He was pinned to the ground.

"Mr. Rocco, we gave you a chance to live." Bai Ji looked down at the quilt with a smile.

Rocco pinned him to the ground and stepped on his head. "If you are obsessed with being a traitor, we will save you."

Can't help you.

"Bah! Despicable and shameless vampire, get your dirty feet off!"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess did not let you speak." The soldiers on both sides gave Rocco a hard slap, and

His fair face turned into a red and swollen pig's head.

"The leader of the rebels has been captured. You escort him to the rebels who are stubbornly resisting.

surrender. "

"Yes." As he said that, two soldiers carried Rocco, whose legs were broken, and dragged him toward the border.

"Um, Her Royal Highness Princess Bai Ji." A voice from behind called Bai Ji.

"What's the matter? Our dear Princess Yating?" Turning around, Bai Ji instantly changed her face.

A smiling face greeted Yating as she walked out of the carriage.

"Um, if possible, can you spare Mr. Luo Ke's life?" Yating hesitated again and again, but she still endured it.

Can't stop talking.

"Huh? Why does Her Royal Highness use such a questioning tone?" Bai Ji tilted her head.

bag. "The reason why we are here this time is to help Her Royal Highness Princess to eliminate traitors and thieves. If Her Royal Highness Princess does not want to be killed, then we will not kill her."

"But we still have to remind Her Royal Highness that excessive kindness will harm yourself." Click.

So far, Bai Ji stopped saying anything and ordered the convoy to continue moving forward and enter the city.


With the city broken and the general captured, the morale of the Moon Clan soldiers dropped to the bottom. They almost saw

My own general had already lost his courage when he was brought up, and the one who chose to fight to the death was just a poor man.

It's just a fight between beasts.

Soon, the battle was over. Apart from the vampire soldiers who were cleaning up the battlefield, there were only people left on the battlefield.

Accumulating bodies.

"Why, you can't bear it?" Bai Ji smiled after noticing Yating's reaction behind her.

"They are the brave Yating who guards our Moon Clan's border."

"But now, they are rebel traitors who are preventing you from returning to the throne and inheriting your father's throne.

Bai Ji said without mercy.

"If they don't die, the only one who will die is you, Your Highness Princess." Bai Ji said in a cold voice

The sound said so.

"By then, I'm afraid that the late king of the Moon Clan will die with his eyes open. Do you hope so?

Yating didn't say anything. After entering the Yue Clan's camp, soon, the Blood Clan soldiers pushed Luo Ke

and a group of his confidants were escorted up.

"See clearly who the person in front of you is, Mr. Rocco, who has bad eyesight."

"Rocco, who was kneeling on the ground, didn't dare to raise his head to look into Yating's eyes. He just gritted his teeth.

He kept cursing Bai Ji and the vampires.

"Invading other people's homes, vampires, you will definitely not do well.

"We don't know whether we can die well, but you will definitely live a life worse than death." Bai Ji grinned.

"As a traitor, what else do you have to say?"

Your Highness, you may not know what you are doing now. "Roco Ren

He couldn't help but raise his embarrassed head.

"Vampires are a group of wolves that cannot be fed enough! Cooperating with them is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. This is

The entire Yue Clan will be devastated. "

"No, Lord Rocco, Her Majesty the Queen is very kind. At this juncture, only the Queen can

People are willing to get involved in this muddy water and seek justice for me. "

"Justice?" Horoko seemed to have heard the funniest joke. "O vampires, how could these unprofitable vampires seek justice for you? You were deceived by them.

Ah, in their eyes, you are just the key to invade the Moon Clan!"

"You should wake up quickly and take a closer look. From top to bottom, the Vampire Clan is a demon that chooses and devours people.

! If we introduce them into the pass, the Moon Clan will definitely cause catastrophe!"

"It's better to be a demon who chooses people to devour than a traitor who helps the tyrants to perpetrate their crimes." Bai Ji snorted coldly, seeing this

The human dog couldn't say anything good, so he was taken away directly.

"Don't worry, Your Highness Princess, our vampire army always pays attention to each division's reputation.

I want to regain the throne for you, there is no other thought.

"You see, our army is very good. After entering the border, they only killed these rebels and did not scare them at all.

He disturbed the people and did not rob them of any property. "With that said, Bai Ji took Yating out of the camp.

, pointing to the brightly lit inner city not far away.

"Look, we manage our army very well. They won't destroy farmland.

with houses,

We have made it very clear to the people of the Yue Clan that we are seeking justice for the Princess of the Yue Clan.

Therefore, please go and express your condolences to the people under your rule in person. ‘

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