Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 22

The territories of the Moon Clan and the Blood Clan are not adjacent to each other, but are close to each other. There are some large and small tribes scattered around them.

There are ethnic forces that cannot be named in the novel. Since most of the territories they occupy are lacking in resources, Li

Rias is not interested. In addition, these forest peoples living in tribes are good at guerrilla warfare because they don't know anything else.

It will be difficult to win the battle unless all the woods here are cut down.

Therefore, they generally choose to ignore the policies of these forest peoples, as long as they do not come to recruit them

If they offend the Vampires, the Vampires won't bother to pay attention to them.

And after these forest peoples learned that the army that was going to pass through here belonged to the Scarlet Queen,

Immediately put down the guy in his hand, those who were fighting with each other stopped fighting, and those who were arguing went back to their respective homes.

All armed forces are dismantled. - Deputy, please, please go wherever you like, as long as you are not here to beat us.

Everything is easy to say' the humble appearance

Princess Yating in the carriage always felt like someone was staring at her, but she couldn't tell clearly.

The specific position of Chu’s gaze.

"Don't worry." Bai Ji, holding the book, was calm and composed. "This is the forest dweller paying attention to us.

Courtesy, no need to worry. "

Seeing Bai Ji's current peaceful appearance, Princess Yating couldn't help but think of the first

The former opponent had such a heroic demeanor in the army that for a moment I couldn’t figure out which one was the princess.

Lower nature.

"Most of the forest residents living here are the Leaf tribe, the Gray people, the Dowa tribe, etc. These tribes

The conquered groups will go to war with each other for territory, but because of the inferior magic technology they master

Coupled with the restrictions on tribal civilization, the scale is very small. "Bai Ji explained

Her Royal Highness the Princess is so knowledgeable. "

"Erudition? No, we used to hate reading." Bai Ji put the book in her hand on the

aside. "It's just that the more places you go, the more you know about the world. It's like reading ten thousand volumes."

Traveling thousands of miles is worse than reading. "

"Has Your Highness been to many places?"

"We've been there before. We've been to the Human Federation, and we've been to the Yacat Kingdom and Blackwater Ridge during the war.

Wuzhisen and other places. "Looking at the scenery outside the window, Bai Ji looked nostalgic.

Now, I probably can’t go back.

Even if he goes back, what awaits him will be an even greater tragedy.

"It's amazing. Princess Yating, who has never been anywhere except the palace in her life, looks full of yearning.


"I have never left the palace in my life. My father said it was dangerous outside and wouldn't let me go out.

"Is that so?" Hearing this, Bai Ji became more and more convinced that the king of the Yue Clan did not regard his daughter as

It would be too ironic if it were really like what I speculated.

"Her Royal Highness Princess Bai Ji."


"Can I ask how old you are?"

"We are considered peers, so we don't need to use honorifics." In fact, we are not peers. According to the overall age

Bai Ji should be older than Yating, but according to the age of the blood race, Bai Ji, who is less than one year old, is younger than Yating.


"Oh, excuse me, Your Highness Bai Ji, you can tell me about the things outside.


Yating's big eyes lit up, and her pointed ears in a somewhat elf style were rosy, as if

Almost very interested in this.

"There's nothing I can do about you." For some reason, he looked at the girl in front of him who was begging him to tell her a story.

The appearance of another girl appeared in Bai Ji's mind.

She was always begging him to tell her stories.

So Bai Ji used a long tone to weave her experiences over the years into a story.

Princess Yating listened attentively, without even a trace slipping away. She was really knowledgeable about the outside world.


"Your Highness, the Moon Clan's checkpoint is ahead."

"Ouch." Bai Ji whispered in response as she glanced at Yating, who was sleeping on top of her.

"Do we need to prepare for siege operations?"

"What city are you attacking? Are we here to take advantage of the situation?" Bai Ji looked at her subordinate officers unhappily.

"Well, my subordinate's words were wrong."

"Remember it, let me repeat it again, we are the legitimate heirs of the Shouyue Clan.

At the invitation of Princess Ting, come and regain the throne for her and kill the rebellious ministers and traitors. We are the ones who occupy the great power.

On the righteous side, there is no need to attack the city or anything like that. "Carefully help Yating aside, Bai Ji

Got off the carriage.

The army marched slowly, naturally unable to escape the eyes of the Moon Clan who had excellent vision at night.

"The troops in front, don't come any closer!" Seeing the big flag flying above the army, a Yue

The clansman shouted in poor blood clan language.

"If you get any closer, we will treat your actions as undeclared war and fight back! Please

Don’t have the idea of ​​​​fishing in troubled waters, go back and forth wherever you come from! "

"How dare you fight back against us?" Bai Ji raised her eyebrows and shouted back in fluent Yue Clan language.


"I have to warn you, if your troops fight back, you will fight with the rebellious officials and traitors who have occupied the palace.

Let’s treat him as an ally, and we don’t need to say more about the fate of those who rebel, right?”

"Vampire, this is our internal matter and we don't need you to interfere. If

Dare to do this

If you violate the territory, you will definitely be counterattacked by the entire Yue Clan. "

"Who said it's none of our business?" Bai Ji said funny. "Listen up to the rebels above the city.

, We were invited by Princess Yating, the leader of the Moon Clan, to ask for her rightful throne. The Moon Clan

The prince killed his brother and came to power. He is a treasonous person and the world cannot tolerate it. I advise you to open the door quickly and abandon the darkness and surrender to the light.

The right way, otherwise, I am afraid that it will be infamy for thousands of years and leave eternal infamy. "

The soldiers who gathered around to protect Bai Ji looked at me and I looked at you. They all saw each other’s eyes.

I was surprised to see it.

Obviously, even they didn't expect Bai Ji to be so good at arguing. Every word was as clear as a pearl, what should be said.

Did Her Majesty the Queen teach her well?

Sure enough, when the princess was moved out, the soldiers on the city wall hesitated, and after a while they shouted down again. "

Vampire, we will not believe your words unless you really let the princess

appear in front of us, otherwise

Before the soldiers at the top of the city had finished speaking, a beautiful figure walked down the carriage behind Bai Ji.

The shadow is like a bright moon in the dark night.

"Soldier, ask your lord to come out and talk to me." The shouts outside woke up Yating.

She also knew that this was the time for her to appear.

After all, she is a princess who has received an orthodox royal education, and she still has the majesty of the royal family.

Looking at the princess coming out of the carriage, the soldiers whispered.

These soldiers guarding the border did not know the princess, but there was indeed something about this Yue Clan girl.

Many royal emblems.

Moreover, how do they know what happened in the palace? They can't decide on this matter, so they should ask the lord to come over

Not long after, a tall figure with two sideburns and a beard appeared on the top of the city.

"Master Luo Ke, do you still remember me?" Yating was delighted to see this and shouted to the man above.

"Princess." The tall man's pupils shrank slightly, and then his eyes returned to the vampire army behind him.

Right color.

"Your Highness, why are you there?" The man had obviously seen the princess before, he was stunned for a moment and then glanced at

Then he recognized it.

"Sir Roko, my uncle killed my father, and I was forced to live here. Please be kind."

Dear Scarlet Queen, take back the throne for me. For my father's sake, please open the door for us.

, I want to go back and see Yating, who is about to cry

,I see. "Looking at the flying flag of the vampire clan, Rocco looked down with a complicated expression.

The princess had an unbearable look in her eyes, but she was overcome by him in the end.

"Let the princess come in."

After giving the order, the soldiers opened the city gate.

The vampire army marched slowly.

Looking at the man on the wall, Bai Ji's eyes flashed with something strange.

The large army slowly advanced, and when they were less than a hundred meters away from the city gate, the city gate banged.

It closed with a bang.

"Archers shoot freely!" Rocco's command sounded through the sky, followed closely by his

An accusation that everyone could hear.

"People of the Yue tribe, what do you want to do?" Bai Ji narrowed her eyes.

"Vampire, don't think that I don't know that I deliberately forged a fake father-in-law to interfere in our internal affairs.

Lord! I will not let you succeed. Don’t let these invaders with ulterior motives get close to the city gate.

fight back!"

The enchanted arrows fell like raindrops, almost injuring Yating several times with indiscriminate attacks.

"Luo Keda. How could Yating be so unresponsive? She was still being betrayed by her vassal."

Rebel was stunned and could not recover.

"Help Her Royal Highness return to the carriage." Bai Ji ordered calmly, and then said to the bodyguard.

Now you can attack the city. "

"That Yue Clan general on top of the city tower, do you really want to shoot your princess to death? ?"-film

In the chaos, Bai Ji shouted towards the tower.

"Hmph, vampire, I've seen through your trick of pretending to be real. Don't even think about using that fake trick."

Brands are here to lie to me, you all, shoot me to death, let these invaders with evil intentions follow those

A fake princess - and she was buried with her!"

"Shouldn't you know better than us whether it's true or false? Hey, you know what you're doing.

Right? What you are doing now can be regarded as regicide in aid of the evil deeds.

"What nonsense, I am resisting you invaders with ulterior motives! Once you enter

After all, can our Yue Clan still have a peaceful life? ?You will definitely try every means to enslave us.

Don’t even think about taking possession of the Moon Clan’s resources!”

"Ha, interesting." Bai Ji understood what the other party meant.

The blood clan is a scourge and cannot be put into the pass, even if the cost is a princess.

To ensure stability within the Yue Clan, he would do anything.

"Everyone, the time has come to punish the rebels. Let's kill all these traitors who are treasonous and help the emperor to do evil.

All annihilated!"

"Don't even think about it!"

"You don't understand at all." Bai Ji released Gutmara, swung her sickle, and formed a stream of energy.

The waves dispersed the rain of arrows.

"Your walls are useless to the elite of the Vampires.

Suppose, since you don’t take advantage of the opportunity

Yes, just be buried with the prince who usurped power and throne. "

As soon as he finished speaking, Rocco's expression changed drastically.

Countless scarlet figures appeared in the sky. They were the Nightwing troops of the vampire clan. They were directly

Belonging to the royal family, the best among the best, every Nightwing is born with wings and nurtured.

of the elite.

They ignored the city wall protection and carried out key sieges such as harassing and seizing the city towers.

"Vampires! You won't succeed!" Rocco on the top of the city was furious and helpless.

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