Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 21

There are bound to be those who are unconvinced under provocation, especially in a military camp where tough-blooded men can have a violent temper.

Angry place.

The silence didn't last long after hearing Bai Ji's remarks. An officer walked out with a snap.

It came very quickly.

"Your Highness, please." The officer drew out his sword and made a gesture of invitation towards Bai Ji.

"Hey, you, lend me your sword." Bai Ji was not polite and shouted to a soldier watching the theater below.


This kind of straightforward and unpretentious approach is popular in the army. It is similar to speaking indecisively.

Those who offer a few discounts will only be looked down upon.

Bai Ji tried her best to show the side of herself in the military camp, although she was a little uncomfortable at first.

I remember my specific style during the knight days.

He took the long sword, pulled it out, and threw the scabbard aside casually. The two came to the spacious stage.

Go up, take a stance -

The formation did not have any bells and whistles, and the sound of gold and iron clashing attracted the cheers from the soldiers below.

The easiest way to integrate into the army is to become one with them, in the true sense of the word.

One piece, like now, after seeing Bai Ji’s straight-forward killing moves, all

Everyone has changed their view of the princess who came to lead them.

This kind of swordsmanship is practiced on the edge of life and death. Soldiers are too familiar with it. - One move

The style is not complicated at all, but it can easily resolve the opponent's offensive. It is extremely fast, accurate and ruthless.

Aesthetics of violence.

This is undoubtedly the favorite drama of the soldiers, from the initial shock to the continuous screams at the end


"Come on, captain, we can't lose!"

"Your Highness the Princess is really amazing, I admire you so much!"

"Come on, captain, our team depends on you for its reputation." -

After a fierce battle.

"Your Highness the Princess has great swordsmanship. I am willing to admit defeat." The officer was breathing heavily, with several puncture wounds on his body, but his face was full of the joy after a fierce battle.

"Who else wants to challenge? We'll all accompany you." After sheathing her sword, Bai Ji tilted her head downwards.

Hold your head high.

The soldiers signed up enthusiastically. After all, the princess's strength is there. Even if she loses, she won't be ashamed.

, after defeating opponents one after another, the officers present were convinced of Bai Ji.

This princess really has something. No wonder the Queen asked her to come over to lead the army. This

It's not unreasonable.

The soldiers gradually accepted the leader, and Bai Ji achieved the results she wanted.

It is much easier to gain prestige in the military camp than in the court.

After all, the army is full of grumpy men who believe in force and have no good intentions.

It's different in the hall. There are hermaphrodites and celestial beings everywhere, standing in front of a guy carrying a condom.

They are everywhere, and almost everyone has their own calculations. Compared with the group of people that Lilias can't even deal with

It’s a real villain who gave me a headache here, but these soldiers are so much cuter.

This is why when she was a knight, Bai Ji never attended the church’s cross discussion meetings.

It's because he wears full plate armor to catch up on his sleep.

I really don’t want to listen to those clichés, let alone see the sanctimonious oath from above.

of bishop.

Bai Ji knows that he can't change the church's corruption, because he is just a person who doesn't know how to play tricks.

The knight with blind eyes can only pray that everything will be fine, out of sight and out of mind.

It is much more comfortable to stay in your own knighthood than to stay in the center of power, the Temple Association.

At least if I find any hermaphrodites in the army, I can punch them.

"Tell the soldiers under your command that in order to reward the three armies, we will cover this meal. Let's gather together.

Why not go to a luxurious restaurant and eat whatever you want~"

"Thank you, Your Highness Princess!"


Although the food in the military camp is not bad, the taste is definitely not good. It can be improved.

For food, it is better to go to a luxurious restaurant to eat casually. The soldiers felt their stomachs pounding and were very happy.

Go and inform the robes who didn't come.

Seeing the noisy soldiers with high morale, Bai Ji once questioned whether she could

will do so.

No matter what, reward the warriors who are about to go into battle, it will help boost morale.

Victoria Restaurant is by far the most luxurious five-star restaurant in the imperial capital. Its name comes from blood.

clan history. A certain queen on.

There is no doubt that this is a restaurant for non-commoners, catering to nobles and royal families, so

The consumption of this restaurant can be said to be the highest in the imperial city. A glass of lemonade is made of colored glaze.

It’s served in a sub-package. Ordinary people may not be able to buy a glass of lemon from this store with several months of assets.


It just so happened that today, the boss happened to be in the main store in Huangdu and witnessed an overwhelming scene.

"This? What is going on?" The huge crowd outside the store turned the boss who was drinking afternoon tea to

I was stunned.

Is this the royal family sending troops to confiscate their property? ?

The boss pondered that since he started his business from scratch, he has never done any illegal operation for personal gain and bending the law.


I have never missed any tasks, and I have always paid them honestly. Can anything happen to this?

Not daring to neglect, the boss hurriedly brought people forward to greet him.

"Dear military lords, our small business here has never neglected to pay tribute to the royal family! I

I thought there must be some misunderstanding in this posture, and it was proper to catch myself in the dungeon.

The rhythm!

"What misunderstanding?" The young and soft voice seemed out of place among this group of rough men.

Only then did Ban notice that the leader was a little girl with silver hair, who was frowning at this moment.

Looked at him very puzzled.

"This is Wang Bixia?" Seeing this pure and flawless silver hair, the boss was frightened.

"No, sir, we are not mothers."

"It turns out to be Her Royal Highness the Princess!" After a brief moment of confusion, the boss immediately reacted.

The most popular thing in recent years is naturally the daughter of Queen Lilias and her only daughter.

Heir and heir Princess Baiji.

At this moment, the boss was completely disappointed.

It's over, the matter is so serious that Her Royal Highness takes action personally, does she really have a way to survive?

Can it be settled with money? It’s definitely not possible. It’s not a matter that can be settled with money.

"Your Highness, please come in. Everyone, please come in. The money for this meal should be regarded as mine."

The boss was thinking about how to get away with it, so much so that he didn't care about this small favor at all.

"Oh? So good? But no, we still have to give money, otherwise we will become the king's meal."

"No, no, really no." Seeing that Bai Ji didn't accept the favor, the boss looked even more flustered.

Seeing this situation, Bai Ji couldn't help but sigh in her heart. The blood clan was so united. Knowing that the soldiers wanted to

When they went out to fight for their country, they did not hesitate to pay for the traveling soldiers with their own money. No wonder human beings

You will lose.

So, all the soldiers entered the store, and the noisy sound instantly filled the entire store.

"You can order whatever you want to eat. I'll treat you to this meal." Looking at the endless view

The boss's scalp was a little numb due to the crowd, but he still gritted his teeth and became ruthless.

Compared to being jailed, this loss is nothing.

Is this boss quite smart?

Sitting alone with the little princess of the Moon Clan - Bai Ji thought as she turned over the table and looked at the menu.

"Your Highness Princess, you see, our small business has never been short of paying taxes and the like.

Do you think there is any misunderstanding? The boss is flattering.

"Look, there are so many shop assistants here who are waiting to eat. If I collapse, these shops will


"Our soldiers are also waiting to eat, Your Excellency." Bai Ji looked at the boss with a smile.

"Oh, ok, the food will be served immediately, the food will be served immediately!" In order to plan for the survival of his own store, the boss only

You have to choose to clear the place, refund those diners who are still dining, and let them leave.

"Oh, by the way, let's prepare a children's set meal for the Moon Clan. Your store should be responsible for

Alien food, right?" Bai Ji glanced at Princess Yating, who was looking at her eagerly, and then Bai Ji remembered

There is also a small towing oil bottle that needs to be taken care of.

"Something, everything, everything."


"Ah? Your Highness, Princess, you are just here for dinner with your subordinates? ?" Looking at the messy cups and plates on your face

The boss looked confused.

"Otherwise, what else could it be? What does the boss want to happen?" Seeing the expression on the boss's face

, Bai Ji suddenly figured out what the other party was thinking, and said with a smile.

"That's too much. Mr. Boss, he treats us as a place where we are asking for protection money unreasonably."

Are you a gangster?"

"There is no, no, no such thing."

"I see, the money for this meal is still unavoidable." Bai Ji bit her fingers in distress.

"Yes, yes, yes. In addition, if Her Royal Highness comes again next time, I will give you a 50% discount!" Loss and gain

The gap made the boss feel like he was going from heaven to hell. He breathed a sigh of relief. After all, nothing is more important than a small life.


"Wow, that's great, thank you." Bai Ji clapped, then acted like a little devil -

posture. "But, the 50% discount is still too little. Why don't the boss express his sincerity and get it all for free?"

never mind. "

He couldn't stand it if so many soldiers came again!

"Pfft, I'm just teasing you." Seeing her boss's troubled look, Bai Ji couldn't help laughing.

made a sound. "Mr. Boss, didn't you show a very interesting expression just now?

The age gap is obvious, but the boss feels attracted to the half-grown woman in front of him.

The feeling of children playing around.

"I will also pay for this meal, otherwise our royal family will really become robbers." Immediately afterwards

Then Bai Ji waved her hand and said casually.

"Just put all this in Her Majesty Queen Lilias' account, if I remember correctly.

She dines in your restaurant often. "

"Ah? Yes, I understand." Will all the meal expenses for tens of thousands of people be charged to the queen?

Ah this.

The boss always feels something is wrong,

But if you think about it carefully, it all seems right.

It seems that there is no problem if the daughter takes credit of her mother's meal.

"Pfft." Looking at the leaving boss, Bai Ji couldn't help but smile.

Having been with Lilias for so long, she certainly knows that Lilias only eats every time she goes out of the palace.

Bring just the right amount of money.

Suddenly knowing that she owed 10,000 yuan, Bai Ji could already imagine Lilia

Si was in a dilemma because she didn't bring enough money to pay off her debt, and she looked livid and bowed her head in silence.

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