Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 20

How to get closer to people silently, Lilias, who has lived for thousands of years

The old man is very good at this kind of thing.

It varies from person to person and from situation to situation. For example, the person in front of me was kicked out of his home or lost a loved one.

The young and destitute princess casually mentioned her family and expressed that she recognized her family.

We know each other and have met before, but this helpless princess will invisibly place her sense of dependence on her young age.

It is natural for elders to have closer relationships.

No, after chatting for a few words, Her Royal Highness the Princess has completely given up all her hopes.

It was placed on Lilias, and the request to send troops was not beyond Lilias' expectations.

After the routine "distressed hesitation" and repeated emphasis on the Blood Clan's reluctance to interfere in the Moon Clan's internal government affairs,

Lilias, for the sake of her old friend, helped him see the appearance of his granddaughter.

Princess Yating was very moved and believed that Lilias was sincerely helping her.

No doubt.

Come on, I was deceived again.

Bai Ji sighed and mourned for this young and ignorant princess.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, the vampire army will do its best to regain what is rightfully yours."

West. "Lilias comforted Yating. "However, this king is so filled with righteous indignation.

, this kind of thing can also be regarded as your own internal affairs of the Moon Clan. We, the Blood Clan, always need to avoid taboos when sending troops.


"Your Majesty, please rest assured that I will bear the military expenses of your army, and I will call on those who are not yet aware of it.

Lords of the Moon Clan, tell them that this is a righteous battle, and you can rest assured that I did not let the Scarlet Blood Territory

I just want to help you in vain. If you have any requests afterwards, you can make them as long as they are reasonable. "in order to

Lilias tried her best to help, and the Moon Clan princess had no choice.

"Very well, Your Highness the Princess of the Moon Clan, I will remember what you said today. All the ministers present here will

Also remember, the Vampires will let you regain the throne of the Moon Territory. "Lilias smiled, white

Ji knew that this smile was the smile that appeared when she planned to follow her.

"I have seen your sincerity. In order to express my sincerity, I am sending troops to your country this time.

I will let my most proud daughter, the eldest princess Bai Ji, personally lead the troops and follow. "


Bai Ji, who was still pitying the princess of the Moon Clan, woke up instantly when she heard Lilias mention her name.

What do you mean, it turns out that we have something to do with it?

"I obey your will, Your Majesty." Seeing the eyes of the audience on her, Bai Ji walked up

Take two steps forward and bow to Lilias.

Having lived in the Scarlet Blood Territory for a year, the royal etiquette has already been engraved in Bai Ji’s bones.

After the kidnapping incident, Lilias set about cultivating Bai Ji's combat effectiveness and taught her step by step.

Give her many useful spells.

In Lilias's words, Bai Ji's talent is very high, surprisingly high, and she only needs

In half a year, he learned the magic spell at the level of divine veins. This terrifying talent even surpassed Li's at that time.


However, this is not enough. Her blood has not yet been purified. If it is purified into a blood spirit, the world will

She has few rivals.

As Bai Ji grew up, Lilias believed more and more in the parchment provided by that person.


This child may really be able to bring the vampire clan back to the top, but it still needs some tests.

"Thank you, Her Majesty the Queen. Her Majesty's generosity is enormous and I take it to heart and cannot thank you enough.

Seeing that Lilias even sent out her only heir in order to help her, Princess Yating’s

I couldn't be more moved.

I'm afraid this princess didn't grow up eating silly things.

Bai Ji silently looked at the deeply moved Princess of the Moon Clan with her hands entwined.

Lilias guessed that she was just going to send herself to the Moon Clan army to practice her skills. Take her

She has to thank her for practicing with her compatriots

I rolled my eyes in my heart, but my superficial etiquette was still in place.

"It is our honor to serve you. Your Royal Highness, this is the first time we meet. Our name is Baiji Rasam."

Beau, the eldest daughter of Scarlet Queen Lilias. "Bai Ji leaned forward slightly, caressing her lower abdomen with Su's hand, smiling broadly.

Er, the etiquette is natural and appropriate, which makes people feel very comfortable.

"Oh, Princess Yating of the Moon Clan, I'm very happy to meet Her Royal Highness, the princess of the Blood Clan." Bai Ji said

The elegance and nobility revealed in her gestures made Yating slightly startled, and then she quickly returned the gift.

Is this the princess of the blood clan? She has the royal temperament and naturalness in her every smile.

The letter and etiquette are textbook perfection, as if no one fits the term "royal blood" better than her.

She is also a princess, but she pales in comparison. She is ordered by her mother to help others.

To restore the country, but he can only wait helplessly for others to help him restore the country.

It would be great if I could be like this princess.

"Princess Yating, Princess Yating?"

"Oh, oh oh, I'm here. Sorry, I'm rude." I heard the girl smiling over and over again.

After calling her name, Yating realized her gaffe and quickly looked away.

Ahhhhhhhhhhhh, it's so bad, I actually look at others in a daze, like a fool.

This child is not an ordinary silly boy, but the best of silly boys.

Observing the other party's reaction, Bai Ji almost understood.

After all, I have been with Lilias for a while, and I have learned a few things through my ears and eyes.

Some skills in recognizing people.

A person's character can be seen from her words and behavior.

Her Royal Highness is a typical princess who has never experienced any political education since she was a child, and has no experience at all.

There are those who are trained as heirs, and are only allowed to go around as a princess with a bunch of maids.

A tea party with flowers and that's it.

To be honest, Bai Ji doesn't like to deal with such silly Baitian, because it will be very tiring to communicate with them.

Human, but the character of Her Royal Highness the Princess played exactly into Lilias's hands.

Silly, silly, silly, cute, good, the sillier the better, the sillier the easier it is to control.

After several days of correction, Bai Ji was ordered by Lilias to wear a thigh pendant.

Handsome goes to war.

Before going to the expedition, you need to give a speech to the soldiers of each department. This is a routine matter, Bai Ji.

It couldn't be avoided, even though she found such speeches completely uninteresting.

"Um, Your Highness Princess?"

Looking at the little green-haired princess looking at her with her head tilted in front of her, Bai Ji felt a headache.

Before the trip, Lilias deliberately asked her to take more care of the Moon Clan princess.

There is nothing that can be done about it. Lilias is probably afraid that this little princess of the Moon Clan will get lost.

, maybe you will lose something while chasing the butterfly.

Isn’t this just like taking care of a child? ?

Bai Ji was harboring resentment in her heart. She didn't understand why Yating, as the only heir to the royal family, had not received any education as an heir. Could it be that the dead King of the Moon Clan was so confident in himself?

Can I have another son? Or should I?

Suddenly, another possibility popped into Bai Ji's mind.

Wouldn't that king's original intention be to let his younger brother inherit the throne? If that's the case

What I said was a big mistake. I could have risen to power peacefully, but I ended up killing my brother. I fell.

After being punished for being a regicide, he was kicked off the throne and exiled to other countries. This can all be written as

The collection of Ballander's embarrassments has been sung for eternity.

But this is just Bai Ji's personal conjecture and her own opinion. What is that king like?

I guess no one knows.

"Princess Yating, please don't run around here. Wait for us to come back. Do you understand?" No matter in your heart

How impatient, Bai Ji had an impeccable smile on her face.

This is the result of Lilias' training, even if she faces someone she hates or doesn't want to face.

, Bai Ji can also maintain a pleasant smile like this without any obstacles.

"Okay, okay." This girl, who is shorter and taller than me, has a special smile.

The charm made Yating feel overwhelmed, and she nodded obediently.

"Well, be good, Princess Yating. I'll buy you some sweets later." Bai Ji and the Yue Clan

The way the princess gets along has completely changed to the way she gets along with children.

In any case, a speech before the expedition is necessary. Bai Ji is the first to lead the army.

It is also necessary for everyone to know themselves.

The military is different from the hermaphrodites in the court. Bai Ji, who has been a knight for several years, knows that no matter whether it is

In any country, the military department is the place that advocates the most force. To put it simply, it means that the fist is big and powerful.

The higher the strictness, the more willing everyone is to listen to you.

So Bai Ji didn't intend to do anything, so she walked onto the podium with a scythe.

The sergeants, who were somewhat unconvinced that a little girl was leading them, immediately sat down.

Straighten up.

With such a big sickle shining brightly in front of me, my body straightened subconsciously.

"Hello, everyone~" Bai Ji was very polite as always, and faced the soldiers who were silent quickly.

The soldiers and generals greeted each other cutely with their remaining hand.

"See Your Highness the Princess."

"Hey, this greeting is so forced. Aren't you happy to see me commanding you?" Bai Ji picked up the sickle and smashed it through the floor. She sat lightly on it and looked at the soldiers with a smile. "Everyone." Silent, they really didn't want to be beaten by a little kid who had never been on the battlefield.

Girls are led by the nose, even if they are relatives of the emperor. The battlefield is not a child's play and there is no need.

A bastard who only knows how to make jokes.

Lilias's ability to win the respect of the army was entirely based on her strength, and Bai Ji followed suit.

, to prevent these military and civilian battlefields from causing chaos for herself, Bai Ji planned to use force directly

Toughly tell them that the officer's words are orders.

"Hey, talk, are there so many individual voices that are not as good as a fly? ? Such a little momentum?

You also want to go to the battlefield? Just go home and farm. "Bai Ji, who was impatient to wait, put it down.

He lost his usual elegance and completely abandoned the way he usually treats his soldiers.

"Let's do this. It's okay if you don't say anything. We won't force you. Anyone who is not convinced by us can come up.

Fight with us

Let's fight, let's not use magic spells or sickles, just a fair one-on-one battle with real swords. How about that?

What is anyone doing? Don't tell us that the vampire soldiers are all cowards who dare not respond. "

All the officers in the audience were dumbfounded, including Yating, the princess of the Moon Clan.

Is this definitely what a princess said? ?

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