Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 19

"Your Majesty the Queen, you have to make the decision for me. In the solemn and majestic gargoyle hall, dressed in

The exotic princess in a luxurious floor-length dress cried so hard towards the figure on the throne.

"Ah, what is it that makes the beautiful and charming Princess of the Moon Clan so sentimental? Don't

Urgent, please speak slowly. As a former ally, I will definitely seek justice for you. "The headband is inlaid with

The bloody night crown of red agate and the blood lines of the jet-black woven dress intersect to form a ferocious pattern, through pure

Outlined with flawless white.

On the five-clawed throne is the leader and top talker of the entire Scarlet Blood Territory——

Scarlet Queen Lilias.

Today, she is dressed extremely solemnly, wearing something that she would never wear in the palace in the past.

The crown, the usually unofficial double ponytail comb became the queen's braided hair, matching the childish look-

The overly mature appearance gives people a strong sense of contrast.

Maybe it was because she spent so much time with Lilias day and night that Bai Ji even forgot that this woman was a smoker.

It is a fact that the Vampire Queen should be like her, with tens of thousands of people worshiping her in the court and not being angry and self-respecting.

The relationship between monarch and minister cannot be just a simple friend. Only with awe can it be maintained well. The so-called

Accompanying you is like accompanying a tiger.

Seeing this, Lilias was filled with pity, as if she felt sorry for the exiled princess of a foreign country.

I feel the same and full of sympathy for this, and I want to fight against the injustice.

Gee, it really looks like that.

As the eldest princess who is the future heir to the Scarlet Blood Realm, Bai Ji naturally has to stand beside Lilias.

On the side, at this moment, she pursed her lips inconspicuously, and her heart was full of thoughts about this green tea watch.

Disdain and contempt.

If she hadn't known the truth, she might have actually believed Lilias's instant performance.

His acting skills are so easy to come by that there are no flaws in them. Why is this guy so skilled?

How many innocent and ignorant young people have been deceived? How many people need to be deceived before they know how to stop? Speaking of which,

Are you one of them?

"I, my uncle launched a coup and killed my father for the right to inherit the throne,

My father's old soldiers fought tooth and nail to fight my way out and escorted me out. "this

The little princess of the Moon Clan cried heartbrokenly, and Bai Ji in front of the throne also felt extremely unworthy of her.

She thought she had found a king who could make decisions for her, but in fact she found a demon hundreds of times more terrifying than her uncle.

The desolate princess who was kicked out of the palace seeks the help of warriors to restore her country. This kind of drama is very common in fairy tales.

Things often happen, but reality is not a fairy tale after all.

The brave man who is righteous and brave and who is willing to retire after defeating the usurper is

It doesn't exist. Even Bai Ji thinks that the existence of such a single-celled organism with no brain is inherently unreasonable.

It's a miracle.

Bai Ji was suddenly startled when she thought of this.

If it were her before, would she be willing to help a man who had subjugated his country for free for the sake of justice and righteousness?

Where does the princess seek justice?

Probably, not

Bai Ji was a little confused. She found that she didn't know when she had become a stranger to herself.

Born with a vague image, as if that person is not oneself, but just another person whom one does not know.

Just a human knight.

Whenever she realizes this, Bai Ji's heart is filled with panic.

This feeling of losing herself made her very uneasy. She was afraid that one day she would be separated from her former self.

She has completely become a stranger. When she recalls that loyal and loyal knight again, she can only sigh.

One sentence: "Why did such strange creatures exist?"

She didn't want to be like that. Every time she thought about it, she would break into a cold sweat.

If it really turns out to be like that, what's the difference between her and death? A knight named Ji Bai

died, leaving only a vampire named Bai Ji. The two of them had nothing to do with each other, and even

I couldn't find any trace of knight on Bai Ji, as if these two people were really just two people.

Just an irrelevant person.

It shouldn't be like that. At least now we still remember ourselves and him.

"That's actually the case." Lilias' cold brows frowned slightly. "For the throne, he killed himself

My brother, who is related by blood, is really despicable and shameless. "

Not as shameless as you.

Bai Ji, who came back to her senses, glanced at Lilias and cursed secretly.

The Moon Tribe is a race located in the southern part of the Barand continent. In terms of civilization, it lags behind

The Vampire Tribe, ahead of the Troll Tribe, which is mostly a tribal and nomadic civilization, mainly focuses on hunting, and is -

A race that lives in peace with the world and has little desire for external expansion.

In terms of appearance, the Moon Clan is similar to humans and the Vampire Clan, but there are some differences, at least not the same.

There is such a big difference between humans and trolls.

It is said that they are close relatives of the elves. They were the same race as the elves in the first era, and then gradually separated.

No one knows what the identity of the separated group is, but they do look quite similar to elves.

Although Bai Ji has never seen an elf.

Those who are backward and weak must accept the severe beatings and enslavement of society. The Yamao people are a very


For example, a peace-loving person who is not enterprising is cowardly, and will end up becoming an extremely predatory person.

A vassal of an inflated race.

They are also a race that does not fight against the world. Different from the sub-cat people, although the Moon tribe is peace-loving,

, there is no ambiguity in fighting a war. If anyone dares to take the initiative to attack, the Yue Clan will fight together.

They spoke openly to the outside world and attacked those races that dared to invade them.

After all, he is a relative of the elves, and his fighting power will not be that weak. If we really want to fight,

I still don’t know who has more bags on his head.

Very different from the sub-cat people who are content with the status quo, the Moon Clan likes to cultivate their own land, but

I am always ready to throw away my hoe when war comes, and take my bow, arrows and spear to the invaders.

Fierce counterattack.

The naive troll man has suffered such a loss. When he saw that the Yue clan was small and not martial, he immediately

They were labeled as the "Second Asian Cat People", and they immediately declared war without even doing any land survey, and started -

A large army rushed to the Yue Clan territory.

As a result, the whole army was wiped out when passing through a small forest.

The troll soldiers were turned into hedgehogs before they even saw clearly where the enemy was hiding.

Harvesting wheat is generally fast.

The thick-skinned troll was as brittle as a piece of paper under the dense Moon Clan craft arrows.

This battle severely damaged the troll tribe and scared the trolls who didn't know how to write the word "pain".

At the same time, the Moon Clan also showed determination and strength to those who coveted their land.

No one dared to take the initiative to provoke this seemingly harmless race.

Because of this, the Moon Clan has fertile land, but no race dares to invade it at will.

To a certain extent, the Moon Clan is also very xenophobic.

There are many people who covet the land of the Moon Clan, but there are even more people who are afraid of the Moon Clan, and they covet the resources but have no resources.

The feared Tietouba was severely punished by the Moon Clan's arrows.

And Lilias is more than one level smarter than those guys who forcefully give her away.

This expired lolita, who has lived for who knows how many years, is cunning and very prescient.

There are spies in the Yue Clan's court.

Although what has been brought back over the years is some irrelevant and inexplicable information, such

Like "A certain prince of the Moon Clan has a fetish for cross-dressing", "A certain courtier of the Moon Clan has gender cognitive disorder", "What kind of woman

People most poke the Moon Clan King's XP" and other messages.

Even so, Lilias still did not give up her support for this espionage activity.

Finally, recently, the spies came back with a piece of bombshell news.

Prince Eton, the younger brother of the Moon Clan King, seems to have ideas about the throne.

But it only stayed at the stage of having ideas. Prince Eaton was a little hesitant and hesitant.

An uncertain person, even if he is full of desire for the throne, will stop moving forward due to many reasons.

If no one helps such a person, he will probably only be a prince for the rest of his life.

So, the kind-hearted Lilias decided to give him a push.

She summoned the succubus envoy in the palace, who was best at charm and nightmares, to let her appear in her dream.

Bewitched Prince Eton and guided his thoughts towards the path of killing his brother and seizing power.

Finally, all the hard work paid off. On that day, Prince Eaton, this useless coward, finally "

Man" once, poisoned his brother, and declared himself the new king of the Moon Clan.

But he is just a younger brother after all. After all, even if his elder brother is poisoned, the successor to the king

The one who should take the throne should be his brother's heir, Princess Yating.

He first took the throne on the grounds that the princess was too young to be in charge of the country, and secretly told him

His niece went on a murder spree.

Under a series of "coincidences", the princess ran away from the Moon Clan and bumped into a Blood Clan army that happened to be passing by.


The desperate princess could only plead with the vampire army to take her back to meet the Scarlet Queen Lily

Yasi, asked her to help her regain her country and clear her name.

In this way, with the Princess of the Moon Clan as the legitimate heir to the throne, the Blood Clan can

He legitimately intervened in the Yue Clan's power struggle.

As long as they use the name of princess, there is no chance for the Moon Clan to unite into a discus.

They fight on their own because they have no idea who they are supporting in the civil war, so naturally they don’t support each other.

They will fight against each other in unison, but they will shoot at each other.

The Blood Clan was entrusted by the Princess of the Moon Clan to restore the throne. They would not be attacked by any public opinion, nor would they wade into the muddy waters of power. I have to say that Lilias's move was really too great.


Once it happened, all the armed forces of the Moon Clan were destroyed in disguise, and the princess ascended the throne.

After that, he was nothing more than a puppet. The army all became members of the vampire clan. This country no longer has any

In order to gain autonomy, it is reasonable for the vampires to exploit resources and develop the territory in your territory in the name of alliance.

As it should be, no one dares to be dissatisfied with this.

"Your Highness, Princess of the Moon Clan, don't worry. Speaking of which, I know your grandfather. He is a man with both abilities."

"The battle of wisdom and courage." Lilias took matters into her own hands and secretly broke the heart of the little princess.


Seeing that the two of them were talking happily, Bai Ji shook her head.

This poor princess was plotted by Lilias from beginning to end without knowing it. She is so pitiful.


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