Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 18

"Oh? Really?" The messy quilt moved, and a familiar laughter passed through Bai Ji's face.


"Hey! ?" Bai Ji was stunned for a moment, and then her cheeks became bloodshot at a speed visible to the naked eye.


"You, you, you looked at Lilias springing out of the quilt like bamboo shoots,

Bai Ji pointed at the latter with trembling fingers and was speechless.

"I see, you are so moved.

"Shut up! Why are you still in the room?! We understand, this time

Everything is planned, right? You unscrupulous stinking bat, hateful, hateful, hateful! I'm so angry.

Bai Ji, who was evil and extremely shy, lost her mind and pointed directly at Lilias's chest - Zhen Ola


Lilias was rare and did not hide or take any defensive measures. The cut was all black.

The glutinous rice balls showed a perfect smile and let Bai Ji beat her chest.

"Damn, damn, damn, idiot, idiot, idiot! I have been educated for several months, almost

Bai Ji, who has lost the ability to organize swear words, can only use such elementary school student-style curse words to vent her anger.

Anger and shame.

"Damn vampire, I'm an out-and-out idiot for feeling guilty about you!

Bai Ji picked up the pillow and kept patting Lilias on the head.

If the queen's courtiers or subordinates saw this scene, they might be shocked.

As we all know, the Queen is notoriously distrustful of others and shows no desire to attack.

Even her personal guards are not allowed to come within five meters of her.

Although it was just a joke, Lilias, who was treated like this by Euler, did not take any measures and still

It's outrageous to be doting on one's face.

This queen always has a tough demeanor in front of everyone, including her own people.

But no one saw it.

"Okay, okay, it's my fault, okay~ Xiaobai Ji, don't be angry, it's my fault this time


"Ni Zuokai, why should we be angry with you, a scheming female cousin? You are not ours,

You don't have the right to make us angry!" Bai Ji threw the pillow away, tilted her head, and sat on the other side of the bed with her arms folded and her cheeks puffed up, angry.

"Xiao Baiji is so arrogant again. She acted so worried about me before. It's obvious that I just got up late.

After a while, he came directly to me to apologize. Okay, okay, I know Xiao Baiji’s emotions.

Very sensitive, I will pay attention next time.

"You are the only one who is sensitive!" Lilias' words were like inserting a sharp sword into Bai Ji's heart.

Up, the sword crits.

Shame, shame! This will definitely become a black history!

How can we care about Lilias, this hateful vampire queen?!

"Do you like the birthday gift I gave you?

"I like a ghost, I'm so stupid! What are they decorated with? I can't imitate human style."

Just don't learn it. If you learn it in a mixed manner, it will look nondescript." The shy Bai Ji didn't care.

Overturning what I just said, I reduced it all to worthless due to my emotions.

is that so. "Lilias's eyes dimmed, and the figure lying on her side on the bed was Mo Mo.

The name is a little more pitiful.

"Stop doing this! We will never take the bait again." Seeing Lilias's appearance, Bai Ji said

As soon as the anger came out, he crossed his knees and ignored it.

"It's okay, you can go back first, I want to rest alone." With that, Lilias started again

He got back into bed, his voice slightly deep.

Hey, you can't fool us if you continue like this. "

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired recently, don't worry about me." Lilias' voice was a little bit...


Tsk. "Bai Ji really wanted to jump out of bed and leave now, but she still felt a little sorry.

To be honest, Lilias didn't seem to have done anything excessive, so she deliberately deceived herself.

Ji, in the end it was she who bit the hook, but she really put a lot of effort into it for herself.

Bai Ji couldn't bear to deny other people's efforts like this.

"Hey, it's actually not that bad. It's great. Let me praise you and let you spend some time.


"For these things, I traveled across mountains and rivers to find them for a long time, and even risked my way into the Human Federation.

As a result, I couldn't get a single kind word from him, I only got this kind of word. "

"You, please don't say that. The more Bai Ji listened, the more uncomfortable she became. She felt as if she was a bad girl who drank the blood of her old mother and demanded it from her greedily.

"It's great, it's really great. We were just talking angrily." Bai Ji said this

It's still a bit awkward if it's disgusting. "After all, no one has ever celebrated my birthday before, and this is the first time.

Secondly, when it comes to this kind of thing, there is no room for us to be picky.

"Although, even though you are a vampire, I still thank you very much, um, that's it." Bai Ji turned her face away.

"Thank you, just thank you."

"What else do you want us to do?" Bai Ji complained in a low voice. "There is nothing we can do except thank you

I'll give you something else, and we don't have anything to give you either.

What I want is not your return gift. "Lilias took out half of the quilt.


"By the way, I haven't had time to say it to you yet, Bai Ji, happy birthday, this is my gift to you.

Things. "Lilias pointed to the beautifully wrapped gift box on the bedside. "There are also those gift boxes outside.

, are not empty. "

"Those are your birthday gifts."

"so much ."

"Not much. After all, you have been walking in this world for more than 20 years. Just think of it as this.

Let’s make up for more than twenty years. "Lilias smiled. At this moment, Bai Ji felt like a kind mother.

A close feeling.

Fool. "Bai Ji whispered. "It would be great if you were a human. "

"Huh? What."

"It's nothing." Bai Ji took a deep breath, her tone a little complicated. "As long as you want, we

I can still reluctantly agree to your small request or something."


"Well, really

"Okay, it's a deal."

"You guy! Sure enough, you were just pretending before, right? ? Tsk, forget it."

"Knowing that this king is just faking, do you still take the bait as you wish?".

We just think that you might be lonely too. "

"Oh? Why." Lilias was a little confused. "I'm not you, at least this king's life

The party was packed with people, no one dared to miss it. "

"Aren't you annoyed by looking at their faces?" Bai Ji asked.

"What's the meaning?"

"The faces are the same and the hearts are always the same. At least we don't think these people are real.

My heart goes out to you. ’

"Staring at these faces year after year, it's hard enough to be the queen of the blood clan." Bai Ji said


"Oh, this is just our personal opinion. If not, you think you are enjoying it very much.

If you feel this kind of flattery, just pretend you didn’t say it.

Lilias stopped talking, and also suppressed her smile. The light in the room was too poor, causing Bai Ji to

I can't clearly see her expression at this moment.

"Then, are you willing to be a partner who will never betray my king?"

Are you kidding us? We don’t even have the same race!"

"Why not? You are very lonely, and I am also very lonely, so let's try to reconcile the two of you.

, share half of each other's loneliness with each other, wouldn't everyone be happy? "

"This, how is this possible?

"Why isn't it possible?" Lilias grabbed Bai Ji who kept moving back. "You are thirsty too

I hope you get the attention of your loved ones. "

“Why not leave the long and meaningless past behind and fully embrace what you have now.”

Lilias touched Bai Ji's cheek, and the two faces gradually came closer.

"Why, why..." Yes, why is this? Speaking of being in the human world,

Do you have any other concerns in the world? Why don't you just become a vampire? This is no better than

Is it much better to be tossed around in human society?

Anyway, no one on the human side is willing to care about him except his comrades who have died in battle, so why bother?

Going back

"In this world, I am the only one who can truly love you from the bottom of my heart, right?" Lilia

Si's voice was like a bewitching demon, dragging down Bai Ji's chaotic thoughts bit by bit.

Into the sweet abyss.

Scarlet eyes were filled with confusion and fascination, as if they wanted to seal Bai Ji's whole person inside, childish and childish.

The tender and lovely face is full of mature temptation, full of contrast, giving people a fatal temptation.

When she was at a loss, Bai Ji was already pinned down, and the body fragrance on Lilias's body was...

It is a deadly poison. As long as you smell the smell, you will be involuntarily confused.

"In this world, I am the only one who can truly love you." The voice echoed in the quiet room again

The floor-to-ceiling mirror revealed the messy appearance of the room.

Silver-haired girls who look almost exactly alike hug each other. The one above is full of provocation.

The Liu Shen Wuzhu underneath the tease and aggression was confused and could only clumsily cater to the girl's aggression.


"Look, can you tell which one is me and which one is you?" Lilias stroked Bai Ji's chin,

He motioned her to look in the mirror.

"You can't tell, right? We are so similar, it's like we are the same person."

"Accept me well, didn't you just say, promise me a condition, I hope

You can abide by this condition now. "


Among the messy bedding, Bai Ji's back was wet with sweat, and she sat up slightly weakly.

He turned around and looked at Lilias who was humming a song and getting dressed.

She woke up, and at this moment she asked three philosophical questions in her heart.

Who are we, where are we, what were we doing just now??

Facts have proved that many times organisms will follow natural attributes rather than social attributes, such as

Just now, Bai Ji, who woke up, couldn't believe what crazy thing she had just done.

Crazy thing!

It’s fake, it must be fake, right?


"Don't be in a daze, get up and get dressed~~"

"You, what is your purpose for doing this?"

"Don't worry, I will never do anything detrimental to you. Xiao Baiji can let go of this."

My heart, I have no interest in human intelligence, and I have no need to steal human intelligence.

It's not necessary. "

"Right now, I am only interested in you."

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