Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 17

Lilias didn't drag her to dinner, which was unprecedented.

Not only that, since just now, Lilias's attitude and behavior have been extremely abnormal.

At night, the maid who used to wait until she went to bed and fell asleep did not appear, but Bai Bai

Ji didn't care either.

She lay on the bed, took off her clothes, and wore only a nightgown. She kept swinging her feet and holding them in her hands.

Cheeks, looking at the scenery outside the window in a daze.

Inexplicably irritable, even she herself didn't know what she was irritated about, and asked herself if she was

She did something wrong, but her heart just couldn't calm down -

The night passed, and there was no Lilias sleeping next to him on his bed, but it was rare that he didn't sleep.


The morning was the same as last night, there was no maid to serve

Bai Ji put some clothes on herself in a slovenly manner, leaving her naked without even wearing shoes.

He walked out the door in a daze.

"Pap tap tap!" Colorful ribbons flew and hung on Bai Ji's hair.

"Happy birthday, Your Highness Princess~~"

"??" Looking at the little maids cheering in front of her, three words slowly popped up in Bai Ji's head.

A question mark.

"What are you doing?" Bai Ji looked around, and then noticed the cold and dark colors in the past.

The main hall was decorated like a 'Christmas tree'.

It was not a vampire-style celebration at all. Even Bai Ji, who had been staying in this castle for half a year, was shocked when she saw it.

Somewhat uncomfortable.

So, what happened

The gray walls were painted in bright and warm colors such as white and pink, making the entire space

It took a lot of effort to dye the temple, and the cold swords decorated on the bare walls also changed.

It turned into a pink gift box. The exquisite and girlish packaging makes people feel pity at first sight.

Love, even the usually cold throne has been wrapped with ribbons and soft cushions to look like a gift.

It must take a lot of time to prepare these props. At least Bai Ji doesn't think that the ribbon spray is related to

This kind of fancy packaging gift box is sold in the vampire clan. Decorating the entire hall with these props is even more time-consuming.

I don’t know how much energy and time it will take to collect the materials until the layout is completed.

"Today is His Highness's birthday." The maids said happily. These girls are almost the same age as Bai Ji.

The little maids are very energetic.

"Our birthday?" Today is her birthday, why doesn't she know it?

By the way, when is her birthday?

In the past, she spent her birthdays in her own knights without anyone giving her birthday gifts.

She gave her gifts, and no one prayed to her for blessings on this special day.

She got used to it, and over time her feelings about birthday celebrations became indifferent.

"Her Majesty the Queen said that today is your birthday as a human being, so she came several weeks in advance.

Let us get ready, say we want to give you a surprise, say it as a gift to you as a human being

a commemoration, so I typed it according to the human style

"Well, Your Highness Princess, don't you like it?" Bai Ji lowered her head and said nothing, leaving the maids wanting to speak.


What, what on earth is that idiot vampire doing? "What are you doing?

It sounds like you are trying to get information, but is that just the result? ?

Bai Ji would rather that the extremely cunning vampire was really just trying to get information from her.

At least this way she wouldn't feel so uncomfortable now.

so annoying

Why do you do this? What on earth is that vampire thinking about doing this to you?

Will he be grateful to her? Impossible, impossible!

She felt as if she had spilled the spices in the cupboard, and the mixed feelings overwhelmed her.

It wasn't just because of how attentive that fool was to her, it was also because he had misunderstood her.

A good intention.

Now that I think about it, what I said was really outrageous.

It’s sad, no matter who it is, it will definitely be very painful if someone is seriously hurt by the words of someone who is devoted to you.


No wonder I didn’t even feel like punishing myself yesterday

Recalling Lilias’ sad expression and lost behavior yesterday, she felt guilty and

The emotion of self-blame quickly spread and occupied Bai Ji's entire emotions.

Do you want to go and apologize to her? Are you kidding me? Let's go talk to her.

A vampire apologizes. Why? Is this logical? Transform yourself into someone else without your permission.

After becoming a vampire, shouldn't she, as the culprit, apologize to herself?

That's right, you can't apologize. In the final analysis, it's all Lilias's fault. The one who apologizes shouldn't

It’s us, it shouldn’t be me 2

"Hmph, come to think of it, that guy said he wanted to celebrate my birthday, but why hasn't he shown up yet?

Ah? As expected, he didn’t take our affairs to heart at all. "Intentionally or unintentionally, I aimed at Lilias's room.

Bai Ji in the direction crossed her arms and said.

“Your Royal Highness, the Queen’s maids looked at each other in confusion.

"What, what's wrong with her? Couldn't she be an aunt?" Bai Ji said casually.

The way.

"Your Majesty the Queen, she has not come out of her room since she came back yesterday, not even for dinner.

Haven't eaten yet. "Several maids were also puzzled by this. "I didn't even eat, - the night has passed till now.

They didn't even come out. We have never seen the Queen behave like this, and we don't know what happened.


:Tell me, Her Majesty the Queen is not in a bad mood because of something, right?"

"No, no matter how bad the mood is, Her Majesty the Queen has never been so decadent, right?

what happened

"I think I must be tired. I have to deal with government affairs and prepare materials these days.

You know, so you’re probably a little tired?”

"" After hearing what the maids said to each other, Bai Ji remained silent.

She scanned the main hall decorated like a princess's residence in a fantasy fairy tale with extremely complex movements.

I told myself several times that I didn’t need to blame myself, but in the end I couldn’t resist the outpouring of emotion.

As expected, he is a vampire who is good at confusing people, whether it is intentional or unintentional.

Why do this?

It made her unable to hate. Not only could she not hate, but she actually had a trace of it.


Bai Ji, who completely abandoned rationality and chose sensibility, couldn't care about anything else and was still talking.

The maids who were talking about something ran towards Lilias' room.

"Pfft, aren't we going too far like this?" Bai Ji ran away, so that she

She didn't see the expressions of the maids looking at her back.

"Yeah, I always feel a little bit sorry for deceiving such an innocent princess.

"Don't think so. We are doing a good thing, aren't we? And we didn't lie to Her Highness the Princess. We are telling the truth." The maids were talking and laughing.

On the other side, Bai Ji, who came to the door of Lilias's room, was a little worried.

She didn't know what facial expression and opening words she should use to meet Lilias.

"Well, Lilias, I'm sorry. It's our fault that we failed to live up to your good intentions yesterday.

I misunderstood you, please forgive me, please, please."

"No, this is too humble. It makes you feel as if you have committed a heinous crime. It is inappropriate!"

"Humph, Lilias, you know what happened yesterday, right? There's no need for me to repeat it, right?

I reluctantly say sorry to you. You have to accept it, and you have to accept it if you don’t.


"No, this is too arrogant. How can you apologize like this?

"Lilias, I'm sorry. We were wrong. We failed to live up to your good intentions. Only this wave of

The turbulent sea water can represent our Taotao's regret. It's so disgusting. We can't stand it anymore.

Hesitating at the door, the hesitant Bai Ji prepared more than a dozen excuses, and finally ended up with

Various reasons were rejected by myself, and I was pushed back to the original starting point.

"Ahhh! It's so annoying!" Bai Ji, who had been standing at the door for almost an hour, grabbed her ponytail.

,be terribly upset.

Come on, isn't it just an apology? It's not like I haven't done that before. It seems like we really haven't.


However, as a mature knight, if you do something wrong, you must apologize and accept punishment.

Punishment, this is common sense, and it is also a time to show your knightly courage.

To comfort herself like this, Bai Ji took a deep breath and knocked on the door three times in a standard manner.

"Hello, is anyone around.".

"No one responded.

"Tsk, if you don't say anything, we'll come in." Isn't it possible that you haven't paid back this point? Probably not


In the huge bedroom, the floor-to-ceiling curtains with ornate decorations half-closed the window, letting in a few rays of light and being covered by the curtains.

The mattress was messy.

"What? Did you get up and go out already?" Bai Ji muttered and walked over to see Lily.

Yasi was not in the room, and she felt relieved.

"Really, you're not hungry even if you haven't eaten all day. Is this a small thing worth it?" Bai Ji sat down near the edge of the bed.

With Lilias away, she could say some things without any psychological burden.

"How old are you, and you are still here throwing a tantrum and going on a hunger strike? No one will feel sorry for you even if you are on a hunger strike.

Oh. "

"You guy, life in the palace is not easy, don't refute, we already knew

Oh. "Bai Ji shook her legs.

"Except for that Delan, there are very few people who support you. In addition, due to the first support incident, they are opposed to your control.

Quan's factions are growing like bamboo shoots after the rain. "

"So even if you go on a hunger strike, no one will feel sorry for you. On the contrary, they will be very happy.

Well, what happened yesterday was our fault and I misunderstood you. I apologize to you.

, don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t mean anything, it’s just that we felt that what we did was wrong, so we came to

You just apologized, you didn't mean anything else. "

"And the gift you gave us, we like it very much, thank you." As she said that, Bai Ji's expression

The mood is a little out of control.

"No one has celebrated our birthday for a long time. Thank you very much, even though you are heartless.

vampire. "Bai Ji's face was relaxed.

He relaxed and showed a subtle smile.

"We have never had such a grand birthday, and we have never felt so valued as we do today.


"Oh, really?" A voice of laughter came from the quilt, which made Bai Ji stunned, and then she rubbed her cheek with flesh.

The speed that can be seen is red.

"Eh eh eh?

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