Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 16

"Scrolls of space spells are very rare, thank you very much~" Laughter sounded from behind, and Black

The woman in the robe looked pale.

It doesn't matter if you fail the mission. At most, it was in vain. You can't lose your life, right? ?

It is precisely because she has the space scroll generously given by her employer that the woman in black robe can be confident.

The risk of executing a kidnapping mission is so high that if you are not careful, your life will be in danger, and the kidnapping person is the right person.

Xiang is still a princess.

To be honest, she was a little hesitant at first when she found out that it was a mission to kidnap a princess, until her employer threw

Gave her a space scroll.

This is something you can’t even buy on the black market!

As we all know, only elves can learn space spells, and the elves have long since disappeared on the mainland.

It has been nearly a thousand years, and the skills of space spells have been lost as a matter of course. There are records of space spells.

The preciousness of scrolls of magic can be seen clearly.

In many cases, having a space scroll is equivalent to having an extra life.

The black-robed woman never expected that Lilias had already seen through her intention, and she just took out her empty

The moment he caught the scroll, he was caught by the tree man next to him who was ready to go.

"The space scroll, this thing is more than enough as a tribute. Thank you very much."

Lilias played with the scroll in her hand and looked at the helpless woman in black robe with a smile.

"You, if you like it, that's fine. If it's okay, I'll leave first.

"Don't worry, everyone who comes is a guest. Ratsambo is always hospitable. Why don't you sit down and have a cup of tea."

"No, no, I accept Her Majesty the Queen's kindness. I still have something urgent to do, so I won't delay.

Got it

"Stop, did I let you go?" The tree doll's vines sealed the big tree like a seal.

The door blocked the black-robed woman's only escape route.

Lilias waved, and Gutmara, which was standing aside, flew back to her hand.

Bai Ji, who was wondering how Lilias could break through the space barrier and find herself, finally understood.

, It turns out that Lilias had already arranged a "tracker" on herself.

The black-robed woman who still wanted to jump out of the window was entangled in the tree man's vines, and her hands were intertwined.

On the top, his legs are closed and unable to move, and he looks like a human stick.

"How is it~~How does it feel to be tied up like this?" Lilias licked her mouth and asked jokingly. "You can be a little more ashamed, it's okay."

This, this queen is clearly here to protect the calf!

At this moment, the woman in black robe remembered a sentence, hit the young one, and then the old one came.

"What's wrong, keep laughing?" Lilias grinned. "When I bullied the junior just now,

Isn't it quite joyful? Why can't you laugh now?"

"Your Majesty, please forgive me. I am blind and blind, and I have offended Her Royal Highness, wuwuwu!

Under the tight binding of slippery vines, the face of the black-robed woman became even more ugly, with a trace of

Inexplicable blush.

Lilias smiled and said nothing, waiting for the woman in black robe to continue speaking.

The woman in black robe knew that Lilias was asking her to give herself a reason to bypass her.

To put it bluntly, if the moody woman in front of me is dissatisfied, death is the last option.

As a result, she may be tortured to death by the sinister woman in front of her who doesn't know how old she is.

Like death.

"Don't kill me! I, I confess, I am. Recruitment and protection employer's information belongs to every killer

Professional ethics, but the premise of professional ethics is to have a life. If your life is gone, what else can you say about professional ethics?



The vines that entangled her stopped moving like caterpillars, and the black-robed woman breathed a sigh of relief. "no

It's not me who wants to kidnap the princess, Your Majesty, I'm just a little assassin with no outside help.

How could I help get into the palace? This is obviously impossible."

"Hire me!" The woman in black robe flashed the moment when her employer's identity was revealed,

A series of exploding sounds sounded in her mind.

"Tsk, damn it." Lilias gritted her teeth.

The woman in black robe with bleeding from her orifices was obviously poisoned by her employer. Once she had the idea of ​​exposing her employer, she

He will bite off his own tongue and then explode to death.

There are no healing spells in the Summoning and Shadow systems. I want to keep this guy alive until she confesses.

It is impossible for the employer to get it, but this does not mean that Lilias has no other options.

[Shadow Soul Slavery]

Lilias tried to pull the black-robed woman's soul out of her body, but failed.

"What you did was so thoughtful, even your soul was directly destroyed." Lilias murmured to herself.

"Thank you for your hard work." Lilias stroked Gutmala, who had turned back into a hairpin, and the latter also trembled very intelligently, giving Bai Ji the feeling of a pet dog wagging its tail at its owner.

Think about every move you make, including today’s escape behavior, that may be

Lilias felt very unhappy under the control, patted her butt and sat up.

"Xiao Baiji~"

"What are you doing?" Bai Ji, who crossed her arms and crossed her chest and turned her head away from Lilias, replied casually.

"So confident and confident

? I’m not going to explain to this king why you are here.

Are you there?" Lilias narrowed her eyes.

"Do I need to explain to you?" Bai Ji muttered. "Someone watched the whole live broadcast, and from the beginning

Watching our joke.

"Do you know that if I had come a step later, you might have been arrested to become a noble?

The hot weapon. "Lilias gradually stopped smiling.

"So what, we're not the ones who worry about this kind of thing anyway." I don't know why.

The unhappy Bai Ji forgot her identity and got angry with Lilias.

"Aren't you always monitoring us? Are you still afraid that those nobles will abduct us?"

"Bah!" Bai Ji, who was slapped hard by Lilias, suddenly stopped talking.

"Do you know what you are doing today?"

"Why, what's wrong is that Bai Ji feels a little guilty and dare not go see Lilias.

"No, I'm just here to visit the harem." Lilias slammed her against the wall and stopped.

Bai Ji couldn't help being nervous and whispered.

"We didn't do anything. Ouch, it hurts!" Before Bai Ji could finish speaking, her cheeks

He was pinched into dough by Lilias.

"No, just, yes?" Lilias smiled, but a big hash mark appeared on her forehead. "

I don’t know, so-called child, do you know how dangerous you are this time?”

"If I hadn't left Gutmara on you, you would have been in real danger.

Zhe, Fan Geng attacked Li Laihuo and stabbed a Chinese drama star (hell, for you anyway, we

He is just a tool person). "

"Tool man, tool man?" Maybe Lilias learned it automatically after spending a long time with Bai Ji.

Level 10 Bai Jiyu, there is no pressure to listen to this sentence.

She laughed twice, looking at Bai Ji with cold eyes and remaining silent.

"You, what are you wearing?" Bai Ji, who had never seen Lilias's reaction before, suddenly felt uneasy. At the same time, she also felt an inexplicable feeling of guilt.

It’s strange, why do I feel this way, even though we have done nothing wrong.

It must, - it must be this demagogue's vampire's doing to make us feel that way.

This is my feeling that I have done something wrong!

"Yes, is there any problem? Did we say something wrong? ?" Bai Ji argued with reason and became emotional.

, inexplicably shaking out all the words in his heart like dumplings.

"And wow, don't always act like you care about us, okay? ? You and this

There is basically no difference between those who want to kidnap us! Don’t think that we don’t know, what you have done to us recently

He made insinuations and pretended not to ask about his life experience, birthplace, age, birthday, etc. - It must be

Are you trying to get some information out of us?" Bai Ji pointed at Lilias angrily.

"No way, don't even think about these things! You and these people want to arrest us to make thermal weapons

Just like everyone else, they are all demons that suck human blood!"

Lilias listened silently to Bai Ji's words, and her arms supporting the wall moved one by one.

Gradually fall off.

After venting her anger, Bai Ji secretly thought something bad and complained that she was too emotional.

I don’t know what kind of methods Lilias will use to torture herself!

After thinking this, Bai Ji swallowed hard, curled up and shivered.

However, what she didn't expect was that Lilias didn't do anything, didn't threaten to punish her, or even

I didn't even say a word to her

"On the way back, the two of them walked in tandem, with Lilias walking in front silently.

Bai Ji lowered his head and followed behind without saying a word. The two of them kept a distance that was neither far nor close.


Bai Ji had never seen Lilias react like this, and she felt irritable for some reason.

I don’t know why I am irritable or why I am irritable.

Maybe at this time, it would be better for Lilias to give her a lesson as vigorously as before.

Take some of it.

I have to say that the human mind is complicated and awkward about review.

Returning to the palace, Lilias did not have dinner with her as usual, but instead

He was locked in his room.

Bai Ji was somewhat unaccustomed to sitting alone in the huge royal dining room.

The unscrupulous vampire rarely ignored her.

Could it be that she is sad?

No way, how is it possible? How could such a heartless vampire be sad?

Moreover, wasn’t what he said the truth?

Wasn't she just trying to get information on herself? So...

There is no need to feel guilty. Well, that’s right, we don’t need to feel guilty about a vampire at all.

I'm afraid that if she saves us, it will just be out of the wolf's den and into the tiger's mouth again.

There was no talking all night, and Lilias was not seen until the moment she went to bed, and she was very

The strange thing is that Bai Ji feels that all the maids serving her are avoiding her, as if they are preparing

What plans he deliberately kept from himself.

Stay until the next day and lie down on the bed

Bai Ji got up and rubbed her uncomfortable eyes,

Last night, she surprisingly didn't sleep well.

This morning was different from before. There was no maid to help her put on clothes. When she was confused,

She pushed the door open and walked out, and suddenly colorful ribbons were flying.

"Happy birthday, Your Royal Highness~~~"

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