Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 15

"Oh? Hahaha, okay, just keep shouting and see if the patrolling Imperial Guards outside listen.

I can hear you. "The woman in black robe is confident and is not afraid of Bai Ji making any noise.

"Boji didn't believe in evil, so she clasped her hands and shouted outside. "Here comes someone, kidnap someone."


"Mighty and majestic Mr. Imperial Guard, the delicate and lovely Princess is about to be arranged by rebellious officials and traitors.

The assassin kidnapped her! She went to have a baby! Please help us. "

The smile of the woman in black robe grew thicker, and Bai Ji's shouts gradually faded.

"Hoo ho ho. What, how come no one comes after calling for a long time?"

"If your voice can be heard within the space barrier, it will really be a ghost."

"Okay, you guy came here prepared. From the beginning, you had no intention of fighting with us.

Waiting for cooperation negotiations??"

"Isn't this all your fault, Princess? If you cooperate with me well, maybe I will

I really had a soft heart and let you go, why is this so?"

"You are really playing tricks on me. After you eat me dry, I will have to rely on your charity to survive."

She is really a bad woman who can barely escape!"

"Her Royal Highness the Princess is really deeply loved by Her Majesty the Queen. A few months ago she could even scold people for being lewd.

The change of speech is no longer painful or itchy. "

"It's not that easy to catch us for breeding. Vampire, you have to bite at least one of us.

Fingers!" Bai Ji picked up the scimitar on the ground, resisting stubbornly and planning to fight the last trapped beast.

"Don't waste time, arrest her. If you don't obey, I will allow you to do it to her."

If you leave some lessons, you will recover in the end. "

After receiving the order, the masked people suddenly had no scruples and drew out their weapons and faced Bai Ji.

A lewd smile.

"Tsk, why don't we get regular troops to kidnap us? You just randomly pulled us here from the street.

A gangster, right? ?”

"Are you a fool to ask your own cronies or subordinates for things like kidnapping, Princess?" Hei

The robed girl looked at Bai Ji funny.

"Hehe, I didn't expect that someone like me could have such a close relationship with the princess of the empire.

Contact, hahaha, you can brag about it for a lifetime. "

"Hey, Her Royal Highness the Princess looked this way, her eyes shifted to my big sword, haha

The contrast brought by this made these big men excited, and their mouths were full of obscene words.

"Insects in the stinky ditch." Bai Ji raised the scimitar with some difficulty.

"Yes, yes, we are just insects, but the noble princess who is above ten thousand people fell to us.

In our hands, we are at our mercy, hahaha!

"Despicable insects, scum like you, I used to be able to crush a large chunk of them with just one kick."

"Really? Oh, Your Highness the Princess is going to step on me? I'm so scared, hehe!" Big Hanba~

The sword rose, and the scimitar in his hand fell with strong force.

The number of people who can be hired as killers is at least as strong as a five-year-old and three-year-old man.

It's not something that Bai Ji, who has delicate and weak limbs, can compare to.

"Bang!" The power was fed back to her hands through the scimitar. Bai Ji felt that the tiger's mouth was cracking, and her weak hands

My wrist was so painful from the strong force that I almost lost my grip on the knife.

Vampire weapons are so difficult to use.

After all, Bai Ji's hardware facilities are not good, and her weapon specialization is extremely deep, except for swords

Other than that, I don't know anything about other weapons.

"Hey? Your Highness the Princess is still standing?" The masked warrior who was slashing with all his strength could barely force Bai Ji to do it.

He was a little surprised when he caught his own knife, but soon returned to his grin.

"Okay, I haven't tried my skills for a long time. Your Highness, Princess, please stand for as long as possible. So

The noble practice tumbler, I have never played with it!”

"Clang!" Several clashes of gold and iron sparked sparks.

Bai Ji took several steps back, her hands trembling, and she could hardly hold the handle of the knife.

She had retreated to the corner of the room and had no way to retreat.

The big man raised the knife ruthlessly and dropped it. She could only stretch out her trembling arms and press the knife with her elbows.

The blade intercepts the huge force of the attack.

"Qiang Qiang!" Bai Ji, who was at the end of her crossbow, couldn't resist. The knife flew out and nailed someone not far away.

on the wall.

Bai Ji fell to the ground, her knees were so weak that she couldn't get up.

"Tch, that's it. It's so boring." The big man shrugged and reached out to his companion behind him.

"Your Highness the Princess has been spoiled. Please bring up the rope."

Weapons, weapons are so heavy, too heavy for me.

It would be great if there was a weapon that could be wielded easily and with a low difficulty factor. What are you thinking about? What kind of decent weapon can this fragile body that has not been trained use?

"Come on, come on, my lovely little princess, it's time to enter the cage." At this moment, the big man was wretched

The voice came, and the hand holding the rope kept coming closer to me

Get your dirty hands off. Bai Ji said in a cold voice. "Insects are not worthy of crawling on us."

"Oh? I flattered and teased you a few times, but you really think of yourself as a princess?? You are now, but

He's just a prisoner!" The big man smiled ferociously, he still remembered the previous instructions of the black-robed woman.

It doesn't matter if there are some traces left, anyway, the body of the royal family will soon grow buds again -

After reading this, the masked warrior raised his hand and wanted to teach Bai Ji a profound lesson.

A sharp silver flash filled with murderous intent filled the entire room before he could make a move.

"What is it?" The big man was stunned for a moment, then he felt something and looked at it blankly.

His hands were on the ground, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"Ahhh! He was bleeding profusely and lay on the ground, groaning in pain.

Not only him, but everyone in the room including Bai Ji didn't realize what was going on.


The silver light bloomed and pierced the dim skin. After Bai Ji reacted, the gun seemed to

A huge scythe made of bones lay in front of her.

Bai Ji knows this sickle.

He is Lilias's closest "accomplice" and a veritable god of death on the battlefield, taking away

The lives of many of her comrades.

The most terrifying thing about this scythe is that it absorbs souls. No matter how hard the armor is, it cannot protect it.

The physical body inside will be irreparably injured once hit, and there is only one way to die.

Why is this sickle?

Ah, she remembered.

Last time, Lilias took off her hairpin and pinned it to her own hair

What's going on now, is it inviting itself to use it? But why, its own

Isn’t it essentially a human knight?

The injury on her wrist healed, and the moment Bai Ji held the sickle, the green spots all over it

All the white color faded away, turning into tiny stars in the sky, passing away like fireflies.

It's so light, and I feel like I can use it easily.

This was Bai Ji's first feeling after holding the sickle.

"Gutmala? ? Why is it that the woman in black robe is undoubtedly the most surprised? She gritted her teeth.

If she had known that Gutmara was hidden in Bai Ji, she would never have come.

Are you kidding? This is different from what was promised. The target has a holy artifact of the vampire family. This requires

How to win? ?

The woman in black robe has already decided to give up, but she still has a trump card at the bottom of the box.

"Ahh!!" The screams of her subordinates reminded her.

Are there any weapons in this world that are easy to use and extremely lethal?

In the past, Bai Ji would have taken a negative attitude towards this question, but now

She could feel the pleasure of Lilias galloping across the battlefield holding this scythe.

Can turn a weak and weak warrior into an invincible melee fighter instantly, Gutmara

The benefits provided are more than just a few points.

Gutmara is the sickle-shaped 'death', as if the enemies standing in front of him are all touched by him.

The tofu pieces were broken into pieces, and they barely even struggled when they were cut into pieces.

Seeing that the situation had become one-sided, the woman in black robe no longer hesitated and decided to resort to the tactics of her employer to give her

trump card.

[Scroll: Living Sacrifice]

The scrolls thrown out instantly turned into countless complex magic arrays in the air, pulling out countless magic spells.

A line like a blood vessel was rooted on the head of the neatly fallen subordinate.

"You! This guy actually..." These masked assassins just wanted to say something, but their hearts were taken away.

Wisdom and consciousness.

"Shut up, it's not because you are incompetent." The woman in black robe snorted coldly. "You all want it anyway

If you're dead, you might as well donate your soul and remaining vitality. "

It is said that the power of teammates to sacrifice to the sky is boundless. The greater the price paid, the greater the power displayed.

The stronger.

The curse is a double-edged sword, the greater the price paid, the greater the power gain.

[Living Sacrifice] The essence of this curse is to communicate with the evil god in the non-Baland plane and sacrifice his life.

As a sacrifice, one thousandth of its power can be embodied.

One thousandth is enough.

"What is this? ?" Bai Ji, who was entangled by the tentacles that suddenly emerged and couldn't move, lost her ability to move, and the sickle fell heavily to the ground.

"Tsk, it was so dangerous, the car almost rolled over." He kicked away the dead body at his feet whose skin became pale and bloodless.

The woman in black robe, who was confident of winning, smiled.

"Little princess, you really gave me a big surprise, but that's it for now.

You've made enough trouble today. "

"Sticky, sticky, these soft tentacles wrapped around the roots of my legs and ankles,

The suction cup kept secreting some kind of slippery liquid, which gave Bai Ji goosebumps.

"Stop struggling, this is an evil god's manifestation technique using living sacrifices, let alone you, even if it's you

The Queen herself may not be able to do anything about it. "


who?. ?"-

Amidst bursts of laughter, bats flew in the air, forming the girl's figure.

"Speaking ill of me behind my back and asking who I am??"

"Are you the Scarlet Queen? ?" The black-robed woman was startled, and then without even thinking, she just acted like a bastard.

Just run away.

Damn it! Why

Will the Scarlet Queen come? ?Isn’t she still out there?

It's possible to win against a scumbag princess, but there's no chance of winning when her mother comes!

The Scarlet Queen Lilias is the most accomplished person in the Baland Curse in contemporary times. It would be difficult to fight against her.

Not even ashes will be left

Fortunately, she was well prepared and had prepared the space magic scroll. As long as she wanted to run away, no one could stop her.


The moment she took out the scroll, a vine shot out from her feet, killing it.


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