Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 14

"Because we don't want one person to be our future king. Is this reason enough?"

The black-robed woman looked at Bai Ji calmly.

"In other words, for half a year, you have really regarded yourself as a princess of the blood clan.


Are you really sure you can send us home?"

"Of course, I don't dare to order someone to contact you secretly if I'm not sure, right? To abduct the princess?

This kind of thing will be discovered. "The woman in black robe gestured to her neck.

"There is no absolute certainty about this kind of thing and it needs to be considered in the long term. Now that I have found you, it means

Be fully prepared.

"How do we know whether you are sincere or not?" Bai Ji frowned slightly. She can't be a vampire.

Never completely convinced.

"Of course, there is no such thing as a free lunch. If, Princess, you want to leave,

At least we have to leave a queen for our Blood Spirit royal family. This is an exchange. "

"What do you mean by staying?" Bai Ji took a step back warily.

"It means literally." The smiling face of the black-robed woman made Bai Ji feel a little frightened.

We understand, you want us to find a random vampire to have our first love with, right? "Bai Ji, who has figured it out

He breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the reproduction of the vampire royal family was different from that of humans.

What they understand is biased.

The direct royal family can only embrace once, and Lilias gave her first embrace to herself, that is,

Said that if the royal family wants to continue, the key lies in Bai Ji.

However, Bai Ji's gradually understanding expression was replaced by the black-robed woman's increasingly playful smile. "This is

It’s okay, Your Highness. "

"?What do you mean by not being able to do anything casually?"

"Ah, didn't Her Majesty the Queen explain it to you clearly?" The woman in black robe walked slowly, slowly approaching


"The blood spirit royal family's first embrace has a scope of effect. If the blood purity is lower than the threshold, the first embrace will

It cannot succeed no matter what. "

"Do you know what this means? That's right, a descendant who is not a direct descendant of Rasambo's blood.

Even those from the royal family are not qualified to accept the first embrace. "

"Your Highness the Princess understood correctly what I said here about staying behind." The woman in black robe pressed forward step by step. "without

Wrong, that is, only the offspring produced by you, Your Highness, through human reproduction, are eligible to win the prize.

It’s a chance to have your first love.

"Liar! Then what happened to us? ?"

"So, you are an exception among exceptions. You are neither a direct blood relative of the royal family nor even a direct blood relative of the royal family.

Not even a vampire, so being successful for the first time was really shocking both inside and outside.

"To sum up, Your Highness, can you lend me your belly?"

"Bai Ji, who kept retreating, noticed the movement in the garden. Several people in light clothes

Masked warriors blocked her chance to escape.

It turns out that I came prepared.

"Don't worry, we will keep our promise and let you go back when the matter is done. I will use my honor to

Guaranteed not to break the promise. "The woman in black robe is good at tempting. "You can't stay any longer, and you hate it."

This vampire's body has been revealed. In this case, why not use it to make profits for yourself and take revenge on you?

Can I transform you into such a queen?"

So, it sounds reasonable. "Bai Ji looked like she was thinking.

"That's right, don't you really think about it carefully? Think about it carefully, do you think this matter

Will it do you no harm at all?"

"Well, it seems like this. It's definitely not possible to just borrow the belly.

Damn you idiot!" Bai Ji grabbed the two little bats beside her and smashed them at the black-robed woman, and then used all the

No one could react to the contrast. The decisive and neat sliding shovel passed under the masked soldier's praise.


"A shameless and greedy woman, her appetite is so big that she may burst her belly and use her belly to give birth to a child.

??Thank you for thinking about it!" Bai Ji ran away with her short legs and didn't forget to complain.

Are you kidding? After all, she was once a man and not a lover of philosophy.

She doesn’t want to be treated as a breeding stock!

Sure enough, he was still fooled. Vampires don’t have any good ones, and there is none in the entire palace.

People who are truly willing to help themselves.

Moreover, even if I compromised, what if I endured the humiliation and endured the heavy burden? At that time, I

There is no guarantee whether there is mental trouble or not. It is very likely that these guys will just throw them away after using them.

Now that they are useless, will they keep such illusory promises? ?

Even if they can do such things as breeding, it is better to expect them to keep their promises than to expect the boar to be able to climb the tree!

"Catch her." The woman's eyes were focused and she gave the order calmly.

She was not afraid that Bai Ji would run away, let alone that she would draw the guards over. Just like her

As I said, I have made all preparations before this. When Bai Ji steps into this harem,

From that moment on, she had no chance to run away.

"Vampires really don't have a good thing and have no conscience!" He ran away with a skirt that was inconvenient to move around.

Baiji of the road

Seeing the distance between several masked men behind him getting closer and closer to him, he looked around

Search for anything useful.

Even if I try hard, I can't fight him with this small body, so I can only think of other ways.

With her petite and exquisite body, Bai Ji easily got into the half-open window of the harem building.

The following big men were not so lucky. Their fat and strong bodies were stuck in the window.

Unable to move.

"Idiot!" Seeing that her subordinate was stuck, the woman yelled angrily. "What are you still doing standing there?

There is more than one entrance to the harem, go in and chase her! You must catch her before the barrier disappears, no

Then we all have to go to jail!"

After hearing this, the big men immediately left their companions who were still stuck on the window and rushed in behind them without thinking about their own safety.


"This little girl is running pretty well, let's go look for her separately!" The harem is too big, so in order to improve efficiency

, the kidnapper leader naturally chose to disperse the search.

But because appearances are deceptive, they all overlooked one detail.

What they are capturing is not a young lady from a royal family who is inexperienced in the world, but an experienced woman.

A seasoned warrior who has fought hundreds of battles and fought between life and death.

The enemy is several times larger than oneself, and the combat power is also several times larger than one's own, leaving little room for a comeback.

On the contrary, Bai Ji became calmer -

Usually she would choose to go upstairs to hide at times like this, but she did not choose to go upstairs.

The most dangerous place is the safest place. She hid behind the stairs leading to the second floor until

Only after the sound of footsteps that were close at hand completely disappeared did he crawl out of it carefully.

Just as she thought, habitual thinking caused most of these thieves to run upstairs or to both sides.

The room was searched.

Bai Ji got a physics holy sword from the utility room, walking cautiously like a cat.

He approached a room with an open door and cast a concealment spell.

This spell is a low-level shadow spell taught to her by Lilias. She has not yet formally learned the spell.

Bai Ji can also learn this simple and easy-to-understand low-level magic spell.

It has to be said that the curse of hiding traces is surprisingly effective at this time.

These masked men probably regarded her as a helpless little girl.

Come on, I don’t know that facing an old Yin, spreading out will only make you die faster.

Bai Ji quietly approached the big man who didn't know what he was doing in the room.

"Tsk, what a good product. It is indeed the harem of a royal family. Taking out the things for sale is comparable to

This one made a lot of money. "The masked man caressed the small vase in his hand and couldn't put it down, looking around

Looking around, seeing no one around, he stuffed the small vase into his pocket.

I'm really greedy. I don't know which one is more fragile, this vase or your head.

"Bang!" The raised holy sword of physics fell hard, and the big man's head exploded. He was still stunned.

He lay down without shouting.

Although it is against chivalry to take advantage of someone's danger to make a sneak attack, I am such an idiot. Why?

Are you still thinking about that kind of thing at this time?

My life is at stake, and chivalry is still more important. Is life more important or chivalry? We don’t

I want to be the kind of idiot who doesn't need anything in order to implement bullshit chivalry, Bai Ji thought.

Bai Ji showed up after her aggressive behavior, but it doesn't matter, the only witness has been killed.

, he didn’t shout out to attract his colleagues.

Bai Ji, who was thinking like this, miscalculated after all. She only heard a burst of fog floating on the head of the masked man.

Angry, suddenly, the sound of rapid footsteps came from the huge harem.

"No!" I didn't expect that the woman in black robe was so flawless that she actually put it in her own department.

It takes so much work on the lower body.

This should be a warning spell, which will sound an alarm whenever the target loses consciousness or life.


This kind of curse is not common. At least from what Lilias said, blood with this kind of curse is inherited.

There are not many aristocratic families.

It's too late to escape.

Bai Ji threw away the Holy Sword of Physics and picked up the masked man's weapon with a gloomy look on her face.

This is the harem. It is unrealistic to find a weapon like a long sword here. Wait until the masked man passes by.

Coming here can only be a dead end.

But it doesn’t matter, Bai Ji still has the last trump card, then

"Save one one one's life - ah!"

"Come here, escort, someone wants to destroy the flower and kidnap the princess!" Bai Ji held a trumpet with her hands.

Like, looking up to the sky.

Anyway, the position has been exposed, it doesn't matter anymore to shout out the news.

"Xiao Nizi, you are quite capable." The masked people who rushed to the scene saw their heads being knocked out -

The group of mosaic companions winked at Bai Ji.

"Hmph~~" Bai Ji put her hands on her hips and acted very arrogantly. "We advise you to run away quickly. Now

It’s still too late to run. "

"Oh? Why?" The leading woman in black robe walked up funny.

"Huh? You are really slow. The guards will come over immediately when they hear our shouts.

When the imperial army arrives, you will have nowhere to hide. "Bai Ji checked the hook confidently.


"If you don't want to spend your whole life in jail, you'd better...

"Oh? Haha, the black-robed woman couldn't help but laugh when she heard this. "Okay, just keep shouting and take a look.

The patrolling Imperial Guards couldn't hear it. "

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