Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 13

It’s not a good life to be slept with as a pillow by Lilias. Don’t look at this expired old loli.

His words and deeds are standardized in every occasion, and his every smile and every frown show his royal temperament. In private, his life is extremely decadent and casual.


No matter how you say it, you are still a man! ? Male creature! Drag yourself to bed, and...

Holding each other while sleeping, shameless, shameless! Don’t you know that men and women accept each other without being intimate?

We, twenty-four years old, are the King of Knights, male, a proper male.

That day, we felt that our noble soul was falling! She was so sucked by the poor sleeping condition.

The Vampire Queen dragged her to the boudoir and threw her on the bed.

This was undoubtedly a torturous night for Bai Ji. Although she is a reliable and mature man,

She would not be interested in the body of an old lolita from Wannian Airport.

Bai Ji's goal is the sea of ​​stars, between two plump ravines towering over the sky and the earth, ahem

In short, being held by that washboard, who was sleeping in such a bad state, was not comfortable at all.

There's no meat at all, it's so hard! It's uncomfortable being held in your arms while sleeping, although it's not particularly painful.

, after all, except for her unobstructed breasts, Lilias is quite soft in other places.

Like a thigh, it is as tender as a newborn baby and can squeeze out water.

Wow! This is not a crime committed by Bai Ji, it is really irresistible, Lilia

Silk's sleep phase was too bad. In the first half of the night, he was still in the late stage of mitosis, but in the second half of the night, he was in the middle stage of mitosis.

She wished she could have another pair of feet wrapped around Bai Ji's body like an octopus.

I don’t know if this guy did it on purpose, but every time Bai Ji slept until midnight, she would be beaten for a while

The sticky touch woke me up, I opened my eyelids hazily, and my body was hit by a cold and soft touch.

Wrapped, face wet.

Lilias was hugging her and sticking out her tongue to lick her face!

When Bai Ji woke up, she was frightened many times, thinking that Lilias was going to kill her.


Bai Ji has been holding grudges against Lilias for many days after sharing the same bed with her. Do you know that every night she is -

The sleeping appearance is very bad, and I will grab you as a pillow at every turn, or even perform a show on the bed - out of the lion

Does it hurt to be woken up by the expired lolita in the Batu drama??

Bai Ji couldn't bear it any longer, and pretended to be sleepwalking while kicking the quilt, and kicked Lilias out of the big bed.

You know, Lilias does not allow anyone to touch her body on weekdays.

Don't even dare to touch her.

Bai Ji, who kicked Lilias out of bed, was mentally prepared to be tied up and tortured, but

She really couldn't bear it anymore. She just wanted to have a good night's sleep. So, Lilias, get out of bed.

Come on, this bed is reserved by this princess!

To her surprise, Lilias didn't punish her, but gave her a good hug after being kicked awake.

He covered her with a quilt and touched her forehead, really like a kind old lady.

The follow-up may be that Lilias also noticed the trouble caused by her sleeping appearance to Bai Ji,

Gradually, Bai Ji no longer often asks Bai Ji to be her pillow.

This makes Bai Ji very strange. To her, Lilias has no conscience and no morals.

The fact that the Vampire Queen, who is very ungrateful in martial arts, puts herself in her shoes has reached such a level.

It's so creepy.

Maybe it’s because she’s been too busy recently and can’t see Bai Ji at all. Lilias goes to bed every night

She had to pull Bai Ji to sleep, and her sleeping condition improved, but Bai Ji suffered from phobia of sleeping with Lilias

Still can't sleep

It was unexpectedly quiet last night. Lilias disappeared early today. She must have been too late.

Get busy.

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, there were prepared blood juice and drops on the table in the dormitory hall.

Heart—— -A hearty breakfast, which is also Bai Ji’s favorite taste

Really, why are you so nice to us?

In the final analysis, we are knights and you are the vampire queen. We are irreconcilable.

You are so good, do you want us to be grateful to you?? Impossible, impossible

Bai Ji repeated it in her heart, not only to explain the facts, but also to remind herself.

Wouldn't it be nice to just treat us like a prisoner? Really, do this. Don't you want us to show up?

Are you in trouble? ?

If these are just things Lilias uses to win people's hearts, Bai Ji will never be fooled.

Yeah, the vampire can't get anything useful out of her.

However, even though she was extremely dull, she also noticed that Lilias treated her in a certain way.

A little too much effort

No, no matter what, she is a monster that sucks human blood after all, and what these monsters are best at is deceiving people. For example, recently, her fox tail was exposed.

All she did was to get information out of her mouth.

There is no love without reason in the world, she must have ulterior motives.

Bai Ji, who had already made up her mind to leave, gritted her teeth and finally made up her mind and refused to touch her.

Exquisite meals and drinks on the table.

"Your Highness Princess, do you want to go out?"

"Well, I'm in a bad mood, let's go and relax." Bai Ji paused and added to the maids. "you

Don't follow us, let us be alone. "

The maids looked at each other, obviously they couldn't make the decision in this matter.

"We won't go far, we're just going to the *** Garden to relax.

Oh well. "The maids seemed to give in.

Bai Ji secretly breathed a sigh of relief, put on a less conspicuous dress and went out.

Because Lilias had moved all the metal products in the mansion, Bai Jilian put all the self-defense

I couldn't find the fruit knife, so I had to go out empty-handed.

But she wasn't worried that the other party would dare to attack her in the palace.

Lilias had done a perfect job of monitoring her, so it was impossible that such a big movement would not cause

Guard's attention.

The harem has been abandoned for a long time. It was first built by the previous generations of Scarlet Queen, and Bai Ji died.

If I remember correctly, the Scarlet Queen had extremely weird sexual habits and was very addicted to various aspects.

The queen, the harem is the place she uses to pamper her concubines, where she is kept from Baland

It is said that some of the girls collected (captured) from various places are cute boys.

This kind of behavior is unreasonable to Bai Ji at least, so she can't remember it either.

What's the name of that queen?

In short, not all Scarlet Queens are as addicted as that one. The harem is a very

It is almost abandoned, although there are still maids and gardeners responsible for taking care of it. After all, although the queen is promiscuous,

However, it opened up territory for the Vampire Clan. Now the basic base of the Vampire Clan is basically left by that queen.

Yes, although her main purpose is probably just to add concubines to her harem.

Choosing the harem as the meeting place is indeed a wise choice, compared to other heavily guarded places

The important residence, the harem, which covers a large area but does not have many people, is indeed the best place for secret conversations.


Next, Bai Ji was in trouble. The harem was so big, how could she know where the other party was waiting for her?

I have to say that the harem is really deserted. There is not even a gatekeeper or

I don’t know if the guards responsible for guarding the harem are on holiday or there are none at all. The two stone pillars at the gate

Standing there alone, there is not even a fence.

Where should I go to find the person who wrote the note to me? ?

After passing through the long-abandoned harem pavilions and coming to the garden, Bai Ji always felt that someone was silently hiding in the dark.

She stared at herself silently, but when she turned her head, there was nothing there, and she couldn't help but feel a little strange.


"It's strange, we clearly remember it." Pushing open the rusty iron gate of the garden, he looked at the empty space in the courtyard.

The lackluster flower beds and dirty stone carvings clearly looked like they had been rarely taken care of.

Although the harem is deserted, it's not like there's no one there.

Bai Ji rarely comes to this kind of place, and she doesn't know who usually comes and goes in the harem, so she hesitated for a moment.

After a while, he shouted with his hands in the shape of a trumpet. "anyone there?"

His words were soon drowned out by the wind, and a strong wind blew in the deserted garden.

Bai Ji, who is a vampire, also felt a little chilly under her skirt.

"Is there no one? Bai Ji's own questions and answers are floating in the wind.

It seems like no one is here? Could it be that he has been tricked? It seems so.

That is to say, how could the people in the palace help him escape? It was better to leave.

Bai Ji wanted to quit. The harem was indeed a strange place. She always felt like there were eyes.

I've been watching myself, but there's no one inside, it's just like what happened in a ghost story

The places completely overlap.

If you think about it this way, Bai Ji has indeed heard many stories about haunted harems. After all, this place once

Most of the residents were kidnapped and unwillingly became the tools for the Queen of the Blood Race to vent their anger.

After death, he naturally became a very resentful person.

This place is indeed too weird! We, we have to leave first. This is not because we are afraid of ghosts

Well, people of our age are not afraid of that kind of thing. It’s just that I feel like I’ve been fooled.

Already, um, slipped away


As soon as she turned around, Bai Ji was patted on the shoulder.

Bai Ji was stunned for a moment, then tears moistened her eyes. "Wow, don't, don't kill

Before Bai Ji could finish shouting, her mouth was covered.

"Keep your voice down, Princess, do you want our plan to be exposed?" the low-pitched woman

A human voice sounded in front of Bai Ji's ear, and she immediately calmed down.

"Have you calmed down? Think about it, I am the only one who can help you now.

The woman was wearing a cloak, and her appearance could not be clearly seen. From her voice, she could tell that she had used it deliberately.

False voice, exuding an overly fragrant smell.

"Who are you?"

"You asked a very stupid question, Princess, do you think I dare to let you know who I am?"

The woman burst into laughter

Can you really take us out of this place?"

"Of course, otherwise why would I have someone pass the note to you?" The woman spread her hands.

Bai Ji looked her up and down and hesitated. "Are you a vampire?"

"Otherwise, the Royal Palace of the Blood Clan, except

As for the Vampire clan, foreigners cannot enter. "

"Then why do you want to help us?" Bai Ji couldn't understand.

"Why, because we don't want a human who doesn't care about the vampires to be our future

King, is this reason enough?"

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