Blood Princess and the Knight

Memories~Bai Ji after her first embrace 12

Let me ask, what will happen if two countries are at war and an important leader in a high position, the commander-in-chief, is captured?

What about Yang?

The hostile forces will definitely make every effort to use extreme punishments and psychological warfare to capture those who will be captured.

The person's mouth was pried open.

You can't capture a person for free, no matter how much you have, you have to get something valuable from his mouth to be worthwhile.

Bai Ji had already had this realization since the day she was caught. Although she believed in her own intentions,

Zhili, no matter how many ways the vampire tortures her, she will never confess even a single punctuation mark.

Spit out the executioner's phlegm.

Of course, everything is just in case. If the vampire's torture tools really can't stand it, Bai Ji will keep them.

Backhand, she was ready to bite off her tongue.

What she never expected was that she would be assimilated into a vampire by the Vampire Queen, and the blood-sucking

The regenerative and self-healing abilities of ghosts are so amazing that even if their heads are chopped off, they might be able to grow another one.

That kind of thing, biting off your tongue means nothing except deceiving yourself.

Sure enough, nearly half a year after arriving here, Lilias began to interrogate and find her roots.

For a long time, there were hidden traps and clichés in the words he communicated with her, in order to get some information she knew.

It took a lot of effort to pull it out!

Ha, Bai Ji sneered in her heart.

After spending half a year corrupting my own mind and thinking that I had completely assimilated myself,

Have you revealed your true colors and revealed your true thoughts? ?

Lilias, you underestimate us too much, even if you fry us into small biscuits, come on

Even if we are cut down into little men and sticks by knife torture, we will not confess a single word!

At this thought, Bai Ji, wearing only a nightgown and children's warm white stockings, got out of the bed.

He stood up, raised his little pink fist, battled wits with the air, and bared his little tiger teeth fiercely.


"You stupid vampire, do you think you'll win like this? Don't underestimate humans, you bastard!"

Although she was captured, her body accepted the vampire's assimilation, and she also accepted the gifts given by the vampire.

The food was so delicious that I wanted to go back but, but!

She is still a pure and noble knight at heart! Yes, even though I have become a vampire, I still think the food given by the vampire is delicious, and I even think the vampire's living habits are very correct.

Often, but she knows she is still a good knight!

She is very proud that she has never given in to anything in half a year, right?

Ming seems, maybe, probably, she seemed to have surrendered and asked the feces to suck blood.

Ghost "mother", and more than once, more than once

Bai Ji was hit hard on the spot, and her momentum was gone. She sat down on the bed and pouted.

Now that I think about it, what have I been doing in the past six months! ?

After learning the etiquette and customs of vampires, the ladies of the Rasambo royal family have a code of self-cultivation.

Proficient in flower arranging, making tea, painting, poetry

Hey, speaking of it, we are pretty good. We have learned so many skills in half a year. How can we not do it?

Are we a little genius? No! How could we think so? ?

Learning these inexplicable things is nothing to be proud of!

"Your Royal Highness, are you there?"

"We're here, come in?" Hearing the maid knocking on the door, Bai Ji immediately straightened her posture and sat down.

Standing on the edge of the bed, he put his hands on his knees, and his expression returned to a trace of intellectual tranquility.

The maid opened the door. "Your Highness, it's lunch time. Do you want to have your meal in the courtyard?


"Is Lilias here?"

"Her Majesty the Queen is very busy and cannot have lunch with you."

"Then we can just eat in the room."

"As ordered." The maid's eyes flashed with surprise. She had served Bai Ji for almost half a year and knew that Bai Ji's habits

Sexually, she noticed that the latter seemed to be in a bad mood.

But she didn't ask too much. As a maid, she will naturally let you know what the master wants you to know.

If you're not too familiar with it, it's best not to ask for boredom and do something that is suspected of overstepping.

Lilias, Lilias.

If that guy had free time, he would definitely drag himself up to eat with her no matter what.

Lunch, right?

When the meal was served, Bai Ji took the knife and fork handed over by the servant, and slowly cut it on the table.

After grilling the steak, I took a sip of the specially processed hot blood juice and wiped it elegantly with a napkin.

corner of mouth.

It is a kind of enjoyment to watch the royal family dining. Bai Ji, who was trained and taught by Lilias herself, has been nurtured

Some of the following habits have been deeply engraved in the bone marrow and directly reflected in daily life.

"We're full, let's take it down." Bai Ji simply wiped the remaining food residue from the corner of her mouth and said

I pushed away the steak that I hadn't eaten for more than a few bites.

After hearing this, the two maids waiting beside them took the food away and left the room after bowing.

After having a gloomy meal, Bai Ji rested her head on her hands and spoke in a bad mood.

I decided to go for a walk and take the maid to sit in the garden for afternoon tea.

"Today's Jinlan tea doesn't seem to be of very good quality." Bai Ji frowned slightly as she took a sip of tea.

The quality of Jinlan tea can be determined by its sweetness, aroma, etc.

Determine the details

Bai Ji, who is extremely familiar with this type of tea, can identify this tea after just one sip.

The variety and quality of the product, and even the place of origin.

"I'm very sorry, Your Highness Princess, we will make a new pot for you right now." After hearing this, the maid first said -

Stupid, after noticing Bai Ji's dissatisfaction, I immediately planned to change it.

Forget it, no need. "Bai Ji stopped the two maids who were about to change the tea.

"No need? Okay, I understand."

"You guys please step back, we want to have some rest by ourselves." Bai Ji stirred the spoon in a dull voice.

Let the two maids responsible for serving him leave.

When did it become like this?

The tea reflected that face that was too beautiful to look like a human being, but it was full of sadness.

Are you still yourself now? These habits you never had before are like taking root in yourself.

It's the same thing on myself.

It wasn't until just now that she realized that her current living habits were completely different from riding a bicycle.

Scholars, even humans are out of touch.

If this continues, what will happen to her? Bai Ji doesn't dare to think about it, she realizes that there is no

Suddenly, Lilias's influence on her has become a serious hidden danger.

This change is subtle, even if Bai Ji reminds herself in the mirror countless times, it will not change.


Thinking of the verbal trap that Lilias had set for herself during this period, the luck in Bai Ji's heart faded little by little.

No, she has to escape! Escape from this foreign country that does not belong to her!

The fact that the church has still not sent anyone to search for his whereabouts proves that they think they have

Already dead.

It's impossible to count on the church's help. You have to find a way to escape on your own!

But how can she run out?

This is the royal city of the blood clan, and it is heavily guarded by soldiers. I have tried countless times, but what should I do?

Tried everything.

Now, in order to prevent myself from escaping by tying my clothes into ropes, all my clothes have been moved

She came out of her bedroom, and the skirts were all in the hands of the maid.

Bai Ji has a lot of cool operations in her mind, but the raw materials for making tools are not available at all.

She couldn't imitate some guy who escaped from death with a spoon, right?

When she was confused, Bai Ji felt a little homesick.

It wasn't until today that she couldn't go back home that she realized how much she missed her hometown.

Streets with endless traffic, markets with dense traffic, in this land where people gave birth to themselves, people

They spoke the language they were familiar with and greeted each other.

In this life, can I return to that land again?

The depressed Bai Ji kept sighing, seeing no one around, and she had no aristocratic temperament.

He was lying on the table and suddenly felt something sharp piercing his face.

The confused Bai Ji raised her head and picked up the thing that stabbed her, which was the one she put in the tea cup.

Small scraps of paper inside the plate sandwich.

Was the maid so careless that she served the tea tray without clearing it? Or...

Bai Ji looked around and carefully opened the small paper rolled into strips.

"Hello, Your Highness Princess, if you want to be free from the shackles, you will be free in one week's time.

Today, we went to the back garden of the Imperial City Harem. "

"This is your only chance, you have no choice." As if she was afraid that Bai Ji would chew it,

This was written at the end of the little note.

After reading this note, Bai Ji immediately lit a fire and burned it.

Be alert to your surroundings to make sure no one is watching you secretly.

The imperial city is heavily guarded, and ordinary forces cannot penetrate it. If this note can be delivered to his desk, then the person who wrote this note must at least have a certain influence in the Blood Spirit Empire.

Yes, 80% of them are some Duke or Earl of the Vampire Clan.

Bai Ji didn't think that they, who were also members of the vampire clan, would sincerely help her.

The early guy must want to get some benefits from himself.

But what benefit can I give them now? ?

They were all dressed in Ziran, and even the title of knight was probably deprived of them. What they coveted was their own body.

What are you doing? Or is this a trap, and you just want to make yourself disappear forever?

In the Scarlet Blood Territory, there are many nobles who are dissatisfied with themselves.

To go or not to go, Bai Ji faced this serious question.

Back in the palace, Lilias seems to be very busy lately and has no time to go anywhere and anytime.

to monitor her.

The opportunity was lost and would never come back. Bai Ji, who was struggling with it, decided to take a gamble.

Lilias's insidiousness about herself scares her, but on the other hand, she's really

I want to go home, even if I can only go back as a foreigner.

At this time, Bai Ji was under house arrest for a long time and was missing her hometown.

Some have lost their minds.

Even if there was a well-arranged trap in front of him, he would pounce on it at all costs.

Finally, after a week, Bai Ji didn't even see Lilias for a few times this week.

Back, she seemed so busy that she had no time to care about herself.

Bai Ji knew that her opportunity had come.

Early in the morning, the other side of the bed was as empty as ever. Lilias was probably very early

go out.

Bai Ji woke up and immediately got dressed and got out of bed.

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