Blood Princess and the Knight

5~turn against each other

Without her sister Rasambo, she is nothing

It was not until she was thrown into the divine path that Sheng Lun realized this clearly. Only her sister was beside her.

When she was away, she was the brave and fearless warrior. When she left Rasambo, she lost her


Courage fades away, and one almost forgets oneself and becomes a puppet of the walking dead. All of this,

It all ended after the appearance of the prince named Robert Shinra.

This king was kind to others, showed no airs at all, and took great care of Sheng Lun.

The child is like a bright lamp, lighting up the dark heart of Sheng Lun.

Under his unilateral care and attention, the cold and numb Sheng Lun gradually recovered his former self.

His character has become the same as before, kind and just, and in the process, he has become the same as before.

The relationship between this prince and his highness heated up rapidly.

Not because of anything else, just because the feeling this prince gave her was so similar to her favorite sister

"Lasambo, Sheng Lun, who was cared for by the prince, would always think of his long-lost love.

Sister, her sister also protects herself unconditionally and unreasonably like a prince, secretly

Protecting herself silently, causing her emotions to shift in some way

Not long after she came to this world, she asked His Highness the Prince to help her find Ratsambo.

There are pictures of Rasambo posted all over the place, but there is no news yet.

"Don't worry, according to your description Sheng Lun, your sister has such a good mind, she will definitely be able to find a way to

The world you mentioned survived, right? Maybe she’s not in our country and she can’t say the same thing.

Sure, after all, Baland’s world is so big, right? I guarantee, she must be waiting somewhere too.

With you.

Whenever Sheng Lun is lost, the prince is always by her side to comfort her. I don’t know.

Why, the prince's words always made her feel at ease.

Robert Shinra, he is a very famous person among the people. He has always been concerned about people's livelihood.

The image of a good prince appeared in front of everyone.

And he does sincerely think about the people under his rule, and is willing to donate generously in the face of disasters.

Even if the national treasury is in difficulty, it still sends money for disaster relief, and often goes to private municipalities in municipalities to sympathize with the people's feelings.

He is a truly good prince, which Sheng Lun appreciates very much.

After staying in this country for a long time, Sheng Lun got to taste the customs and customs of this world.

After experiencing the ups and downs of the world, she has a deeper understanding of her faith.

Farmers working in the fields, children playing in the countryside, struggling to make ends meet but always content.

Happy hawker, this world is peaceful and peaceful, without chaos and disputes.

After the numbness and indifference were dispelled, Sheng Lun realized again that maybe this kind of world is what she-

I always wanted to protect it.

As time passed, the borders of the kingdom were invaded by invaders from another dimension. Looking for La

Sambo was fruitless, and Sheng Lun stepped forward when he was in danger, expressing his willingness to help the kingdom protect its borders.


The old king was naturally overjoyed. The summoned savior was willing to help. This was the best thing.


Whether it is the old king or the court officials, they all firmly believe that Sheng Lun will be the one who will bring the kingdom to the water.

The heroes rescued from the heat include His Royal Highness Prince Robert.

The feeling of being highly noticed and expected made Sheng Lun more determined in his determination to safeguard this country.


Perhaps, this country is what he really needs to protect.

Sheng Lun seemed to have found the meaning of living for this. Under her activity, the alien plane invaded

All the rebels were driven out of the kingdom, the country once again restored its former peace, and Sheng Lun also became famous.

Da Noo became the ‘brave man’ of the kingdom.

Under her victorious pursuit, the alien race was completely wiped out and expelled from Baland, the kingdom.

The peace of the past was restored.

The old king did not repay kindness like her former king, but was very grateful to Sheng Lun.

He generously gave her a title and meritorious service, and even held a ceremony directly in front of the public.

Proclamation of Saint-Lun as an honorary paladin of the country'.

Sheng Lun was grateful to the old king. At the same time, he spent many years with Prince Robert, day and night.

Feelings gradually arise in the place.

As time erodes little by little, Shenglun's lifestyle and customs have completely changed.

Assimilated into this country.

In her eyes, this country is gradually regarded as her second hometown, her hometown.

Finally, during a celebration, Prince Robert formally presented his wishes to Saint Lun in front of all the ministers.

Confession, the ambiguous relationship between the two finally came to fruition.

That year was the happiest moment for Saint Lun, but it was also the beginning of tragedy.

Not long after, another invasion of alien species occurred on the border of the kingdom, and Sheng Lun once again put on the

The armor goes to war for the kingdom.

Sheng Lun, who vowed to kill the invaders and protect the people from his claws, hesitated this time. "

In the burning village, the two sisters were in this inappropriate occasion and inappropriate time.

Reunion at inappropriate place.

"Lasambo Shenglun put down the long hair in his hand with trembling hands.

Sword, no matter what's behind you

The prince shouted, walking towards the silver-haired girl sitting on the throne sluggishly.

My sister's hair color has changed, and so has her eye color. The original bright blond hair has turned into a silvery head.

Sheng Lun didn't know what she had gone through these days. Seeing each other again after a long absence, all she wanted to do now was

Hug my sister and listen to her tell about the grievances she has suffered over the years.

She believes that no matter how much time passes, she and Ratsambo are still sisters who are connected in spirit.

They must be able to convey their feelings to each other.


Her words only received Ratsambo's cold eyes and frivolous and playful lips, and then

The opponent raised his hand and fired a divine pulse without hesitation.


Sheng Lun's eyes widened. She didn't understand and couldn't believe that her most beloved sister actually

One day I will turn swords against myself.

With her whole body cold, she lost her fighting spirit and the strength to dodge.

"Danger!" At the critical moment, the prince hugged her and threw her away.

"Sheng Lun, are you okay? Where are you injured?"

His Highness the Prince's words were as gentle as ever, but at this moment Sheng Lun couldn't hear a word

After entering, she broke away from the prince and staggered towards the silver-haired girl regardless of his dissuasion.

"Lasambo, why am I Shenglun? Your sister, don't you recognize me?

?" Sheng Lun desperately asked Ratsambo, hoping that a familiar emotion would flash through her eyes.


However, the latter didn't even give her a look, and said to the monster waiting beside her:

After a few words, the monster rushed forward and grabbed Sheng Lun's neck.

"Why, what? Sheng Lun, who rolled several times to escape, looked at her sister in disbelief. She couldn't understand why she and Ratsambo would become strangers one day, or even

To the point of turning against each other.

"Lasambo, it's me, it's me! I'm Shenglun, your sister" I don't want to believe it

Sheng Lun screamed at Lasambo crazily, hoping that she could return the same tune to him as she once did.

A cute smile.

Maybe even she herself knows that this is a luxury wish

Lasambo said something again, but Shenglun still couldn't hear clearly, as if the two people were

People from different countries cannot speak the same language.

"The situation is not right, Lord Brave. Please cover the retreat of the Brave." The prince said to the knights behind him.

ordered. "Yes!" The knights rushed forward, grabbed Sheng Lun who was about to step forward, and retreated back.

For some reason, the Demon King's army behind him did not pursue him.

"You, the devil, are your biological sisters?" Afterwards, the prince learned this from Sheng Lun.

The thing is - he looked surprised. "She must have been controlled by someone, and she did so many things involuntarily.

Wrong thing. "Sheng Lun lowered his head, his voice full of cooing.

"How could this happen? Ratsambo is obviously a very kind child. How could this happen?

It has become like this

,I trust you. "The prince held Sheng Lun's hand and smiled slightly at her.

"Prince Dian Shenglun was stunned for a moment, and his cheeks turned slightly red.

"Since she is Sheng Lun's sister, she must not be a bad person." Robert said firmly. "I believe

I believe she must have her own reasons for doing this. "

"After I go back, I will explain it to my father and ask him to stop his crusade against the Demon King and instead cherish his love.

A soft policy and try not to be hostile to her. "The prince promised.

"Your Highness, thank you Sheng Lun. My gratitude to the prince in my heart cannot be overemphasized.

"Why do you say thank you?" The prince laughed dumbly. "You are my fiancée, and I am my own

Why should I say thank you to my wife for sharing her worries?"

Sheng Lun was lucky enough to meet someone in a different dimension far away from home - a man who truly understood and cared about himself.

own people.

After the two returned to the royal capital, just as the prince said, he gave advice to the king, hoping that

Hoping to communicate with the Demon King instead of going to war, the king readily accepted this and issued an order, hoping to increase the "chips" for communication.

That is to say, let Sheng Lun search for the remaining foreign invaders and defeat them.

Handed over to the court, the bodies of these extradimensional invaders are crucial to negotiations.

Sheng Lun didn't know why a pile of corpses would be used as a bargaining chip. She had no doubts.

Heart helps the prince and the kingdom complete the commission.

Soon, the time for negotiation arrived.

The devil agreed to negotiate with the kingdom, but her request was that the king and the prince should go together


As the Demon King, she needs to negotiate directly with the head of the kingdom.

The naive Shenglun thought that the day of getting back together with his sister was coming. Outside the conference room...

While waiting, in blissful reverie, heart-piercing screams came from the conference room.

When she rushed into the blood-stained conference room, she saw a scene she would never forget.

Her dearest sister was holding two human heads covered with blood, as if she felt something

The person came in and turned to glance at her, with a bloodthirsty and mocking smile on his face covered in blood.

The meaning of that smile seemed to be mocking

Not someone else, but herself.

It's just that Sheng Lun didn't understand the meaning. All her attention was in Ratsambo's hands.

two heads of

King and Prince's Palace

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