Blood Princess and the Knight

6~The truth called lies

prince and country

"Pfft." Sheng Lun knelt down in a pool of blood sluggishly. He opened his lips lightly and wanted to say something, but couldn't.

Fa opened her mouth, and soon her eyes filled with tears.

Ratsambo said something to her again, and then threw two heads towards her.

The head was like a wheel in a pool of blood.

She turned and left without looking at Sheng Lun.

"Lasambo! Sheng Lun gritted his teeth and roared with extreme grief and indignation.

Really, it’s too much!”


Rasambo stopped and did not look back. He seemed to have said something again, but still

However, just like before, it was like a burst of unrecognizable noise, as if two people were in different places.

Dimension, completely unable to communicate.

"You, do you know what you did? ?" Sheng Lun roared sadly. "You now

If Tian is gone, don’t call me sister again!”


"Lasambo didn't react at all, didn't even turn her head, and took her

The subordinates left as if nothing happened.

"Evil Shenglun looked helplessly at the blood-covered conference hall, his eyes extremely empty. "You

This, evil

Dejected, he returned to the royal capital and informed the king of the death of the king and the prince. The whole country mourned.

In mourning, everyone cried bitterly when they saw the bodies of the king and prince with their heads missing.

Sheng Lun had no time to be sad, she returned to her duties

She must atone for what her sister did.

From then on, she devoted herself to cultivating the king's second son, the underage Roger Shinra.

As the last continuation of the kingdom, Sheng Lun dedicated her life to this foreign country she loved so much.

, and dealt with the invading Demon King's army with absolutely tough tactics.

When they meet again, the two sisters will fight like mortal enemies.

'My sister Ratsambo, has been possessed by the devil and will never come back. '

Without the Demon King, the hero would have no meaning in existence. '

Ratsambo sighed as he sat on the cold throne.

As one of the few people who survived to the end of Ultimate Black, she was famous for her absolute strength and ruthlessness.

Hot-handed gained the position of number one.

She, who is above ten thousand people, enjoys the loneliness among ten thousand people.

Holding the tinfoil ball in her hand, it was the wish she and her sister exchanged when they came of age.

Sister, she has never forgotten.

In fact, long before Sheng Lun came to this world, she had already taken root here and moved

The members mobilized all their strength to look for traces of Sheng Lun.

After absorbing the ultimate black devouring energy, her hair and eye color changed.

Evolving in an irreversible direction, physiology gradually runs counter to the word human and goes in the opposite direction.

Turn to development.

It seems that because of the previous king, she is the only civilized kingdom in the world.

The Gulan Kingdom was extremely dissatisfied, and the intelligence network she established also confirmed this, and dug up

A lot of shady stories about this country.

‘The so-called king’s internal organs are all completely black, and the only thing that is white is their skin.

At this time, her subordinates brought news that her sister Sheng Lun had been found.

Currently, the king's paladin is active on the battlefield.

Working under that black-hearted king will cause problems sooner or later!

After learning the news, Ratsambo decided to bring his sister back to him. However,...

When she was trying her best to sneak into the palace, she saw this scene.

Her sister was nestled in the arms of a strange man, her face full of happiness that she had never seen before.


Even though she was hundreds of meters away, she could still clearly see the happiness on her sister's face that she had never seen before.


Ratsambo stopped and stopped moving forward.

The last thing this girl who is devoted to her sister wants is for her sister's happiness to be destroyed by herself.

Destroyed by oneself.

She knew that her sister was really emotional this time, and maybe she would no longer need to

You should be the guardian yourself.

Ratsambo respects her sister's wishes, even if she is looking forward to it naively, she is willing to

I believe that the prince really loves his sister and sincerely cares for her as much as he does.

If that's the case, she is willing to quit and never contact Shenglun or disturb her sister's life again.


However, this is not enough. Now that there are no foreign invaders on the mainland, the only one left for the brave is

The meaning then becomes the existence that threatens the king.

Rasambo narrowed her eyes. If there was no devil, she would create a devil. That was the only way.

, only the brave will always be meaningful, and thus be valued by the royal family.

As a result, Ratsambo ascended to the position of the Demon King and said the words "together create a great cause" in front of his subordinates.

It sounds shocking, but in fact everything is just for her sister.

To make the king and prince always value her sister and not dare to touch her sister, she is willing to do

A lifelong devil.

Just because now she has lost the qualification to stand by Sheng Lun's side


Bo has always lived a more understanding and painful life than her sister Shenglun.

Knowing the secrets of ultimate blackness and pure whiteness, she understood that the so-called path of God is

It’s a scam. All the people who are invited to compete are tool men brought by Lord Baland from various planes.’

, the person who lives to the end can only become the nourishment of the true god.

So she didn't intend to continue the game from the beginning and let it continue

, but it will never end. This is the best state.

However, even she had to abide by the 'rules' set by God's path.

In order to prevent the participants from both sides from communicating, the participants of the Immaculate White and Ultimate Black were deprived of their

'Right of language parity'.

Both parties cannot understand each other's words, and must maintain eternal dialogue according to the rules.

Stand until only the last person is left alive.

She and her sister are undoubtedly from different camps. As early as the beginning of the game-

We have now lost the right to greet each other when we meet again.

In the end, the sisters who depended on each other were not even allowed to communicate, and the two sides could no longer hear each other.

The voice of the prime minister, what a cruel rule

The moment she met her sister, Ratsambo was so excited that she wanted to

Like I once did, being a carefree sister, throwing myself into my sister’s arms and telling her my heart.

Pour the bitter water of these years.

However, her reason told her that she couldn't.

She lost the right to communicate with her sister. They couldn't hear each other's words and could only become strangers.

I have lost the qualification to stand with her, and it is impossible to meet again.

There was infinite sadness and reluctance in my heart, but my cheeks were filled with coldness and indifference.

She cannot show any feelings towards her sister and must completely cut off her feelings like a stranger.

To get rid of his sister's feelings for him, it is best to completely forget her.

Sister, you just need to be carefree and live your life with the person you are destined to be.

Rasambo sent blessings in his heart that could never be conveyed in person, and then

The play went on.

Just as she thought, the words between the two could not be conveyed to each other, as if

The Buddha is as far away as a dimension, and all that reaches my ears is vague noise.

The magic pulse that hit Sheng Lun was the result of Ratsambo seeing the prince walking around Sheng Lun.

It was activated when there was enough time to save my sister, and the pulse was very weak, even if it hit, it would be

She could only bounce Sheng Lun away.

But when he saw Sheng Lun abandoning the prince and walking towards him desperately, Rasambo still

It's broken.

She knew that if this continued, even she would be irrational.

So, she said to the guard beside her:

"Stop her and drive away. If you dare to hurt her even a hair, I will kill you."

The guards did not dare to disobey and took the order to attack Sheng Lun.

Every move and every move is a waste of time. Even the absent-minded Sheng Lun can easily dodge.

After all, he had been warned by his master.

Looking at the back of the prince and his sister Shenglun leaving in a hurry, Ratsambo revealed that

Make Sheng Lun's long-lost sister smile.

The experience in the ultimate blackness greatly released the dark side of Ratsambo, and she no longer

She is now the innocent and occasionally naughty little sister.

However, even so, there is still a pure land in her heart, and that pure land is related to her most sincere love.

The smile will always belong to her sister.

"I wish you happiness, Sister Shenglun."

From now on, let the person you love the most protect you on my behalf. Rasambo will be far away,

Sending you eternal blessings

Whether this strange world dies or not is irrelevant to Ratsambo, she only cares about her sister.

After this incident, she planned to get over it as soon as possible.

The warning to the kingdom is enough to let them know that the world is not yet at peace, far away

There is still a demon king on the other side. That's enough.

Her sister loves and protects the people of this country. Killing them will make her sister sad.

So Ratsambo tried not to touch them as much as possible.

Occasionally send some subordinates to plunder the village, just to increase the sense of presence, siege the city and plunder the village.

There is no need for land or anything like that.

If it hadn't gone as she expected, this might have been the last time she saw her sister.

As the saying goes, God is not as good as man. A few days after Ratsambo returned home, she was over there in the kingdom.

Her informant sent her a piece of explosive news.

The kingdom is constantly collecting the corpses of visitors for unknown reasons.

This made Ratsambo very strange, and at the same time she smelled a hint of conspiracy. She immediately ordered

Let his other informants fully investigate the matter.

While investigating the matter, she discovered another shocking secret of the kingdom.

"Crack!" Looking at the stone cup in his hand that he had smashed to the ground, Ratsambo's eyes were filled with sinister thoughts.

bird of prey.

She learned how despicable the hateful royals in the kingdom were.

The kingdom has always had more than one brave man.

How did the portal that teleported the heroes come from? It was the remains of the corpses of those who entered through the royal family.

Divinity calls.

And where did the brave men who were summoned go? ?. They became the new ones summoned by the royal family.

The Warriors' chips.

A brave man is nothing more than a tool, just use any means to win over him.

The tool is no longer useful? Just replace it.

Rasambo became furious after learning the facts.

It's none of her business how cruel and unkind those royal families are, they actually dare to make their own plans

Hit her sister!

At this moment, Ratsambo became murderous.

No one can save these royal families, she said.

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