Blood Princess and the Knight

7~The beginning of misunderstanding

"I have long admired your name, your beloved Demon King." In front of the conference table, the old king said in a routine manner.

The opening remarks.

"Oh, you really dare to come. Aren't you afraid that I will catch you all in one go?" Rasambo said softly.

said scornfully.

"As the king of a country, it is natural that he should do things that benefit his people. How could he not


"Just tell me if you have anything to say." Rasam, wearing a tight purple dress with black silk and high-heeled boots

Bo brazenly put his feet on the round conference table and said impatiently. "Don't show that disgusting face

That smile makes me want to vomit just looking at it. "

"Haha, Your Majesty the Demon King, you seem to be the kind of person who likes to get straight to the point. This is different from your

My sister's temperament is quite different. "

"Don't make it sound like you understand her very well. How long have you been with her? ?" Ratsambo said in a deep voice,

Looking at the smiling prince, a cold murderous intent flashed on his face.

"Indeed, the time I spent with Sheng Lun may not be as long as your Highness the Demon King. No.

After all these years, I think I still understand Shenglun’s personality very well. "The prince smiled.

"This is why I dare to come here in person."


"Your Majesty the Demon King, if you kill our father and son on such an occasion, you and your

Sister, you have really made a grudge, and it is the kind of grudge that will never be resolved in a lifetime. "

"Oh, don't put your face on yourself, despicable natives, who do you think you are?

?If I want to destroy you, I only need to move my fingers. "

"I bet you don't dare." The prince looked at ease.

"Of course, this is not because of us, but because of your sister. Think about it, I

How sad would your sister be if she died? Would you like to see such a scene? "

"What does it have to do with me whether she is sad or not?" Ratsambo said frivolously. "I have long since severed all ties with her.

Now we are just two people on opposite paths. What happens to her has nothing to do with me. "

"Really?" The prince seemed to have seen through Ratsambo's thoughts, revealing a meaningful question.

Long smile. "Since we have severed all ties, why did you deliberately let her go? Why should you treat her so badly?

Is the city only besieged but not attacked? ?"

"What do you want to say?"

"Miss Ratsambo really loves and protects her sister. Sisterly love is deep, but it's a pity that

I'm afraid your sister's thinking will never reach this level in her life. ‘

"Naturally, she is not as simple as you thick and black old fritters." Rasam Boping

Watching the disgusting father and son quietly.

"Your Majesty the Demon King, calm down and calm down, you seem to be unable to control your emotions.

The prince waved his hand. Although he still looked gentle and elegant, his words sounded full of emotion.

of cynicism.

"Haha, His Highness the Prince is so polite. I don't know if she sees you like this.

If you look so careless, will she still fall in love with you? "Rasambo sneered.

"His Majesty the Demon King is serious. Sheng Lun and I truly love each other and are spiritually connected companions.


"A partner with the same spirit means that after finding that a tool is not working well, he will look for opportunities to change it.

Is this a new one?" Looking at the prince's thick skin, Rasambo wished he could take it right now.

Pull it off, throw it to the ground and stomp it a few times.

"The Demon King knows many old kings who have serious words and sincere intentions. Seeing their actions are causing

Sambo was exposed in front of him and no longer pretended to be a good king or prince. "Come here

When he was in this world, the Demon King must have investigated many places. "

"Generally, they don't know as much as you black-hearted and white-skinned royal family." Ratsambo crossed his legs.

He crossed his arms and looked at the two people confronting each other coldly.

"Oops, this is not easy to handle." Seeing this, the prince rubbed his head and looked very worried.

A distressed look. "Miss Ratsambo knows too much, and that's not good."

"No, you mean you can't deceive me like you deceived my sister, right?"

"Don't talk to us like a father-killer. In fact, stand on our side.

Yes, you will do the same thing. And Miss Ratsambo, we are giving you a chance.

Help you. "

"Help me? Oh, are you showing off your brain?"

"Listen to me, Miss Ratsambo, I know everything about you.

For example, I know that there has been some kind of interference between you two sisters and you are unable to communicate normally.

at this point. ""

Why do you know this?" Seeing the prince's determined gaze, Ratsambo gradually narrowed his eyes.

"It's simple, Miss Ratsambo, we come from the same place.".

Are you also an attendee?"

"To be precise, it's my ancestor, he is the one who entered." The prince waved his hand. "century

Before, he came to Baland through selection, but what he is doing is the same as what you are doing now.

In this way, it does not turn out to be boring and meaningless.

The game continues, but choose to perch

This brought civilization to these natives. "

"Don't talk like you are the savior, you just want to be the ruler.

"Hey, don't tell me, we are really the savior, do you know? When my ancestors came

What was Baland like before this continent?"

"This group of savage indigenous people are fighting each other for territory, and there are endless conspiracies and tricks.

There will be bloodshed every day, and famine will cause families to swap sons and daughters. , but

Just a lump of meat in the pot. "

"At this time, if a wise and virtuous king does not come to govern them, do you think this kind of dispute will end?"

End? ?"

"No matter how much you talk about it, in the final analysis you just want to be the emperor, don't think of yourself

You boast so noblely, but what you are doing now makes me sick. "

"Oh? What did we do? His Highness the Demon King, please tell us, what did we do?"

The prince seemed to enjoy seeing Ratsambo lose his composure.

"We have passed on the advanced knowledge and civilization of other worlds to these people who can't even read Chinese characters.

He taught the indigenous people of primitive tribes how to farm and how to be self-sufficient without robbing them.

foot. "

"In order to protect the people under their rule, the great royal family fought to the death against the foreign invaders who destroyed the balance.

Fighting, I would rather use all my dirty tricks to drive these guys with evil intentions out of Baland. "

"Whether you say we are doing it to consolidate and maintain our own rule or you are being hypocritical, we are indeed

It actually protects the creatures in this plane from being invaded by alien species. "

"So? Should I give you a little red flower?" Ratsambo said jokingly. "you

They are arrogant and domineering in this plane, and what they want to do is none of my business.

"But your arrival has really affected my king's normal life. But

This doesn't prevent us from cooperating, does it?

"Cooperation? How do you want to cooperate?" Rasambo raised his eyebrows.

"I can see that you are different from those idiots who talk about becoming gods. Maybe we can

to rule the world together. "

"Co-ruling?" Ratsambo laughed after hearing this.

The cake is so big, and anyone who expects to share it with these greedy wolves is a fool.

"Then, what are the conditions?"

"It's easy, His Highness the Demon King is engaged to me." The prince grinned. "

I didn't understand what you said. "A hint of evil flashed in Lasambo's eyes, that is,

At this time, it seemed as if the air in the hall had dropped several degrees.

"I said, His Highness the Demon King is engaged to me." The prince smiled, as if he didn't see Lassam Boyue.

Add a scary expression.

"Shut your dirty mouth." Ratsambo sat up straight, with no coldness or anger in his eyes.

The slightest bit of cover-up.

"You dirty, lowly beast, do you know what you are talking about? ?"

"Miss Ratsambo, don't be so arrogant. Also, ask your subordinates to put away their minions. Don't

I forgot, your sister won’t marry unless I am. If something happens to me, what will happen to you and your sister?

Nothing can be said clearly. "

"You scumbag!" Rasambo shouted. "I really don't know how my sister fell in love with

You are such a sanctimonious man!"

"It's okay, being likable has always been my strong point." If in Sheng Lun's eyes, the prince is

A humble and polite gentleman, now he is an out-and-out gangster.

"Besides, I said this is giving you a chance, Miss Ratsambo, to share your life with your sister.

Waiting for a husband, there are such beautiful things in this world, why not do it?"." Ratsambo lowered his head.

"Think about it. As expected, you will never be able to communicate with your sister in this life.

, but with me as the middleman, you two sisters can still reconcile as before, right? "See La

Sambo didn't speak. The prince thought that his words had shaken the other party, so he became even more unscrupulous.


This abacus is good enough. As long as Ratsambo has the slightest sign of losing control, they will

You can use Shenglun to threaten. Anyway, Shenglun can't hear what Ratsambo is saying. Another example is

If you trust the prince so much, then naturally it will be whatever the prince says at this time.

Being able to control two extremely powerful Devouring Species in an instant, his kingdom will definitely become more powerful than before.

This is what the prince and the king have been planning.

It doesn't matter if Ratsambo really loses control. Control Shenglun and fight her. - Take it down at the same time.

The two of them can use their divine cores to summon a new 'brave'.

"How about it? Miss Ratsambo, if you are worried that your sister will not agree, I can

to tell you that it's not a problem, just a little trick

"Asshole Lasambo's low and hollow voice sounded." The despicable lower body student

Thing, how dare you

"Tainted my sister's love and trust."

"go to hell.

"Ahhh! The minister sitting next to the prince and king screamed in horror.

Just because the prince and the king, who were chatting a moment ago, fell softly on the seats, their heads

The bag is missing.

The sound naturally alarmed Sheng Lun who was waiting outside.

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