"Teammate? Sheng Lun doesn't have a good look when the term "Innocent White" is mentioned. Then

This unforgettable memory is destined to leave an indelible shadow in her heart, so much so that mentioning

This word makes her wary and hostile.

Immaculate White, there is no such thing as a ‘teammate’ in that world, and all the creatures within sight

Everything is an enemy, and if you are not careful, you will lose your life. In a place like that, trusting something like this

The West is extremely luxurious, or even non-existent.

"Are you the Devourers?"

"Don't make it sound like you're not. Miss Shenglun doesn't belong to this world like us."

Really?" The man with glasses smiled.

"Even the little boy next to you, he is not completely native to this world.

Min, I can feel the faint "divinity" in him. "

"You are not welcome here, please leave." Sheng Lun will not deal with threatening enemies.

There was a trace of relaxation, his body exuded the aura of keeping strangers away, and the long sword in his hand was ready to go.

"Hey, don't get excited. I told you that we are teammates and we are in a cooperative state.

At least that's true so far. "Seeing this, the man with glasses waved his hand helplessly.

"I have no way of trusting all life from the Immaculate White."

"Oh, that's it, but it's normal. After all, I'm just like you, I don't want to be with you.

Believe in others except yourself. "The man with glasses pushed up his glasses.

"After all, everyone is from that place, so it's normal not to trust each other."

"Then please leave here gracefully."

"This, no." Not only did the man with glasses not compromise on this issue, he boldly stepped forward.

Take a step.

Seeing that the other party is so aggressive, Sheng Lun will no longer give the other party a chance. She will not tolerate any confrontation.

The little prince has a threatening presence.

The blade of the sword shot out, and the sword light struck the man with glasses fiercely.


"Then, can we have a good talk now?" The sword light struck him, only

Just like a gentle breeze blowing by, the man with glasses didn't have the slightest doubt about this. Instead, he put one hand in his pocket and the other on his glasses, and put them on.

"I have said it before, we are on the same side, that is, we are survivors of the Immaculate White.

In this game, we are invulnerable to each other because we have a common enemy.

"Now, can we at least sit down peacefully and have a cup of tea and talk?

"Wait a minute." Sheng Lun still seemed uneasy. The silver-white armor was summoned by her and attached to her.

on the long sword.

"Miss Shenglun, what are you doing?" The corner of the bespectacled man's mouth twitched.

"Don't rush into the conclusion now, wait until you can withstand this blow.

"Boom, boom, boom!" The next moment, a huge white light pillar flooded the man with glasses.

"Ahem, that's rude. Even if I don't get hurt, my hairstyle will.

What a mess!" The man with glasses who took Sheng Lun's blow complained and took out a small comb.

Do your hair.

"Look! We can't hurt each other. If we can hurt each other, I'll be with you.

This guy would have beaten you to death. "The man with glasses said angrily, and as he spoke, he didn't forget to put the

The silent young man pulled in.


"Why? There is no other reason. The creator of this world, Old Xiu, looks at Gao

Happy. "The man with glasses rolled his eyes at Sheng Lun.

"Maybe we are teammates in this game, but maybe we are enemies in the next game. Who can do this kind of thing?

You know, anyway, you and I are just pawns on a chessboard in the eyes of gods. Don’t worry so much.

Just keep playing the game according to Shou's ideas. "The man with glasses seemed to be speaking freely, while the man on the side

The young man is much quieter than him, and has said no more than two sentences so far.

"What do you want from me?" After slowly digesting the news, Sheng Lun asked.

"Hey, shouldn't partners from the same camp stick together and wait for the people from the black team to drive us out?

Are you going to eliminate them all?" The man with glasses said amusingly.

"You know, even before we arrived, the guys in the black team were already a discus.

We are all united under the man who calls himself the Demon King, but our white team is scattered and we are all working on our own.

Fight, if this continues, we will be blamed by those guys!"

"But it's strange to say that the demon king's desire to attack the white team is extremely weak.

I have never heard of her killing any members of the white team in a group. I wonder if she still doesn’t understand the rules of the game, but this shouldn’t be the case. As the leader, she must be able to sit in that position.

It's impossible not to know this. ”.

"When it came to the Demon King and the Black Team, Sheng Lun was silent. I faced the strange man in front of me.

And she was not interested in his weird words, and she began to gradually listen to the latter's speech.

"What do you mean by the rules of the game?"

"No way, Miss Shenglun, you have been in this world for so long, even the rules of the game

Don’t you even understand? You can’t, right?”

The man with glasses widened his eyes in disbelief.

"The plane we are on is Baland, which is the second stage, and the Immaculate White is the first stage.

After these two games are eliminated, it will be the final game, which directly determines who will be the winner.

There is only one successor to the gods in this world, but there are many contestants.

At this point, the man with glasses slapped his forehead, as if he thought of something.

"Oh damn it, why did I just say it all? Tell me, if I said this

Will setting some language traps inside increase my chances of winning the championship?"

"" Sheng Lun and the men next to him looked at him speechlessly, wondering what this guy was playing.

Bao is still as wise as a fool, and he has no idea.

"You want to lie to me?"

"Ah, no, okay, Miss Shenglun, as I said before, no matter the outcome

No matter what, there can only be one winner, which means that our teammate relationship is temporary. This kind of

It doesn't hurt to make some plans for yourself every now and then. Don't look at me like that. I'm already solid enough.

Honestly, if it were another teammate, they would definitely take advantage of your ignorance of the rules to make a fuss. "

"Okay, I think I have expressed enough sincerity, then, can we please

Can you two go in and sit down?"

In the palace, in front of the long white table.

"Huhu, good tea!" The man with glasses drank all the black tea in the cup. "I can't even remember

It had been a long time since Chu had drank such delicious tea. "

Sheng Lun remained silent. There is no doubt that Devourer does not need to eat, and does not even eat normally.

The metabolism a person should have.

Over the years, in order to make herself look like a mortal, so as to get closer to the world

Due to the human sense of distance, Sheng Lun started eating again, even though she didn't need to do so.

The man with glasses exhaled a breath of hot breath. "Let me introduce myself first. As for me, well, you can just call me Ming Jing." -

At this point, both of them looked at the taciturn young man next to them.

Virtue. "The man is concise and to the point.

"Okay, brother Ned, that's it so far, we are teammates, even if we have a temper

If you don't have a relationship with us, it's still a teammate relationship. Even if you want to put a gun to your head now, it will be useless. Your teammates will be harmed.

Already locked up. "Ming Jing shrugged.

"" Ned is almost used to Ming Jing's talkative and foul-mouthed ways, so he doesn't care about this.

Any reaction.

"Can we get down to business now, Mr. Mirror, you guys want to have a group with me, and then.

"Don't be anxious, Miss Shenglun." Ming Jing looked around the palace. "It's really magnificent, but no more

Magnificent and spectacular things are like tofu to us, and they break into pieces at a pinch. "

"Including this civilization, whether it is destroyed or not is just a matter of our thoughts."

"Don't be nervous, I have no intention of interfering with the aboriginal people of this world." Sheng Lun looked at his own

His gaze gradually became dangerous, and Ming Jing quickly waved his hand.

"But it seems that, Miss Shenglun, your attachment to this world is very unusual.

Although I may not be qualified to say such things, this kind of thing should not be done. In the final analysis, we are

They are not strangers, and sooner or later they will part ways, leaving too many bonds behind, which is not good. "

"After all, we are the Devourers, and they are only the natives for a moment. In the blink of an eye, we

With little effort, they might enter the grave. "Seeing that Sheng Lun didn't say anything, Ming Jing continued to have other ideas.

Pointing to the way.

"Did Mr. Mirror come here just to tell me these truths?

"Ah, just a quick reminder. After all, I saw that Miss Shenglun, you don't seem to have much of a fight.

The look of interest. "Ming Jing's fingers tapped on the table rhythmically.

"After that, we will unite to attack the black team. Your current mentality of being nostalgic for the world will easily make us lose our temper."

Flaws found. "Ming Jing talked eloquently, obviously he has used Sheng Lun as a teammate, and he

There's absolutely nothing wrong with doing that.

These are the rules of the game, and everyone among them must obey and continue playing.

There is no way, who could let this be the god's bad taste? He just wants to bring people over to play games, he

Do you bunch of unscrupulous people still have the right to resist?

"I won't go with you."

What did you say?" Ming Jing's eyes gradually became weird.

"I said, you are going to defeat the Demon King. That is your business. I will not go with you," Sheng Lun said calmly.

Ming Jing stood up and wanted to say something, but finally let out a long sigh. "Saint Lun

Miss, if I remember correctly, that demon king killed your concubine in this world.

I mean, partner, don't you plan to come back with revenge?"

"You know very well."

"Ah, yes, after all, I have been in this world for a while, and I am still confused about some things.

solution. "Mingjing doesn't seem to want to say more on this topic.

"Don't you want to seek revenge from that demon king? Or do you want to hear it in person during your lifetime?

Until that demon king apologizes to you? Not to mention whether it is possible, as far as I know, the black team and

We have communication barriers,

You can't hear each other talking!"

What did you say?" Sheng Lun's eyes suddenly turned cold.

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