"Ah? Mirror-Leng.

"What did you say in that sentence just now?" Sheng Lun stood up and asked.

"Hey, I said, there is a communication barrier between the black team and the white team, and people on both sides listen to each other.

It does not mean what each other wants to express, including language, inter-generational communication, paper, etc.

Even attempts to convey his thoughts to the other party were ineffective. "

Sheng Lun was silent, she recalled many years ago, when La Sambo spoke to her, but she

Only a murmur could be heard.

So, is that so?

"Any behavior that wants to be conveyed to the other party will be hindered, not limited to any method.

"This is a boring and disgusting way." The man named Ned rarely spoke.

"Is there any way, who let these are the rules set by the gods, naturally Sui Chi is happy." Ming Jing smiled self-deprecatingly.

The Balander natives are like ants to him, but in front of the gods, he is not a ants

What about ants?

It is enough to let the two sides fight desperately, why should they block the communication between the two sides?" Ned folded his hands

, lost in thought.

"Well, I don't know yet, maybe the gods want us to just hurt each other

Don't think about anything but fighting. "Ming Jing spread his hands.

"Can't all communication be conveyed?" Sheng Lun thought of something, walked quickly to the second floor, rushed to

into his room.

The decoration of Sheng Lun's room is very simple, there are only - sets of tables, chairs and beds, and - only

There is nothing else but a large wardrobe, and the huge room seems a bit empty.

When he came to the neatly arranged wardrobe, Sheng Lun opened the door, and there were only a few things in it.

The few sets of clothes are very simple and the colors are relatively plain.

This is Sheng Lun's usual change of clothes, very few and simple.

And she obviously didn't come to change clothes.

Rummaging in the closet, he found a piece of 'clothes' that wasn't even a piece of torn cloth.

This piece of rags was the only item she brought to Balland from the original world, and she was never willing to part with it.

Throw it away, after all, it holds the memories of her and her sister, as well as the memories of the original world, she doesn't want to just throw away the past at will.

There is also an extremely important gift lodged in this garment, which is that her sister, many years ago,

A coming-of-age gift for her.

"Sister Shenglun, let's write each other's wishes in it, and then give it to each other~~

The younger sister's face is gradually blurred in memory, she has not seen Ratsam for a long, long time


"Tick tock." For some reason, tears fell, but the colorless tears stained the girl's eyes red.

My sister's wish, what was written in the coming-of-age gift I gave myself? Since I was depressed

She forgot about it, and now, she wants to know

Open the crumpled tinfoil ball, the paper inside has not been eroded by the years, and the

It's sallow.

Sheng Lun took a deep breath and opened the ball of paper

Why, it happens. "Sheng Lun stared blankly at the ball of tinfoil spread out.

There may be something written on this piece of paper, but in the eyes of Sheng Lun, it is a mass of

Invisible mosaics.

Sure enough, as Ding Jing said, even Sister Lian entered the road of God many years ago

None of the adult wishes swapped is visible.

Sheng Lun couldn't believe it, she showed the tinfoil ball to the maids in the palace, and asked them to

Read the meaning of the writing on it for yourself.

But what she didn't expect was

"Sorry, Your Excellency Sheng Lun, I can read the words on it, but I don't know them.

Nor was it like Ballander's language. "

This is the language of their own world, which the Balanders do not understand.

Sheng Lun, who was lost for a moment, suddenly thought of another idea. "It's okay, you can write it

Show me, um, it doesn’t need to be too similar, just imitation is fine. "

"Okay, I'll try." The maid agreed to Sheng Lun's request, and then followed the words on the note-

An imitation of a pen.

From the hope at the beginning, to the confusion later, Sheng Lun's face was full of loss and disappointment.

What the maid wrote was still an invisible blur, as if a cloud covered the vision.

The lines, the writing on the tinfoil balls are blurred, and it is impossible to distinguish even a single word.

"Even this is not enough, Sheng Lun retreated a few steps feebly, leaning against the wall lost his soul


Sheng Lun, who knew that this matter was hopeless, returned to the reception hall.

"What's wrong with Ms. Sheng Lun?" Ming Jing, who noticed the emotional gap before and after, tried to ask.

"Mr. Mingjing, do you know how to remove this communication barrier?"

"Ming Jing showed a strange face, and then smiled dryly." Miss Sheng Lun, first of all

You have to understand that communication barriers are set up by the gods, and it is easy to remove them, but it is also difficult to do so.

In theory, killing the gods of this world is almost enough. "

"Where is God?"

"Hey, are you serious?" Seeing the woman in front of her, she looked like she was going to look for God with a sword in her hand.

Ming Jing's eyes widened.

"Don't be kidding, gods are not something that creatures of our level can defeat, and

I don't know where the gods are, the existence of this dimension must be hidden somewhere

In the hidden space coordinates, our half-baked divinity should be forgotten, it cannot be found. "

"But, it doesn't matter, maybe after we defeat the black team, the gods

The child will show up, and the communication barriers will naturally be lifted.


, I want to communicate with the Demon King. "

"Huh? Why is this?" Ming Jing was puzzled, after all, in his opinion, revenge for killing a husband

, No matter how you look at it, it is not a relationship that can be calmly sat down and talked about.

"Didn't you guys say to unite the white team and defeat the black team?" St.

Lun shifted the topic to what Der Spiegel had been talking about.

"Eh? That's right." Ming Jing was a little surprised. He didn't know why Sheng Lun suddenly became so active.


"Where are the white team members, just the three of us?" Sheng Lun already had a plan in mind.

She decided to go to her sister and confront her face to face, but it all ended

Before that, she must have enough teammates to send her to her sister.

"Not only, not more." Ming Jing waved his hand. "It's just that I only know you so far.

The two, the rest of them, either were not found, or they may have been killed by the black team. "

"Is there a way to find them quickly?"

"This, definitely not." Ming Jing said helplessly. "Otherwise, I would have found all the people by now.

Well, why don't you go to Miss Sheng Lun first? "

"?What's the meaning?"

"Miss Sheng Lun, look, you are in a high position in this native kingdom, right?"

"Theoretically, yes."

"At least the little emperor trusts you very much. Since this is the case, it will be much easier." Ming Jing rubbed

Rub hands. "You can ask the little emperor to issue a notice publicly against the innocent white people wandering on this continent.

The Devourer issued a convening notice, wouldn't that be fine. "

"But if you do this, the black team will know." Ned frowned slightly.

"It doesn't matter if you know, I think the black team's desire to attack is quite weak, and instead of delaying like this

Go, why don't you just come and talk to Miss Sheng Lun?"

"You go and discuss it with the little king yourself, I can't make the decision."

"Hey, to discuss with you is to discuss with the little king, oh right, besides that

Well, there is one more thing.

"What's the matter?" Sheng Lun wondered.

"Hey hey, we can be regarded as teammates of your old man now, the so-called blessings and sharing

Difficulties are shared, you have an extraordinary status in this kingdom, give us two identities, two rooms should be

Shouldn't it be a problem?"

don't know. "

"Ah this is, we are now a comrade in the trenches, you can't-not help at all

Right? At least give us a shelter. "

"I don't understand these things, you can tell the king."

All right, all right, then I will trouble you, old man, to say a few words of kindness for us in front of the little king.

We will tell the little king ourselves about the next thing. "

I understand. "Honestly speaking, Sheng Lun didn't know the two men in front of him...

People don't like her very much, Wugou White really gave her unforgettable memories, so much so that she would

Conscious disgusting aversion to everything about it

Do you plan to live here for a long time?" Ned slowly drove away after St. Lun was far away.


"Well, this possibility cannot be ruled out, it mainly depends on the situation.

"Depends on the situation?" Ned looked a little cold.

"Let's go, let's go, with Miss Sheng Lun's relationship, we might be able to get along in this kingdom."

Eat and drink for a while. "Mingjing laughed unscrupulously, and hugged him very familiarly.

Ned's shoulder.

"I'm not going." Ned tried to open the Mirror.

"Hey, why, brother Ned, we've only had two males here so far.

, Naturally, he took care of him a lot, didn't he?"

"We don't need to sleep, and we don't need to eat. The behavior of mixing food and drink is based on the general theory.

Sexually, it's not necessary. "

"That's a mortal metabolism, I don't need it."

"Besides, this kind of behavior will bring bad consequences." Ned said pointedly.

"Don't say that, you're just putting yourself in a higher-dimensional position

, Come on, take a look. Ming Jing pointed to the maid passing by.

"Tsk tsk, this scale, a beautiful scenery, are you sure you don't want to appreciate it?"

Ned glanced at him, but said nothing.

"Hey, you little brother, is your life just a chain of fighting and discrimination? That's too sad

up. "Der Spiegel let go of Ned and stretched a lot.

"To be honest, I don't blame the Lord God who arranged us clearly, just as

It's a trip to another world,

Let me see the infinite scenery of another world. This is what I have exhausted

A different world that I will never get to in my lifetime.

Ming Jing looked at the flowers and green grass outside the imperial court, and the corners of his mouth curled up. "Whatever life,

As long as it has a relationship with the word "God", it becomes boring. "

"I'm different, I'm definitely not going to be that boring thing, so

No matter what the body becomes, I want to ensure that my thoughts and actions will always be human. "

(Let’s promote it again~ The new book "I Was Turned into a Mother and Young Dragon by the Queen of the Dragon Clan" is online, thank you

Interested readers can click on my profile picture. )

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