Blood Princess and the Knight

11~The gradually taking shape of world power

Time flies in the blink of an eye, and a peaceful and uncontested life is the fastest to pass. -

In the blink of an eye, by the time people look back, things have changed.

In the blink of an eye, Ned and Mirror came to this strange city, strange country, and strange world.

Nearly ten years have passed since the birth of the world.

These ten years are just a short time for them, but they have changed a lot.

Just like now, whether it is Ned or Mirror, they are more or less concerned about this issue.

There is a lot of attachment to a country that does not belong to the homeland.

Ten years of peaceful life is not a long time, but after years of hard work outside, every second is at risk.

In danger, they returned to their true nature.

After all, the mortal heart is something they can't give up, even the more rational Ned.

Therefore, they are human beings after all and cannot be as absolutely rational as gods.

As long as you are an individual, no matter how little mortal you are, you will still have a selfish and emotional side, otherwise you will not be able to

Can be called a human being.

The innocent white people can't help but live and die. Maybe some of them are really

Some are militants who have whimsical ideas of becoming gods, but more are those like Sheng Lun who have no choice but to fight.

People who are forced to fight.

The reason why they fight is very simple, just because they don't want to die or are afraid of dying.

After adapting to the rules of the game, his temperament changed drastically and he became a cold and numb killing machine.

And when you leave that world of black and white, where everyone except yourself is your enemy, you have to face it again.

After tasting the warmth and warmth of the world, they will soon return to their own essence.

Fortunately, Shenglun met two teammates who had the same experience as him, but they were a little uncomfortable.

Too same.

"So, you were also new here?" - One afternoon, Sheng Lun held tea and talked with Ming Jing

Sit in the courtyard and talk leisurely.

"Yeah, I finally left that damn place. I can't say how enjoyable that day was.

I don't pay much attention to etiquette when talking to you. "Ming Jing said carelessly.

Over the years, the three people have been in power together and have protected this country. Their relationship has become very close.

During this time, we have become good friends who talk about everything in our spare time.

After years of getting along with each other, Ned and Mirror certainly knew some of Sheng Lun’s secrets—the leader of the Black Team, the Demon King known as the Blood Spirit Empress, was Sheng Lun.

A biological sister with the same father and mother.

What a twist of fate.

Every time he thinks about this, Ming Jing will sigh like this.

People like them, who live without worries in the world, are alone and uninhibited wherever they go.

Naturally, there are no worries, and one person has enough to eat and the whole family has no worries.

Imagine turning against your own sister, whom you were once so close and inseparable with, and one of them

The reason is actually the irresistible force of the world. How ridiculous and sad is this?

The elder sister and the younger sister joined the wrong team just because of a difference of thought, and they were constantly at odds with each other.

The endless situation can’t help but make people sigh.

Ming Jing once thought about what it would be like if this kind of thing happened to him, but he thought

It's hard to imagine, because he doesn't have any relatives like sisters and brothers, and he even doesn't even have himself.

No one knows his parents.

Even though he couldn't feel the same way as Sheng Lun, he still had a close relationship with his relatives.

I can understand Sheng Lun very well.

After getting along for a long time, Sheng Lun's character became more three-dimensional.

He could even see through her words that this stubborn girl wanted to be with her sister

They met again and were forced to pick up the sword and fight their way through the pure white to come to this world.

Later, I thought I could reunite with my sister smoothly, but unexpectedly, I was separated from my sister forever because of hostility.

The two sides were unable to communicate, and the foreigner who understood him best also lost his life.

A life full of drama, very much like a certain person in the original world of Der Spiegel who likes to write stories with tragedy as the core

The handwriting of the drama writer, but the difference is that this is a real deed, not an adaptation

It becomes a sung drama.

This girl must have endured a lot of pressure along the way.

After betrayal and separation, I had to atone for my sister's sins, and I was immersed in painful guilt every minute.

Among them, although Mingjing thought that Sheng Lun really had nothing to feel guilty about.

"Master Ming Jing, the ice cubes you asked for."

"Oh, ok, thank you very much." Ming Jing smiled at the maid who added ice cubes to herself.

At that time, his eyes took this opportunity to squint at the latter's pair of ravines that seemed to have no depth.


Ten years have been enough for the divine Ned and Ming Jing to reach a high position in the Kingdom of Gulan.

Like the first king, they handed over the knowledge of their own world to this world.

people have gained high popularity among the people.

In addition, the young king was trained by Sheng Lun, and he has a very good relationship with Ming Jing and Ned, and also has a close relationship with Sheng Lun.

Such an upright nature naturally gave the two of them more power and trust, allowing them to deal with each other.

Resist the nobles below who have not been very honest in recent years.


Mr. Mirror?"

"Oh, hehe, I'm sorry, I, I saw there was a little stain on the collar on your chest.

, so I was wondering if I should take it off for you, ahem, after all, it’s not easy to see in public.

Jinggan coughed twice.

"Is that so?" The silly little maid tilted her head and poked her chest, just thinking

He lowered his head to check but was helpless to find that he couldn't see anything below the chest.

"Well, Master Ming Jing, I would like to take the liberty to ask you, can you help me? The little maid seems

I'm a little embarrassed, but it's very rude to be disrespectful in such a public place.

"Ah, this." Ming Jing was stunned. It doesn't matter if he extends his hand or not. In the end, it still symbolizes

In a sense, he stretched out his hand and patted it.

He really didn't expect that this little maid actually believed what he said. She was so naive.

It has to make people feel cute

"Okay, okay, clean."

"Well~~Thank you, Mr. Ming Jing." The maid smiled sweetly, and watched Ming Jing's back as she left.

Mirror fundus.

"Ha, ha, ha, this kid is really careless. As soon as Ha Mingjing turned around, he came up to him.

He caught Sheng Lun's strange and thoughtful gaze.

"Why, why are you looking at me like that?" Ming Jing looked guilty.

"I see, do you like this kind of big-breasted and brainless type?" Sheng Lun was thoughtful.

"What does it mean to like? Hey, this is, ah, this is also a way to maintain my ordinary heart.

Ah, think about it, if one day I no longer even have the desire for Naizi beauty, what else can I do?

Is it a person? A proper YAN person. "Ming Jing was extremely flustered and kept explaining.

"If you like it, just say it. Why keep it secretive?" Sheng Lun tilted his head.

"Hey, you really don't look like someone who would say such a thing." Ming Jing sighed.

"I can be regarded as someone who has experienced it. Compared with a certain person who has never even been in love, or even had sex with the opposite sex.

The visitor from another dimension whom I have never held hands with is too strong. "

"Pfft!" This sentence is simply a critical blow, which will hit a certain virgin who has been a virgin for decades again.

I can’t get up anymore.

"Ah, I never realized that you could be so venomous. You two are indeed sisters."

Ming Jing, rubbing his head, said resentfully.

"Is there any?" Sheng Lun tilted his head in confusion, his face as calm as ever with a hint of doubt.


"I just want to remind Mr. Mirror that there are still many threats in this world. Maybe then

God's reason is to fall in love as early as possible, don't wait until there is no chance.

"I can understand that you are cursing me." The corner of Ming Jing's mouth twitched.

"That's not the case. Look at Ned, who came at the same time as you, and is about to get married and have children.

"How do I know this? That boy turns out to be a boring~slut." Ming Jing pursed his lips. "and

He's better-looking than me, and his ability to flirt with girls is even worse. What do you want me to do with that?


"Bang!" At this moment, Ming Jing's head was hit hard.

"Ouch! Who is it? ? It's rude to attack others secretly, okay?"

"Guys who speak ill of people behind their backs are not much better." The young man behind the mirror snorted coldly.

A sound.

"Hiss! Didn't you go to accompany your wife? Why did you still have time to come find us?

Ned glanced at Mirror, who immediately shut his mouth.

The archers couldn't beat the spearmen, and he didn't want to be beaten, so he kept his mouth shut.

"Sheng Lun, that catwoman is here to find you."

"Crimson, let her come in." Sheng Lun had already guessed that he could get Ned to come to him.

This is the only serious thing.

After a while, a blond man wearing a somewhat revealing outfit appeared, with bells hanging on his legs and wrists.

The cat-eared girl walked in.

If it weren't for the fluffy ears on the girl's head and the wagging tail behind her, looking at

Just like ordinary humans -

Her big, smart eyes twinkled, as if they could talk. After entering the palace, she

He caught sight of Sheng Lun, who was sitting gracefully on the woven straw bench, and suddenly rushed towards him excitedly.

"Sister Shenglun!" The girl threw herself into Shenglun's arms like a clingy cat, facing her

The pair of round and round ones kept rubbing against each other.

"Okay, okay, in public, so many people are watching." Sheng Lun rubbed helplessly.

He rubbed his crimson head as if to soothe a cat.

This cat girl named Crimson is also a member of the Immaculate White. She is the first to come to this world.

When she was on the verge of death, it was Sheng Lun who saved her. From then on, she became the only loyal person who always followed Sheng Lun's lead.

Follower and cat.

"No, no, it's been a long time since I've been intimate with Sister Sheng Lun~~" The cat girl likes Sheng Lun very much.

Of course, what I like more about this smell is Sheng Lun’s upright character. Staying in this kind of forever

Cats will subconsciously feel safe when they are far away from people who will not betray themselves.

"Why don't you come and give me a hug? I was obviously working very hard to save people back then.

Okay. "bright

Jing You said resentfully.

Hearing this, the cat glanced at the mirror with disgust on his face.

Ming Jing held his breath and concentrated, silently thinking in his heart that a good man should not fight with a woman.

"In addition, there is also the elf lady who doesn't want to get too close to us. She has a good day.

The image will come too. "Ned sounded like a deputy discussing important matters.

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