After three years of management, the Kingdom of Gulan has become a dominating empire.

It is close to the Elf Forest, to the east is adjacent to Catwoman's Crimson Tribe, and to the northeast is the dwarf's tribe.

The countries are far apart.

There are six Devourers of the Immaculate White, or in other words, only six have been found.

They are 'Star Bow' Mirror, Rain Spear' Ned, 'Knight' Sheng Lun, 'Dwarf' Bodson, and 'Saint' Dusk.

Star, 'cat's claw' crimson.

Among them, Ming Jing, Ned, and Sheng Lun all work for the same country and are all important ministers of the Gulan Empire.

The dwarf Bodson, the Saint Evening Star, and the Cat Claw Crimson all established their own countries and relied on their own strength.

Create a way forward for the people under your command.

Although the Shinra family is also a devouring species, it is not a devouring species at the same time as them.

In the past, it was convenient for them to establish a country here. In other words, it can be inferred that the previous batch of annexers who remained in Baland

There must be a being among the Devourers who is similar to Shinra and refuses to participate in the fighting on the divine road until he is dying.

On the other side, the Ultimate Black team consists of 'Giant' Malakai and 'Magic Dragon Odresse.'

Charming Dancer Yin, Black Witch Nomu, and the leader Empress Ratsambo.

In this way, the continent of Barande was divided into nine tribes.

Dwarves, elves, Gulans, demi-cats, Unsullied White Alliance, trolls, dragons, charms

Demons, witches, and vampires form the ultimate black alliance.

This is the first era known in history as "The War of the Gods", which is the Nine Gods of Creation.

The alliance between these two parties may not be unbreakable, but under the guidance of a common enemy, they are forced to break up.

They gathered together after being separated. Everyone in the alliance knew that only by kneading into a ball can they

Resist the erosion of the powerful Ultimate Black.

After being divided into two factions, the friction on the mainland has intensified day by day, and almost everyone can see it.


The people of Barande had a vague hunch that this would be the tranquility before the war broke out, and when

When a storm comes, peace and tranquility will be completely lost.

Representatives of Gulan, headed by Sheng Lun and assisted by Ned and Ming Jing, came to the conference room.

"Your Excellency Shenglun.

Sheng Lun turned her head and found that Ming Jing was calling her.

This is how she is called in formal occasions. In private, Ming Jing's name for her seems very casual, but now it is obviously not private. Ming Jing is a very clear-cut person.

"Can you guess what Miss Muxing will say to you?" Ming Jing pushed the iconic logo on the bridge of his nose.


"I don't know yet."

"No matter what she mentions to you, don't rush to agree." Ming Jing stopped looking at Sheng Lun and spoke with

Said a voice that only two people could hear, and then sat down.

Although Sheng Lun had doubts, he did not ask any more questions. The building of trust was not made by heaven.

She knew that Ming Jing had Ming Jing’s reasons and considerations, and she was indeed not as good as him when it came to using his brain.

He doesn't have so many ideas, so in this case, Sheng Lun will always choose to listen to Ming.


Over the years, how did Sheng Lun, who had no idea about politics and intrigues, climb up the ladder?

To reach one of the top levels of the Gulan Empire? Ned and Mirror are indispensable for planning by their side.


The shortcomings of the three complement each other, and they are like a discus that prevents outsiders from interfering.

Come in, so that those dishonest nobles have been suppressed and beaten by three people, without any

An opportunity to stand up and seize power.

Coupled with the little emperor's trust, the three of them handled things like a duck in water, and they were perfect.

Seam combination.

Regarding the consideration of resourcefulness, Mingjing is often responsible, so Sheng Lun did not

There are too many questions to ask. If you have any questions, just ask them in private later.

Not long after, a blue-haired girl wearing a tulle elegant dress walked with elegant and decent steps.

Approach the conference hall.

Her beautiful and delicate face is like a fairy who can't eat the fireworks of the world, and her eyebrows and expression are indifferent.

Adding to this otherworldly temperament, it looks like a long skirt woven from ice silk that follows the owner.

The pace is like a rippling stream.

That quiet nobility spreads invisibly, making it impossible for mortals to take their eyes off her.

Move away from your body.

With a noble temperament, cool beauty, and an impeccable figure, this woman

The beauty of almost all females is gathered together.

Queen of Elves, Evening Star.

Known for her natural beauty and strong life energy, her natural cold nobility is beyond the reach of almost all mortals.

"This is a woman who is very selfish and loves privilege." Sheng Lun thought of Ming Jing's private life.

Reviews of Evening Star below.

The facts seemed to be the same as what Ming Jing said. The three people in Shenglun met her and explained

When the status quo requested to accompany her, she decisively refused. After hearing that the three of them were in this world,

In the end, she seemed unwilling to be dependent on others, and only verbally agreed to the three people's request for alliance.

Then she came to the western part of the mainland to establish her faith, brought her believers to establish her kingdom, and then-

He has never had any contact with the three of them, even if they were dispatched by them

When the messenger went to see her, her attitude was also

Very cold.

No matter what Sheng Lun thinks, at least Ming Jing has a bad sense of this woman. Naturally,

Many times when looking at questions about this woman, one puts on colored glasses.

This woman who only verbally promised the alliance without any sincerity came to her today.

To them, at least Spiegel believes that this is definitely not a good thing.

Ned seems to think so too, but neither Mirror nor Ned will

Get your thoughts out there.

After all, they are allies and people from the same camp. On the surface, it's okay, but if they break up, it's fine.

Not anymore.

"Your Excellencies, you have been waiting for a long time." The long and graceful voice was like a flute under the moon.

Seeing the three people who were already waiting for him, Muxing just nodded to show politeness without saying anything.

More etiquette - - She believes that her status is not weaker than the three, as the leader of a country

There are even more than three people.

"Your Majesty Queen Evening Star, you are such a rare visitor." Ming Jing smiled cheerfully, with a hint of mockery in it.

The meaning is very hidden.

"National affairs are of great importance. I have been tired of dealing with them in recent years, and my relationship with the three of them has become indifferent. I apologize.

"Of course Mu Xing could hear Ming Jing's teasing, but he didn't show much expression.

"No, Miss Evening Star is the queen, how can we forgive your sin?"

"What's the important thing for Mr. Muxing to come here?" The meaning of carrying a gun and a stick becomes more obvious when seeing the mirror.

, Sheng Lun promptly intervened in the conversation between the two and turned to the topic.

"Your Excellency Sheng Lun, do you three still remember the alliance we agreed on earlier?" Duixing sat down and looked at

The light fell gracefully on Sheng Lun.

"Of course I remember." Sheng Lun nodded.

"Then, Your Excellency Sheng Lun, do you still remember why we formed an alliance?" Evening Star felt slightly heavy

The voice line.

"Of course, in order to resist the erosion of the ultimate black." Ned replied.

"Now, then, I think it's time for our alliance to take effect."

"Oh? Could it be that Ultimate Black has launched an offensive?" Ming Jing raised his eyebrows, at least he didn't

receive such relevant information.

"Are the three of you just planning to passively defend?"

"Your Majesty the Queen, just say it directly. I don't like people who mince words." Ming Ming

Jing had already guessed Mu Xing’s purpose of coming here. Hearing her guide the topic in this direction, he couldn’t help but

He sneered in his heart.

"No matter what we do, extreme blackness will always be our common mortal enemy and thorn in our side,

How can others be allowed to snore on the side of the bed? Don't the three of you have any idea about this? "Evening Star Begins

Got to the point.

“It’s impossible that they don’t know the rules of this game, but there’s still no movement at all.

Everyone, aren't you afraid that they are brewing some big conspiracy?"

"It just so happens that the leader of the cat people is here today, and there is still a dwarf missing. Why don't we make it today?

How about we settle down and attack the ultimate black together?"

"Miss Duixing, please wait a minute. I'll forgive you for being a villain. Don't you want to achieve the ultimate goal?"

The territory occupied by Black, but we are weak on our own, so we want to tie us up in the name of alliance.

Get on your chariot?" Ming Jing spoke very directly, saying his true meaning almost without any tact.


"Your Excellency Mingjing, Extreme Black is our common enemy. Is there any problem with this?" Evening Star

It seems that Ming Jing has long expected to ask this kind of question, and the answer is fluent.

"Even if we want to maintain peace, they will not allow it. Complacency with the status quo will not solve the problem.

No one knows what is brewing in Extreme Black. Is it possible that Mr. Ming Jing is still planning to try to fight with him?

The ultimate black negotiation?"

"Either they die or we die in this battle. There is no third outcome. If you want this

For the world to truly usher in peace, it can only eliminate the ultimate blackness. "Evening Star said Zhenzhen

There are words with great meaning.

Hearing this, Sheng Lun frowned slightly.

"Well, Her Majesty the Queen is right, then I would like to hear Her Majesty the Queen's plans after defeating the Ultimate Black."

"It's natural to integrate the territory. If you are worried, I can ask for the most worthless spoils.

To show your sincerity.

"Do you only think about trophies, Miss Evening Star?" Ming Jing shook his finger. "As soon as the war begins,

Whether we kill Ultimate Black or Ultimate Black kills us, it means a new round of

Shuffle. "

"By then, we may be enemies of each other, so I want to hear, here

What are your plans after that?"

Do your part. "Evening Star was silent for a moment.


To put it bluntly, she won’t be merciful to anyone she becomes her enemy, right?

"Then if that's the case, it's completely necessary for us to go to war with you, isn't it?" Ming Jing said amusedly

road. "After all, no matter whether the ultimate blackness is destroyed or not, we have to bear the risk, so we might as well continue to maintain it."

Maintain the status quo. "


Sheng Lun suddenly thought of something.

She remembered that Der Spiegel once told her about her analysis.

The contestants for Extreme Black and Immaculate White are not randomly arranged, but are screened.

Those who are unwilling to fight, or who are mostly forced to fight will be assigned to the Immaculate White, and those who

Those who have a strong desire to fight or have deep resentment against something will be divided into

Extreme black

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