Blood Princess and the Knight

13~ Pull-activate the whole body

According to the mirror's point of view, the separation of Shenglun and Ratsambo is no accident. In fact, the separation of the two

He can see some clues about a person's character.

Sheng Lun's temperament is undoubtedly closer to that of Ned Spiegel than her sister, at least they both

They are a group of people who don’t want to fight but have to fight. They have been together for many years. How could Mingjing not know that Saint

Lun's personality.

Integrity and kindness, intolerable to injustice, very low requirements for material desires, even if they have obtained rights

Nor do I intend to enjoy the privilege of silk.

No one is more suitable for the term "Paladin" than her. In other words, her existence is "Paladin".

Shi" - the embodiment of the word.

This kind of character is naturally assigned to the Immaculate White, and her sister may have some feelings for her.

He has deep resentment towards certain things, such as being separated from his sister and being forced to be transported here.

The unfamiliar plane she was born in and her resentment towards the original king all contributed to her resentment.

His thoughts were so stagnant that he was not assigned to the same team as Sheng Lun.

Afterwards, the three of them strolled through the imperial court.

"your opinion?"

"Stop it for now." Ming Jing pushed up his glasses and expressed his opinion without thinking.

"You still don't believe in Evening Star.

"This is just one of them. I really don't like that woman very much, but I won't be biased because of it.

Shift judgment. "Mingjing explained.

"You two have been in Baland for so long, or the three of us have been in Baland for so long.

Do you really still have the determination to start a war?

What Ming Jing said silenced Ned and Sheng Lun. Of course they knew what Ming Jing was referring to.


The three of them, even if they are higher-level creatures than the natives of Baland, they will eventually escape.

Inseparable from the shackles of the ordinary mind.

That's right, in the past ten years, the three of them have become completely accustomed to Baland's life and are used to seeing

The mountains and rivers here, I am used to eating the dishes here, and I know the blessings bestowed by this land.

Applause and praise -

When I open and close my eyes, I recall the images of my former home, but all that appears are the green mountains and green waters of Baland and the tall palaces of the Gulan Empire.

They may really be obsessed with this world.

Just because in this world, they found something that the world had never had before.

Companions who are hard to let go, their sincere love for each other, and this beautiful world with beautiful mountains and clear waters.

, they have so much attachment to this place that these days are extremely precious to them.


To be honest, they don’t want to leave this world. This is because they themselves cannot deceive themselves.

one’s truest thoughts.

They want to spend their whole lives here, accompanying the scenery and bonds of their homeland, giving up their divinity, and slowly

Growing old slowly, and not wanting to fight for that inexplicable road to becoming a god.

At least for now, no one can do it if they point their swords at each other.

Sheng Lun and Ned had roughly the same idea as Ming Jing, so they acquiesced to what Ming Jing did.

Fa Yi——They don’t want to end this rare peace, and they can’t accept their respective

There will be a day when they will turn against each other.

"Over the years, I have been thinking about why the path of God prohibits both black and white.

Communicate?" After a moment of silence, Ming Jing said slowly.

"If you think about reverse thinking, the reason why it is prohibited can only be because this variable will affect God's

The normal progress of the road, so it is not allowed by the gods. "Ding Jing analyzed.

"So, why does it affect the progress of the road to God? We might as well think about it this way, black and white

The communication between the two parties will directly interfere with the path of God, so the gods arranged communication obstacles and made it obscure

Inform both parties that teammates cannot attack, but opponents can definitely attack. "

The two understood what Ming Jing wanted to express, which was the law of the dark forest.

When walking in the forest with a shotgun, you should shoot without hesitation no matter what you encounter.

Because the prey may attack itself, if there is a "language barrier between the two parties" added to this condition,

If so, the effect will be even more amazing.

"What are the gods afraid of? They are afraid that once black and white can communicate normally, there will be a double

If the war breaks out, the road to God will no longer be able to proceed. "Ding Jing pushed up his glasses.

, follow logical reasoning.

"So, what exactly are you afraid of the exchange between black and white? Is it just a discussion of a truce? ?

No, I don't think so. "

Most of the white team members are not strong in fighting spirit, but the same is not true of the black team. It is not clear whether the people in the black team are all peace-loving young people of the new era, but the so-called extreme black means extremely deep.

With their resentment and obsession, they will not easily give up their pursuit of desire and blood.

The reason why such a group of people can give up killing and jointly resist the gods is at least clear.

I can't think of anything in the mirror.

"To sum up, I think there are too many doubts about God's path, so whether it is rational or

Emotionally, we should not start a war at this time.

"So, is this a stalemate?" Ned asked.

evening star says

What he said is not unreasonable. The black team has not launched an attack until now. This is too counterproductive.

It was so common that even Ned had some doubts about whether the other party was brewing some big conspiracy.

Ming Jing couldn't help but turn his attention to Sheng Lun. He still remembered the girl and him many years ago.

Something I said.

"I must find Ratsambo and ask everything clearly.

He knew the girl's obsession, so he was afraid that the girl would do something irrational.

"Let's do this for the time being." Sheng Lun agreed with Ming Jing's decision without saying much.

Even though Duixing planned to take a tough stance towards the Black Team, he did not get the support of the Gu Lan trio.

Agreed, the performance of the three people was very ambiguous, neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

The decision was unresolved for a long time, and Mu Xing seemed to have noticed the intention of the three people, but did not point it out.

And soon, another "uninvited guest" came to the door.

"Three of you, are we still allies?"

"Of course, Mr. Bodson." Facing the carefree man sitting opposite, he was not tall but very tall.

He is a strong man, and Ming Jing puts on a standard welcoming smile.

Do you want to encourage others to come over if you can't say it yourself? I'm afraid this grumpy dwarf gentleman is

You still don’t know that you are being used as a gun.

"Then please fulfill your agreement as an alliance." Bodson beat his thigh. "pole

Zhi Hei and those gangsters are pushing their limits. I can't stand them anymore. Since we are allies, they

They are our common enemy again. Why not declare war with them? ?This pretense of peace, old man

Husband, I can’t stand it!”

"Is the ultimate black crossing the line?" Ned frowned slightly, the ultimate black and the pure white were in one line.

It is an unwritten rule that the river flowing through the mainland is the boundary. Over the years, the two sides have never

There have been acts of transgression.

"What else could it be?" Bodson, the king of the dwarves, beat his chest angrily, like an angry orangutan.

"That damn big guy actually dared to instigate his subordinates to plunder my village and destroy me.

I have several blacksmith furnaces under my name, how can I bear this? ?That guy has already openly provoked me!"

"You mean, the giant Malachai?"

"Who else but that big guy? ?" Bodson said angrily, his wrinkled cheeks red.

Incomparably, like a piece of calcined red iron.

"Have you seen this clearly? Are you sure it's him?" Ming Jing was a little unconvinced. After all, this happened in the past.

They had been peacefully together for so long, so why did they suddenly start to provoke without warning?

You must know that if this kind of thing goes wrong, it may lead to the ultimate war between the two forces in the mainland.

Is it really okay to do it so hastily? Or is this just a personal incident, the leader of Extreme Black

Didn't expect that either?

Der Spiegel is not sure, but I have to say that the person who encouraged Bodson has indeed found the right person.

An ordinary person might be able to listen to the explanation, but this dwarf with a bad temper and reckless behavior is completely different.

Totally different.

Just do it if you don't accept life and death. These dwarf craftsmen who deal with iron furnaces all day long have bad tempers.

Their anger is as irritable and unstable as a furnace. I hope they can remain calm even when they are furious.

Thinking about the problem is unrealistic.

Sure enough, as Ming Jing expected, Bodson suddenly turned his anger towards him after hearing this.

"Ding Jing, which side are you on? ? I have been beaten to the door by the enemy and you are still arguing.

Is there any misunderstanding between us? Is this a misunderstanding? ?" Bodson

He knocked on the conference table angrily, and the water glass on the table bounced up.

"I'm not so blind that I can't see that big guy wrong! Such a tall guy, except

Who else could I have besides that big guy? That guy has been harassing me endlessly since before.

Territory, I have been holding back and not taking action, but this time he directly led the believers to loot it in person

My village!”

"You can bear it, but I can't! Now let me ask you, are we allies?


"Yes, but not before."

"Yes, that's enough! Not much else to say, I have been declared a war by Extreme Black. As an ally, can't I

Shouldn’t we come over to help and send troops to support? ?”

"Mr. Bodson, I think it is too early to declare war. There is no news about this from the Extreme Black side. I think it is better for us to wait and see how it gets better." Ned also

Said so.

"Hmph, why wait and see what happens? Do you have to put the troll's knife on my nose?"

Is this a declaration of war? You three are wearing the same pair of trousers, and you all say the same thing! Let me ask you

Let's just say, "Does this alliance count? It doesn't count. Let's just break up and go our separate ways."

Bodson was very unhappy when he heard this. The dwarves with strong limbs and simple minds were not happy about the foreigners who had invaded their territory.

People who come here always use their fists to talk to their weapons.

The three of them looked at each other, knowing that this matter might really make a big fuss.

"Of course the alliance counts. Don't worry, Mr. Bodson, we will send troops to support you the next day." After a brief silence, Ming Jing led the

He spoke first. No matter what, he planned to give this old man to

Hold still.

"Okay! - It's a done deal, I hope no one will mention the truce from today on

, either the extremely black guys will be wiped out, or we will be wiped out!

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