Blood Princess and the Knight

1 5~The final battle between the twins

When an avalanche occurs, no snowflake is innocent. War is the general trend of the entire continent-

Avoiding it with human power is like mantis trying to use one's arms as a chariot, not overestimating one's own capabilities.

The pure white and the ultimate black, Baland's two major forces finally fulfilled the wish of the mastermind behind the scenes.

, launched a desperate struggle on the final battlefield.

On the battlefield to the east, the cat people and the wizard tribe, the dwarves and the trolls fought fiercely.


Later generations said that this battle was extremely exaggerated. The location in the far east of the mainland and even the lower abdomen of the mainland

The Gulan Empire can feel the tremors, like the movement of the earth's crust, as if an earthquake will occur next moment

The shock makes it difficult for people to sleep and eat well.

To the south, the magic dragon and the charm dancer attacked the forest where the elves lived. The dragon spit out black flames.

Countless natives scrambled to flee.

Mirror and Ned went as reinforcements to stabilize the situation.

"I am the guardian family of the Gulan Empire. Where is your Majesty the Queen?" Ming comforted the victims.

Mirror asked.

"The Queen just fought with the dragon to cover our retreat, and now she is injured.

“The followers of the Evening Star are filled with dismay.

"Where is she now?" Ned frowned slightly. He could easily hurt Evening Star.

Strength needs to be re-evaluated.

Ming Jing was slightly puzzled and questioned whether what this believer said was true, but at present

The previous situation no longer allowed him to think about this.

"You guys should go take refuge first." After saying these words, Ned and Mirror stood together, ten

Over the past few years, the two have fought side by side no less than a thousand times, and the tacit understanding they have developed is astonishing.

"This day has finally come. I haven't fought for so long. Are you okay?"

"You can do it, why can't I?" Ned glanced sideways at the mirror. The tip of the gun was like water.

The crystal-like spear was already in his hand.

"Same as usual, I'll protect you, let's give it a try." - A large bow nearly life-size appeared in the bright light

Mirror hand.

Before they finished speaking, a huge black shadow passed above the two of them.

They felt the creature, just as the creature felt them.

"I didn't expect that there would be non-humanoid beings among the attendees." Ming Jing shook his head.

The great bow was opened.

The white wings flew over the sky, swooping down on the earth like a huge aerial fortress, and

At the same time, the black flames swept past like a lawn mower - not a single blade of grass grew in its path, leaving only

A hideous scar on the earth.

The two of them jumped away in opposite directions. Ned climbed up the branch in a few steps and waved briefly in the air.

After staying, he fights with the dragon in the air.

Flying is not a patent for dragons. In fact, at the level of divine creatures, the size, flesh and

The role of physical strength is almost negligible, that is to say, whether it is a human or a dragon, at the same time

As divine creatures, they stand on the same level.

The demon dragon Odresse obviously didn't look down upon her at all. Apart from the previous temptation, she almost started to

During the battle, he used his full strength to face the enemy.

These human beings, like him, are all fierce men who were killed in the preliminary competition. It is not yet clear who will win.

You know, when the two of them clashed, they each showed 100% of their strength.

However, for Odresse, this is obviously not a one-on-one fair duel.

The mirror on the ground pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and transformed into a weapon made of divinity.

magic crystal arrow.

Sheng Lun might call him Duel Wu De, but he decided not to. Although the Path of God is a trial,

But there is no limit to the means. Almost all those who can get here are strong senior old silver coins. How should they do it?

They know very well how to maximize the effect of a sneak attack.

However, Ming Jing was forced to turn around before he could even shoot the arrow he put on his bow.

As someone who often shoots cold arrows in the back, he was sensitive to the targets shooting out from the grass.

Guang, almost without any hesitation, turned the arrow and shot it into the grass next to it.

"Tsk, it actually happened. I'm really keen." A beautiful phantom emerged from the haystack.


Charming dancer Yin, who thinks that her camouflage and concealment skills are at their peak, is somewhat surprised.

, but felt relieved after seeing the big bow in the opponent's hand.

It turned out to be an archer, but the gain outweighed the loss.

The strongest thing an archer has is his sharp vision and intuition. As an archer, if you don’t react quickly,

Otherwise, they may be killed by the rushing assassin in the next moment. To sum up, it is almost impossible to sneak attack a nervous archer.

The mirror did not talk nonsense to the charming and scantily clad girl, and condensed without even looking at it.

He took five magic crystal arrows and put them on his bow.

This bow was lovingly crafted by the dwarf king, Bodson. It has to be said that the dwarves’ craftsmanship is impressive.

It's called reaching the pinnacle.

The longbow made by the dwarf god's mansion using Baland's top materials even affects the divine life.

Objects can cause huge damage.

You must know that at the level of divine creatures, even epic weapons can only be used


The player's hind legs, so most of the weapons used by the players are temporarily cast by divinity.

It is extremely difficult to obtain a matching divine weapon.

For this all-out war, the King of the Dwarves really put in a lot of effort and fully armed himself.

All of his teammates, all the Immaculate Whites, received gifts from Bodson.

"Eh? Are you in such a hurry to start the fight? I'm really in a hurry." Seeing the latter, he didn't even look at it.

With his body that charmed the opposite sex, Yin raised his eyebrows as he drew his bow and arrows and was about to start a fight.

"A man who is too straight-tempered will not be liked by girls."

What bird is this woman talking about?

Ming Jing frowned, looking at the way the other party was dressed, he was probably saying something that he wanted to disturb.

The speech of his mind.

But this is of no use to him. As far as his sexual habits are concerned, he is not so picky as to like this.

An old aunt with big breasts and fat ass.

Five arrows shot out of the air, trailing long trails that blocked all Yin's escape routes.

Moreover, these arrows seemed to have eyes, chasing after her from any angle.

There is no way to avoid it.

Yin took his time, and a huge purple piranha burst out of the ground, shooting five arrows into the air.

Swallowed into the bag.

The battle in the southwestern part of the continent started loudly. Everyone performed their duties and the division of labor was clear.

Mirror and Ned are responsible for supporting the elves, while Scarlet and Bodson fight against the giants and wizards.

at last.

And it is located in the far north region, in front of the Demon King's Castle in Saplan State.

Rasambo lazily opened his eyes. The girl sitting on the throne crossed her legs and looked at her.

Guang glanced at the door.

She was coming, she could feel it.

"Boom!" At this very moment, the door was suddenly pushed open by a huge shock wave, and the guard

The guards on the door flew away and were blown to pieces together with the bricks and mud debris.

Every grievance has its owner, and every debt has its own owner. It's time to settle all the grudges and grievances.

In front of the Demon King's Castle, the blond Knight Princess and the silver-haired Blood Princess looked at each other.

Different paths have created the current confrontational situation between the two people. Looking back on the past, the flood of memories...

The flow seemed to have cooled down long ago.

Reunited again, the two of them accidentally thought of their past memories of each other.

The difference is that Shenglun's memory is a little blurry. She can't remember clearly what she had done.

After seeing his sister's face, Ratsambo remembered these precious memories as if it were yesterday.

All kinds of feelings are tough and fragile. Over the years, the two people's different experiences have created

That ended the current embarrassing situation.

Sheng Lun is lucky. She has found like-minded partners who can trust her sincerely.

The traveling partner was like a beacon, illuminating her heart that was gray and gray due to the loss of her loved ones and loved ones.

piece of heart.

After so many years, Sheng Lun didn't feel much loneliness, although he still remembered the time he had with his sister.

of good memories, but due to the good memories that were filled in later, the feelings of the past slowly became

Love fades.

This can't be blamed on her, it can only be said that mortal feelings are so complicated, no matter how strong they are,

Those who keep their loyalty still cannot escape this truth.

As long as you are human, you will feel lonely, and no matter how much a lonely person resists contact with others,

In my heart, I yearn to communicate with others and long to be understood by others.

Love will be divided. Once there are too many fetters, even the most steadfast relationship will be divided.

Walking on 'love', therefore, the beautiful memories that followed crowded out the past memories, so that Sheng Lun was

Ratsambo's recollections are a little blurry.

But Rasambo was different.

Over the years, despite being in a high position, no one understood her. On the contrary, her allies all looked like

He was guarding her as much as he was a thief, and he was even more wary of her than Wu Guozhi, who was supposed to be his enemy.


Naturally, although she was revered, no one dared to appear next to her.

Others distrust her, just as she distrusts others.

In the eyes of Ratsambo, there is only one person she trusts, and that is

She raised her eyes, opened her mouth, and said hello to her sister whom she hadn't seen for a long time. Although she

I know that this greeting is destined not to reach the other party's ears.

"Sister, long time no see, I miss you." There was no one around, and at this moment, Ratsambo tore off the

In disguise, he slowly walked down from the throne, looked at the blond girl with a confused look, and stretched out his hand.

It seems that he wants to touch the other person's face.

However, before she got within ten meters of the opponent, the sword was pointed at her

Right. "After being stunned for a moment, Ratsambo stopped and smiled to himself.

"We are enemies now."

Sheng Lun didn't say anything, but stared at Ratsambo coldly, holding the purple sword in his hand.

There is no concealment of its edge.

"Sister, are you here to kill me this time?" Ratsambo asked softly. Sheng Lun had no objection to this.

In response, he took a step back and already took a sword stance.

"Is that so?" Ratsambo waved back and rushed after hearing the news, wanting to step forward to help.


"Okay, I understand." After saying that, Ratsambo dragged out the long


"If that's the case, we can't let my sister succeed. After all, if she dies,

The war is over. She understands what the end of the road to God means, so she cannot die.

"Sorry, sister, I can't listen to you this time."

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