Blood Princess and the Knight

16~The curtain call of Twin Flowers

"Sister, Ratsambo can't listen to you this time.

After the decisive battle, the two girls, who were once very close sisters, finally came to where they are today -


There may be too many grievances and hatreds between the two parties. No matter what, we must do something today.

To end, the emotional disputes over the years must come to an end with a sensational result.

The four eyes faced each other, and the two gazes were like thunder. The next moment, the sword and the sickle started a fierce battle.

of collision.

The two weapons intertwined and trembled, as if all the past and memories of the two people were merged.

"Sister, I got a lot of apples, come here~~ give you one~"

"These are Uncle Sam's apples, right?

"Lasambo, it's wrong to take other people's things without permission. Come, follow me to Sam's University."

My uncle, please apologize. "

"But that stingy uncle, if he knows that I took his apple, he will definitely

Tell your parents. "

"It's okay, sister will make it clear to Uncle Sam."

"Uncle Sam, I'm sorry, I got the lost apple. I'm really sorry for the girl."

Stand in front of the timid and scared girl and apologize to the man.

The two weapons were painted in blood in the air, and what was woven together was the past that could never go back.

In the past, each move showed his killing power, and the emotions gradually became complicated and confusing during the fierce battle.

"Miss Shenglun, please allow me to introduce myself.

"Your Highness, if you allow me, please allow me to leave."

"Miss Shenglun, don't you want to see me so much?" The handsome man smiled, a gentleman

Underneath his skin is a hateful heart.

Sheng Lun wanted to refuse the other party's invitation, but he hesitated due to the other party's identity, so he

During this gap period, the other party did not shy away from extending his dirty hand to Shenglun, wanting a

He took this girl into his arms. In his opinion, this girl was already in his pocket.

However, his hand was held by a hand that only stepped in halfway.

"Your Highness! It turned out that the extremely ugly noble lady's eyes flashed with golden light, and then she hugged the prince in full view of everyone.

"Wait? ?You, you? The prince did not have time to doubt and started fighting with this heavy tank.

An intimate collision.

"Your Highness, it turns out you like me too! I'm so touched! Don't be shy, let me

Let’s express ourselves in full view of the public!”

"Wha, what?!"

Everyone was shocked by this unexpected event, including Sheng Lun, only the famous Jin

The girl with hair sneered in the corner.

She sent the tanks into action.

It was her duty not to let any scum get close to her sister.

This coincidence again and again allowed Shenglun to avoid embarrassing situations. However, these are really

Is it all just a coincidence? Maybe even Sheng Lun himself noticed it

"Clang, clang, clang! The harsh and sharp sound of gold and iron mingling awakened the memory of Lasambo.

The soft and warm memories turned into cold and sharp swords. When they came back to their senses, the two

People can only continue this involuntary battle.

A heart-to-heart attitude has turned into a sword-to-knife confrontation, a reality that makes people sigh.

The hilt of the sword hit Rasambo's abdomen, and the sickle also knocked Saint Lo back several meters.

It's been a long time since the two of them fought, or in other words, they've never been as serious as they were today.

During the fight, the sickle and sword blades were filled with endless chill, facing their former love.

The storm caused by the battle scraped off a layer of skin from the four walls of the Demon King's Castle, and the destructive power of the Devouring Species

It is fatal to everything with mortal nature and melts at the touch of it.

In this ancient battle, the power of the Devourer was undoubtedly revealed, and those who wanted to step forward to help

I don't dare to come up anymore.

As the saying goes, when gods fight, mortals suffer. When gods fight, they native people can’t help them.

I was so busy that I didn't even have the qualifications to shout "666" from the side, so I could only run away with my head in my arms and huddle in the corner.

"Boom, boom, boom!" With a deafening explosion, the entire Demon King's City was sent into the sky.

, also indicates that the battle has completely entered a fierce stage -

The black magic wings burst through the dress, Rasambo descended like a demon, and the saint

Lun stood with his sword on a cliff.

The sickle that came across was like a whip of God, cutting off the foothold of Sheng Lun.

The person quickly looks for a place to stay during the fall.

At this time, the scattered stones and pebbles are all suitable places to stay. Sheng Lun Zhao

Summoning the silver armor, he stepped on his foothold and quickly rose up. He held the sword in both hands and pointed it heavily into the air.

The Rasambo fell.

Both of them are undoubtedly experienced in hundreds of battles and have extremely rich combat experience. They can do it almost in an instant.

Understand and understand the enemy's moves and thoughts.

Rasambo dodged the blow with a slight tilt of his body, but who knew the blade of the sword was in the air?

He quickly changed his trajectory and slashed straight towards Rasambo.

The inevitable blow was blocked by a huge 'vine'.

Sheng Lun was slightly stunned.

, slowly raised her eyes, and saw a huge silver-white python roaring at her. huge

His jaws were open, covered with white saliva, and his mouth was big enough to swallow a castle.

Feeling the suction, Sheng Lun hurriedly activated the holy sword [Yuehuang] in his hand, and purple light burst out.

[Laurel tree on holy soil]

The purple divine pulse burst out of the sword, penetrating through the world like a spear tip.

That giant sky-swallowing python that looks like a world snake.

The python monster fell weakly, falling into it together with the broken mud and rocks.

Calmly watching his summoned creature being defeated, Ratsambo waved his hand, and the nine dragon heads

The multi-eyed monster with a snake body emerged from behind her, like pillars rising from the ground to support the sky.

Not to be outdone, Sheng Lun also released his own awakening.

[Divine Awakening: The Greedy Devourer]

[Divinity Awakening: Radiant Armor]

Sheng Lun, who was constantly flashing from the rubble, pressed forward step by step.

The heavily armed knight in silver armor rushed forward with his sword without hesitation and rushed towards the silver figure in the air.

Hair devil.

This scene was frozen and became the original reason for the God of Knights to conquer the Demon King that was sung by later generations.

type poem.

The bards praised the great achievements of the God of Knights and denounced the cruelty and cruelty of the Demon King.

Thus establishing the relationship between good and evil, but I don’t think about how there is such a thing as good and evil in this world, there are only

It's just inability and helplessness due to different stances.

The knight is not necessarily just, and the devil is not necessarily evil. However, even so,

In later generations, the drama of "knights attacking the devil" has not necessarily diminished.

For example, the Paladin Bai Ming, or a little-known person who did not have time to leave a strong legacy.

The King of Knights of the Pen.

Like Sheng Lun at this moment, they are all on the road to defeat the devil. In essence,

But there is a huge difference.

The majestic fighting spirit moved the heavens and the earth, and a huge hole was created in the sky.

The ground circled around again, revealing hideous scars.

The mountain peaks are shattered and the Tianhe River flows backwards.

The ultimate sword power showed no regrets, cutting into pieces all the ferocious creatures approaching her, constantly forcing her to

The demon king stagnant in the air.

Sheng Lun looked at Lasambo, and Lasambo was also looking at her.

At this time, the silver-haired devil's lips moved, as if he said something to the knight.

Ji was unmoved by this - she couldn't hear what the other person was saying.

Under the sword array filled with murderous intent, all the summoned creatures of Ratsambo were as brittle as paper.

He was so weak that he couldn't wait for the second round of the sword wave and fell into pieces, breaking into neat piles of flesh and blood.

Sheng Lun became stronger.

The swordsman is pure and unreasonable.

Because if you want to pursue the sword, you must cut off distracting thoughts and abandon all emotions, even when necessary

Then, cut off the love thread.

The absolute ultimate sword does not contain any impurities. A pure sword is also a pure heart.

Such knights are often the most terrifying and respectable. The scary thing is that they are dumbfounded and do not understand.

Emotions are respectable because they can abandon the extravagant desires of ordinary people and achieve the seriousness of most people.

Fairness and justice, of course, are just the majority

This is the Sword Master.

The two people, who had suffered varying degrees of injuries, stood on two sharp peaks, adjusting slightly.

Take a breath.

The scene calmed down at this moment, just like the last moments before the storm came.


Taking a deep breath, Sheng Lun raised her sword, and the strong wind blew her brilliant blond hair.

The same was true for the silver-haired girl who was confronting her. Nine huge monsters looked up to the sky and roared, looking at

We are going to launch the final attack.

Nine scarlet waves condensed and formed from the monsters' jaws, gradually converging into a terrifying torrent that seemed to be able to suck the world into it.

It's like a greedy and insatiable monster keeps devouring Baland's air, mud,

Including St. Lun.

Facing this scene, the knight girl remained motionless, holding the sword in both hands, the tip of the sword pointed directly at the sky.

The armor on his body gradually melted into tiny points of light, converging on the delicate purple sword.

At this moment, the two sides used their final killing moves against each other.

Sheng Lun, who had entered the posture, was already focused on nothing else. He opened his eyes again, and his eyes were only cold.

Memories and bonds, this sword, feelings of gratitude and resentment.

[Huan Tun]

A huge beam of light quickly formed and soared into the sky. At this moment, it broke through the haze in the sky.

It also broke through the confusion in my heart.

The death of a loved one, the civilians who died tragically at the hands of the Demon King's army, the innocent indigenous people, and

Er Shenglun, who was looking at her with hopeful eyes, had this thought in his mind.

Maybe there is still hesitation and doubt in my heart, but this sloping sword blade has replaced

All the girl's answers.

However, what Sheng Lun didn't expect was that the moment she swung her sword, the one on the opposite side

Rasambo actually canceled the charge of his killer weapon.

"?!" Sheng Lun was stunned, and then his pupils widened.


Boom boom!"

Ratsambo smiled at Shenglun, and as usual, he asked his sister for a night before going to bed.

An Qi was calm and a bit coquettish.

The next moment, white light engulfed her.

The knight's sword pierced the devil's chest.

(The BUF of the previous chapter has been repaired. Sorry, there are a lot of books to write.)

I suddenly started writing strings. )

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