Blood Princess and the Knight

17~The final farewell

Swallowed by platinum-gold light.

Like most fairy tales, the knight's sword pierces the devil's chest.

Ending the devil's endless greed and killing, dawn returns to the earth

At least this is how the history books of this war were introduced in later generations.

In the dilapidated Demon King's City, the victorious blond girl's eyes were dull, her hands were trembling, and her pale

His lips trembled slightly.

She didn't expect, she really didn't expect that Rasambo would use his trump card at the last moment and let anyone know

With all his strength, he stabbed her with the sword.

Stepping past the broken bricks and tiles, she saw the dying man leaning against the broken wall.

Silver-haired girl.

The majestic feeling was gone, and the dark night dress was in tatters at this moment.

It looked like it had been torn into several halves, with a large amount of skin exposed, but it had been burned to a red-black color.

It looks extremely ferocious, and the most shocking thing is the huge hole that was penetrated in the girl’s abdomen.

, as if all the internal organs have evaporated -

Now she is like a twilight old man, her life hanging by a thread with only one breath left.

As if feeling Sheng Lun walking towards him, Ratsambo raised his head with difficulty and looked towards

My sister smiled sweetly and tried her best to put on a normal smile, but because of the gradually heavy

body and cannot do it.

She said something to Sheng Lun, but Sheng Lun still couldn't hear it.

"Why, why?" Sheng Lun didn't know why he was asking Ratsambo.

Still asking myself.

She didn't know whether she wanted to ask Ratsambo why he suddenly stopped, or whether she wanted to ask why

Maybe it's both, but it's no longer important.

Ratsambo was silent for a moment. Perhaps, she could understand what her sister was saying, and

And he replied with a sentence.

But Sheng Lun still couldn't hear it. The two of them seemed to be separated by a dimension.

No way to communicate.

The two of them were in a stalemate like this.

"Kill the beauty, Your Excellency Shenglun." At this moment, a clear and moving voice suddenly

Then came the sound, causing Sheng Lun to look back.

"A very outstanding shot, I have to say, it is so beautiful. Watching it from a distance, I was surprised

I was shocked. "That graceful figure walked up to Shenglun very naturally and smiled at her.

You smiled.

Sheng Lun looked at the unrealistically beautiful blue-haired woman in front of him with an expressionless face and remained silent.


For some reason, her words were like thorns piercing into Sheng Lun's heart.

"But speaking of it, in order to win, even my own sister dares to do such a vicious thing, how can you

What a reliable teammate and formidable enemy. "Elven Queen Evening Star narrowed her eyes.

Son, then turned his attention to Rasambo, who was in the sunset.

"But, you obviously still don't understand the importance of last-hitting, or do you want to do this?"

After that, you couldn't bear it any more..." Mu Xing's words gradually became joking." Sheng Lun didn't say anything, just lowered his head like this.

She now has no time to think about how Mu Xing knew that the Demon King was her biological sister.

At this moment, she was in a state of confusion.

"Pfft, no way, isn't it you who beat your own sister like this?

Sometimes I just can't do it. With all due respect, Your Excellency Sheng Lun, you are a bit pretentious. "It's like the evening star


Sheng Lun still didn't speak. He lowered his head and his hand holding the sword hilt was shaking.

"With an injury of this magnitude, even if you leave it alone, you are not far away from death. However, in order to avoid being violent,

When the student said this, Mu Xing pulled out the exquisite sharp knife.

"Since Miss Shenglun can't do it, I'll just do it for Miss Shenglun."

"Evening Star walked toward Lasambo with a knife, but was blocked by a figure.

"Yo? Am I right?" Mu Xing narrowed her beautiful eyes and stared at Jin who was standing in front of her.

The girl suddenly laughed out loud.

"I said, Lord Shenglun, have you made a mistake? The two of us are on the same side. Could it be that we are on the same side?

Are you still going to help your enemy against your teammates?"

"Besides, if you hadn't severely injured the Demon King, I really wouldn't have had the chance to kill her.

, everything is due to you, so now, what are you doing? You look so pretentious

Don't you feel disgusted when you look at it?" Mu Xing said with a smile.

"Hey, isn't this Miss Muxing who was seriously injured because she was devoted to the people?" At this moment

A voice intervened in the gradually heated conversation between the two.

Mirror and Ned arrived at this time.

For divine creatures, no matter how long the journey is, it only takes a few moments.

At this moment, Ming Jing showed his true nature as a great onmyoji, confronting Mu Xing with all kinds of yin and yang.


"I'm so happy to see the lively Ms. Evening Star, but if I remember correctly

, Miss Duixing should be seriously injured now and retreat under the cover of her own people. How?

Why will it appear in Demon King's Castle? ?


"Good guy, are you a fake?" He said to himself, pretending to suddenly think

Ming Jing, who understood something, immediately pointed at Mu Xing and said in horror.

"The processing speed of the two of you is really fast." Mu Xing's voice became colder, and under her

As expected, it should take a long time for Mirror Ned to face off against the Demon Dragon and the Charming Dancer.

I didn't expect it to end so soon. This is obviously unreasonable.

"Why, isn't it in line with Miss Evening Star's script if we don't fight to the death?" At this time, Nai

De also spoke. If you still can't see this woman's ulterior motives at this time, then your brain will

You can really donate it.

"The magic dragon and the charm dancer, have you solved it now?" What a useless thing, in this little time

Can't delay it.

Evening Star would not believe that these two people had reached an agreement with the Demon King and the Charming Dancer, so the two sides temporarily

Time for a truce.

This is an impossible event.

"That's not the case. Let's forget the facts. Let's not talk about this for now." Mirror and Ned didn't move.

He walked up to Sheng Lun in a seductive voice.

"I said, Miss Evening Star, it would be too much for you not to give the two sisters a final reunion time.

Can't you get along with others? Oh, I almost forgot, you don't have such a thing as humanity.

Right? Miss Duskstar who wants to become a god. "While talking, Ming Jing and Ned kept looking for angles.

, standing in front of Lasambo and Shenglun.

"I don't understand what Mr. Ming Jing is talking about. I am doing this for our small group, okay?

If we get rid of the most powerful demon king, we and all the creatures on the continent will be in danger. "

"Oh, that's awesome." Hearing this, Ming Jing teased while clapping his hands. "Miss Twilight Star really has the world in mind. She spoke so righteously and so righteously. Let me ask you, today

Do the descendants need your care? ?".


"Ms. Duixing must have never been to the Demon King's Territory, right? Do you know what the Demon King's Territory was like before it was built?"

, what will it look like after it is completed?" Der Spiegel continued.

“Before it was built, the ground was full of hungry people and bones. The war caused by famine caused the old people to die.

Young women and children compete to become food for the strong, which is like a hard-hit area without any control. "

"After the devil came, he issued decrees and bans and imparted the knowledge of farming to these disasters.

The people, and generously taught civilizations such as art and writing, won the loyal trust of the people.

Disciples and people!”

"So? ?" Duixing couldn't stand these long talks. In the final analysis, the death of these people

What does life have to do with her?" Does this change the fact that she is our enemy? ?

"Miss Duixing is really good at changing the subject. I just want to remind you that you can take the world by storm.

The common people say that you are not worthy. At least for now, your believers and people are still bound by whether they have enough food and clothing.


"Miss Evening Star, you just want to use extreme blackness to delay our progress and pretend to be injured.

, you predict that in the fight between the two sisters, one party will be unable to kill him. If Sheng Lun loses, you

Just try to make up for it. If Ratsambo loses, you can naturally accept her swallowing.

Devouring energy and waiting to reap the benefits, right??" Ned spoke very directly, and he made it clear in one sentence.

Evening Star Thoughts

Heh, so what?" Duixing raised his head, the sharp knife in his hand flashing. "What are you doing again?

What can you do to me? ?"

Before she finished speaking, Evening Star pounced on Ratsambo, intending to kill her.

"This woman!" Mirror Ned immediately stepped forward to stop her, but before the weapon could fall on her opponent,

He was thrown dozens of meters away by a blast of invisible energy.

"Hahaha! As teammates, what can you do to me? ? I want to kill the Demon King, who can stop you?

Can you live there?"

"Really?" At this moment, a huge wing fell from the sky and flew away the evening star.

"What, what?!" Evening Star's eyes widened.

At some point, a giant dragon hovered in the sky, and a charming dancer appeared next to Lasambo.

Look after her.

This is the reason why Ming Jing didn’t finish what he said just now.

When they sensed that Rasambo was fatally injured, the dragon and the charm dancer immediately received the signal.

Leave Mirror and Ned behind and return immediately.

Mirror and Ned also felt strange and followed him.

Charming Dancer supported La Sambo, her eyes full of worry, she looked at La Sambo

After saying something, Ratsambo shook his head at her, pushed her away gently, and stepped forward.

Walking towards Shenglun

None of the people present, including Mirror, Ned, the dragon Odresse, and the charming dancer Yin,

There was a sound of gnawing, but I just watched the last moments of my sisters quietly.

They knew that there was not much time left for the two of them -

Limping and struggling to reach Shenglun, Ratsambo happily threw himself into his sister's arms.

Hug, just like it used to be.

Because of her height, she hugged her sister's waist and rubbed her head against her like a cat.


She was talking to Sheng Lun, Sheng Lun knew, but she

Can't listen

Big tears fell on Rasambo's face. Holding Rasambo's face, Sheng Lunzhi

Can't hold back tears.

She doesn't understand, she doesn't understand why the two of them ended up in this situation

Obviously, they used to be sisters who depended on each other, but in the end they had to fight each other.

Even got to this point

Feeling the warm tears on his face, Ratsambo first showed a puzzled expression, and then

He smiled gently, wiped away the tears from the corners of Shenglun's eyes, and said something.

This time, Sheng Lun understood, no, it should be said that he understood.

She's saying: Sister, can you give me a goodnight kiss?'

Sheng Lun slowly leaned down and gently touched Lasambo's forehead with his pink lips.

At this moment, the two of them seemed to have returned to the past, and had once again transformed into the pair who depended on each other for their lives.

Inseparable sisters.

Today, my sister asked her sister for a good night kiss as usual, but this kiss meant

It means eternal sleep.

Tears, can't stop

Even Ratsambo began to feel sentimental about the separation, trembling and crying.

Her body, starting from her feet, slowly disappeared.

"Sister, good night

Sheng Lun understood Ratsambo's meaning. No, this was not reading.

Sheng Lun's eyes widened.

At this moment, she heard Ratsambo's voice, the long-lost, gentle and childish voice.

Her voice, that sister's voice, brought back all her tender memories.

Yes, ah, how could I forget? How could I forget such an important memory?

"Finally, I can talk to my sister. At the last moment of my life, God decided

The confinement was lifted.

Just because Ratsambo has been judged dead, the restrictions on communication are naturally lifted.

Lying in the arms of Sheng Lun, Ratsambo is like a fleeting light, as if it will disappear the next moment.

Completely disappeared from this world with a gust of wind.

Shenglun held Lasambo tightly. She felt that she could no longer hold her sister's hand.

"Sister, don't, don't kill everyone, extreme blackness, don't die at the last moment, sister

My sister’s last words are advice to her sister.

There is no blame, no sorrow, just the obsession of thinking about the other person wholeheartedly.

"Remember what I said to you." Ratsambo didn't say this to Sheng Lun.

, but to his teammates, the dragon and the succubus.

"Sister, sister." At the end, Lasambo held Shenglun's cheek and smiled happily. 1

She was satisfied to be able to touch her sister's face at the last moment of her life.

Along with the fading light, Sheng Lun could no longer feel the soft touch.

"Crack." A round sphere fell out.

Sheng Lun picked it up blankly and recognized it immediately. It was the wish they had exchanged many years ago.


Over the years, Ratsambo has preserved it very well.

When you open it, you can see your original wish, which is written on the tinfoil: "I want to be with Rasam."

Beau has always been together’

At this time, Sheng Lun seemed to have thought of something and took out another tinfoil ball from his pocket-

One - that was Rasambo's wish.

After taking it apart, Shenglun's pupils dilated and he burst into tears.

'Rasambo will always protect his sister, always. 'The tinfoil ball has a crooked number written on it.

It’s a big character. I can imagine the girl’s clumsy movements when writing these words.

a" Ned lowered his head and said nothing, Ming Jing looked up to the sky and sighed, shaking his head constantly.

"Damn it, just at this moment, a petite figure ran out and rushed over.

He kept beating Sheng Lun's chest.

"Lord Rasambo, Lord Rasambo, bastard Shenglun, bastard Gulan!

You all deserve to die!"

Sheng Lun stopped crying and saw the girl's appearance clearly, and was suddenly startled.

This girl looks very similar to her sister Rasambo, and even

She almost thought it was Ratsambo.

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