Blood Princess and the Knight

18~Postscript and conclusion

"Bastard, bastard!" The little girl kept beating Sheng Lun's chest, as if she wanted to

All the hysteria came out.

She cried inconsolably, her big eyes filled with tears and resentment, and her eyes swept over the

Everyone present.

For some reason, Ned and Ming Jing both turned away from their eyes, feeling somewhat guilty.

They dare not look directly into the girl's eyes of pure hatred, even if they don't know this guilty feeling

Where does it come from.

"You, are you? Sheng Lun looked at the girl's face blankly, not paying attention to her at all.

A series of small pink fist attacks - this level of force hits the buffer zone of the chest a little

No feeling at all.

"Bad woman, rotten woman! You bastards! What did my Lord Ratsambo do wrong?"

Are you in love? Why are you doing this to her?" The girl wanted to use the most vicious words in the world.

To describe these thieves who robbed homes, she could only say "bastards".

Sheng Lun said nothing or spoke, just looking at the girl's face quietly.

"Lord Ratsambo, I'm tired of hammering and hammering, tired of scolding, girl.

Sitting on the ground, rubbing his eyes and crying.

"You, you robbers! What did Lord Rasambo do wrong? She protected us

Protect us from war and give us a stable and prosperous life. Why, why do you want this?

What to do?

"You, Shenglun, seem to be still struggling with the identity of the other party. In fact, there is no need to

She had to be confused because she had already felt the familiar blood energy in this girl.

If nothing goes wrong, she should be .

"I am the descendant of Lord Rasambo!" The girl looked at Shenglun tenaciously.

As soon as these words came out, Sheng Lun suddenly felt like he was struck by thunder.

"Similarly, he is also the heir personally selected by Lord Rasambo. The girl is biting

Ya looked at Sheng Lun viciously. "Bad woman, you'd better kill me now! Otherwise, one day

God, I will break through your capital and cut you into pieces together with your bullshit king!"

"Your Excellency Shenglun, we must eradicate the roots." At this moment, Mu Xing came out very untimely.

She came out and stared at the girl. For some reason, this girl gave her a very unpleasant feeling.

The Demon Dragon and Charming Dancer next to them also seemed to notice that Duixing wanted to do something bad to the girl, and each of them

Zidu took a step forward, although he was ready to stop him.

Although there is little hope for a two-on-four matchup, the opponent's team even has the strength and lassambo flag.

For Paladins who have the same drum skills, the difficulty will be even higher.

However, they are still very confident in bringing the girl away safely.

"Your Excellency Shenglun, don't be soft-hearted. I see that you have never been soft-hearted when dealing with your sister.

This little girl has threatened to eradicate you and your dearest Emperor Gulan in the future. Keep it.

Is there really no problem?" Seeing that Sheng Lun was unmoved, Mu Xing added fuel to the fire and fanned the flames.

After all, she knew that if she was alone, she would never be able to defeat the dragon and the charm.

As a dancer, she must try to stir up these stupid teammates.

However, the other two people present were from Sheng Lun's side, and together with Mu Xing's just now

In terms of behavior and behavior, these two completely disliked Duixing, and their impression of him was reduced to the lowest level.

The scene before was so moving that even a blind person could see that there must be something between the sisters.

There was some kind of misunderstanding, and now the latter said these unreasonable and completely devoid of emotional intelligence, if

It wasn't because of the problem of avoiding injuries to his teammates. Ming Jing really wanted to slap this NC woman in the face.

"What's your name?" Sheng Lun asked.

"Milena, no, my name is Milena Rasambo!" The girl raised her head. "There is always a

God, there will always be a Rasambo who will attack your Gulan City! Cut off your head!"

"Yes." Sheng Lun nodded calmly.

"Bad woman, your name is Sheng Lun, right? I swear, one day you will be called Rasambo

Even if you don't, your descendants will definitely be tortured by Ratsambo!"

No, it’s not just that you were tortured by us, you like your so-called ‘justice’ so much, right?

, I curse your descendants to experience all the sufferings in the world and die in despair.

She became the thing she hated the most, and was betrayed by the person she trusted most! "Milena is like

The demon was stunned and kept swearing vicious curses at Shenglun, but the latter just listened calmly.


"Okay." After a moment of silence, Sheng Lun smiled without meaning. "I'm waiting for you. "

"You! Don't regret it!" Milena seemed not to have thought that the other party would let her go so easily.

"I just hope that when the time comes, you won't insult the name Lasambo." Sheng Lun stood up.

"Hmph, I hope you can still say these words calmly when I insert the sword into your chest!"

Milena yelled at Sheng Lun's back.

"You're gone, why are you still standing here?" Sheng Lun said, passing by the stunned Mirror and Ned.

"?Ah? Are you leaving now?" Ming Jing seemed to have not yet reacted.

"Otherwise, why are you still here?" Sheng Lun asked.

Well, Sheng Lun, are you okay?" Intuition told Ming Jing that Sheng Lun's current situation

There seems to be something unusual about the situation.

"I'm fine." Sheng Lun shook his head. "By the way, starting from today, give up on the ultimate black

All conquests. "

"Hey, are you sure you want to do this?"

"Didn't you, Ming Jing, bring this up in the first place?" Sheng Lun wiped the tears from his eyes and glanced at him.

This was the first time I saw Shen Lun Mingjing, whose eyes were still red but strong and calm.

"This fight is meaningless. We will all become losers."

"I understand." Ming Jing nodded. He had indeed noticed the abnormality in the path of God for a long time.

Now that Ratsambo had mentioned it before his death, he was even more convinced of this.

Regarding Rasambo, Der Spiegel did not think that this girl was an enemy.

I will stand on opposite sides just because of different positions. There is no grudge at all.

If she had to talk about her feelings, she admired this girl who dared to give everything for love.

The life of a selfish woman is much more meaningful.

Ming Jing glanced at Mu Xing, who had a sinister face next to her. This trip obviously did not allow her to achieve anything.

Purpose, even Sheng Lun's cancellation of the crusade against the Ultimate Black made her dare to be angry but dare not speak out

"The demon dragon and the charming dancer glanced at each other. Even they noticed that there seemed to be no

There are great differences within Zhizhibai, and judging from Shenglun's posture, it seems that he has no intention of taking the fight to the next level.

The fight continues.

So in this war that ended with the fall of the Demon King, have the hatred and grudges dissipated?

Obviously not.

"Sheng Lun, God is very happy. The girl bit her fangs, as if she wanted to separate these two famous people.

The words are completely engraved in my mind.

When will grudges be repaid? Hatred will only continue to be extended.

'Lasam Bohui has always protected her sister, always. '

When he saw this sentence on the tin foil, Sheng Lun already had the answer in his heart.

Maybe, she was really deceived, and her sister was protecting her from the beginning to the end.

She didn't need to know the details, she understood everything just by seeing this sentence.

The three of them silently returned to the Gulan Empire and lived as before.

Ming Jing always felt that something was wrong with Sheng Lun after that, even though she was still acting as usual.

Although he worked hard day after day, he noticed that the relationship between Sheng Lun and the little emperor was changing.

Time is becoming less and less.

But fortunately there is no bigger abnormality. Maybe time will dilute everything?

Ming Jing thought so until one day.

"What? Are you going to marry Count Briand??" Mirror and Ned both heard the news.

I was startled, thinking I heard wrongly.

Earl Brian, not to mention that this person’s title and status are completely incompatible with Saint-Lun, these

Forget it, let’s just talk about this person’s character. It’s even more shockingly bad. No, it’s not bad anymore.

Surprisingly, that is the pinnacle of existence.

He dares to admit that the Gulan Empire is the second worst and second scumbag, but no one will admit that it is the first.

And more importantly, this playboy is already married!

Everyone knows that his wife stays alone in the empty room every day and lets her husband go out and have sex.


Not to mention that man is lustful, he is also a very scumbag, very stingy, and treats new people...

The target will be hunted with 100% enthusiasm and then thrown away when tired of playing.

To put it bluntly, he is an old scumbag.

Sheng Lun wanted to marry such a person. Mirror and Ned thought it was a rumor or a joke. Who

Do you know it’s serious? ?

It's my decision. "Sheng Lun was low, but his voice was decisive.

"Aren't there no men in the world? With your conditions, what's wrong with finding one? Even if

You can just come to me? ?Am I not better than that acerbic ghost?" Ming Jing was willing to risk everything.

Some people are talking too much.

"It's my decision."

"So, do you just want to show that even that scumbag is better than me? ?"

"It's my decision."

".Here, please calm down."

"I'm calm, this is my decision."

"It's my decision

Mirror and Ned were completely speechless.

No matter how much they don't want their close friends to have such a partner, they can't help it.

Stubborn Saint Lun.

"Sheng Lun, you know, that guy has a wife, and she's the kind who's always been left out!"

"Then I'll be a concubine.'

"? ? ?Stop messing around!" Ming Jing was somewhat angry.

The national preceptor of the Gulan Empire, one of the three guardians of the law, actually became the concubine of a small noble??

Stop making trouble, what kind of trick is this? ?

Even Ned's face darkened, and he secretly winked at Ming Jing, who understood.

God will.

"Okay, okay, since this is your decision, we won't say anything more."

"Don't think about getting rid of that person secretly. If he dies, I will marry the viscount and then the boy."

Jue, if it really doesn't work, I can hire any farmer on the farm. "

The two of them were completely speechless.

"Sheng Lun, have you ever thought that once that man who likes the new and dislikes the old gets tired of playing with you, your

The end will be no better than that of the head wife!"

"I know, but it's my decision.

Repeated attempts to dissuade and persuade failed, so they had no choice but to compromise.

The marriage was naturally settled like this. When the old SP heard that Sheng Lun wanted to be his concubine, Gao Gao

Xingdi almost swore on the spot to kick off his first wife and let Sheng Lun be his first wife.

However, this was rejected by Sheng Lun, and she only became a concubine.

In the years that followed, Sheng Lun and Mirror Ned gradually became estranged, and it was difficult for the two of them to be together again.

When I saw Sheng Lun, I didn't know what she was doing. I could only vaguely see this from the occasional meeting.

The woman's complexion is getting worse and worse, and she can even see scars on the front of her snow-white neck, as if she had been beaten by a whip.

Sheng Lun had a child, but Mirror and Ned didn't even know about it.

They were a little reluctant to see Sheng Lun again because Sheng Lun's eyes were always so dead.

He was lifeless, like a dead person, with no vitality or vitality.

They couldn't bear it when their former best friends became like this, but there was nothing they could do about it.

"Bad woman!" One day, Sheng Lun, who was sitting among the pavilions in the suburbs, heard a somewhat familiar voice.


Turning around to look, her unfocused eyes suddenly froze, and her dry lips slowly

Open slowly. "Rasambo.

"It's me, bitch, have you forgotten me?"

".You Lina?" Sheng Lun came back to his senses and recognized the girl.

Over the years, this girl has changed a lot, but her appearance has not changed much.

Completely recognisable.

Seeing that the girl had a somewhat mature temperament, Sheng Lun's eyes showed a little relief, and then

It's like looking at your own daughter.

"Hey, you, why did you become like this?" To be honest, when she saw Sheng Lun, Milena ate


She had some doubts that this was still the high-spirited paladin back then? How could he be talking to a village girl?

Seemingly haggard?

"You're here." Sheng Lun sat up straight and smiled kindly at her.

"Huh, get scared, I'm here to take your life today!" Milina snorted coldly.

"Well, okay." Sheng Lun nodded happily. Seeing Milena, maybe it was her

The happiest day of the year.

"What's so good? ?" Milena was dumbfounded. How could anyone in this world hear that someone was about to kill someone?

Can you still laugh happily? ?

"Come on, come on, what's your strength? I'm looking forward to it."

"Humph, you can only take advantage of it now!"

Less than a round into the fight, Milena, who was in high spirits, jumped off the street.

"The speed is not fast enough, it needs practice, and the singing of the holy ghost will completely eliminate Milena's shortcomings."

Everything was said, and then Milena, who refused to admit defeat, did various sit-ups.

In the end, she was sweating profusely and said, "Don't think you won just like this," and quickly retreated.

"Don't run around. Oh, by the way, if you want to kill me next time, it will be in this forest or in

Old time. "Sheng Lun shouted towards the back with a smile.

After that, the relationship between the two people was basically the same. Sheng Lun was more like educating Milena, while

It's not a so-called life and death duel.

His love for Milena even exceeded that of her own children.

In such an environment, Milena's strength improved by leaps and bounds.

Until one day, Milena did not find Sheng Lun in that dense forest.

"Hmph, isn't that guy timid? Scared?" Milena snorted coldly and put on a disguise.

I found out later when I went to town to inquire.

Sheng Lun is gone.

Before leaving, they left a seal in the dense forest, a place known only to the two of them.

Letter to her.

'For the rest of my life, I want to live as a sister. "? What do you mean?" Milena, who was holding the envelope, was confused and asked over and over again.

Finally broke into the palace and bumped into Ming Jing.

"Who are you, Milena? After seeing the person clearly, Ming Jing ordered the guards to retreat.

"That woman, where did she go??"

"Mingjing remained silent for a long time.

"She went to challenge the gods.

"God, God??" Milena's eyes widened.

"Yes, I've been gone for several months." Ming Jing closed his eyes, this sentence was a pun.

At the end of this story, either Sheng Lun successfully killed the source of all tragedies, the gods.

Or, leave forever.

As of today, the world is intact and we already have the answer.

That woman probably went to accompany her sister.

(Twin Flowers, end.)

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