Blood Princess and the Knight

The perfect ending of twin flowers

Protecting and being protected, redeeming and being redeemed, Knight Ji carried out the whole story of the end with her faith.

"My movements are a little slow. Keep working hard and you can surpass me." Face to face

The former white-haired girl was very similar to his own sister and threatened to kill him. Saint

Lun is like a gentle mentor and helpful friend, as if the relationship between the two is not an endless hatred.

People, but close masters and disciples.

"Also, your race is a blood race. Power-based offense is not suitable for you. You should try to use

Use your summoning ability to let alien creatures fight for you. This is the correct way to fight.

"Stop! You say that every time, but if I do it, I still can't beat you.

Milena sat cross-legged on the ground angrily, folding her arms as if she didn't want to talk to Sheng Lun.

"Really, it's just a little bit different." Sheng Lun pointed at his fingertips. "Milina, you want to add

Come on, you can't avenge your mother at this level. "

"Oh, you despicable girl! It's not fair. How can I kill you?"

"Milina gave up on herself and rolled on the ground.

"Okay, okay, you're tired after fighting for so long. Do you want to eat something?"

"If you don't eat it, who knows if you, a woman, have been poisoned?" Milena turned her head and muttered.

He stopped looking at Sheng Lun. "You, the man who attacked my mother from behind, are extremely despicable. You must have wanted to

If you want to poison me, I won't fall for your trick, huh. "

What Milina said were all angry words. If she thought about it seriously, she would think that if Sheng Lun was really

If you want to kill her, why use poison?

"Don't you want to eat?" Sheng Lun smiled and did not force it. He took out a lunch box and ate by himself.

got up.

Gradually, the overflowing fragrance floated to the tip of Milena's nose. The latter's delicate body trembled and she rubbed it.

A shrunken belly

"Gu Gu Gu Gu. ~~"

"Well!" Milena hurriedly tightened her stomach, and at the same time glanced at Sheng Lun beside her intentionally or unintentionally.

, and then breathed a sigh of relief after making sure she didn't notice the noise on her side.

It's so embarrassing. I went out to fight to the death and accepted the enemy's food because I was hungry. This is

This kind of thing is really embarrassing and must not be accepted. We cannot even have such thoughts!

But having said that, Milena is just a teenager, a child who has not grown up yet.

Forget it, no matter how strong your perseverance is, you can't withstand the demands and torture of the Five Zang Temple.

"Well, you despicable woman, it turns out you want to starve me to death!" Milina suddenly understood.


So it turns out that she would definitely refuse, so this woman wanted her to give it to her

My mouth is watering!

Thinking of this, Milena immediately bared her teeth and grinned in the direction not far away.

It seemed as if he was about to transform into a beast that would swallow the blonde girl whole.

"Pfft." Sheng Lun couldn't help laughing. From her perspective, this was just a cat throwing a tantrum.

It's just an angry little kitten. The way he gnashes his teeth not only doesn't look scared, he's also quite cute.

Even a little funny.

"Would you like to come over and have some? I am very confident in my craftsmanship.

"Bah! How could I, the noble Milena, eat from a despicable woman like you, especially

Food made by your hands?! Disgusting!" Milena stood firm, but her stomach

Zi's ​​position is not so firm.

(Popular science: The first generation of vampires have not yet fully evolved into creatures that are completely different from humans, so

Not much different from humans in terms of eating)

The screams kept going on and on, and Milena even suspected that Sheng Lun had heard them at all.

But he pretended not to hear and laughed at her secretly.

Maybe she was really hungry, so she suddenly had an idea and thought of the problem.

Yes, this evil girl doesn’t need to eat at all. She is the one who needs to eat, so she

Why do you still need to show off food in front of yourself?

There is only one answer, she really wants to starve herself to death!

Then, he would not be able to fulfill her wish, and he would have to do the opposite and accept her food.


Having found a reason for herself to accept food, Milena emboldened herself to stand upright.

The small breasts that existed walked over.

"Hey, woman, I want to eat." Walking to Sheng Lun, Milena turned her head and spoke concisely.

She expressed her request, and it was obvious that she was still a little shy.

"Eh? Didn't you just say it's not rare?" Sheng Lun's voice had a hint of playfulness, even

The usually frozen face also bloomed with a smile as if the ice and snow were melting.

For some reason, she suddenly wanted to tease her little niece.

"Well, well, it's obviously you who invited me, so I came!" Milena said with a soft kiss on her cheek.

It quickly turned red at a speed visible to the eye, and then it looked like someone who had been toyed with for a long time and still didn’t get a toy.

Like a child, a few tears appeared in his well-developed lacrimal glands.

"Okay, okay, come and eat, I won't tease you anymore." Seeing this, Sheng knew that the teasing was too much.


Feeling guilty, she spoke hurriedly, took out a silk scarf from her arms and wiped Milena's tears.


"Hmph, bad woman, bad woman, I will bite you to death." Milina said silently in her heart.

While doing crazy output on the food in his hand.

Seeing that the food he cooked was in line with Milena's appetite, Sheng Lun didn't say anything, just

Smiling quietly like this, she looked at Milena who was devouring her food, and patted her back from time to time to give her a smile.

She handed her the water glass and told her not to eat too fast.

Time passed day by day, Milena would come over every day to challenge Sheng Lun, putting on a

After saying harsh words, the duel would naturally end in failure every time.

After he was tired and lost, he sat down to eat like a normal person. As time went by, he even

Milena felt that there was nothing wrong with the way the two of them got along.

Maybe she didn't even feel it herself, but her attitude and feelings towards Sheng Lun were changing subtly.


"Once upon a time, there was a pair of very good sisters, who were gifted by the whole country and who were young.

They made great contributions to the empire. But their achievements shocked the emperor, and the two of them were regarded by the emperor as

He threatened them, charged them with unwarranted charges, and used witchcraft to assign them to two different places.

same world. "-In the afternoon, Sheng Lun used a long and quiet voice to pray for Milin who was resting.

Na told the story.

"Tch, what a boring story, and then what?" He said it was boring, Milena language.

However, his anger showed that he wanted to continue listening.

"Although they are separated, they both firmly believe that one day they can meet again after a long separation, so they believe that

They walked out of that desolate land and finally came to the same world. However, the sister

When the two girls met again, they sadly discovered that they were in different camps and had lost the ability to communicate.

rights, from now on they can only kill each other. "

"During this process, my sister began to doubt her feelings for her because of a series of things.

Has she become so bad that she no longer trusts her sister? "

"Finally, tragedy happened. On that day, my sister finally couldn't bear the deception and resentment.

Sheng Lun, who forbears and kills his sister, has an emotional tone. Although the words are simple, they bring out the meaning of his life.

It gives people an immersive sense of reality, as if the sisters are listening to

in front of my eyes.

"It wasn't until the moment she killed her sister that the silly sister realized that her sister had never betrayed her

After her, everything I did was for my sister to live a better life, even to the end of her life.

I am always thinking about my sister’s future.

"Then, what happened next?" Milina, who was immersed in it, couldn't help but ask.

"Later." St. Len paused. "There is no future."

"That sister is a timid person after all, even if she is regarded as a warrior by thousands of people."

"She knew that if she died like this, she would have failed her sister's last wish and everything she had done for her.

Everything, but she is still selfish and wishful thinking, trying to make up for the guilt and pain through self-abuse.

A heart racked by pain. "

"She is really

Just when Sheng Lun said this, a soft touch occupied the corners of her eyes.

Only then did she notice that her eyes had become moist from unknown time.

"It's outrageous for such a grown man to cry." Milina wiped away the tears for Sheng Lun,


yes. "Looking at the very similar appearance to Ratsambo in front of him, Sheng Lun smiled and cried.


So, what next. "Milina was silent and asked after a while. "That sister, she

Where did it go. "

"I think she is a little tired." Sheng Lun said slowly. "Maybe he wants revenge, or he

I just miss my sister, she is probably leaving. "

"Oh." Milena nodded in understanding.

The way the two get along today is the same as before, ending with Milena's declaration of revenge.


What Milina didn't expect was that this was the last time she would see Sheng Lun.

"Everything ends and the memories come to an abrupt end. Sheng Lun Wu falls in the boundless darkness.

He looked hard at the brass giant standing in the sky and slowly closed his eyes.

This pioneer of knighthood who reached the pinnacle challenged the gods with his flesh and blood, and finally fell.

The complete story should be like this, except

"Bad woman, what's wrong with you? Hey, wake up." The familiar voice woke up Sheng Lun.

Will be submerged into dark consciousness.

This voice is.

Sheng Lun opened her eyes in disbelief. At this moment, the familiar white-haired girl was resting on her pillow.

On his lap, seeing her open her eyelids, her panic eased.

Milena?" Sheng Lun's eyes widened, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

"You, how did you get here?"

"Stupid woman, what on earth are you doing? ?" Milina gritted her teeth and held Shenglun tightly.

Don't let go of your hands.

"That's it without my permission.

Running away like this is not allowed!"


"Don't die! Don't get me wrong, if you die, I won't have anyone to take revenge, so

You can't die, or you will die in my hands!" Milina hugged Sheng Lun's body and shouted

road. "Did you hear that? I order you not to die!".

Sorry, Milena. "-The still-living Sheng Lun has run out of oil and lamps. She knows that she

My final day is approaching, and I can only say my final farewell to her in this unbearable way.

At this moment, she was determined to die and was reluctant to give up.

That's right, she didn't want to die, just because the bond and concern were rekindled in her heart, but it was a pity that

Only after this confusion did she figure things out.

That's right, isn't the best way to atone for your sister's sins is to bring up her only heir?


She had been taking the wrong path all along, and it wasn't until the end that she finally woke up.

It's too late.

Sheng Lun felt bitter in her heart. She was a stupid and stubborn person, and she often couldn't think clearly.

There are many problems, so at the end of life, I am full of regrets and regrets.

"Did you hear that? You can't die! If you want to die, you will die in my hands. Do you understand?

Milena's voice became weaker and weaker.

Sheng Lun understood that it was not that the voice became weaker, but that her consciousness gradually passed away.

Mortals spend their whole lives fighting, but the more they fight, the more aware they are of their own weakness. Even at the last moment of their lives, they did not even have the power to send their niece back to a safe place.


With such a sister, Ratsambo must have had a very hard time.

"You, what's wrong with you? Don't do this, don't leave me, please." Milena

The blond girl gritted her teeth and kept shaking her eyes gradually out of focus.

"Don't leave me, please Sheng Lun, aunt."

She runs to Sheng Lun every day just because she really has no friends with whom she can talk and communicate.

Except for this only living blood relative

"So you just heard Milena call herself, Sheng Lun - stunned.

It turned out that this girl knew her relationship with Ratsambo from the beginning.

"Mi, Lin, Na looked at the weeping girl in front of her, and Sheng Lun felt infinite emotions rising in her heart.


She doesn't want to die, she wants to continue and accompany this girl down the road

However, there was no chance anymore. She even chose the wrong one at the last fork in the road.

"There is a chance." At this moment, a light and childish voice came.

"? Me?" Sheng Lun suddenly found that he could move, and the irreversible trauma turned out to be a miracle.

Recovered like a charm.

"You really want to ask what's going on, right? We can't explain this to you.

Oh, after all, things like gods are inexplicable. "The strange white-haired woman sitting on the throne

The child snapped his fingers.

"Who are you?" The white-haired girl in front of her made Sheng Lun slightly shuddered.

This kid is good with Rasambo

"Compared to me, do you have someone you want to see more?" The silver-haired girl rested her chin on her hand and pointed at the Saint.

Behind Lun.

The latter followed and gradually turned his head.

Sheng Lun was stunned by that familiar figure, and the corners of his mouth slowly moved. "Rasambo?"

"Sister." Ratsambo spoke, his voice as sweet as ever.

"It's finally complete." Bai Ji sat on the throne, watching with satisfaction that the sisters finally reunited after a long absence.

To get rid of all constraints and come together.

If the original ending were to go by, the plot would have ended when Sheng Lun died in battle, but now, she created her own

Created a world.

Two sisters survived together, and finally lived happily in the world of the realm of God.

“Originally I just planned to look through the history of the Lower Continent, but who knew I would actually see this.

Bai Ji scratched her head, even she couldn't make her lose the competition for the divine road and her soul was gone for a long time.

The two came alive.

But she was able to create a world line in which the two of them survived in her own way.

Well, since it's her ancestor, she has to help, and to be honest, she didn't

Thinking that Shenglun and Ratsambo were originally from the same branch.

Maybe, this is fate.

(I always felt that the ending was a bit regretful, so I completed the chapter. Well, this is indeed a chapter.

What I thought of from the beginning is that this is actually a world line created by Bai Ji, so in the end

can avoid all BAD END )

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