Ragnarok, the ups and downs, the gods came to power in Baland, and then moved on in the long river of history.

Gradually fade away.

The age of the gods is over, and the millennium-long dispute between Gulan and the Blood Spirit has come to an end.

The two forces that once occupied the country breathed their last breath under the erosion of the outer gods.

With this, the era of mankind also ended with the demon species returning to the ground.

Baland has experienced three eras in these long years, each time heralding the continent.

Powers were reshuffled and dynasties changed.

No matter how tenacious and glorious the bloodline and family are, they cannot compete with time and the products that have been eliminated by history.

Buried together, now nothing remains, leaving only the branches and vines lingering in the world.

It’s a freezing day in the twelfth lunar month, Port Kera.

It is said that this was once the most prosperous port of the Golandi Empire, which brought trade to the empire.

The wealth is countless.

This kind of oral information often deviates greatly from the real historical data.

Why, today it is just an inconspicuous small port in the Human Federation.

The depth of winter has arrived, and both the coolies working in the mills and the farmers cultivating the fields have come to an end.

After a year of work, they have nothing to do at this time, and they prefer to stay at home and sleep with each other.

Laying the floor together, or warming up in the fireplace, and comfortably drinking tea imported from the capital city

The hot tea brewed can help you survive the cold winter like a hibernating bear.

Of course, these must be the kind of farmers who are relatively wealthy in Port Kela and own a few fields and several mills.

The treatment that only owners can enjoy. Since the Human Federation is a development company, the economy of Port Keira is in a slump.

Anger, for those hard workers, this winter will be difficult to survive. They can only huddle in the collective

There was trembling in the tent.

And those who have even less human rights than these hard workers are probably those homeless people who don’t even have homes.

And a slum kid whose parents both died.

In early spring every year, the knights are very busy. What are they busy with? Of course, they pick up freeze-dried fruits.

It's early spring, the snow has melted, and those frozen bones buried in the snow must be disposed of, otherwise the city will

There will be a plague, and there are a few dead people on the street, which is unsightly and affects the appearance of the city.

Therefore, early spring is always the busiest time for the knights of Port Kela. You must know that the people who freeze to death have to be counted in piles. It goes without saying how heavy the workload is.

At this moment, in this quiet Port of Kela, the farce is particularly conspicuous.

Several half-grown teenagers were chasing each other crazily in the snow - this was not a joke.

Damn, in fact no one would choose to play in this kind of weather.

They were snatching the food from a young man's hand.

"Run, will you keep running then? ?" The young man was forced to a dead end, and the older one led him

When the young man saw this, he became arrogant, shouted at his younger brothers fiercely, and surrounded the desperate young man.

"I let you run, I let you run!" The crowd punched and kicked the young man, and cursed him while beating him.

But the young man could only tremble and huddle in the corner with his head in his hands, praying in his heart that these people would be gentle -

Some, don't hit important positions. You will still have a chance to get up after they are tired.

Not freezing to death.

"Hurry up and hand over the bread!" Seeing the other party holding on tightly and not letting go, the bad boy leader became anxious.

"No, the boy who was beaten groaned and made a humble sound.

"Are you looking for trouble? Okay, I'll beat him to death until he's dead!"

At this moment, the desperate boy hopes that someone will come to save him, maybe not many

Sometimes a knight will pass by here?

Knights who do not patrol will not get involved in this kind of thing. They often turn a blind eye to this kind of thing-

Close one eye.

The children who were beaten were not children from rich families. In their eyes, these little beasts were just like the people in the ditch.

The rats in there are just as dirty and despicable. Even if they are not beaten to death, they will freeze to death. It's too troublesome to take care of them.

Besides, these little mice cause a lot of annoying trivial matters every year, and how many more people die.

What a great talent.

So, it’s better to turn a blind eye to it and let them do whatever they want.

Knights are often synonymous with justice and fairness in fairy tales, but in reality

, they are just hawks and dogs of the powerful. They shout creeds and beliefs on their lips, but they are all about making money in their hearts.


Human nature is sometimes colder than the temperature of this white snow.

The young man almost accepted his fate. He was about to be beaten to death by these young men who were born as humble as himself.

The only difference is that the other party knows how to work together, but he only knows how to work alone. This is the difference.

The knight won't interfere, the other street kids won't get upset, and no one will come.

Help him.

"Stop!" Just at this moment, a sweet and clear voice came, like

Huang Ying returned to the valley and couldn't help but make everyone turn their heads.

In the heavy snow, a little girl wearing shabby linen clothes appeared behind them.

Different from their uneven black and brown hair, the girl has beautiful and brilliant blond hair.

The clothes of the slum children can't hide their pretty face at all

Her beautiful face shows that this girl is a

This little beauty will definitely become a beauty that will captivate the whole country when she grows up.

She is just like the beautiful and noble Qitu Ji in the fairy tale, bravely facing resistance and disobedience.


"Who are you? I'm warning you not to mind your own business!" However, a kid of this age is naturally

He doesn't know what it means to cherish a woman's beauty. Seeing being disturbed, the bad boy leader said unhappily.

"Why are you grabbing his food? ?" The girl refused to give up, not afraid of the crowd at all.

"So what if we rob him? There are many of us and he is alone, why shouldn't we rob him? ?" Delinquent boy

That makes sense. In fact, we can’t blame them. Children who grew up in slums have no choice but to

They have no parents, they don't know a few Chinese characters, and no one teaches them morals and bottom line.

In their world there is only robbing and being robbed.

"Besides, what if it was robbed? Isn't this kid's food robbed? Even if it's not

It was snatched or stolen, huh, can this kid afford to eat such good bread? ?"

The bad boy said as it should be, and the boy who was beaten by him also lowered his head silently.

"Bring it here!" Taking this opportunity, the bad boy snatched the bread from the beaten boy and groaned.

After a few shouts, he led the people away.

"Are you okay?" The girl came to the boy and asked

"The young man lying on the ground said nothing.

"Are you hungry? I have some food here." The girl's face showed very little expression.

He took out a crumpled paper bag from his arms and took out a few pieces of scattered dry food.


Thanks. "After a long silence, the young man spit out these two harsh words from his mouth.

"Eat, I still have some in stock."

To repay you for saving me, how about I take you to eat some delicious food. "The latter

Pushing back the dry food, the young man rolled his eyes.

"No, I can't help you either, right?" At this point, the girl felt a little guilty.

"Help?" The boy was stunned for a moment, then sneered in his heart.

Help or something, who needs your help? Can you help me? Since you are like this

If you want to help me, then just do it to the end

Obviously, he didn't feel the slightest bit grateful to the girl who came so late.


"You're welcome. If it weren't for you, I might have been beaten to death by them. Please pick up the

Accept my repayment, otherwise I will have trouble sleeping and eating. "The boy said with great emotion.

The blonde girl hesitated. "But where are we going to eat?"

She didn't think the little boy could afford a meal.

"I still have money to treat you to a meal." The boy stood up calmly and pulled him involuntarily.

The girl's hand moved away.

"Eh? Girls can only let boys lead them.

In this season, most restaurants are closed, so there are obvious places where boys and girls go.

This is not an ordinary restaurant.

Elegant and luxurious paving, exquisite marble carvings decorate the door of the restaurant, and the golden glazed

The hotel was decorated like a palace

You..., invite me to dinner here?" the girl said in disbelief.

Well, feel free to come with me. "The boy pulled the girl without making any pause.

"Why is it you kid again? ? Get out of here quickly, all the leftovers in my house today were fed to the dogs!

The security guard in front of the restaurant who was responsible for guarding the door scolded him on the spot when he saw it was a boy, but he waited until he saw the boy.

After reaching the girl who was holding hands behind the boy, she suddenly shut up and immediately put on a show -

Vice smiley face.

"Oh, young master, are you here to dine again? Please come in, there are plenty of seats available today.

The girl blinked her eyes and didn't understand why the guard uncle changed his face so much.


The two of them sat down, and even the restaurant owner came to greet them in person.

I don't know why, but the girl always feels that the restaurant owner's eyes are always glancing at her intentionally or unintentionally.

This meal was the best meal the girl had ever had since she was a child, so much so that she ate

He was a little carried away and didn't even notice that the boy sitting opposite him was eating.


"Thank you for the hospitality." After the meal, the girl politely said thank you for the hospitality and then planned to jump off

When the chair was looking for the boy to leave, he was grabbed by an arm.

"Where do you want to go, little girl?"

Looking back, it was the restaurant owner's kind smile.

"Mr. Boss, have you seen my companion?"

"Oh, you mean the boy who came with you is gone."

"Go, go? Where is he going?" The girl was stunned.

"How do I know? He goes wherever he likes.

"Then, I have to catch up with him quickly.

"Hey, wait." The boss didn't let go, still smiling. "little girl

Did you know that that guy didn’t pay for this meal at all?”

"No, no money?!

"The girl's beautiful eyes widened.

"Yeah, I didn't give you any money, so I gave it to you." The restaurant owner looked at the girl and smiled.

stand up.

"You are the meal money he gave me."

“Wha, what? ?

"Tsk tsk, this skin and face are so juicy. She will definitely be a beauty when she grows up. She can sell

That’s a lot of money!” The restaurant owner showed an evil smile.

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