Blood Princess and the Knight

1~Her encounter with her

"Wait, wait a minute!" After finally digesting what the restaurant owner said, the girl panicked.

stand up.

"Why, why do you want to use me to pay off the debt??"

"Why else? That kid has no money. If he doesn't use you to pay off his debt, how dare he come here as a poor kid?


"Me??" The girl still didn't seem to understand why she was so decisively attacked by the boy.

's sold.

That's right, she couldn't figure it out at all. She obviously saved the boy, why did the boy

But he wanted to harm her and use her as a stepping stone.

"What's weird about this? That kid made a deal with me. He gave those things to him

I have brought such wild children here, and I will detain them to do cool labor or sell them as slaves.

Some rich people in need, and he can enjoy our dishes for free. A perfect deal is not


"What, the blond girl was stunned. Maybe she was naive and didn't expect that in this world

There was such a dirty deal, so I was stunned and speechless for a long time.

"No, you guys, how can you do this? This is illegal!"

"That guy doesn't have enough money to pay me, and you've eaten a lot of food from my store, right?

Do you have the money to pay?"

"Me," the girl hesitated, groping around in the worn purse, and finally

Finally, with great difficulty, I found a few broken copper pieces.

"Ha! Just this little money?" The restaurant owner showed a look of disdain. “With this little money, I can’t even pay for my store.

I can’t even buy a glass of water!"


"Tsk tsk, this girl is really smart. I have seen so many slum girls.

I've never seen anyone so handsome. "Looking at the girl's face, the restaurant owner looked like a complete

Like a lolicon.

"Why don't you take advantage of others and leave my stupid son as a child bride, and the offspring will be like this?"

It must be very beautiful!"

Facing those malicious little eyes, the girl was so frightened that she wanted to run away on the spot, but she was grabbed by the arm by this big man and couldn't escape at all.

Although she grew up in a slum, her nature is as bright as a comet.

When a wild child without a father, mother, or discipline bullied the weak and relied on stealing to make ends meet, she

Unaffected by them, he neither stole nor robbed, and lived on the leftovers from small restaurants.

Come down.

After I had enough strength to do some work, I took the initiative to help some merchants move their belongings.

West in exchange for a small amount of food.

Even if sometimes she didn't have enough to eat, even if sometimes the feeling of being hungry was very uncomfortable, she didn't think about it.

Doing things like stealing and robbing.

At least in her mind, this approach was wrong, even if no one taught her this

It was wrong, she insisted.

The slum is just a large garbage dump. These poor people have no one to discipline them and teach them knowledge.

There are only two final evolutionary forms of children, either they are uneducated street gangsters, or...

It's a dead body that no one can claim anywhere in the moat.

The girl is undoubtedly an anomaly, even in such a harsh and lawless environment.

There is no crookedness, which is an extremely incredible thing in the eyes of many people.

Her temperament grows toward the sun, and she has an instinctive fear and harm towards those who are obviously malicious.


"Boss, do you think this girl is the eldest daughter of a big family who has been left behind by the people?"

The golden hair is as noble as some kind of satin, and this face is as delicate as a porcelain doll,

They are not in the same dimension as those wild gangsters from the slums. They are just like living beings.

In a cold place with extremely harsh living environment, beautiful roses bloomed, which made the restaurant owner

Ban's accomplices were somewhat hesitant.

"What if they find me one day?"

"So what?" The restaurant owner hesitated for a moment, but still didn't want to let go.

"Even if she finds it, it's already cooked. And I bet, even if she really is

A descendant of a certain big noble with a big surname, her family has long since declined. "The restaurant owner is convinced


Even if this girl is really a young lady from a living big family, he is not afraid, as long as the time comes

Even the big family couldn't say anything.

Maybe they would deliberately suppress the matter and take over the matter in order to cover up the scandal.

The restaurant owner thought happily.

"Carry this girl into the inner room!"

"No, don't! The girl screamed feebly, but her strength was too weak.

He couldn't defeat a few grown men.

Her cry for help was destined to go unheeded.

A knight will not save a poor girl from the slums, nor will an unfamiliar passerby get angry over it.

Upper body.

To be honest, this kind of involuntary tragedy has become a commonplace in Port Kela.

People here are numb. They won’t even blink their eyelids. At most, they will stop and watch.

join in the fun.

And in the dark, where neither the restaurant owner nor his henchmen can see

"Miss, are you really sure it's that girl?" The carriage stopped at the corner.

This is a carriage that shouldn't be in a place like this.

Anti-shock wheels made of special materials, with faint magic inscriptions engraved on the body, it seems

It is a magic spell used to regulate the temperature. The corners and decorations of the entire body are decorated with pure gold.

The type of horse that pulls the cart is Silver Thunder, a kind of snow-white sweat-blooded BMW. It is said that this

A stallion is a hybrid of a ferocious beast, and ordinary nobles cannot find channels for it. This is not true.

It's something you can do with money, but it also requires a lot of fame.


It should be, it can’t be wrong. "The person who spoke was a little girl with black hair. Judging from her appearance, her age

Not much different from the struggling blonde girl in the store.

At this moment, for some unknown reason, the black-haired girl's face was filled with surprise and disbelief.

Blonde hair, blue pupils, a face that is too delicate to be ordinary, age, everything is right.

Called, but why?

Wrong gender?

"Bly, save her." Seeing that the blond girl was about to be dragged into the inner room by several big men, the girl could not tolerate it.

He hesitated, jumped off the carriage, and ordered his guards to pass.

"As you command, miss." The guard who received the order jumped out of the carriage.

"Okay, shut up, no one will dare to save you." Listening to the girl's scream, the restaurant owner Che

Impatient at the end, he raised his hand as if giving the girl a slap in the face to tell him to quiet down, but his palm was forced

stopped in the air

Looking at the man who suddenly appeared in front of him, the restaurant owner was stunned. Before he could say "Who are you?" he felt pain in his abdomen, and his whole body flew out like a kite.

Several tables were knocked over.

"What?." The sudden change left everyone dumbfounded.

The poopy boss flew out as if he had no weight at all, and hit the cracked wall and passed out.


This scene frightened everyone present, so much so that the clerk involuntarily let go of the poor man.

A girl who is so happy that she is about to cry.

When a girl sees someone standing up for herself, she will immediately

Then he ran behind the opponent and hid timidly.

The famous clerk mustered up the courage to ask something, but was given a look by Blay.

Stared back.

What a frightening look in his eyes. There is no doubt that the man in front of him is definitely not something.

He is a good person, and he has also killed people.

"It's okay, it's okay." The blonde girl's face was hit by a furry thing

Wipe repeatedly.

In the blink of an eye, she was slightly absent-minded.

In front of her was an unrealistically beautiful black-haired girl, about the same age as her.

What a beautiful girl

At least the blonde girl had never seen such a beautiful girl since she was born.

That pitiful and pitiful face makes people want to spend their whole lives protecting it.

What is different from her is that the girl is wearing a long dress with complicated accessories. This is a kind of feminine dress.

Color combinations that even a child cannot imagine.

Luxurious clothing designed individually by aristocratic designers who spent their whole lives learning is naturally not

She, a poor slum girl who had never seen the world, could imagine it.

Only then did the girl realize the gap between the two people. This strange girl was different from her.

From the moment she was born, the little princess has enjoyed all the glory and wealth. How can she be different from someone like her who lives in a slum?

Children are all different.

"You, who are you? Don't you know who is covering this area? How dare you come to my place?

Cause trouble!" At this time, the restaurant owner, who had fainted with his eyes white, came to his senses and covered himself with the hit.

The left side of his pig-headed face stood up tremblingly.

The man remained unmoved, as if the fat man in front of him was just a clamoring insect.

"Okay, okay! You guys like to meddle in other people's business, don't you? Let me tell you, you're going to make a big mistake

It's over!" Seeing that he was being ignored, the restaurant owner became angry.

"You, call the knight captain and ask him to bring the knights over. Tell him that there are unruly people here who trespass on me.

shop and attacked me!"

"Well, boss, should we consider it again?"

Just from the clothes they wear, it can be seen that these two people have unusual backgrounds, but at this moment, the fat man

The boss was so angry that he ignored him.

"Go if you are told to go. What, do you want to be fired? ?"

"I, I'll go right away." The clerk shrank. He didn't dare to offend his boss. He walked through the back door.

Went around.

"You brat, don't run away if you have the ability!" The fat boss said proudly.

After a while, the knight commander came to the scene with a group of armed knights.

"Who is making trouble?" The knight commander of Port Kela slowly walked away surrounded by his subordinates.

When she came out, she glanced at Bly and the two girls beside her.

Of course he knows how to make trouble

Who did it? He was just pretending, that's all. However, when he looked at

When he turned to Bly and the black-haired girl, his face suddenly froze.

His heart stopped, and then he came to the fat boss without saying a word and slapped him in the face.

"?! ?" This slap made the fat boss confused. He didn't even know about this knight.

What's wrong with him? Could it be that I don't usually give him enough money? ?

"What's your name?" After calming the girl's emotions, the black-haired girl asked softly.

"I, I don't have a name." The blond girl lowered her head slightly.

"Then, how about I give you a name?"


"Well, you will be called Bai Jin from now on, how about?~"

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