Soon, Ji Yue noticed that this world line was significantly different from the original world line.

For example, regarding her brother, his father did not know that Ji Bai was Sheng Lun at first.

The family's orthodox bloodline, adopting him was just a coincidence.

If she remembered correctly, the descendant of Shenglun they found in the previous life was from another collateral line.

He was Ji Bai's master, but he was later imprisoned because he lost control.

This life seems to be slightly different. Ji Feng knew from the beginning that Ji Bai was a member of the Shenglun family.

His direct descendant, although he is not as cold to him as in his previous life.

After all, this is an extremely selfish man who wants the whole world to revolve around him.

He thinks that everyone is a puppet on strings, and he absolutely does not want to see existences that are out of his control.

Shenglun is an uncontrollable factor for him but must be controlled, which gives him a headache


Ji Yue was silent, but there was an undetectable color in her eyes.

She didn't need to guess. She could figure out that the man in front of her was probably thinking of some despicable means.

Tie the child of the Shenglun family completely to his chariot.

Haha, I won't let you succeed, Ji Yue secretly made up her mind.

For Shinra, the help of the Shenglun family is indispensable, whether it is to restore the bloodline

Or maybe it is very helpful as a combat force.

Among the three major guardian families of Gulan, the light of the Shenglun family is really too dazzling.

, to the point of covering up the other two major families.

The origin of chivalry, the blood descendant of the demon-slaying god king Sheng Lun, the descendant of the paladin Bai Ming

This family has too much halo, and the name of Paladin still affects Ba

Rand, humans and even some non-human ancestral temples paid tribute to the ancestors of the Holy Lun.

These further illustrate the significance of containing the direct bloodline of the Shenglun family.

How important.

However, after thinking about it, Ji Feng couldn't think of any way to kill such a brainless guy.

Tie it firmly. After all, according to ancient records, the saints of the past dynasties are getting better and better with each generation.

Jump, publicly admonishing the king is commonplace for these guys.

You must, you must find an idea to tie him to your family, right, tie him!

Ji Feng thought of a great idea.

The Shenglun family is the descendants of the gods after slaying the demon king Shenglun. Logically speaking, they are the descendants of the gods.

Shinra is also a good match, so wouldn’t it be the best of both worlds? ?-

After reading this, Ji Feng had a clear answer in his heart, and suddenly his face was filled with a smile -

Ji Yue, who was still thinking about what kind of tricks Ji Feng would make, smiled when she saw this man.

Like a chrysanthemum, I suddenly felt uneasy.

This old guy probably has figured out a way.

Tsk, Ji Yue's heart is filled with disgust. She wonders if this old guy wants to use her again.

To achieve some despicable and shameless purpose.

For example, marriage or something, marrying yourself to guys you haven't even met in person.

It's simply too irresponsible to decide the life-long events between the two parties without authorization, and put yourself with - -

The practice of tying two strangers together is really disgusting.

"Ji Yue, look, you are not young anymore. It is said that men should marry when they are young and women should marry when they are young. I

Look, it's time to find you a perfect husband.


Ji Yue's face was gloomy for a moment, but she soon regained her composure.

It’s not just once or twice that this man behaves arbitrarily, just like what he said to himself,

There is absolutely no room for her to refute or refuse. She just listens to me. I don’t want you to think that I

I think it means 'overbearing'.

I won't let you succeed.

Ji Yue secretly swore in her heart that although she could only compromise now, this was just Tao's wish.

It's a secret plan. When this body grows up and its wings are full, it will be her who resists this man.


When the time comes, just wait.

"Well, father, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"Haha, that's it. As for me, I plan to prepare a wedding for you. Well, there's no need to panic.

It’s not that you get married now, but you get engaged. "

"Yes." Ji Yue remained calm, acting like a well-behaved and sensible person who would do whatever her father said.

"Who is the engagement partner?"

"The engagement partner, yes." Ji Yue's well-behaved degree surprised Ji Feng.

I thought this girl would cry and make trouble. He who hanged himself didn't expect to be so obedient to him, which made Ji

Feng felt a lot more relieved.

"As for the engagement partner, you know, we are blood descendants of the Shinra clan, so we are naturally particular about

A perfect match. "


Ji Yue's expression did not change, but she squeezed the tea cup in her hand.

"Of course it is impossible for my father to arrange for some mud-legged chickens to marry you. They are not worthy.

In this world, the only people in this world who are eligible for intermarriage with the Shinra bloodline are those who are also descendants of the gods. "

Ji Feng started his own deception, but

What he doesn't know is that for these clichés like him,

This is not the first time Yue has heard this.

That's right, Ji Yue had heard everything Ji Feng had said from just now to now.

So, you’re going to marry yourself off next? A man you’ve never even met before?

Man, she doesn't do this kind of thing at all.

"Do you still remember when you were a child, what your father told you about those knights of justice who defeated the devil and thus

A story that saved the world? In fact, these stories all have the same prototype, that is, beheading

Demon King Shenglun, this paladin and her descendants have been protecting the country from generation to generation as one of the guardian clans.

Our country is really full of loyalists. "


?" Something's wrong.

Ji Yue heard something different from this. She clearly remembered what Ji Feng had boasted about in her previous life.

It's obviously the guy with the cross of swords, why is it the turn of the cross of swords this time? Is it possible?

"I can rest assured, father, that I will hand you over to a loyal and pious knight. Well, so

What I mean is to get you engaged to a descendant of the Shenglun family, how about that?"

She couldn't refuse this kind of thing!

"Okay, I understand. I must obey my father's arrangements." Ji Yue squeezed the tea cup in her hand.

It's the same as before, but the difference this time is that it's to suppress the inability to hide in my heart

The excitement and tightening are not similar to the previous venting.

"Well, I know that my daughter is the most sensible." Ji Feng smiled and touched Ji Yue's head.


Ji Yue doesn't care. Compared with this, she is now thinking about getting married with her brother.

The scene was as if she had stepped from here to the future, where the happy and beautiful bride was wearing a white wedding dress at the banquet.

He was so happy that he even liked Ji Feng.

After settling this matter, Ji Feng had already found the blood descendant of the Shenglun family.

, located in the slums of Port Keira.

Ji Feng was not surprised by this. When the Gulan Empire fell, members of the Shenglun family died in battle.

Died in battle, hiding in hiding, collateral and direct lines were disrupted to various places, and intermarried with humans for many generations.

After that, most of them were no different from human beings, with no trace of the bloodline of the Shenglun family at all.

Those who can be found through bloodline induction are often those whose bloodline threshold is strong enough, that is

Direct bloodline.

Ji Feng has been doing this kind of thing all the time without stopping. He found someone in his early years.

The descendants of Ned and Mirror, but the descendants of Sheng Lun have been fruitless. This bloodline seems to be in human

It was as if the time had completely disappeared.

It wasn’t until recent years that I had an unexpected experience in an inconspicuous little place called Port Kela.


"Kaila can't be wrong. Ji Yue remembers that the place where Ji Feng claimed Ji Bai was

Kaila Port, that is to say, the person in Kaila Port now is indeed her brother Ji Bai.

So, Ji Yue took the initiative to ask for help from Ji Feng, saying that she wanted to meet the future man in person.

To this, Ji Feng agreed and was dissatisfied with the fact that Ji Yue was so positive.

Not only was there no doubt, but also great appreciation.

It's great that Ji Yue accepted her fiancé, at least it saves her

A lot of effort.

However, when he arrived at that place and saw the petite figure from a distance, Ji

Yue was at a loss.

"Target, is that really that person? ?" Ji Yue asked the secret guard who was accompanying him, and the latter was also a little confused.


"It shouldn't be wrong, it's just that kid."

"But, why is it a girl? ?" Ji Yue was a little confused. Although her brother was later

The face is indeed a girl, but it turned out to be an out-and-out boy!

"Miss, we just sensed the blood reaction, but we don't know the gender yet."

Wei was a little surprised why Ji Yue insisted so firmly that the other party was a boy?

The child who was grabbed by the clerk and pulled inside was a girl. Although the secondary sexual characteristics had not yet developed, Ji Yue could still clearly tell whether it was a boy or a girl.

So, a series of things happened after that.

After approaching the blonde girl, Ji Yue was able to clearly capture her facial features.

The extremely delicate cheeks, even if they are stained with a little gray and black dust, cannot hide the beauty of her cheeks.

A face that would captivate the entire nation.

Whether it's hair color, appearance, origin or other information, they are all correct with Ji Bai, except

Could it be said that the elder brother in this world is a girl?

After a long time, Ji Yue finally recovered from the explosive information, but it didn't take much.

Big effort.

After all, in her last life, she had seen her brother whose gender had been changed due to blood purification. This face was very different.

Not a stranger to her.

But what she didn't expect was that her brother in this life turned into a sister directly, and she grew taller.

Still so hooked

Seeing the restaurant owner not far away who was in shock and knew that something was wrong with him, Ji Yue

I can somewhat understand the latter's behavior.

Such a face that offends men, and then paired with

Wherever you go to pursue the extraordinary woman in the future

There will be no shortage of them -

Thinking of this, Ji Yue felt a trace of unwillingness in her heart, and all the joy after seeing her brother

All turned into deep worries.

Ji Bai in this life is a girl, so how can she get engaged to him?

Not to mention the engagement, what if some bad guy comes out of nowhere and abducts my sister?

What should I do??

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