Blood Princess and the Knight

4~Opportunities not seized

So beautiful, really beautiful. Is she an angel?

The blonde girl stared blankly at the 'angel' standing in front of her, saving her.

Unlike those uneducated and faithless little brats, the blond girl is devout and devoted to her faith.

Perseverance, she believes that there are benevolent gods in this boundless world. She believes in gods.

The Lord is kindly watching everything that the mortal world is going through.

After finishing her work every day, she would clasp her hands and pray to the gods, thanking the gods for their mercy.

Let her spend another day safely in this dangerous place.

She has always believed that as long as she believes in the gods and restrains herself by moral principles, then the gods will also

This will also bless her and look after her. Living to this day is proof that she has deep protection for the gods.

For sure.

When encountering injustice, girls will always stand up. In this world, no one has time to do anything.

Bao, a slum where humanity has been annihilated, she is an alien among aliens, even because of her overly upright sexuality.

Although she was deceived several times, she never tired of it and never ignored anyone who asked for help.

"Still alive is the reward given to me by Lord Cypriel." She always said to herself.

Her petite body contains a will tougher than a stone. Based on this, she has transcended

We have overcome many difficulties, and it has been thirteen years. If we survive this winter, this year will be

She also managed to survive.

However, it encountered an episode that almost overturned.

Seeing the bullied boy being bullied, the girl stood up to him without even thinking about it.


In this cold and heartless slum, she is even better than those patrol cavalry wearing cold armor.

A knight is more like a knight.

In the past, people who were deceived were just defrauded of some subsistence food or clothing, or stuffed with cash.

Being someone else's free labor force, she was not so lucky this time. It was her whole being who was deceived.

Although this is not the first time she has experienced the indifference of human nature, the girl still firmly believes and hopes in her heart.

There must be more good people in this world.

Even if she is ungratefully sold by the person who gave her favor and is about to become a little slave girl, she still

That's what I firmly believe.

She didn't believe that God would abandon her like this. God would definitely save her.

However, the reality is cold. No one answered her loud calls for help. It just happened that

Pedestrians passing by could only pretend to be deaf and mute silently, pretending not to see it, and walked away in despair.

Just when she was about to despair, that figure appeared.

"Are you okay?" The beautiful black-haired girl wiped her face with concern.


The blond girl was stunned. This was the first time she saw a girl of the same age who was so beautiful that she was so unreal.

Like, the angel described in the call

Yes, is it an angel? Sure enough, Lord Cypriel did not abandon me. He sent his envoy

He has come to save me.

"Oh my God, Sister Angel, the blonde girl murmured dully.

"Miss Angel?" Ji Yue was stunned, not understanding what the brother (sister) in this world was talking about.


This encounter reminded her of the first time she met her brother.

Well, now that I think about it, my brother was really stupid at first. When he was adopted and brought home, he didn’t

Mu Leng was like an idiot. She didn't like him very much at first. After all, there were suddenly many people at home.

When a child has a non-blood sibling, ordinary children are afraid that he will take away the love of their parents.

It is certain that the children who come will be rejected.

Until we get along later, this fool will always meet all his requirements unconditionally.

, even if it is just an unintentional word.

Since then, Ji Yue, who had been tricked by invisible forces, gradually fell in love with this taciturn Muleng.

But a pure and principled boy.

Even in the girl's world line, the character is still rigid, silly and naive, right?

It's okay for boys, but if it's a girl, I'm afraid she can be tricked into sleeping with her dozens of times.

With a thought, Ji Yue was even more grateful that she came in time, otherwise she might want to see him later

She can only be in a dark building.

"Mr. Knight Commander, what are you doing? This man not only hit me, but also

If you want to take away my legal female slave, why are you standing by and doing nothing? "Been beaten-ba

The restaurant owner in charge had a blank look on his face, but he was getting angry but he didn't dare to show up.

"Idiot! Don't you know that our human federation does not allow slave trading? ?"

The Knight Commander yelled angrily.

"What nonsense, we are a federal system, not slavery!"

"Yes, I'm talking about federalism." The restaurant owner still didn't understand what the other party meant.

Doesn't the federal system not allow slaves? This is the first time he has heard of it.

Isn’t this kind of thing just a matter of paying some money and turning a blind eye?

"-Bullshit! You said this little girl is your slave, you know what you're talking about

? Do you believe this yourself? ?" The knight commander of Port Kela is a sensible person.

Too confused to see the situation clearly, he also

I can't get this position.

Let’s not say that the powerful man is a guard, let’s just say that the black-haired girl wears a

The crest worn by him is the crest of the Flame Spear Clan, one of the Thirteen Families.

The Thirteen Families are the core of the power center of the human federation. They are a small family of their own.

Can the Knight Commander of the Port Order be offended?

Looking at the blond girl they rescued, one could tell she was extraordinary just from her appearance.

If it's not a declining noble, maybe it's the young lady from that big family who has been left behind by the people. If she is taken over by her family in the future,

If a person finds it, he will become a successful person, he will be reborn as a phoenix, and he will be able to crush himself with just one toe.


Thanks to this idiot with no eyesight, he still can't understand the situation and keeps trying to dismantle him. Thinking of this

The knight commander wished he could slap the restaurant owner again.

If this Lord is provoked, his life will be in great danger, not to mention losing his official position.

If you don’t want your life, I still want my life! Don’t drag me into the water, okay??

"Miss Flame Spear, I came down late and frightened the two of you. I feel really guilty." The knight said.

Chang knelt down on one knee and showed groveling. On the one hand, these words were an apology, and on the other hand, they were a reminder.

Some blind idiot identifies this girl and says you're in big trouble.

"Flame Spear?" Hearing this, the restaurant owner was stunned, and his IQ slowly took over the high ground.

The only thing that could make this knight commander treat him so respectfully was someone he couldn't afford to offend, that is


The restaurant owner almost couldn't stand still, but he could barely hold on with the help of the clerk behind him.

body shape.

"It's not too late, Mr. Knight Commander, the fun has just begun."

Ji Yue's joking voice reached the ears of the knight commander. The latter's shoulders trembled slightly, secretly thinking that something was wrong, he immediately stood up and made a promise with his head held high.

"I swear that I will deal with this matter seriously and give the two ladies an explanation."

"Miss, please forgive me. I am blind and blind. I have offended you. Please forgive me."

Yeah!" Seeing that the disaster was approaching, the restaurant owner didn't want to sit still and wait for death. He immediately knelt down and cried.

Tears from your nose.

He crawled to the blonde girl and burst into tears.

"Well, Mr. Shopkeeper, can you get up first? We'll talk about it later." The blond girl couldn't bear it.


"Uuuuuu, old mother, my son can no longer continue to be filial to you. I am less than seven years old.

What should I do with my 6-year-old son? He felt sympathy for the blond girl, and the restaurant owner immediately

When I thought something was going on, I immediately started crying even harder, and all kinds of misfortunes appeared in an endless stream.

"Well, Mr. Boss, no one will do anything to you. Get up quickly." The blonde girl finally said

After all, I still can’t bear to see a child about his own age lose his parents and become like himself-

Such an orphan, even if the other party was full of malice towards her and wanted to force her to become a child bride.

"Miss." The guard glanced at Ji Yue, who just sighed lightly.

To her, as long as the girl is fine, it doesn't matter to her what happens to these insects.

If the girl doesn't want to touch them, then she shouldn't move. It just so happens that her hands are dirty after being touched by this thing.

"Well, Miss Angel, they actually don't have any malicious intentions. I think even if they are malicious

Criminals should also be given a chance to reform. "Sure enough, the blond girl asked Ji Yue for help

In love.

Ji Yue is a little helpless. Her brother (sister) has never experienced this.

Society beats the ivory tower to speak.

No, it doesn’t mean that she hasn’t been severely beaten by society. It’s just that the girl’s character is too pure.

She prefers to use kindness to interpret others and speculate on others.

It doesn't matter to Ji Yue anyway, it doesn't matter if she lets this reptile go.

However, the restaurant owner still got carried away. He once seized the opportunity, but failed

Missed it.

Ji Yue's expression darkened, and her face was filled with sinister thoughts, just because the restaurant owner did something

An extremely wrong move.

He hugged the blonde girl's ankles.

"Thank you, thank you, miss. You are as holy and radiant as an angel, just like a messenger sent by gods and humans to the lower world. Sepuriel bless you! A restaurant that is like an amnesty.

The boss used his last move to kill, hugging his thighs and crying, and then played GG.

Actually, he actually dared to touch her feet with those dirty hands and rub her stinky face!

Ji Yue was expressionless on the surface, but she was already furious in her heart.

She winked at the guard next to her. The latter understood it and would entangle him without saying a word.

The girl's restaurant owner dragged her down.

"Eh eh eh? ?" The restaurant owner looked confused.

He once had a chance to live, but it turns out that not everyone takes the chance when it comes.

Can hold it.

"Mr. Knight Commander." Ji Yue glanced at him coldly.

The knight commander looked at Ji Yue blankly, then at the blond girl, and after a moment of thinking,

That’s what the author meant.

I have to say that Mr. Knight Commander’s mind is indeed moving very fast.

, is also smart enough to understand

Observe the words and emotions, and understand Ji Yue's meaning. It's no wonder that he can become the knight commander.

Without saying a word, he rushed out of the restaurant immediately. When he came back, he was holding a clean and

A brand new towel and a basin of water were handed over with both hands.

"Miss Flame Spear."

"Sit down." When her eyes turned to the blonde girl, Ji Yue's cold face showed tenderness.

After helping the stunned girl onto the seat, she bent down and personally took off her tattered and unfitting clothes.

The shoes on your feet should be wiped with water.


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