Blood Princess and the Knight

5~Ji Yue’s foot-warming service

"Then, um, this lady??"

"My name is Ji Yue"

"Miss Jiyue?"

"There is no need for the last two extra honorifics."

"Ji, Yue?" The blonde girl tried to call her by her first name, but she felt a little uncomfortable. After all, she first

I had only received favors from each other before, and the two of them were not very familiar with each other when they first met. How could they address each other like this?

I don’t think it’s appropriate to call it anything.

"Yeah." Ji Yue heard the blond girl call her by her name in a childish voice.

A strange feeling arose in my heart.

"Okay, please let go of my feet first." The small arches of the feet were covered by the delicate and smooth jade of the noble lady.

With her hands wrapped around her, the blonde girl blushed a little and made a request in a low voice, being held like this

My feet are really embarrassing.

"It's dirty, you have to clean it up." Ji Yue said matter-of-factly.

"Ah? Is it dirty? The blonde girl tilted her head in confusion. If she wanted to clean it, she

Her body is not very clean either. After all, there are no conditions for her to take a bath in a place like the slums.

The body is inevitably soiled.

Ji Yue didn't explain much. She absolutely prohibited the girl from being exposed to other people's smell and saliva.

Bodily fluids, so they must be cleaned up.

"But, how, how can this be like this? The blonde girl still doesn't want to say anything.

accept. "You are a noble, how can you squat down and wipe my feet?"

'Be good, don't move. "Just when the blonde girl was about to say something, Ji Yue stood up

He gently pinched the blonde girl's chin with his index and middle fingers, and moved closer to her face.

"Don't move, otherwise, I might hurt you." Ji Yue's gentle voice came to Jin.

Next to the girl's ears, a pair of purple eyes were filled with soft emotions.

"Hmm!" The blonde girl obviously hadn't come to her senses yet, and was shocked by the other party's extremely stimulating behavior.

I felt dizzy, my face was red with embarrassment, and my eyes almost turned into mosquito coils.

The other party refused to give up, and the blond girl hesitated to speak. She could only be embarrassed in front of everyone.

He reluctantly accepted this public execution.

"Mr. Knight Commander."

"Here!" Hearing Ji Yue calling him, the knight commander immediately stepped out of the queue.

"Towels and water can't clean it."

"Miss, wait a moment, I'll get it done right away." He instantly understood what Ji Yue needed.

The sergeant didn't dare to delay. He rushed out of the shop like a waiter running errands. After a while, he ran

In his panting hand, there was a piece of pink and white jade fat cake that had not yet been unpacked.

"Is this the only kind of cheap stuff?" Ji Yue frowned slightly.

"Hug, I'm sorry, miss. The economy in Port Kela is in recession, and most people can't afford soap.

This is our most expensive soap here. "Seeing that Ji Yue is not happy, the knight commander is worried.

There was a thud.

Bargain? -

The blond girl next to me was dumbfounded. Not to mention that soap is placed in the slums, it is not suitable for those people.

For farmers and estate owners, these are luxuries. This soap is of relatively high quality. However,

In the eyes of this black-haired girl, it’s just cheap stuff? ?

You know, she has never had the opportunity to use such luxurious things as soap since she was a child.

"We only have this kind of stuff, can we just make do with it?"

"No, no, how can I use such a luxurious thing?" Seeing this, the blonde girl

He kept shaking his head and tried to pull his foot back but failed.

"Luxurious things?" Ji Yue raised her eyebrows and then said with a smile. "It's the opposite, it's like this

How can something cheap be used to wipe your feet?"

The wave has not subsided - the wave is rising again, and the blonde girl's head is like a wave after being hit by this condom

I was overwhelmed by such a verbal attack.

Also, there are so many people watching, okay, I’m so embarrassed

Ji Yue held the girl's feet. Her neat and delicate toes were like big pearls.

The white skin was turned red due to the excessive cold, and the narrow arches of the feet were perfectly shaped.

It beautifully outlines the beauty of the soles of the feet, even if the soles are too thin and have some scratches.

"Why, don't you like to be seen?" Ji Yue smiled, her purple eyes like

It curved into a crescent moon happily like a provocative elf.

"Hey, you guys go out." Ji Yue was not so gentle at all when speaking to the group of people behind her.

, the tone is even colder than the icy cold wind in the cold winter of this twelfth lunar month.

"What are you looking at? Why don't you go out quickly?" The knight commander hurriedly greeted him while he was still watching.

The subordinates came out of the room.

Don't forget to close the door when you go out.

Before the girl came to her senses, Ji Yue made another surprising move.

“Miss Jiyue? ?You

"I told you, just call me Ji Yue."

"Ji, Ji Yue, please let me go.'

"In this case, will it be warmer?" Ji Yue held the girl's feet in her arms without caring.

He said with a smile on his face.

"It's warm, it's warm, it's already very warm, stop now!"

"The blonde girl was almost frightened.

Just imagine: a noble lady with a high status actually took off her vagina so humbly.

Shoes, clean your feet, and cover your feet with your body temperature

This was simply something she couldn't even imagine.

"Uh uh

Everything was going so fast that the blonde girl's head started to smoke.

"No, if we let this go on, our toes will freeze." For some reason, he looked at

Ji Yue seemed to have awakened an inexplicable sexual interest in the shy girl in front of her.

When she thought that this girl was the effeminate version of her brother, she was stunned when she saw that she was full of youthfulness.

Her blushing face and thighs pressed together, and her timid appearance actually gave her a feeling of embarrassment.

A feeling of being unable to stop.

Different from Bai Jin in her previous life, this girl has been a girl through and through since she was born.

With the reserve and shyness of a girl, this feeling is completely different -

After thinking about this, Ji Yue slightly raised her beautiful eyes and blinked her eyelashes - she took it in her mouth

up the girl's toes.

"Yeah!! The girl's body convulsed as if she'd been electrocuted. This explosive move

The movement caused her mind to go blank for a moment, her head drooped on the back of the chair, and her face was full of sluggishness.

Ji Yue also knew that she seemed to have gone too far, so she treated her daughter carefully and meticulously.

After the child wiped the soles of her feet and ankles, she ended the torture of the girl.

Seeing that the other party was finally willing to give up, the girl retracted her feet aggrievedly and pouted.

She looked at Ji Yue with some resentment.

This look made Ji Yue's heart skip a beat, as if every move, every smile of the girl in front of her could tug at her heartstrings.

"From now on, how about you call me Bai Jin?" After this little interlude, Ji Yue suddenly suggested


"Bai, Jin?" The girl tilted her head, thought for a moment, and then her eyes lit up. "well

Listen to the name. "

"Then, you will be called Bai Jin from now on." Seeing that the other party did not reject him, Ji Yue said with a smile.

"Sister Jiyue


"Ji Yue analyzed. Seeing the dissatisfaction in the other party's voice, Bai Jin immediately changed his words. "Thank you for saving me just now.

It helped me a lot, thank you very much.

With that said, Bai Jin was thinking about putting on her shoes, but was stopped by Ji Yue. “These shoes are too

It's torn and can't be worn anymore. "

"Eh? It's not broken, it's pretty good." Bai Jin blinked his big eyes.

"I'll just buy you a new pair later. I don't want these shoes anymore."

"This, how can this be done?" Bai Jin--heard this anxiously. ""I've been wearing these shoes for many years, why?

How can I accept the things you bought for me if I can throw them away? "

Ji Yue rolled her eyes, pretending to be unsure, and her shoes fell into the water below.

In the basin, the loose structure was suddenly soaked with water.

"Ah! I'm sorry, I soaked your shoes in the water. If you don't

Now that I can wear it, please allow me to compensate you for a pair. "

"It's okay, I can still wear it.

"It's soaked, how can you wear this?" Ji Yue was surprised.

"That's ok."



"No, okay." As she spoke, Ji Yue's smiling face came close to Bai Jin.

"Well, Bai Jin doesn't dare to say anything anymore.

At this time, the guard also finished handling the matter and returned to Ji Yue.

Ji Yue asked to take Bai Jin to buy a new pair of shoes on the grounds that the shoes were soaked.

Jin repeatedly refused and said that it would be of no use if he didn’t accept other people’s things.

But how can we walk without shoes? Naturally, it is impossible for Bai Jin to be carried by the guards.

Ji Yue can only come in person.

In fact, Ji Yue really wanted to hold Bai Jin in a princess hug, but this body

I was too weak to hold a little girl of my own age, so I changed to


Ah, the feeling of close contact with my brother, so pregnant

I remember that my brother used to play the train game at home behind his back like this. Although this-

The world line seems to have reversed the relationship between the two.

"Um, Ji Yue? Can you put me down?" Bai Jin whispered softly.

"No, it's freezing cold. Your toes will freeze if you walk barefoot. Let's talk about white hibiscus.

Want to experience my foot-warming service?~~”

"Hmm, no, I don't want to think about the shameful scene just now that makes people unable to hold their heads up. Bai

Jin immediately shut up.

Due to the underdeveloped economy of Port Kela, there are not many luxury goods for sale here. Of course,

, compared to Ji Yue who lives in a big city, luxury goods are, at least for the farmers here.

It is said that things like soap are extremely rare and luxurious.

When Ji Yue travels, she has all the cards. She is accompanied by a silent guard, and -

The patrolling knights led by a knight captain serve as guides and bodyguards, which can be said to be eye-catching.

"Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Knight Commander."

"It's not hard work, it should be. Miss Ji Yue has been under my jurisdiction for a long time."

The rebuttal from the guy with the eyes is all caused by the subordinate's neglect of duty. "The Knight Commander of Port Caira

I asked the guide, but I didn’t dare to complain at all. I nodded and bowed like a rushing leader.

A pug wagging its tail.

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