Bai Jinyou once thought about what the teacher who taught her swordsmanship looked like. Maybe

He is a powerful and enthusiastic strong man, or perhaps a restrained and calm young man, but there is nothing

Thinking of such a polite gangster who seems to have no characteristics and is even a little too frivolous.

Mu Ju's thoughts were probably not much different from hers. Although he didn't say it at this moment, he had already

He turned his head away, not even wanting to look at the other person.

"Haha, starting from today, I will be your two children's basic swordsmanship master.

Teacher, please give me some advice. "Obviously aware that he was not popular, Landrito was embarrassed.

He rubbed his head and cleared his throat to hide his embarrassment.

"I would like to take the liberty to ask, what position does Mr. Landretto currently hold in the Temple Association?" Mu Ju Leng

Buding spoke.

"Young man, you obviously doubt your professionalism as a teacher. That's good, since you asked.

this matter. "Landri pushed up his glasses, knowing that his chance to show off had come -

Usually in novels, as long as you reveal your identity at this time, you will definitely be able to shock these two people.

A child who has never seen much of the world and harbors pure and simple hero worship.

"Ahem, listen, I do hold an important position in the Temple Association. Well, to tell you the truth,

I am the contemporary king of knights, the watch knight!" At this point, Landrito also made a pose.

The posture that he thought was very handsome was ready to accept the praise and admiration of these two young men.

"Ah, you don't have to worship me so much. Trust me and learn from me how to be a good person."

Knight, given time, you can also become the King of Knights!

"What a hopeless human being." Mu Ju didn't even look at Landrito, staring at the wind outside the window.

King makes a pun. “Can the Temple Association be saved?

"Hey! What do you mean, young man? ? Could it be that you don't believe what I said? Look

Okay, why don’t I look like the King of Knights?” Being mocked by a weird little kid

After doing it, Landretto was naturally dissatisfied.

"Sir, I think you are telling the contrary." He should look more like a knight.

"The corners of your mouth twitched, Landrito.

"Haha, it looks like you two won't believe it if you don't show your hands." He hummed and smiled, and then shouted to the sky. "Here comes the sword!"

I saw a flash of cold light in the air, and a seven-foot long sword appeared in Landrito's hand.

It looks like he is going to show some real skills.

Both Bai Jin and Mu Ju held their breath, not daring to miss any move.

Landrito's temperament is completely different from the frivolous young man just now, just like a

Like an old knight who has experienced hundreds of battles, he is restrained. If he doesn't move, he will be alone. If he moves, he will be thunderous -

After shouting loudly, Landry kicked the ground and made a 360-degree rotation in the air.

Spiral, there is no doubt that this is a combination of extremely difficult movements, every frame and every

The details are worth three lifetimes for gymnasts to learn.

"Ding ding!" The sharp sword tip pierced the ground, and Landry Tuo above him shot at an inclined angle.

The handstand maintains balance, which is amazing!

"How about it, two young people, now they know that they still have a lot to learn!

Hum hum

"Bah bang bang bang! The two people below clapped their hands involuntarily.

It's wonderful, it's really wonderful. It's like watching a monkey show in a circus. It's wonderful.


However, it seems to have no other meaning except for ornamental purposes.

"So, young people have bad ideas. You must know that one mountain is higher than the other. Maybe you

Very talented, but I am gifted. "Landretto maintained his posture, thinking that he was bluffing

He looked at these two children and kept boasting, not feeling the two people in the audience looking at him at all.

His eyes changed from a frivolous man to a mentally retarded one.

Is this man the knight appointed by the Temple Association? If he is really the King of Knights, who

Can the federation be saved?

Even Bai Jin, who didn't like to gossip about others behind their backs, couldn't help but think to herself.

"Okay, before class, I need to understand the basics of swordsmanship between you two." After sheathing the sword,

The young man stood still like a master, but what he didn't know was that his image was in the hearts of both of them.

The place has been completely destroyed.

Isn't he a lunatic who escaped from some mental hospital?

Mu Ju's thoughts were more direct, and he was already comparing the similarities between the man in front of him and the psychopath.

"The basics of swordsmanship, the so-called solid foundation, then learning anything will get twice the result with half the effort, and you

Whether the foundation is solid or not, as a swordsman master, I can tell at a glance, well, let’s play

A simple and easy to understand game. "After he started teaching, Landry talked eloquently.

"What the teacher means is, let us take turns to practice with you." Mu Ju stood up and was already moving around.

Start looking for someone to use.

"Harm, young people, don't be so murderous. I am your teacher. I am not bragging. You

If you want to defeat me, Teacher, there is still a long way to go, so I am not letting you

You pick

Fight me, but, you two practice each other.

"I don't think so." Mu Ju rejected Landrito's request without hesitation.

He is different from a guy who only has good-looking skin, but he makes demands on himself every day

Do high-intensity training.

Both his physique and swordsmanship are far superior to that of this kid picked up from the slums.


He is just a guy with blood but no talent. To put it bluntly, he is just a little bit old.

God's favor gave her the identity of a descendant of divine blood. Apart from this, she was nothing.

So there is no need to compare. He and this boy, except for his bloodline, have no merit at all.

It's different.

If this is the so-called basic swordsmanship course, then he feels that he has not continued.

It's necessary.

"Little classmate Muju, where are you going?" Landri Tuo called from behind and was about to leave.

I have reached the wooden tenon in front of the classroom door.

"Go back and practice your sword." Mu Ju said concisely and concisely.

"Go back to sword practice?" Landrito suppressed his smile and pushed up his glasses. "Looks like

Little kid Mukuo didn’t listen to my earnest words at all, and besides, he even said to me

I hold a great degree of prejudice?"

"No, I just feel like you can't teach me anything, teacher, so I won't waste your time."


"That's it.

Bai Jin looked at the wooden tenon nervously, and then at Landrito.

No matter how you describe this behavior, it is too contemptuous of the teacher. During class, I told the teacher that I

To think you can't teach me this is tantamount to provocation.

"Oh, so that's what you think." Landrito thought for a moment and then smiled. "Um,

I really want to know whether I can teach you this, so let’s give it a try.

How about the test? Don't worry, it won't delay you for too long. If I lose this test, then it will prove

Obviously I can't teach you. From now on, I won't let you go wherever your children like to go during class.

No matter what. "

"What test?"

"As I said just now, compete with Bai Jin, your classmate. If you win

Then it proves that I really can't teach you. "

"It's meaningless and there's no suspense." The wooden tenon didn't even answer -

He is just a kid from the slums who has never touched a sword. If he loses to someone with zero basic knowledge,

If there is, then the swordsmanship he has learned over the years is really just feeding the dog.

"No suspense? Not sure." Landri smiled inexplicably. "Still the same sentence

In other words, one mountain is higher than the other. Muzhu, you may be very talented, but how do you know this?

Is there someone more talented than you in this world?

"This joke is not funny." Someone who even seems clumsy in etiquette class will have such a talent.

Plant something? ?

"I'm not kidding you." Landrito also became serious, not as playful as before.

Smiley faces and gags.

"Otherwise, if I just skip class like this, I won't be able to explain it to Grandpa Ji Feng, and neither will you.

How about this?.

Boring, whatever you want, Mr. Landretto.

"Okay, then just do whatever I want." Landrito said with a smile. "But, let's compete

The time is not now. "Then why don't you let me leave?"

"I didn't say it was in the future. The competition time is today." These words were not just a frown on Mu Dou's face.

His brows furrowed, and even Bai Jin was stunned.

Want her to fight with others? But she is not good at this at all. When she was in the slums

He also has no experience in fighting with others, let alone holding a sword. Why is this Landry Tuo

Why does the teacher seem so confident?

"Are you going to let her defeat me today?"

"um, yes.

"Ha." Mu Ju laughed coldly. This was really a joke, even if it was given to Landry.

So what about the days of teaching? Can this half a day compare to the years he accumulated over time?

If it can't be compared, then he might as well stop living with his wooden tenon. It's a waste of air to continue living anyway.

"You go out first. I'll teach this kid Bai Jin a few tricks. He'll be fine soon."

"Ha." He said it more irresponsibly than joking, and Mu Ten didn't take it seriously at all.

"Here, this is a wooden sword for training. Take it. I'll teach you a few basic moves, and then I'll teach you another one.

A finishing move is almost enough. "

,.Wait a moment. "Bai Jin was a little panicked.

This is her first day holding a sword. Doesn’t this teacher Landrito not consider whether the students

Is it zero-based?

"What? You don't have confidence in yourself?"

"Teacher, I don't know how to use a sword. I have never held one before." Bai Jin told the truth.

"I know, this is just for you to learn." Landrito said matter-of-factly.

"But, how can I learn it in one afternoon?

"If you can learn it, of course you can."

"But, I haven't heard that you can master the basics of swordsmanship in one afternoon.

"Of course I haven't heard of it. It was someone else, not you. How do you know if you can do it?

"I can't

"You can do it." Landrito said with serious eyes. "Others may not be able to do it, but you can definitely do it.

Not because of anything else, just because you are Holy Lun.

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