"This move is called Watcher's Wrath. Well, it is already a very powerful sword skill for humans.

, but for us it can only be regarded as ordinary. “Teaching the basics,” Landrito tells

Here are the details and some generalizations about this move.

Bai Jin always felt that there was something wrong with Landrito's words. He said it as if they were not human beings.

"The specific details are almost handed over to you. Okay, the rest is actual combat."

"Eh? Wait a minute, Mr. Landretto, this is my first time holding a hand

"Well, I know, you said it." Landrito nodded.

"I don't know how to use a weapon like a sword. I've never used it.

"So isn't this just for you to try in actual combat?

Bai Jin didn't understand what Landrito wanted to do.

"The wooden tenon is much stronger than me.

"Ok, I know."

"Then why did you let me go?"

"Just because he is better than you doesn't mean he will always be better than you, nor does it mean you can't defeat him now.

"At least you won't lose in the swordsmanship competition."

Bai Jin didn't know where the other party's inexplicable self-confidence came from. It seemed that he

She understands herself better than she does.

"Just remember what I just taught you. Okay, you're ready to go." Landrito glanced at

White hibiscus. "I heard that you really want to be a knight, right?"

Bai Jin's heart trembled.

"Since you want to become a knight, you must have the heart and righteousness to do it despite knowing that you cannot do it.

Courage without hesitation. "

"But I don't know anything."

"So, do you think you have to be strong first, and then you can be a knight?" Landry Tuo said, using the wooden sword

Throw it to Bai Hibiscus.

"Of course, a powerful knight can save many people.

"Well, you got the answer right, save people, right?" Landrito smiled. "No matter how strong you are, you have to

It is used to save people and save the world, otherwise this power will only be used in a wrong way. "

"As for me, I may not be able to think like a sage, but I also think that those who are able work harder.

It makes sense, so I chose to be a knight instead of relying on it to make money. "

Bai Jin stared at Landrito blankly, seeming to be recalling the meaning of these words in her heart.

"So, the foundation for becoming a knight is not to be strong, but that you have to have a knight's heart.

"The power of faith is stronger than any sharp knife."

"Okay, go ahead, believe in yourself, don't feel pressure, even if you lose, it will be embarrassing.

Am I not? "Hahaha, patted Bai Jin on the shoulder, Landrito walked out of the teaching center first.


Mu Ju had already arrived at the empty training ground ahead of the two of them.

A wealthy family like the Yanmao family is very particular about the layout of the courtyard.

Yes, there are partitions made of magic material that can reduce noise and have certain resistance to spells, and they are also laid on the ground.

The jade slab that absorbs spell energy is quite a feat.

Mu Ju held a wooden sword in his hand and looked at him coldly as he slowly walked out of the classroom, his face filled with tears.

White hibiscus with a thoughtful look.

He didn't take her seriously at all. This competition was meaningless to him.

Just give Grandpa Ji Feng some face.

"Is this good?" Mu Ju's voice was a little contemptuous. "Would you like to practice again?"

"No need, that's fine. Look, little Muju, it's been almost an hour or so.

Okay, if we delay any longer, our class will never be finished. "Landrito smiled.

"Haha." Mu Chu smiled coldly. “Teachers are very confident in their teaching skills.

"Well, strictly speaking, I am not confident in my teaching level. After all, I am also

This is my first time teaching. "

"How should I put it? To be precise, I have confidence in little Bai Jin."

"Absurd." Mu Chu said without hesitation.

"Maybe it's ridiculous." Landrito said meaningfully. "Okay, the game is about to start. Let me be the temporary referee. I think both of you know the rules of the game. It's over.

After all, friendship comes first and competition comes second. "

This sentence is nonsense. If you really want to be competitive, who cares whether you are friends or not?

It's beating him to death.

In this game, Mu Ju didn’t want to play well, but he still gave it to Landry Tuo.

To save face, I planned to go back and forth a few times in a symbolic sense to let Bai Jin know the difference, and then we could get married again.

End the fight.

Looking at Bai Jin who was standing opposite him, Mu Ju slowly put down the training on his shoulders.

Use wooden sword.

After holding their breath and looking at each other, the competition officially began.

It was the first time she had such a formal duel with a sword. Bai Jin was still very nervous.

His movements couldn't help but slow down a bit, and he didn't react until the wooden tenon pushed forward to block with his sword.

The technique is clumsy and stiff, not even for beginners.

Mu Ju had expected this, but he did not immediately defeat the opponent who was full of flaws.

The sword tilted and hit the girl on the shoulder.


"Bai Jin took two steps back in pain.

The foundation of the two's swordsmanship was obvious at a glance, and Bai Jin was almost beaten one-sidedly.

Mu Ju glanced at Landrito, who had a calm face.

Is that all?

Mu Ju launched another offensive, and Bai Jin was still in that clumsy blocking posture, wishing he could

It seemed like he had to curl up his whole body to resist his attack.

It's so stupid. He's just a beginner who hasn't even scratched the surface.

Mu Chu felt bored. Instead of being distracted by this stupid boy and the inexplicable teacher here,

If he wasted time, he might as well use it to do something more meaningful.

With his patience exhausted, he planned to end the battle directly, but at this time, Bai Jin seemed to be still

Not giving up, he raised his sword and slashed at him with extremely clumsy movements.

It's all in vain.

Wanting to block with one hand and counterattack let Bai Jin know how big the gap between the two of them is.

Mu Ju was stunned.

He stared blankly at the broken sword in his hand, as if he still hadn't understood what happened just now.

It's the same thing.

[Wrath of the Watcher]

"It seems that I won."

Bai Jin's voice reminded the sluggish wooden tenon to raise his head and straighten the tip of his training sword.

Pointing straight at the bridge of his nose.


Mu Ju was stunned, and only after a few seconds did he understand what happened.

He lost??

How is this possible? How did he lose? Why did Bai Jin's movements suddenly become faster?

, what exactly is this?

"Well, it looks like the winner has been decided." Landrito walked over with a playful smile. "dowel

Children, your sword is broken. If the weapon is broken and cannot be used on the battlefield, it means death, so

So, you have already lost, and you are willing to admit defeat. ""

"Muchun didn't say anything, he just stared at Bai Jinjin quietly for a while.

Then he took a breath and accepted the reality.

He is not a sore loser, and he never likes to be dishonest and refuse to admit his mistakes.

No matter what, he will not accept the result.

"I know, I will take the next classes well. But, Mr. Landrito,

Please tell me how I lost. "

"This." Landrito laughed dumbly. "You have to ask the right person about this question,

Well, after all, even I didn’t expect you to lose like this. "

Mu Ju slowly turned his attention to Bai Jin.

"It was just a fluke."

"Luck can sometimes be a form of strength," Landrito added. "Moreover, this world

How can there be so much luck in the world?

"You deliberately pretended that you didn't know how to use a sword, and then you took advantage of me and gave me a fatal blow.

Hit?" After recalling the sword energy that passed by his ears before, Mu Ju was still frightened.

Although he was very unconvinced, he had to admit that he couldn't use the sword energy that felt like it could cut through wood at the moment.

"No, I really can't." Bai Jin said truthfully. "I have never touched a sword, so swordsmanship

I don't know the basic poses, so I can't fight with you.

"Then what happened to that move just now?

"That move was taught to me by Mr. Landretto, who told me that I could use it to win at critical moments."

I teach you on the spot, and you learn it on the spot..." The wooden tenon was a little shocked.

"I didn't learn the Tao and the direction of the force, so I just missed the target." Bai

Jin said a little embarrassed.

"" Mu Ju looked at Bai Hibiscus with a complicated mood, with mixed feelings in his heart.

He now feels like a scumbag showing off his achievements to a top student.

The question method, the top student solved the question in two or three steps as soon as he came up, and even came up with a sentence to solve it

It's not very good. Just point out what's wrong.

At this moment, he only had one thought: Is this really the first time this guy touched a sword?

Could it be that he was actually a master of swordsmanship, but he was just pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger without telling himself.

No, this logic obviously doesn't make sense. Where can she learn swordsmanship in the slums?

If this is really the first time this boy touches a sword, then her talent is no longer enough.

It's described as genius.

This is simply a monster.

After being shocked by the wooden tenon, I felt endless loss in my heart.

He felt that all his efforts over the years had been devoted to the dog.

A peer of the same age who touched a sword for the first time could beat him up, and the disappointment in his heart was inevitable.

"Well, I heard that there are successive professions and specializations. Young Muju, don't be too depressed.

, maybe what you are good at is not swords. "Landry laughed and patted the wooden tenon.

's shoulders.

"Besides, your efforts are not all in vain. You see, if Bai Jin doesn't need my teaching,

The move [Watcher's Wrath] taught by her, with her basic sword skills, she can only be defeated by you. "

"I promise, as long as you study hard and down-to-earth with me, you will at least be the King of Knights in the future.

That level!"


"How can I, Landrito, lie? Okay, okay, let's go back to class. We've already been delayed.

It's been a long time. "

"Teacher Landrito.

"Hmm? What else?

"I'm sorry." Mu Ju apologized sincerely to Landrito.

"It doesn't matter if you apologize or not. I don't care about it." Landry waved his hand.

At this moment, a cooing sound sounded.

Mu Ju's expression changed and he covered his stomach.

"Are you hungry? I have some food here." At this time, Bai Jin came over and gave him a faint look.


"You must not have had enough for lunch."

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