Blood Princess and the Knight

14~Friendship goes sour

Time flies - five years have passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past five years, the three members of the Flame Spear family have been growing up, and they naturally become more mature when they are about to reach adulthood.

After entering the Temple Association, he was exposed to everyone's vision, and gradually revealed his identity in front of everyone's eyes.


In five years, Ji Yue has grown from a gothic little lolita to a slim nobleman.

The girl, with her repulsive temperament and ice-cold, otherworldly beauty.

Appearance attracted a crowd of suitors, just like in the previous life.

The engagement request from a family with the same status as the Flame Spear family crossed the threshold -


That's how it should be.

"I'm sorry, sir, I have a fiancé." I don't know how many times I was called to an empty field.

After having confessed countless times, Ji Yue said the same thing expressionlessly.

The words shattered the same young heart.

"Ah Yuan, so that's it? Miss Ji Yue has a fiancé, hahaha

So that’s it, I know, then, then I wish you happiness, excuse me. The young man left with a forced smile.

Gone, and leaving at the same time was the throbbing heart of adolescence.

So far, Ji Yue has shattered the hearts of countless throbbing boys. She was once the

Someone's first love, but this first love ended before it even started.

Since Jiyue entered the academy affiliated to the Temple Association, her confessions have not stopped.

The young talents she rejected could be lined up for several football games, including those in the audience.


As time went by, the fact that the eldest lady of the Yanzhao family had a fiancé was discussed in the Temple Sacrifice Academy.

It is already known to everyone.

Everyone is very curious, or in other words, extremely envious and jealous of this person who has been favored by God.

Who is the lucky guy? What does he look like? Which big family is the young master of?

Everyone's curiosity could not be satisfied, and some people had nothing to do after eating.

Speculations about Yu Jiyue's fiancé are endless.

Some people even speculated that Ji Yue's fiancé was in the same college and was in front of all the colleges.

She yelled in front of him, asking Ji Yue's fiancé to stand up if he was a man, and made signs with him. Naturally, he was taken away by the school guards.

Today, Ji Yue's fiancé's identity is still a mystery to the entire college and a source of food for everyone.

Of course, there are also some people who are unwilling to accept the reality and refuse to give up on Ji Yue.

The talented people guessed that Ji Yue did not have a fiancé at all. This would not be something Ji Yue used to reject people.

Just a shield.

This statement has been affirmed by many people. After all, everyone is more willing to believe that they are willing to

Something you believe in, and no one can figure out what kind of man is worthy of it.

Ji Yue joined the ranks of trainee priests at a young age, and her appearance and family are all top-notch.


This girl is so perfect, it seems like she can't find anything she's not good at.

She seemed to lack nothing and had whatever she wanted.

It is precisely because it is so extraordinary and completely separated from the realm of mortals that everyone cannot imagine it.

What kind of person would make such a proud woman look ashamed?

Moreover, some people even said that it doesn't matter if Ji Yue has a fiancé, as long as the hoe digs well

There is no red apricot that cannot be dug!

At this moment, the Knights Academy next to the Temple Priest Academy.

"Hey, brother Mu Falcon, I was dumped by my partner again yesterday."


"Hey, tell me, I'm so old and I don't have a girlfriend. It's easy for me.

Well, look at me, my dad tells me to bring someone back with me every day, but I tell him every time

Bragging, it’s hard to explain to my family.” During the lunch break, two young people in the classroom were bragging and chatting with each other.


It's not accurate to say that they were talking to each other. In fact, it was just the brown-haired boy who kept keeping a cold face and said nothing.

The young man kept talking.


"If I don't find anyone when I go back this time, I'm afraid I'll be scolded by my father again and my pocket money will be reduced."

Half a thing.”


"I said, Brother Wood Falcon, can you please stop saying yes all the time? This is a chat. Chatting can only be carried out by two people. What's going on with me singing a one-man show here?" Brown

The young man said with a grimace.

"But I don't want to chat with you." Wood Falcon didn't give this young man a chance at all and said nothing.

Show no mercy and embarrass the other person.

"Hey, don't be like this. Humans are social animals. No matter how strong a man is, he is useless.

If you can't have children, you are either studying or on the way to study all day long. How boring is this?

There is more to life than just what is right in front of you. There is also something I have not yet touched, the tenderness of my elder sisters.

ah. "The brown-haired young man was talking about all sorts of things. Just now he was talking about being dumped by his partner, and now he was jumping up and down.

Gone to poetry and distant places.

"What on earth do you want to say." Wood Falcon stopped the pen in his hand and stared at the young man quietly.

"Hey, hey, it's you as expected, my old man.

Friend, you can see through at a glance that I am not interested in drinking.

"I'm not your old friend."

"Hey, it's disrespectful for you to say that, even though we have been working together for less than a year.

No matter how you say it, there is some friendship! After all, we are classmates. "

"So, what's going on?" Wood Falcon had already packed his things and was about to leave.

get out of class is over, there is no need for him to stay here.

"Hey, don't go, don't go. I do have something to do. That's right. Didn't I mention it to you just now?

As for the matter of me being dumped by my partner. "

"I'm not a matchmaker, what are you doing to me?" Wood Falcon looked like he couldn't get enough of it.

"If you say that, you are not a brother enough. Brother Wood Falcon, please stop pretending. You and the Yanzhao family

The two young ladies live under the same roof, right?"

"Have you investigated me?" Wood Falcon raised his eyebrows.

"Isn't it just an accident that I saw you entering the Yanzhao family's mansion?"

"Are you following me?"

"Don't say it so harshly! It's just a coincidence, just a coincidence!" Facing Wood Falcon's eyes,

The young man opened his eyes guiltily.

"Don't talk about any of this. You are really not a friend enough. You live with Miss Ji Yue under the same roof.

Bian has actually hidden it from me for so long, brother, are you going to be a solitary foodie?"

"What does it mean to eat alone?"

"Do you need to say it? Miss Ji Yue, that's someone even the top leaders of the temple know.

As dazzling as a bright pearl

Don’t you mean that?”

"Hehe, the one who gets closer to the water first gets the moon. Brother, do you have any knowledge? I can see that you are interested in that.

The lady is not interested. After all, you are focused on your studies and not close to women. If you are not interested

If you are interested, you might as well recommend me to my buddy. "

"Don't think about it, she has a fiancé." Wood Falcon glanced at him flatly.

"Are you kidding? Isn't that what Miss Ji Yue is using as a shield?"

"Forget it if you don't believe it." Wood Falcon didn't say much, just packed up his things and left.

There was someone waiting for him outside the door.

"Hey, wait a minute. Who is Miss Ji Yue's fiancé? Please tell me clearly.

I want to challenge him to a duel!"

"Let's go." After walking out of the classroom, Wood Falcon said without looking back, as if he had already joined the people waiting at the door.

Don’t look at each other if you are already familiar with them.

"Some, it's too late."

“It delayed people a little bit.

In five years, Wood Falcon has grown from a cold-faced boy to a hard-edged man with sharp edges.

A handsome boy, due to the influence of being in a noble family and the cursed eyes, even though he is only seventeen years old, Wood Falcon

He is already much taller than many of his peers and looks very mature.

However, he was not the one who changed the most.

He turned his head and looked at the young man waiting for him by the door -

Her bright blond hair is tied into braids and hangs down to the top of her thighs. She is pretty and does not wear makeup.

Her beautiful face seems to eclipse the silver moon in the dark night, and her well-proportioned body is full of perfect golden proportions.

Full of beauty, a pair of blue eyes seem to reflect the stars, so clear that there seems to be no impurities.

That's right, he is obviously a man, but he can be called "stunning".

Glancing at the latter's clothes, wearing the uniform of a novice knight, he thought more than once, what if this

It will be more suitable to change from full-length clothes to long skirts

Of course, he could only think about this idea, and he would definitely be miserable if he brought it up.

It's not because of this blond young man, he wouldn't even make such a request in person.

Why should he care? What he needs to care about is that there is an extremely jealous girl behind him. Once he discovers that he

If she wants her fiancé to wear women's clothes, Mu Shun will definitely wear small shoes.

"Speaking of which, you were publicly provoked today." He only spoke to the blond young man.

Only Homu Falcon will show expressions that are not usually seen, such as teasing and ridiculing.

"Huh?" The blond young man tilted his head, and his pleasant and light voice made people wonder whether this was

A boy.

"There is a guy over there at the Sacrifice Academy who openly provoked you to make Ji Yue's fiancé a man.

Just stand up and make gestures with him. What do you think about this? "

"I don't think he can beat me." After Bai Jin thought seriously for a while, he said seriously


"That's right, you're an idiot." Wood Falcon snorted twice.

As classmates who have been together day and night for five years, the two have surprisingly good relationships.

To be honest, it is difficult for people like Mu Shun to have friends, but during the days when I got along with Bai Jinjin, I never disdained

to acceptance, and then from acceptance to understanding, and then from understanding to becoming true friends, the journey is a winding one.

Rainy rain.

Perhaps even Ji Yue, who is a time traveler, did not expect that in this world line, this should be water

Two people who are incompatible with each other actually become good friends.

Even after Landrito's teaching ended, he entered the trainee knight class and was divided into different classes.

They were in the same class and were inseparable, and they would still make appointments to go out to eat together at noon.

I have to mention here that both of them are very popular in the Knight Academy because of their looks.

And they were often together, which led to rumors that the relationship between the two went beyond friendship. In addition, the two

They were too lazy to explain anything, which caused rumors to flourish.

Everyone lamented the fact that blue ketone was by my side.

"Paji." While the two were chatting, a student accidentally rubbed

When he reached Bai Jin, he rubbed off her hair.

Bai Jin was stunned.

"Here, you lost your stuff." Wood Falcon quickly grabbed Bai Jin's hair, and when he raised his head, his pupils suddenly tightened.

The brilliant blond hair is hanging down freely, and the clear eyes and face are so beautiful that they are indescribable.

The look on his face made Wood Falcon's heartbeat suddenly speed up, and his face turned red involuntarily.

This was the first time he saw Bai Jin with disheveled hair.

Wood Falcon has only one thought: so beautiful.

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