Blood Princess and the Knight

15~Promotion commission

"Here, your hairpin fell off." Wooden Tenon, with quick eyes and quick hands, picked up the hair tie that had been rubbed off.

He handed it back to Bai Jin, but when he raised his head, he was stunned.

In the five years that I have been with Bai Jin, although I have been with him day and night, it is absolutely unacceptable to behave too intimately.

To those who don’t.

At most, we can only train together, eat together, carry out trial tasks together, and wash together.

There is absolutely no such thing as taking a bath or even sleeping -

It was Mu Chu who felt that two grown men were unnecessary, and he had no sexual orientation barriers.

He is not interested in the body of Bai Jin, who is also a man. Secondly, Miss Ji Yue’s strict squatting

It is strictly forbidden for anyone to get too close to Bai Jin. Regardless of male or female, even he is privately warned by Ji Yue.


To be honest, Muzhu didn't think it was necessary. At the same time, he thought the eldest lady was nervous about Bai Jin.

There are some allergies on the matter. No matter how hungry he is, Bai Jin is also a man.

How could a healthy grown man go to another man to have fun? ?Is it possible for him?

Can you still fencing with Bai Jin? This kind of thing is really ridiculous.

Therefore, although the two have a good relationship, they have never been honest with each other face to face and took a shower together.

, both parties knew nothing about each other's physical condition, until today.

It would have been nice if Bai was a girl. In an instant, Mu Yan had this kind of feeling in his heart.

Even he himself was a little scared.

God, what was he thinking? ?He actually lusted after his friend, this?

He wanted to correct this idea in his heart, but once his eyes moved to Bai Jin's face, he

I couldn't look away.

Really, too

He knew that he should not use the word beauty to describe a man, but apart from beauty and saintliness,

Apart from clean, he really couldn't find any other words that could be used to describe Bai Hibiscus.

This person is simply a monster. He is obviously a man but he looks so seductive. He is tied up

Maybe you don't feel the hair yet, at most you think he is a feminine boy, but once you untie your hair

Come down, even if you are wearing men's clothes, you feel like a girl through and through. Ah.

Different from Ji Yue's aloof and cold temperament that rejects people thousands of miles away, Bai Hibiscus is like a holy flower that emerges from the mud but is not stained, and is clear but not evil. Her clear and clear eyes

Paired with this dazzling blond hair, she looks like a heroic yet gentle person.

The beautiful knight, as if she herself is synonymous with fairness and justice.

Should I say that he is worthy of the blood of the Holy Knight? Even a boy looks so handsome, no?

This can no longer be described as delicate and beautiful.

If this appearance is seen by more people, this college will probably train batch after batch of

Criticism of men's blue ketones.

"Thank you, are you okay?" Taking the hairpin from the latter, Bai Jin pinched her loose long hair.

After thanking him, he noticed that Mu Ju's attention had been on his body, both eyes looking straight at him.

, I can't help but feel a little strange.

it's okay no problem. "Muchun then noticed his gaffe and put it aside with a guilty conscience.


"What's wrong with you?" Bai Jin was a little surprised by Mu Ju's abnormality, and asked with a slight concern.


"It's nothing, just be careful and don't let anyone knock the hairpin off again." After saying that, the wooden tenon left.

to the front to hide his embarrassment.

"Oh, thank you." After saying that, Bai Jin bit the hair tie in her mouth and gathered the loose hair on the back of her head.

Tied up skillfully

Maybe it was an unintentional move on her part, but in Mu Tenon’s eyes, this look was very...


"Tomorrow is the trial for apprentice knights to become full-time knights. Do you have a group?"


"Still the same as before.


This was probably a daily conversation between the two, concise and to the point.

The trial refers to the annual promotion test of the Knight Academy. If the knight apprentice is successfully promoted,

If you can become a trainee knight, if you are successfully promoted to a trainee knight, you can become a formal knight student and become

Knight students are then eligible to become official knights. As long as they have enough credits to graduate, in theory,

Anyone can become a knight.

However, there is a difference in the knights you become. After graduation, most students almost start

The Knights of the Edge, to put it bluntly, are the people who die most diligently on the battlefield. They are nothing more than cannon fodder.

Only a few can become the mainstay of the Temple Association, and a very small number can become leaders or effective

to the Pope and Bishops, and finally the Knight King, who is theoretically the same status as the Pope.


Bai Jin and Mu Ju are both trainee knights now, and based on their family background, as long as they have credits

If you graduate enough, you will basically not be assigned to the Pioneer Knights.

This is their second trial after becoming apprentices, and they can be divided into groups.

The two of them came together as always, whether in terms of friendship or cooperation.

All are the best choices.

They are considered to be students from the same school and have been together for five years.

A tacit understanding is not just about changing people.

It can be compared. If you encounter such an important trial that affects your future, you will naturally find someone who is familiar and has a tacit understanding.

A good partner is better.

In fact, this is not their first trial of cooperation, but this time they are trainee knights.

Promotion and trial content are somewhat different.

"Deal with the bandits hiding in the villages around the end city and Leme Village?" The one who got the task list

Mu Ju raised his eyebrows.

"Are you dealing with bandits this time? The difficulty has indeed increased a lot."

“How does one count a mission as successful?

"Take back the bandit leader's head." Mu Ju replied nonchalantly. "The deadline is here-

It was said last month that the bandits lurking in Lime Village were doing many evil things and repeatedly robbed villagers.

of food and forced requisition of supplies, causing the villagers to have no harvest every year. "

"The banditry is so serious, why don't the lords of the end city organize knights to suppress the bandits."

"Well, there are many reasons." Mu Ju thought for a moment. "Things like bandits often

They are all troublesome. If you can't fight them, just run away. They are very familiar with the deep mountains and old forests. Once they hide in the mountains,

, the knight could not find any trace of them at all.

"Furthermore, suppressing bandits is very troublesome, and it is far from being something that can be done immediately with just one order from the lord.

Shadow thing. "

"Then, the number of people required for this mission is not two people, but at least three people. There is no limit on the number of people." After all, the difficulty of suppressing bandits is so great that even formal knights can't do anything to them.

Don't even count on these trainee knights, but Mu Ju and Bai Jin are not ordinary knights.

That's it for Xi Knight.

"Although it is very troublesome, the number of people is limited. It must be more than three people. Let's find another one."

Bai Jin said it didn't matter. Although Muzhu thought it would be troublesome to bring one more person, he also thought it was okay.

Okay, anyway, he and Bai Jin will definitely be the only ones to contribute at that time.

As Landry Tuo's direct disciples, their combat prowess is completely different from that of their classmates.

On this line, this kind of task may seem difficult to others, but for the two of them, it is not

It's particularly difficult.

"Bai Jin, do you know that person?" At this time, Mu Ju stared at the same person in the college hall, -

A girl looking around.

"do not know.

"Don't you know? Then let me tell you. That girl is from our class, her name is Ruolin.

He is a trainee knight with mediocre grades, neither good nor bad.

"You want to bring her into the team?" Bai Jin tilted her head, but luckily she was concerned about this aspect-

Bai Jin, who doesn't know anything about it, would have made fun of Mu Tenon at some point if it were anyone else. What are you doing?

Do you like her?’

"Well, I don't think she will hold back. Besides, her food is delicious." Mu Ju analyzed


"You just want someone to help you cook for you all the way." "So what, the two of us did all the work, and she was only responsible for cooking. If I were her, I would definitely

Crazy happy. "Mu Ju stood from the other party's point of view and analyzed it seriously.

"As you wish."

"Okay, let's let it be settled then." Mu Ju stepped forward to inquire without saying a word.

Bai Jin watched from a distance with an expressionless face. When the girl named Ruolin realized that someone

When he called her from behind, she was startled at first, and then she turned around and saw that it was Mu Ju calling her, and she was startled again -


Immediately afterwards, Mu Ju started talking to her, but she always looked away, stammered, and had an unusual flush on her face.

After a while, the wooden tenon came back.

"She agreed." "Is the child okay?" Bai Jin asked. "I always feel that her reaction is a bit strange. Is it because she is angry?"


I asked her if she was sick, and she shook her head desperately.

"Is it really okay?" Looking at the girl holding her heart and breathing heavily after accepting Mu Ju's invitation

Bai Jin always felt that the other party was a little weird, but her experience was not enough to imagine that

At that level, the wooden tenon as the authority seems to be the same.

After getting along with Bai Jin for a long time, some people's thinking has gradually become holy.

"Anyway, it's settled. I made an appointment with her to meet here tomorrow morning. Let's first

Let's go. "


In order to avoid suspicion, Muzhu and Baijin usually separate when they reach the school gate, and then go their separate ways.

They took different routes home so that no one would know that they lived together.

"We're back-

Back home, as soon as Bai Jin took off her shoes, she was hit directly by a big rocket headbutt.

"Brother, welcome back!"

"Ji Yue, you come down first." Bai Jin was helpless.

"No, no, I haven't been close to my brother for a day. I want to replenish my brother's energy.

Su oh. "

At this moment, what is clinging to Bai Jin's body like an octopus is what outsiders regard as cold and cold.

Ji Yue, the flower of the high mountains who is serious in speech and cherishes words like gold.

Her face was flushed with happiness, and she kept rubbing against Bai Jin's chest.

If someone outside saw this image, his jaw would probably drop to the ground in fear.

"Well, I'm going to change my clothes first." Mu Yan, who didn't want to be a light bulb, looked at the height difference in front of him.

A few men and a woman went upstairs after changing their shoes.

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