"Speaking of which, tomorrow is my brother's apprentice knight promotion test, right?

"um, yes.

"If it's Onii-sama, he will definitely pass the test 100%! That's right, Onii-sama

What are the assessment standards?”

Every time it comes to the dinner table, it's the time when Wooden Tenon suffers the most. Not only does he have to be beside

Seeing the two flirting in various ways as if they were light bulbs and pretending not to see anything, it was really

It's to embarrass him. "Go to a village near the end of the city to solve the bandit problem."

"Wow, what a cool mission."


"Of course, as a knight, it is natural to eliminate evil and protect innocent and innocent people.

You are worthy of being an elder brother. The task I got is very suitable for you!" But this task was chosen by Mu Ju. "Bai Jin corrected.

Oh, so that’s it. "Ji Yue's face instantly turned cold, and she glanced silently

Glancing at Mu Ju, the latter suddenly felt a chill in his vest.

"It sucks. I'm lucky enough to get such a dangerous mission. I guess I won't be able to do that for a long time."

If we stay together for a long time, we will all get into bad luck together. "Ji Yue's voice returned to its normal tone.

The attitude of people other than Bai Jin was cold and distant.

"Do you dare to make this distinction more obvious? ?

Of course, Mu Tenon definitely didn’t dare to say these words, so he could only hold them in his heart and silently add them.

Eat faster to avoid waiting later) L is full even after eating dog food.

In fact, he also knew that Ji Yue put on such a look of rejecting him just to make him take a stand quickly.

, leaving space for her and Bai Jin.

Come on, if you are not welcomed by the eldest lady, just run away quickly.

The person who was in the way finally left, and after asking the maids serving around her to leave, Ji Yue could finally

Let’s start today’s white hibiscus element supplement session.

"Sister, sister~~" In the dining room where there was no third party, Ji Yue let herself go and threw herself into Bai Bai.

Jin's arms kept rubbing against each other.

"Before leaving, let my sister feed you one more time~"

Bai Jin, who wanted to refuse, couldn't say the refusal after hearing what the other party said.

Sometimes she herself feels embarrassed, having to accept feeding from her younger sister even though she is such a grown-up person.

Food is really a bit outrageous.

"Sister, we haven't gone shopping together for a long time.


"Can you stay with me tomorrow?"

"But, I have to go to the knight trial tomorrow." Bai Jin hesitated.

"You can delay for a day, right? There is no departure time limit for the trial content, right?

~I’ve been so busy these days, I don’t even have time to take a shower with my sister. "

I can just do that kind of thing myself, there's no need for it. "Even if you have a wooden head,

Bai Jin also had such a sense of shame several years ago, and understood that this was related to the so-called knight test.

There is no relationship at all, so Ji Yue can no longer take advantage of this opportunity.

This made Ji Yue feel very uncomfortable.

"It's okay, it's just one day. How's the weather? I've been so busy lately. I don't have any sister Bai Jin."

Comfort, I really feel like I can't survive. "

"But, this may keep Mu Tenn waiting for a long time." It made Ji Yue sad and Bai Jin couldn't bear it, but she

Still hesitant.

"It's okay, Mu Ju will be willing to wait, and I bet he will be too.

I want to rest for a day before setting off. "


"It's true." Tomorrow she will go out with her sister to live in a world that belongs only to them.

Even if Ji Yue doesn't want to rest, she will find ways to make him want to rest.

"Then, okay." Bai Jin couldn't defeat Ji Yue in the end and nodded. "But later

I'm going to go up and ask the wooden tenons for their opinion.

"Well, okay, okay, sister, go ahead~ I'm going to use the toilet first."


The moment Ji Yue walked out of the restaurant, her expression instantly cooled down, and she was different from the one she had just seen in Bai Jinjin.

The well-behaved sister shown in front of her looked completely different from the other two.

She walked upstairs, came to Mu Ju's room, and knocked on the door.


"Me." Ji Yue's voice was cold. The moment she made her voice, she could only hear the voice in the room -

Stiff, then there was a sound of jumping on the bed, and he quickly ran over to open the door.

"Miss, what's the matter?" Mu Ju opened the door and saw hands wrapped around her chest, wearing a dress and short skirt that were alluring.

Girl in black stockings.

"Do you want to rest tomorrow?"

"Ah?" Mu Chu was stunned, and for a while he couldn't figure out what Ji Yue's meaningless words meant.


"I understand, you want to rest at home for a day, right?" Ji Yue's question was simple and rude, one sentence

Just plan out what the wooden tenon will do tomorrow and what you want to do.

"Ah, no, I'm going to trial for promotion with Bai Jin tomorrow. We have to leave very early in the morning.

"No, you don't want to.".

"Mulun was speechless. "Then, what do you want me to do?"

"Have a day's rest at home. After all, you have to complete your promotion the day after tomorrow.

Exam, so take a day off,

Recharge your batteries. "Ji Yue's words were concise and concise, not giving Mu Ju a chance to refuse, and he himself did

There is really no way to refuse Ji Yue.

"I understand." Looking at the other party's jewel-like violet eyes, Mu Ju reluctantly accepted it.

"Yes." After the instructions, Ji Yue turned around and left without stopping.

"It's been a long wait~~ Onee-sama, let's decide what we should wear to go out tomorrow~?"

"Wait, I'd better ask the wooden tenon first." Bai Jin doesn't like to cause trouble to others.

If the wooden tenon cannot wait, we will have to find another arrangement.

"Mu Ju, um, I have something I want to discuss with you.

"Well, just in time, I also have something I want to discuss with you."

"Eh? What's going on?" Bai Jin was stunned.

"Tomorrow I plan to rest at home for a day to recuperate before going to the trial, so please excuse me.

Been waiting all day. ”.


"What do you want from me?"


Muzhu's expression suddenly became strange, and then he immediately figured out what was going on.

It's over.

After a long time, he became the victim again between these two unmarried couples.

"How about it, sister, has he agreed to it?"

"Well, he said it just so happened that he wanted to have a day off at home tomorrow, so it just so happened

"That's great!" Ji Yue hugged Bai Jin. “It’s been a long time since I went out to play with my sister.

. "

Bai Jin calculated the time. Indeed, it was several years ago since the last time the two of them went shopping.

Love, since entering the Temple Academy, the two of them have been busy with their own affairs, and only

They can stick together when eating at night.

You really should spend some time with her.

"Well, as agreed, sister, you have to be on time for tomorrow's date."

"A date," Bai Jin's face turned red when she heard the word.

Seeing this situation, Ji Yue's face suddenly flashed with a hint of sinisterness.

For no other reason than her innocent sister actually found out about the date when she didn't know it

The meaning of this word

Really, are there only so many flies without eyes? ?

"Sister, do you understand the meaning of dating?

Bai Jin blushed and nodded.

"Who taught my sister such things?"

"I often hear my classmates mention it." Bai Jin turned her face away, as pure as she was, even if it was...

I feel shy hearing such words, let alone kissing or anything further.

"Stay away from this kind of classmates."


"Let's go then, let's go pick out the clothes we need to wear tomorrow~~"

"Do you still need to deliberately choose this?" Bai Jin didn't understand. She had enough clothes. As a pragmatist, she thought she didn't need so many clothes at all. In fact, she had a few spare sets to change.

Doing laundry is enough.

"No, this is a date, so of course you have to dress more formally." Ji Yue said seriously,

Then he pulled Bai Jin up to the second floor.

Bai Jin felt very strange, whether it was daily attire or a dress for a formal occasion.

She already has a knight's uniform, so why should she choose it specially for something like this?

Can't wait to pull Bai Jin back to her room, close the door and lock it, Ji Yue's smile

It gradually became difficult for Bai Jin to understand.


Bai Jin couldn't help but take a step back. For some reason, she always felt that Ji Yue's expression was...

A bit like the gangster she fixed up on the street a few days ago.

"Okay, okay, take off your clothes quickly~~ We are going to start picking out clothes.

"Is it in your room? Shouldn't you go to the clothing store?

"No need. I've brought almost all the clothes I need. I won't pay for it."

Not much effort. "

"It can't be some weird clothes."

"Sister, it's rude to think so of others. They are obviously very normal clothes.

That’s all. "

"Come on, let me help my sister change her clothes first~"

"I am afraid of being alone in this aspect. Bai Jin is a little afraid of Ji Yue. She always

It was at this time that he touched her body and finally made her blush.

The hair bundles were untied, and the blond hair was spread on the smooth and flawless back. All the men's clothes were taken off, -

Circles and circles of bra wrapping were removed, and finally the breasts could no longer be covered up.

"Really, it's only been so long that these strips of cloth have begun to fall apart." He looked helplessly.

Seeing the cracks on the cloth strips due to being overwhelmed, Ji Yue felt helpless and sighed at the same time.

In a sense, his bloodline is truly heaven-defying.

"Then throw it away."

"Hmm, it's really time to throw it away." Ji Yue rolled her eyes and hid the strip of cloth behind her back.

Looking at Bai Jin with a smile.

"Ji Yue will take care of these strips later. Sister, don't worry about it. I'll give it to you later."

Replace with new ones. "

Bai Hibiscus suddenly appeared

I have a hunch that handing the strip of cloth to Ji Yue is a very dangerous approach.

Seeing the latter take out a small box from somewhere, put these worn cloth strips in, and then

Keep it.

"Then, let's pick out some clothes for tomorrow's date." Before Bai Jin could say anything, Ji Yue spoke up.

He got into the big closet and took out a breastless dress and suspender skirt.

"Isn't this too bold?" Bai Jin tilted her head.

"No, and anyway, it's your sister who wears it.

What do you mean?

"Yes, for tomorrow's date, sister, you have to wear women's clothes."

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