
"Ah! Classmate Tenon, you're here." The place we had agreed upon in advance was still standing there.

The married girl Ruolin was suddenly tapped on the shoulder and was startled.

"Well, I kept you waiting for a long time." Muzhu said hello expressionlessly, along with Bai Jin next to him.

"No, no, I just arrived!" Ruolin quickly waved her hands to deny it, but in fact, she was

After accepting Mu Ju's invitation to form a team, she was so excited that she couldn't even sleep well. It was still dark this morning.

I got up and applied it in front of the mirror. No matter how I drew my eyeliner, it didn’t feel right. I filled the bottle with makeup remover.

A basin full.

"Yeah, that's good, let's go according to the original plan."

Ruolin, who lowered her head, looked at Muzun's outfit today. She was wearing a standard riding style.

He wears military attire plus some simple joint armor, wrist and leg armor, and carries a gun behind his back that looks like it was made by thousands of people.

A heavy gun.

Standing next to him was another influential figure in the Knight Academy, Bai Jin, a man who looked like

An extremely feminine blond young man.

In terms of height, he is two heads shorter than Mu Ju, and even has a slight tendency to be shorter than him.

Mu Ju stood next to each other, and the height difference between the two was quite obvious.

Bai Jin's attire today is roughly the same as that of Mu Tenon, wearing a knight's dress with a men's tie and gold

Her long colored hair was tied into a braid by a hair rope and hung down to the roots of her legs. Her blue eyes were as clear as

It can reflect everyone's face.

You can tell at a glance that her hair has been taken care of, her eyelashes are long and dense, and her figure is perfectly proportioned

It makes people look very comfortable.

I don't know if it was Ruolin's misunderstanding, but she always felt that Bai Jin's appearance was too focused on...

It’s down to the smallest details. Maybe as a boy, you can’t notice some rough and sloppy wooden tenons, but as a girl,

Ruolin, who is still alive, can easily observe it, because these details are also what she usually pays attention to.


This classmate Bai Jin is also a student of Knight Academy, and is not in the same class as Ruolin.

Therefore, Ruolin's understanding of him was very limited, only focusing on his appearance and achievements.

The two people in front of them are known as the Golden Sword and Brown Spear of the Knight Academy. At least they are students of the same age.

Among the members, they are the two strongest, and unlike those campus novels, the two powerful and handsome

Angry male students often have antagonistic relationships, but the relationship between the two of them is surprisingly good.

In the Knight Academy, although most of them are CP members of these two people, there is still a big difference between them.

fan base, after all, the three views follow the five senses, as long as the appearance is good and the grades are good, then the followers


In the Knight Academy, a large number of female classmates are Bai Jin's little fans. They are as beautiful as

There is a market for girl-like boys at least among young girls.

However, Ruolin is not among them. Compared to Bai Jin, she has always longed for someone who is very masculine.

The taciturn wooden dowel.

Ruolin started to pay attention to him as early as when Wooden Tenon was competing in the arena. The former's rod was too long

Ruolin was stunned by her proud and erect appearance after defeating her opponent with a gun, and she became his loyalist after that.

Really a little fan girl, even though I have never had a chance to talk to the other person, and the other person may not even know me.

Receiving an invitation from her idol was something she had not expected at all.

But now it seems.

Ruolin swallowed, even if she didn't drink these CPs, she had to admit that these two people stood -

It's a really special match.

The height difference between these two people is there, one is blonde and the other is brown, one is feminine and the other is masculine.

Just, it’s such a contrast.

It's just a pity that Bai Jin is a boy. If he is a girl, these two people

It's really a perfect match.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, no, it's nothing." Hearing Mu Ju's question, Ruolin quickly straightened her posture.

Putting aside some reddish cheeks.

"By the way, I haven't introduced you yet. This is my friend and childhood friend, who is also a student at the Knight Academy.

Health, white hibiscus.

"Hello, classmate Ruolin, it's our first time meeting you. Please forgive me if there are any differences." Bai Jinbu

He introduced himself politely and politely.

Still getting smaller?

"Hello, classmate Bai Jin, my name is Ruolin, I am a classmate of classmate Mu Chu, please give me your advice.

Ruolin bowed slightly. In fact, it was not the first time she met Bai Jin, but it was only for herself.

This might be the first time Bai Jin saw her.

"As promised, the target village is in the deep mountains and old forests. Let's go to the end city first." Mu Ju

He glanced at Bai Jin and asked her opinion, and the latter acquiesced.

"Well, Senior Muju, how do you plan to get to the end of the city?" Ruolin asked weakly.

"Of course we went by carriage." "Then you are walking in the opposite direction. That side is where the city gate is, and this side is where the carriage station is.

Location. " Ruolin said in a tone that if I made a mistake, please point it out.

Is that so? "Mu Ju asked Bai Jin, who also looked unclear.

The previous trial was an arena match, unlike this time, it was an actual combat trip.

This is the first time for a person who has never been out of Dalian City since he was a child.

"Well, how do you want to reach your destination?"


"But the carriage also needs to be reserved. The driver will not give it to me if I don't reserve it during this season.

We have reserved seats. "

"Then, just walk over.

"If you do it, it may take several weeks, and the task time limit is only one month."

"Mu Ju was silent, stroking his chin and thinking about it, and finally he could only focus on

Ruolin, who seems to be the most assertive in the entire team.

"Then tell me what to do."

"My word, I ordered three carriage tickets in advance just in case, seniors, if you don't mind

If you discard it, you can use it. "As she said that, Ruolin was a little embarrassed and covered her face with three tickets.

Sorry for your trouble. "

"No, two seniors brought me this troublemaker, so I thought if I could help a little bit.

Busy or something.

To be honest, Ruolin didn't expect that these two talented people were so lacking in common sense.

This is probably what the so-called distance creates beauty. After all, nothing can happen without being together for a period of time.

It is impossible to discover a person's shortcomings. Many times we can only see his strengths and ignore his personal shortcomings.

Only later did the two people find out that Ruolin's family was the largest business and travel association in the Flame Spear Territory.

The coachman for almost the whole trip was in her father's name.

Therefore, the carriage ticket that Ruolin took out to entertain her classmates would naturally not stretch her hips, it was a five-star

A top-level vehicle carriage, even the screws on the wheels are enchanted products. Needless to say, the driving speed is

, the interior decoration is even more amazing. Although it is not as good as the private carriage of the Yanzhao family, it is still considered

It is very luxurious, and everything that should be there is in decline.

Bai Jin observed that the room was a private room, not that she and Mu Ten lived in the same room. No.

He breathed a sigh of relief.

This enchanted power carriage is extremely fast. According to Ruolin, it only takes two days to complete it.

The husband will be able to arrive at the end of the city, which is near the afternoon of the next day.

I had a lot of free time during this period. Bai Jin went back to the house to practice swordsmanship, while Mu Ten was sitting in the hall.

Drinking tea inside.

Ruolin saw all this, and after a while of tangle, she gritted her teeth and shamelessly

He sat down in front of the wooden tenon.

"Well, senior Muju seems to like drinking tea." Ruolin awkwardly found a common topic.

, for a girl like her who is relatively shy and is still in adolescence, she can do it

This is no longer easy.

"Yeah, so so." Muzhu replied calmly, as if she didn't want to talk to Ruolin at all.

, it was just Ruolin who was looking for a topic unilaterally.

"Senior Muju, what kind of tea do you like to drink?" Ruolin couldn't find the topic, and besides, she had no idea about it.

Because of Mu Chu's lack of understanding and the fact that it was the first time for him to sit together and talk like this, he acted extremely nervous.

"I like them all. As long as the taste is not too bad, I can tolerate it." Mu Yan said nonchalantly.

I didn't feel that the other party was trying to get close to me.

"What a coincidence, I actually like drinking tea too."

"Well, this thing wakes you up. Drinking it is really good for you. I saw you

Always dozing off. "Mu Ju thought for a moment and spoke seriously.

This straightforward straight man bombshell speech directly killed the topic, but he himself

Not aware of it

"Ruolin's cheeks turned red to the extreme and she looked away. "No, there are so many.

Yes, I just yawned because I didn't sleep well.

"No?" Mu Chu glanced at her. "Oh, that day I was lying on the desk and snoring heavily.

The fact that things like this have leaked out must be due to my unilateral misunderstanding.

"Woooooo! ?" Ruolin couldn't stand to stay any longer, so she covered her face and ran away.

"?" A big question mark popped up on Mu Ju's head. He didn't know why this girl was chatting.

While chatting, he suddenly ran away.

Are you really not feeling well?

Mu Ju began to think.

In the afternoon. "Have you finished practicing your sword practice?" Mu Chu asked, squinting at Bai Jin coming out of the room.

"Well, where's Ruolin?"

"She seems to be feeling a little unwell."

"Oh, is that so?" Bai Jin glanced at the clock on the wall. "At this point, it's almost dinner time

It's time, why don't you ask her to come out? "

"I just went up there, but she didn't seem to have any intention of coming out." Recalling the previous scene

Wooden tenons are fascinating.

He kindly went up to ask Ruolin to come down for dinner, but in the end there was only a whimpering sound in the room.

In his voice, he was even called "Senior is a fool".

He was confused and didn't understand what he had done wrong.

At dinner time, Ruolin appeared at the dining table, but she kept her head down the whole time and didn't dare to look at the wooden tenons.

Bai Jin, who is extremely emotionally slow, doesn't feel anything. She eats her own food.

After the meal, I rested for a while and then got ready to take a shower.

Practice today

I was sweating all over from practicing the sword, and I had to wash away all the sweat stains.

It is worthy of being a five-star carriage, and it even has a bathhouse.

After putting a change of clothes into the basket and taking off the cloth strips that had been wrapped around and around, Bai Jin sighed.


She also doesn’t know what people around her will think of the day her true gender is revealed.

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