Blood Princess and the Knight

21 ~Blood-stained bathhouse

Touching her waist without any fat, Bai Jin sighed and looked at Bai Bi in the mirror.

A flawless beauty, she felt somewhat melancholy.

It would be great if I were a boy. If I were a boy, I could have a legitimate relationship with Ji Yue.

When we are together, if we are boys, we don’t have to worry about getting along with each other so much every day.

If you are a boy, you can be honest with many people.

Unfortunately, she is not. No matter how she deceives herself, the pair of increasingly sophisticated peaks on her chest

This is the best proof.

Fantasizing and looking forward to the impossible things in her heart, Bai Jin sighed softly and took the next step.

, put on the last trace of cover, untied her hair, and a gold silk dress fell freely on her shoulders.

The living habits over the years have made her life very difficult to return to. For her, which time period is the most important?

She should do what should be done at any time. After training and dinner, she would be full of

Fold and put away the sweat-stained clothes, then put on a bath towel and go to the bathroom to take a hot shower.

And due to years of habit, I naturally entered the men's bath - side.

New hot water continuously gushes out from the mouth of the fountain, and the white steam rising from the water reflects her current appearance.


There are some things she doesn't want to think about, and she has been avoiding them, but escaping is escaping.

It has to be faced.

For example, regarding her true gender, she grew up as a boy and now has her own person.

She has personal relationships, her own circle, and the outside world unanimously believes that she is a boy. If one day her gender

If exposed, or used as a coercion, the consequences will be disastrous.

Sighing softly, suppressing all the accumulated emotions for the time being, Bai Jin dived into the water with half of her face

He exhaled bubbles.

It would be nice if Ji Yue was here.

Bai Jin couldn't help but think so. After all, Ji Yue was the only one in the world who knew her secret.

The existence of secrets, Bai Jin naturally first thought of things that were troubled by gender issues.

It’s Ji Yue.

This is also part of Ji Yue's plan. The secret of her identity is bound to bring huge pressure to Bai Jin.

She naturally wants to be with the only person who knows her secret, because she can only truly relax when she is with someone who knows each other.

There is no need to deliberately pretend, and there is no need to think over and over again about what you failed to do well or what you did wrong.

There was a flaw.

It can be said that Ji Yue put a lot of thought into this.

The temperature of the hot water gradually made the meditative Bai Jin lose track of time, so that her brain began to feel dizzy.

Shen Chen looked at everything around him a little distorted and forgot about time.

"Gudonggudonggu" she spit out bubbles like a crab short of water, made of white jade

The bathtub is updated at any time to filter out the sewage, so if you just take a bath, you can wash it off here.

Bai Jin's cheeks turned slightly red, which seemed to be due to the temperature of the water.

Thinking gradually slowed down.

The bathhouse became quiet, except for the sound of running water, the only sound was her blowing bubbles, Wan Lai

Everything was quiet, and due to the water problem, Bai Jin felt a little sleepy.

Only when she was alone like this could she let go of all the burdens of her thoughts and breathe properly.

Take a breath of air.

The brain that had accumulated emotions finally relaxed at this moment, until there was a voice coming from the bathroom.

Footsteps far and near.

"? Huh? Is there anyone else who can help rub your back?" Bai Jinyi's thoughts were melted by the hot water.

Half a minute) L didn’t react, forgetting that this was not a private bathroom at home, but a public bathroom.

The footsteps came gradually, and Bai Jin's mind began to rotate like an aging gear.

Wait a minute, this doesn’t seem to be a separate bath, so where is it? Oh, okay.

It's like a big bathhouse on a carriage.

Well, it should be no problem. It seems that there is no one else in the car except the maid.

My husband is also a woman, and this is a bathhouse for guests, so they won’t come in even if they go by the wrong way.

Bai Jin, who was trying to figure out something in vain, was stunned for a moment, then looked around and hurriedly

He quickly pulled the towel over from the seat next to him and tied it on.

At this time, her mind completely woke up. She looked around, but there was nowhere in the empty bathroom.

Can be hidden.

In desperation, she had to jump into the water.

"Eh? Bai Jin, you're taking a bath too." He walked over from outside wearing a bath towel.

The wooden tenon in the bathroom said hello when he saw Bai Hibiscus.

Um. "In order to avoid blindness, Bai Jin turned her back to him and nodded gently.

"I remember you should be practicing your sword at this time."

"I also remember that you should be drinking tea at this time." Bai Jin retorted with a trembling tone.

"Well, it's better to change the plan." Mu Ju rubbed his head, took off his bath towel and walked into the water.

"I drink too much tea during the day. If I drink more, I won't be able to sleep at night. What are you doing?"

What to do?"

After noticing some clues, Mu Ju raised his eyebrows and then joked. "Why are you always facing away from me?

Me, don’t you want to see me?”

"No, no, it's just, some

Uncomfortable, hmm

"What does being uncomfortable have to do with turning around and looking at me?" Mu Chu didn't understand.

"Of course it does matter. I don't feel comfortable, so I'm afraid of losing face.

"What you said makes you act like a girl. It's not okay to feel unwell before meeting the opposite sex.

Yes. "Mu Ju used his usual teasing skills with Bai Jin, but what he didn't expect was

There was no time to reply to him now.

"What's wrong with you?" Mu Tenon, who gradually realized something was wrong, slowly came over.

"Don't, don't come here!" Seeing the wooden tenon gradually approaching her, Bai Jin couldn't help but screamed, and then

He quickly covered his mouth.

Due to the increasingly obvious gender gap, she usually uses the words

A relatively low voice, but in her desperation just now, she didn't think too much and just used the original voice to roar.

Make a sound.

"? Why did your voice become so strange?" Even though he has been with Sheng Lun for a long time, the director

Even though his mind couldn't turn around, Mu Ju finally discovered the problem.

"I, I caught a cold this morning. I took off my clothes when I was practicing sword practice, and the wind blew and I caught a cold.

"Are you in such bad health? ?"

"There's nothing you can do about it

"Forget it, come here." Mu Ju sighed.

"Hey, what are you doing?"

"I happen to know a set of scraping techniques that are very effective for colds. If you catch a cold, tomorrow

Your tasks will be greatly affected, so I will give you a scratch if I can. "Mu Ju said helplessly.

"Gua Sha? ?" Bai Jin had heard of this method of treatment. It seemed that she needed to take off her clothes and then

Back scrape

This, how is this possible?!

Only Ji Yue had ever touched her body since she was a child, and that kind of contact was too close.

She couldn't stand it either.

Although she was very familiar with Mu Ju, how did she feel when she thought of being scraped by a man?

Neither can accept it.

"No, no, it's just a small cold. I'll be fine tomorrow.

"If it doesn't get better tomorrow, it will be in trouble. This mission is no small matter, and you don't want to

Is there something wrong?"

"No, it's okay, really

"So what are you being shy about?" Mu Chu couldn't figure it out. "We are all men,

The body parts are all the same, so it’s impossible to miss something. Is it possible that you’ve seen your brother before?

younger brother?"

"Don't, don't say it! Bai Jinyi - How can a young girl who is ignorant of the world endure this?

I don’t know if it’s because of the verbal attack, but the water is too hot, but my cheeks are as red as a heart that just left

Small apples picked from the tree.

"Don't be afraid. We are all men. What are you afraid of?" Mu Yan walked over without any scruples.

He felt that Bai Jin was too squeamish in some aspects, so that in some aspects she seemed a bit

Like a girl.

Maybe this is the reason why Ji Yue doesn't like her.

That's right, Mu Ju has unilaterally identified it and decided to help his good brother

Let this seemingly feminine boy know what it means to be a real man.

"I said, you haven't bathed with anyone else before, right? I told you that you are like this, right?

Okay, even if you have a mysophobia, you shouldn’t be so resistant to contact with others. In fact, I also have a mysophobia. Do you think I often go to the big bathhouse to take a bath?”

"I told you not to come over!" Bai Jin was completely panicked. She retreated again and again, and finally retreated to the side.


"Okay, okay, it's nothing. Turn around and see what's the difference between my body structure and yours."

Is it different inside?" Wooden Tenon also deliberately put on a strong posture.

"Woo!" Seeing this, Bai Jin didn't care about exposing her identity and hurriedly got out of the pool.

"Your mysophobia is not normal. I reluctantly helped you cure it." However,

When she was about to roll out, her ankle was grabbed by the wooden tenon behind her and she was pulled back directly.

"Wow! The jade is slippery when it's wet, and Bai Hibiscus didn't stand firm. It's not a big deal.

My heart fell into the water.

"Hey, are you okay?" Wooden Tenon, knowing that he had exerted too much force, covered his head and stretched out his hand to drain the water.

The rattling white hibiscus was pulled up.

No, no

"I asked you, why are you wearing a bath towel while taking a bath? What, you still think the water is dirty? I'm suing

Let me tell you, maybe Miss Ji Yue likes those men who are more bold and unrestrained. You behave like this

It's impossible to look like a girl.

Huh? Something's wrong.

Mu Lu frowned, and he always felt like something was touching his chest.

God, are the pecs of this guy Bai Jin so scary? You can't even see them at ordinary times.

Sure enough, this kid has practiced in private, but why are his chest muscles so soft?

He slowly moved his gaze downwards, and then fell silent.

"Uh, uh?" Bai Jin came back to her senses and subconsciously covered her chest, and unexpectedly found that the floating

The white cloth on the water made me secretly say, "It's all over."


Mu, um, are you okay?".

Pfft!" The wooden tenon, which had been silent for a long time, fell on its back, and nosebleeds shot up into the sky, dyeing the hair red.


"It's over."

(I would like to recommend a friend’s new book, “The Dragon’s Dance of Time and Stars”, which is also a hundred

Combined article, interested readers can check it out~)

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