Blood Princess and the Knight

22~Subtle relationship

What happened this morning was indeed caused by my own haste.

Ruolin, who had recovered from her shyness, squatted in her room and thought about it. The more she thought about it, the more she thought about it.

I feel that what I did this morning was extremely inappropriate.

So, what on earth are you looking forward to! I and senior Wood Falcon are obviously both

It hasn’t started yet, why are you asking the other person as if they have known each other for a long time? I really

He was so stupid. He was really confused by the sudden invitation from the other party and couldn't find himself.

Have you positioned yourself?

Ruolin patted her face and after thinking about it, she still had to apologize to Senior Wood Falcon.

For my inexplicable behavior and impolite language this morning

However, wouldn’t it be bad to apologize proactively? Is it better to be more reserved?

Well, I did something wrong and still want to be reserved. What on earth do I think?

ah? ?

After struggling for a long time, Ruolin made up her mind and stood up. She decided to muster up the courage to kiss her.

Come to apologize.

However, when she walked to Wood Falcon's room with some hesitation, she began to hesitate again.

How should I say my opening remarks? How should I say it so that the other party won't feel abrupt?

Ah, this kind of thing is really difficult for me. Will I be considered a strange person?


Forget it, let’s do it tomorrow, it’s too late today, maybe Kushimon-senpai has already fallen asleep

With this thought, Ruolin planned to retreat. At this moment, a voice called out from behind her.

Lived her.

"What are you doing?"

"Eh?!" Ruolin was startled, then looked back.

"Bai, Senior Bai Jin? What's wrong? Senior Wood Falcon, what happened to him?"

Bai Jin seemed to have just finished taking a bath and was about to go back to the room, but she was carrying someone on her back.

It was the Wood Falcon he was looking for, but the latter fainted for unknown reasons.

"Senior Wood Falcon, what happened to him?"

"It's okay. I soaked in the bath for too long and I fainted." Bai Jin unconsciously looked away, familiar with her.

People can tell that this is because she dare not look into other people's eyes when she lies, and then

Ruolin was not familiar with Bai Jin, so she naturally couldn't guess that the other person was lying.

"Eh? Is that so?"

"Yes, he is a little dizzy, and he can't stand it when the temperature is high." Bai Jin continued to talk nonsense,

The voice became lower and lower, and later on, he stopped looking at the other person and spoke.

After all, she couldn't say that Wood Falcon had breast problems.

"Really, if that's the case, why did you take such a long hot bath?" Ruolin put her hands on her hips.

, puzzled.

"have no idea .""

"Come to my room, I brought some cold ointment and I can give it to Senior Wood Falcon."

"No, it's not good. Just let him rest for a while.

"This, is this it? It really doesn't matter.

"Well, it's an old habit. Just get used to it. It's getting late. I'll send him back to rest first.

You should also sleep early. "

"Oh, okay, senior Bai Jin, you should also go to bed early."

"Yes." Bai Jin nodded, and then pushed open the door with the unconscious Wood Falcon.

At this time, she had already changed her clothes so that no one would see any flaws.

Although Bai Jin was not as strong as Mu Shun, it was more than enough to carry him back to the bed.

Looking at Mu Falcon who was in a coma on the bed and showed no signs of waking up, Bai Jin breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, Wood Falcon hasn't woken up yet, and Bai Jin hasn't figured out how to face this former good brother.

He has been deceived about gender for so long, and this person is still his best friend, a human being

Everyone will feel angry.

Regarding the matter of exposure, it's not that Bai Jin has never thought about this possibility, but she didn't expect this——

The weather came so quickly that she was not prepared at all.

It's also her fault that she was so careless that she mistakenly thought the bathhouse in the traveling carriage was her own.

The bathroom at home was damaged, which resulted in irreversible consequences.

Unable to hide for a while, Bai Jin didn't know how she would face Mu Falcon tomorrow. Moreover, not only that, she also betrayed her promise to Ji Yue.

Ji Yue had repeatedly told her not to expose her gender identity to anyone other than herself.


"Otherwise, there is no guarantee that something extremely terrible will happen. In short, Bai Jin will definitely not

I can tell this secret to people I don’t trust, that is, people other than me. "

"Okay~ It's settled, sister, let's pull the hook and hang yourself - it won't last for a hundred years.

Xu Bian~"

Ji Yue told her this at the time. Thinking about it now, she only felt that she was very sorry for Ji Yue.

Yue, lived up to his promise to his sister.

It's too late now. It's impossible to force Wood Falcon to lose his memory, right? Not to mention whether there is such a thing

In this way, Bai Jin couldn't do it.

"Alas." Bai Jin sighed, stood up and was about to leave, but was hit by a knife on her wrist.

Strong hands grabbed him.

"Eh?!" Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and hurriedly planned to break free.

This, this, this, are you waking up now! ? No, she's not ready yet!

"Don't leave just yet, okay?"

"Bai Jin stopped struggling and looked back at Mu Falcon with a complex look.

The latter also gave a complicated look in his eyes. It was obvious that he already knew everything and there was no need to continue.

Continued to conceal it.

"Can you sit down and say a few words to me?"

Bai Jin did not answer and remained silent. The scene continued awkwardly for a while.

Feeling overwhelmed, she still chose to sit down.

Then the scene continued to be awkward.

The two of them were silent, neither one of them opened the conversation first, and their eyes were evasive.

Dare to look the other person in the eye.

"You've woken up a long time ago, right?" In the end, Bai Jin started the conversation first, and as soon as she opened her mouth, she said -

A hard straight shot.

"Wood Falcon stopped talking and didn't dare to raise his head to look at her.

Bai Jin looks slow, but she is always surprisingly sharp in unnecessary places.

Wood Falcon thought so.

In fact, he was just pretending to faint because Wood Falcon really didn’t know how to face it.

Faced with Bai Jin like this, and not to look at any evil, he could only pretend to faint.

To avoid the embarrassment between the two of them.

Originally, I just needed to pretend like this until the next day and then pretend that nothing happened.

But in the end, when Bai Jin was about to leave, Mu Falcon still couldn't hold it back.

Even he himself didn't know why he held Bai Ji's hand at the last moment.

This approach shocked him.

In this way, the situation between the two of them is completely embarrassing.

Because Bai Jin has deceived the other party for a long time, she wonders if she will not be able to be friends after her identity is exposed.

, and Wood Falcon felt guilty for his recklessness and what he had done before.

So that's the case. In this way, Miss Ji Yue's approach becomes acceptable.

Even after exhausting Kosuke's imagination, he never expected that his good brother who had been with him for many years was actually a girl.

, and she’s also a girl who looks super on point and has a lot of stuff.

No one else would be able to remain calm at this time.

Now, looking back on all that happened, Mu Shun only feels that he is really a person with extremely low emotional intelligence.

Idiot, how could you do these things to a girl?

The change in identity left him at a loss. In addition, he also realized one thing


Facts have proved that my eldest lady is not a scumbag who always abandons N boats, but Mu Shun

I just can't be happy no matter what.

Aluminum is not scary, what is scary is the aluminone cultivated in a planned and purposeful manner.

Recalling the care my young lady has taken for Bai Hibiscus since she was a little girl, she has always been a blond lolita.

Then to the beautiful girl with well-developed protuberance and back protrusion, Mu Shun swallowed and said Ji Yue was real.

She knows how to play, and actually plays a beautiful girl development program.

Now that the matter has come to this, if you say that Ji Yue doesn't know about this, Mu Shun will definitely not believe it. Not only does she

Yes, and it was very likely that she instructed Bai Jin to do this.

Wood Falcon's brain is not bad, and he can still do simple logical analysis. He can guess Ji Yue to some extent.


It is impossible for people of the same sex to have offspring. That is to say, if Bai Jin exposes herself,

Since she is a girl, there is a great possibility that Ji Yue’s engagement with Bai Jin will be broken up by Ji Feng


But Mu Shun couldn't figure out why Ji Yue was so interested in Bai Jin? Just

Is it because of love at first sight, or for some other reason?

Mu Shu really couldn't figure it out. He often got confused because he spent too much time with Bai Jin.

Can't turn a corner

You must have woken up before. "Bai Jin is a little emotional. It's a shame that she has to do this because of this.

People are worried so much, but they don’t expect that they are just pretending, and their intentions are obviously not serious!

"No, no, I, isn't this embarrassing? Look no evil and you can't look at it. In that case

I didn’t know what to do, so I just pretended to be faint so that everyone wouldn’t be so embarrassed. "Wooden Falcon tried to

Explain, what he said is indeed the truth, no

"Really?" Bai Jin pouted, which was in stark contrast to his usual iceberg face that he never understood.

In contrast, - I'm a little angry, you have to figure it out.

Seeing this, Wood Falcon only felt his breathing stagnant, and a certain string in his heart seemed to have been touched.

one time.

This was the first time he saw such a girly and full-looking Bai Hibiscus, and the contrast caused him to be stunned.

Falcon almost suffered cardiac arrest

Sorry, it's my fault. "

"I should be the one who doesn't apologize." Bai Jin suddenly felt a little lost.

"Sorry, I kept it secret from you for so long." Bai Jin took a deep breath. This was the first time she used her original

Ben's voice talks to Wood Falcon. "As you can see, I am actually a girl."

"I'm very sorry. I didn't mean to hide it.

"I know, I know." Wood Falcon's expression was complicated. To be honest, he didn't blame him for this.

white hibiscus

the meaning of.

After all, this is the eldest lady's order. Even he can't disobey it. How can he blame it?

Where are others.

"Can we get along like before in the future?" This was the question Bai Jin was most concerned about, and she couldn't help but ask it.

Hearing this, Mu Falcon's expression became extremely subtle. He wanted to give Bai Jin a reply, but

Even he himself didn't know how to answer this question.

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