Mu Ju was speechless for a moment, and then he remembered that Bai Jin's identity in front of outsiders was still


Now he was in a bit of a dilemma. It was not appropriate for Bai Jin to share a room with him. It was not appropriate for Bai Jin to live with Ruolin.

Although nothing will happen in the same room, in Ruolin's eyes, Bai Jin is a boy and sleeping with her

The room was very inappropriate.

So how can this be done?

"It's okay, let's share the same room." Bai Jin didn't have any objections to this.

How about I sleep outside?"

"It's not necessary." After paying the bill, Bai Jin followed the store to the second floor.

She is definitely angry, right?

Compared to the Flame Spear Leader, who is the hub of power with deep pockets, the end city is a poor place.

In this big village, it was here that Mu Ju gradually realized the true underlying truth of the Human Federation.

What it was like made him feel something, yes, an immersive feeling.

To be honest, this house was so dilapidated that he couldn't accept it. He would rather go outside and fight.

A bunkhouse is enough for one night.

The cracked walls have fallen off a bit, and the old wooden floors creak when you walk on them.

It seemed as if it would collapse in the next step. The bedding and sheets were yellow, as if they had not been washed for hundreds of years.

That feeling.

Can this room really be used to live in? ?

"Don't cover yourself with quilts at night, just sleep with your clothes on." Bai Bai seemed to have understood what Mu Ju was thinking.

Jin said.

Wooden Tenon was a little embarrassed when his thoughts were revealed, but he didn't say anything.

The three of them had already eaten dinner on the carriage, and it was already dark and it was time to take off their clothes and go to bed.

However, Wood Tenon was not sleepy at all. He wanted to turn his eyes out of the window as much as possible and think about other things.

His affairs always fall on Bai Jin uncontrollably.

The picture of the bathhouse that day lingers in my mind. Whenever I see Bai Jin's face, it almost takes up my mind.

The white snow that covered the entire field of vision always appeared uncontrollably, and even he himself didn’t know what he was doing.

What's going on.

He knew that he should forget the scene that day, but he couldn't forget it no matter what.

Not only can I not forget it, but it also gradually deepens my impression, and I even dream about it every night.

A beautiful and charming body and a pair of blue eyes that do not contain any impurities and are like stars.

For some reason, he felt that he was a little sorry for the eldest lady. He always felt that he was

Betrayed her in this matter

After a simple wash, Bai Jin was already lying on the bed, with her back to the wooden tenon, not showing her body.

No amount of long clothes, trousers or joint armor can cover up her beautiful body curves.

Ruoyouruowu glanced at the wooden tenon of Bai Hibiscus - again and again, the girl's beautiful appearance that day appeared in his mind.


No, I can’t think about it anymore, how could I become so strange? ?

Patting his cheeks, Mu Ju imitated Bai Jin and lay down naked, taking off his coat as a bedding.

Then he lay down. After the lights went out, he tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Although it is extremely common for good friends living under the same roof to sleep in the same room,

It's a normal thing, but after knowing Bai Jin's true gender, Mu Ju has no longer been indifferent.

Can't decide.

It's okay now, at least the other person is a boy to the senses, but now, what should he do?


Bai Jin is a real girl. It's not like sleeping in the same room with a girl.

The air seemed to be filled with a faint fragrance, as if it was the fragrance of white hibiscus or the scent of body fluids.


Smelling this fragrance that seemed to be shy and waiting to be released, Mu Ju knew that he should not think about it tonight.

When you fall asleep, as soon as you close your eyes, the scene in the bathroom will appear in front of you. When you open your eyes, you can see the blond young man.

Silhouette of woman in darkness.

"What do you think?"

"Huh?" Hearing Bai Jin's voice, Mu Ju was stunned. "Aren't you asleep?"

"Yes." Bai Jin replied softly. "You haven't slept either.

"What do you think of this town?"

"Me." Bai Jin didn't sleep in the middle of the night, but asked herself this weird question, wooden tenon

I was surprised and didn't think much about it.

"It's quite poor. It's so poor that people think it's a refugee slum."

"Then what?

"The people here are pitiful and pathetic." Wood Falcon expressed his judgment without thinking.


"It's pity that they were born in such a disorderly town. It's sad, probably

It's because they don't want to make progress. "

"But in a town like this, it's a luxury for people to keep themselves to themselves, isn't it?

"That's true, but there are always exceptions to everything, right? There are always those who emerge from the mud and remain unstained.

people. "As he said that, Mu Falcon looked at Bai Jin unconsciously.

"How much do you know about them?" Bai Jin suddenly asked.

“They are very poor, so they have not received much formal education, so their morals are more distorted.

"No." Bai Jin denied Mu Falcon's point of view. "This is not the main reason. They did

I don’t really have much education, but I still have human nature. Even if I don’t have education, I won’t do it-

They do these morally corrupt things just because they want to survive. "

Wood Falcon didn't understand the meaning of Bai Jin's words.

"The slums I was in were probably ten times poorer than here. You can imagine the people there.

How did you survive the winter?"

Wood Falcon was silent. It was a place ten times poorer than Mocheng. If Bai Jin hadn't used exaggerated words,

, he really couldn't imagine that this place still existed in the world.

"Every winter, the knights stationed at the port will be very busy, and they have to complain at the same time

While cleaning the streets, I picked out the corpses buried in the snow one by one. After all, if I just left them alone

It will cause a plague and affect the entire city. Bai Jin told all this in a calm tone, as if it was just

He was talking about a very inconspicuous thing, but it made Wood Falcon feel like his hair was standing on his head. "The corpses cleaned up every year can be piled as high as a fortress. The ones piled outside the city gate are from this winter." Eliminated, and most of them are not suitable to be frozen to death

, but starved to death. "

“In winter, the local manor owners have finished harvesting and closed their doors for a rest. They don’t care about those things.

What will happen to the poor who have no work to do and no livelihood? Anyway, they will die if they die, and then recruit them from other places.

Just come. There is no shortage of such poor people in the Human Federation. You can catch them with just a few pieces of hot bread. Even

There are many children under the age of fifteen among them. ’.

Doesn't anyone care about this?" Wood Falcon was a little moved.

"Who do you expect to care?" There was a hint of fatigue in Bai Jin's voice, and only at this time

Only then did Mu Shun see Bai Jin's side that was different from usual.

She is not as rigid as she thought, and she has been living in the slums since she was born.

Growing up, she had seen a lot of ups and downs in the world, so she naturally knew much more than him in this regard.

"How good can the quality of the knights who can be sent to those areas be? They just serve

Just the fangs of the powerful. "

Mu Shun seemed to have just met Bai Jin today. At least his words were not like the stupid one he used to be.

The stupid Bai Jin can tell it.

"How do you know this?"

"I don't really understand it, and I still don't understand it to this day, but I can't read it anyway.

Avoid this kind of plot, try to understand it on your own, and come to the conclusion. "Bai Jin paused.

"I'm not a smart person, but I don't want to be controlled by others and see this through other people's eyes.

It’s a world, so I tried to understand it, but until today I still haven’t understood it clearly

white. "

"Suffering people are dying every moment, appearing one after another in this huge human federation.

Not poor, this country is not as beautiful as we imagined or as advertised. From our perspective

In the dark corners where they can't reach, the poor exchange their food for food, killing each other for a piece of bread.

, eating each other

It is said that the living environment affects a person's habits, and what a person's character looks like.

It depends partly on your nature, but mostly it depends on the kind of people around you.

If it were a wooden falcon from another plane, maybe at this time he would coldly say "human beings"

It's none of my business to live or die. I'm here to restore the Shinra clan, not to save those maggots.

But the Wood Falcon in this world line is different. Bai Jin is his childhood friend, and his ears have been wet since childhood.

Under the influence, he forced a cold and ruthless character into a knight with a sense of justice.


"Why do we need to help these people? What does they have to do with us?" This is the first time Wood Falcon has seen Bai Bai.

What I say when I help others unconditionally.

“Because they need help, that’s all.

"?" Wood Falcon didn't understand Bai Jin's remarks, at least in his opinion it was a bit ridiculous.

He thought he would part ways with this idiot sooner or later, but what he didn't expect was that he

The distance between me and her is getting closer and closer, and I am even affected by her.

She always helps those in need unconditionally, including Wood Falcon.

Mu Shun remembered the time when he was rescued by Bai Jin when he went out for training and almost suffered. The golden

His figure is so brave and firm, even if he has no strength, he will not give in even half a step.

Perhaps it was that moment that moved Wood Falcon, and at the same time he had a deep love for the profession of riding soil in his heart.

I had a longing and wondered if I could be like that and protect the dreams of others.

"Remember that time you saved me?" It seemed as if we were chatting with each other with deep feelings in our hearts.

After many years, Wood Falcon mentioned this topic again.

"There are too many such things. Which one are you referring to?" Bai Jin was confused.

"You are really merciless when it comes to what you said. It was the time with the thieves group."

"Obviously you yourself almost died, why are you unwilling to retreat just to help

Just helping an unrelated person?

Because I heard someone calling me for help, and I wasn’t going to sit idly by. "

"Just like many years ago, Ji Yue heard my cry for help, and

Being given a helping hand

In this way, I will also help others who need help. "Bai Jin said firmly.

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