The first gust of wind in the morning awakened Bai Jin's consciousness. It was also autumn, and the city of the end city

Autumn in remote cities does not seem to be much different from that in Yanzhao. Open the window and there will be an endless stream of people.

On the streets, it seems that due to economic problems, the citizens of the final city are more diligent than the citizens of the Flame Spear Leader.

Too much, or in other words, you have to be diligent.

They go out early every day but come back late every day and have to go to bed hungry. Such a life is endless.

Although the law is improving, it is not as bad as Port Kela. There are corpses everywhere, but beggars are everywhere.


Even the main city is so poor. Bai Jin can't help but think about why there are still bandits targeting this city.

The villages attached to the town are the kind of places where people may be so poor that they are just chewing turf and there is no oil or water at all.

Breakfast was very simple and rough, a bowl of mushroom soup without mushrooms and two pieces of dry bread.

I can't even chew the bread.

The three of them didn't dislike it at all. They were in poor condition and couldn't eat anything good, so they had to endure it. After listening,

What Bai Jin said to herself last night, Mu Ju also had no objection to breakfast.

"Let's go, finish it early and go back early." After barely coping with breakfast, Mu Ju stood up.

"Wait a minute, Senior Muju, shouldn't we find the lord of this city first?"

"Is there still this problem?" Mu Ju is obviously not as familiar with the process of this mission as Ruo Lin, who can

In order not to hinder the two top students, I deliberately studied this trial commission in detail.

"It should be necessary. This trial commission was actually issued by the lord of the end city. We

I just happened to get this commission.

"Then let's go, without delay." It is also good to check with the lord of this city in advance to find out the situation.

The three of them walked out of the hotel. For this three-person team, Ruolin was a crucial navigator.

Device and food improvement tool man, after all, there are two people in the team who can’t cook and have trouble taking care of themselves.

Road crazy.

It would take a lot of effort for the two of them to find the lord's mansion or the affiliated villages in the final city.

Like other urban areas, the lord's palace in the end city is located in the inner city. The inner city is very shabby.

It matches the overall situation of the final city very well. It can be seen that the city lord of this city seems to be not doing well, but the guard strength is not as loose as that of the outer city of the final city.

"Who are you? This is the City Lord's Mansion. No one is allowed to enter without the City Lord's permission." Seeing the person coming, the guard

Standing up straight, the two spears are crossed.

Perhaps seeing that the three men were not dressed like civilians, the guards did not rush to chase them away.

"We are trainee knights who accepted the commission from your city lord to annihilate the area near Lime Village.

There is a banditry problem. Could you please go in and report it. "

"Wait a moment." The two guards exchanged looks.

"I'm sorry, I was so offended just now. Lord City Lord, please invite the three of you to the City Lord's Mansion for a chat." Half.

After a while, the guard responsible for the announcement returned to the city gate and his attitude was much more respectful.

Under the guidance of the guards, the three of them entered the city. After entering the inner city, they discovered that the inner city was larger than theirs.

It was even more crude and poor than we imagined, with the old roads on both sides cracked because they had not been repaired for too long.

Planting the dead trees on both sides is more like having no money to buy other decorations and planting them from somewhere.

In two or three steps, we reached the door of the City Lord's Mansion.

It's not so much the city lord's mansion as it is a two-story brick house, which is smaller than the one in the outer city.

Some wooden huts and earth huts are slightly better. This is the city lord's mansion.

"The city lord has been waiting inside for a long time. Is he from the Flame Spear Leader? There is someone in the end city.

Please don't be offended by the fact that they are so poor. "

The interior decoration of the city lord's mansion is also extremely simple. There is a bottle of rough wood placed on the ubiquitous wooden cabinet.

Cheap ceramic handicrafts from street stalls are almost the most valuable things here.

There is not even a maid in the city lord's mansion, probably because they don't even have the money to keep a maid.

For some reason, Bai Jin always felt a little strange.

She has indeed been to a poorer place than the City Lord's Mansion in the End City, but although it is poor, the rooms are

It is very clean, and it doesn't feel like an ancient temple that has been unoccupied for decades.

These scenes seemed to have been placed here deliberately for them to see.

Go up to the second floor and push open the wooden door of the living room on the second floor.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, I saw that the name was fair and clean, but was dressed very simply, and his clothes were still covered with stains.

The patched fat man turned around and seemed very happy to see them. He hurriedly asked the guard to go down and make a drink.

Treat guests with tea.

"The three future knights from the Flame Spear Territory are finally waiting for you." The fat lord said cheerfully, with a harmless smile and seemed to be easy to get along with.

"Let me introduce myself first. My name is Silian. As you can see, I am from the End City.

City Lord. ""Is this your request to the Knight Academy in the Flame Spear Territory? "Yes, yes, I am the one who has always been worried about the banditry in Lime Village.

In order to solve this problem and give the villagers a clean life as soon as possible, I have racked my brains and spent a lot of time.

ah. "

"Is this your residence, City Lord?" Mu Ju glanced around.

"Haha, I made you laugh. I can't help it. Mo City is really too poor.

All karma can be achieved

If we can’t develop, the people down there won’t even have enough to eat, so why pay taxes? You say I can’t let it happen

Should the guards come to the door and kill them all? That would be too inhumane.

"Well, that's true. The city lord seems to be very humane."

Looked at Sillian thoughtfully. "Mr. City Lord, your nutrition is pretty good."

"I'm bloated." City Lord Silian sighed. "Even the people under our rule can't afford it.

It’s time to eat, how can I, the city lord, be so good? "

"Why didn't the city lord come to the top to provide relief when there was a famine?" Mu Ju continued to ask.

"Well, the Temple Association has been good enough to me. I am exempted from the tax every year. How can I be embarrassed?

How much do you want?" The city owner looked a little embarrassed. "I haven't even had time to repay the association's kindness.

It has not benefited any people, so how can I have the nerve to ask my superiors to allocate funds to me?

"Then the city lord's armaments can't even deal with a few bandits?" Muzhu said relatively


"It's not that it can't be solved. A few bandits are still no problem. That's right. Every time I go

When encircling and suppressing them, they would know the news in advance and sneak away very fast. My guards would be a little late every time.

Step, after weeks of dealing with them in the deep mountains and forests to no avail, I was helpless.

ah. "The city lord told the truth.

"So you went to the Knight Academy of the Flame Spear Leader?" Mu Ju still couldn't figure it out. "you

, why not find some more powerful knights?" "It's not necessary to do it for a few bandits, and it's easy to alert the enemy by raising an army, so I

I was just wondering if I could ask a trainee knight from the Knight Academy to help me solve this problem. "

"So that's it? We understand." Mu Ju nodded.

After a while, the tea was served, and Bai Jin took a sip of it. It was very bitter.

"Ha, this is the mountain tea we have here. Sorry, we only have this kind of inferior tea.

Ye Neng can bring it to entertain you. "Seeing the subtle expression on Muzhu's face after tasting it, the city lord was a little embarrassed.

said awkwardly.

"It's okay." Mu Ju stood up. "We are here to understand the situation. If the city lord has bandits,

The specific location can be informed to us now. "

"I'm afraid not. After all, there are mountains all around Lime Village. I don't know the exact location.

It's very clear. "The city lord frowned and felt a little embarrassed.

"Is that so?" Muzhu thought for a moment and turned his attention to Bai Jin.

"Thank you City Lord for taking time out of your busy schedule to talk to us." Bai Jin stood up and greeted the City Lord politely.

got up.

"Hey, if anything, I want to thank you. If you can successfully suppress the bandits, I will

I will give all I have and share my finances with you. "

"The finances are free, that's not what we're here for."

After talking with the city lord, the three people who got the complete map around the last city walked out of the city lord's mansion.

Some of the more complex ley lines are marked.

However, since Bai Hibiscus and Wood Tenon may be incomprehensible, the work of studying the map has not yet been completed.

It was handed over to Ruolin.

"That city lord is a bit strange." Bai Jin tilted her head and seemed to be talking to herself.

"Something strange? Where are you pointing?"

"I don't know, it must be my misunderstanding." Bai Jin shook his head

Senior, according to the records on this map, we can only go to Lime Village by walking

The road is over, the traffic in the end city is not developed, and there are no roads nearby, so naturally there are no carriages. "Let's set off now, and leave as soon as you have enough dry food and water.

Due to imperfect development, there are steep mountain roads all around the end city, but it is still possible.

None of the three people on the road are delicate eldest ladies or domineering rich young men. Weight-bearing training is commonplace for Bai Jin and Mu Ju, and no one will hold back the other. In this regard,

Ruolin seemed to be struggling.

After all, she is just a trainee knight, not these two tired monsters walking around

He had to stop and rest for a while, and the two people next to him also realized this and deliberately let go

Waiting slowly for Ruolin.

"Huhu, thank you two seniors." Only if Ruolin has a realistic feeling can she know that this

The thighs are not so easy to hug. The first problem is physical strength. I can't keep up at all.

The pace of these two.

"It's getting late, let's rest here today." Seeing that Ruolin couldn't walk anymore, she decided to

The tenon was brought up at the right time.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm still holding you back." Ruolin said with a bitter smile.

"What are you talking about? We couldn't have gone this far without you leading the way."

The sun was about to be completely obscured by the mountains in the distance. The three of them started to set up camp, and Mu Ten was responsible for picking up the food.

The wood was used to light the fire, and Ruolin was responsible for cooking. As for Bai Jin, Bai Jin was responsible for eating.

"Just stay still." Bai Hibiscus, who wanted to help pick up firewood, was pressed down by the wooden tenon, and the latter sighed.


After all, it is better for older men to do the work of collecting firewood, and he is serious.

I'm afraid that this idiot Bai Jin will disappear after picking up people.

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