Bai Jin looked at the busy two people in a hurry, while she sat cross-legged with her head tilted to the side.

I have nothing to do, I want to help but I feel like I can't.

"Senior Mu Ju, could you please put the cooking lard back and bring some soy sauce?"

"Oh well."

I don’t know why, as the two busy people in front of me looked at each other, it always felt like cooking on the wedding night.

couple having meal.

Bai Jin suddenly had this sense of immediacy.

"Senior Bai Jin, could you please help me pass the salt.

"Oh, okay." Hearing that she could finally help, Bai Jin hurriedly put the

The seasonings were brought over.


Senior Bai Jin, is this candy?" After carefully checking it, Ruolin looked at it helplessly.

White hibiscus.

"Ah, really? Sorry, they look a bit similar." Bai Jin felt a little embarrassed.

"How are they similar? Sugar is in the form of crystals and salt is in the form of granules." Ruolin was speechless and also

From what I understood, this young master probably had never been in the kitchen.

"Senior Bai Jin, you can just watch from the sidelines." Ruolin sighed and knew how to call

Her coming to help would only cause trouble, so he left her alone.

Seemingly realizing that she really couldn't help, Bai Jin squatted aside and pouted slightly,

Seems a little unhappy.

The rice is cooked. The conditions in the wilderness are poor, so we can't cook any delicacies.

A dish made with wild vegetables and marinated meats that I brought with me, and a few seasonings.

It must be said that Ruolin's cooking skills are really good, and she can still cook even when the types of raw materials are scarce.

Full of color and taste.

Several people ate with gusto, and they were even more determined in their hearts that finding Ruolin to form a team was the right thing to do.


It would be troublesome if it was just him and Bai Jin this time. They are both girls, but Bai Jin's craftsmanship is different.

Ruolin said that it would be more delicious to fry an egg by herself than if she cooked it randomly.

Mu Ju glanced at Bai Jin and thought.

There is no river nearby, and drinking water is too precious, so after dinner, the few of us did a little exercise.

After a while, I set up a tent and put on my sleeping bag and planned to sleep.

"I'll sleep outside." Seeing that the tent could only accommodate two people, Mu Ju gave it up in a gentlemanly manner.


Ruolin hesitated to speak. "Um, Senior Muzhu, it's okay to squeeze--it's cold outside.

Due to her reserve, Ruolin could only speak more reservedly.

"No, no, no." The two girls slept in a tent and went to join in the fun. This is their responsibility.

What's the difference between them and the gangsters on the street?

Wooden Tenon has already moved the sleeping bag outside and made a bed on the spot.

"Good night."

"Good night." Bai Jin ignored Ruolin next to him and started to take off his clothes. Of course,

Before he finished taking it off, he took off his jacket and knight's leather boots, untied his hair, and then got into the sleeping bag.

This is the first time to sleep in the wild, and also the first time to live in a tent with outsiders, and this

Individually or of the opposite sex, this made Ruolin feel a little uneasy.

Ruolin slept in the innermost part of the tent, while Baijin was in some position outside, and the wooden tenon was completely


Turning over, she could see Bai Jin, who had his back to her, and seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep.

The silver moonlight was scattered on the golden hair. Only then did Ruolin notice that the original

Lai Bai Jin's shoulders are so thin, so thin that she doesn't look like a man

Normally she can't see it even when she's wearing a coat. I don't know if she's too tired or just plain.

Regarding the line issue, she always felt that Bai Jin looked more and more like a girl.

Illusion, illusion, must be an illusion. If Senior Bai Jin is a girl, then Senior Mu Ju

It is impossible not to know what the relationship between the two of them is if they knew.

For some reason, Ruolin had a bold idea in her mind.

"Senior Bai Jin, senior Bai Jin?" I tried to shout twice in a low voice, but after receiving no answer,

Ruolin gradually became bolder. She slowly crawled out of her sleeping bag like a wriggling caterpillar.

In front of Bai Jin's ears.

Ruolin was extremely nervous. She felt that what she was doing was very sneaky and unfair, but she still couldn't restrain her curiosity.

"Bai Jin, senior?" Ruolin leaned close to her ear and called softly again, but she still didn't get it.

In reply, Bai Jin's breathing was very steady and she seemed to be sleeping soundly.

Ruolin breathed a sigh of relief and accidentally smelled the fragrance in the other person's hair, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Reddish color.

Boys, would you use jasmine scented shampoo?

It wasn't until Ruolin took a closer look that she realized that the ratio between Bai Jin's back and shoulders was indeed wrong.

Although she has never studied human anatomy, such slender bones are definitely what a boy should have.


Ruolin began to feel confused, and her doubts began to spread like ink soaked in water.

Ruolin felt that she was about to discover the biggest secret of the entire Knight Academy, although she told her rationally.

He told her that she shouldn't do this, but he couldn't suppress his curiosity.


She noticed the leather boots that Bai Jin had taken off next to her. She hesitated for a moment and moved them up to compare the sizes.

, I found that the size of these boots was even smaller than my own.

Are there any boys with such small feet??

The more she checked, the more frightened Ruolin became. She felt as if she was about to discover something surprising one by one.

Heaven's big secret, like a thief, - little by little he came closer to Bai Jin

At this moment, Bai Jin suddenly turned over, scaring Ruolin so much that she almost

He screamed and quickly got back into his sleeping bag.

Quietly, he poked his head out and found that Bai Jin had just turned over and had not woken up at all.

She finally breathed a sigh of relief, but after such a scare, she didn't dare to get out.

Let’s continue checking.

With doubts and nothing to say all night, the next day arrived.

"Hum Baijin stretched out greatly, and his clear eyes seemed to be because he hadn't woken up yet.

For the sake of being confused.

"Hey, Ruolin, good morning." She said hello to the person in front of her.

Excellent. "Ruolin waved her hand and replied lazily with a pair of dark circles under her eyes.


"You didn't sleep well?" Bai Jin asked while stroking her long hair.

"Well, I'm not used to camping in the wild, so the quality of my sleep last night was a bit poor." Not only that

A bit worse, I didn't sleep at all.

Recalling the previous move of Muzhu subconsciously putting herself and Bai Jin in the same room, if

The suspicion in Lin's heart gradually began to spread. Coupled with the evidence found yesterday, Ruolin's heart was already filled with doubts.

She had the answer, but she was lying to herself, telling herself that it was impossible.

Maybe, probably, it’s just that senior Bai Jin is special. Well, thousands of people

It should be considered normal for one such person to appear among tens of thousands of people.

But she still couldn't stop looking at Bai Jin's face.

Now Bai Jin is taking care of her hair, with her golden hair flowing down freely, like

Some kind of fine silk and satin, paired with a face that can be called a moon-shy flower, anyone who sees it for the first time will

I think she is a beautiful girl

So, if the situation is really what I imagined, senior Baijin and senior Muju

What is the real relationship?

The three of them were eating dry food, but only Ruolin was absent-minded and her thoughts were far away.

Both of them were too stupid to notice.

The three of them continued walking on the road to Lime Village following the map. The roads around the end city could be

It can be said that it is quite dilapidated, and there is not even a formed road. The so-called road is just for people to walk on it.

It's just an extra path.

By noon, the scorching autumn sun enveloped the sky and baked the earth, and there were sounds from the jungles on both sides.

There was a cry for help.

Hearing this, the three of them exchanged glances and entered the jungle. At the source of the sound, a woodcutter covered his head.

The injured legs and feet groaned.

"Old man, what's wrong with you?" Mu Tenon came up.

"Hey, I accidentally fell down while cutting firewood and got twisted. What do you think?

The woodcutter was slightly surprised when he saw the clothes and appearance of the people who came after hearing the news.

"We are trainee knights brought here from Flame Spear to perform a mission." Ruolin replied. "elder

Home: Is your wound serious? Let me bandage it for you. "

"No, no, no, no, I don't know why, but the old man was a little resistant.

It seems that he is unwilling to accept the help of the three people, but even if he is like this, he can't walk at all.

"How about this? Where do you live, old man? Let's carry you back." Bai Jin didn't accept it.

Bai Jin doesn't force her to help, but at least she has to send the other person to her family.

"My, my home? My home is a bit far away, so it's better not to hinder the knights on their way." Qiao Qiao

My husband still doesn't appreciate it.

"Nothing, it doesn't matter if it's a little later." Even the wooden tenon didn't care. "Old man, you are not like this.

We can't go back, right? This forest is quite deep. If we encounter danger, we'll be in trouble. We still have to go back.

Send you back.

In desperation, the woodcutter could only accept the help of three people.

"Old man, tell me, the existence you are in is the one in front? Is it Lime Village?"

However, it was impossible for Bai Jin and Ruolin to carry the burden, so the heavy burden fell on Mu Ju.

What's the problem? "I don't know why, but the woodcutter didn't seem to want to talk to them.

about this village.

"To be honest, our destination this time is also here." Bai Jin said.

Are you here to suppress bandits?"

"Yes, by the order of the lord of this city, you have also been troubled by bandits for a long time, right? Let go.

Heart, everything will be fine, we will give you a new life, this is our

A knight's duty. "

"But the woodcutter stopped talking. "The bandits here are extremely vicious and cunning.

, can you catch them?"

"It's not a big problem." Muzhu responded calmly and glanced at the old man behind him. "Mr. no

Do you really think we are just

Just a trainee knight, right?"

"To be honest, we are actually regular knights sent by the Temple Association, just for

The identity was concealed to facilitate movement.

"Oh, oh, that's it."

Bai Jin, who was dumbfounded after hearing this, was about to speak when he was stopped by Mu Ju's look.

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