Blood Princess and the Knight

28~Almost an explicit hint

"Senior Bai Jin, I probably won't be able to answer your call now that I'm in the arms of Mr. Mu Ju.

Eh?" Before she finished speaking, Ruolin felt a gust of wind coming from the other end of the phone.

It's strange that even though the two sides of the phone are thousands of miles apart, Ruolin can clearly feel that

The cold breath came from the other end of the phone.

"Well, um, are you okay?" Ruolin was a little afraid to speak, she asked weakly, and asked tightly.

Then I heard a sharp scream from the other end of the phone, as if a knife was being stabbed into my hand.

Between the fingers of some creature.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I'm killing a chicken here. I didn't scare you." After three seconds, Wen Wanrou

Nuo's voice sounded again.

"No, no." Ruolin's mouth twitched. Senior Bai Jin's family must be a wealthy one.

How come a wealthy family keeps chickens?

She didn't dare to think about it.

Listening to the voice on the other end of the phone, Senior Bai Jin’s sister should be a very gentle person, eh

Maybe I'm overthinking it.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear you clearly just now. Can you say it again? Where is my brother now?"

"Ahem, maybe there's something wrong with the way I expressed it. Senior, he's drunk. Now, senior Muzhu

I'm taking care of him, um, so he probably can't answer your call. "

"Oh, so that's it? But I remember that my elder brother never drinks alcohol.

Farmers, what happened today?"

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ruolin heard the meaning of Si Xingshi's questioning.

"The task required it, and Senior Bai Jin volunteered, so he got drunk.

"Oh, so that's it." A meaningful tone came from Ji Yue's end, followed by a smile

abundant. "Classmate, can you please give the phone to Mr. Mu? I have something to ask.

Tell him. "

"Eh? Oh, okay." So does Senior Bai Jin's sister know Mr. Mu Ju?

Thinking of this, Ruolin felt a little subtle in her heart, and suddenly noticed that many girls

Even though everyone knew the wooden tenon, in the end she was the only one who didn’t know, which made her heart feel a little sour.

"Senior Mu Ju, senior Bai Jin's sister just called. It seems she has something to ask you."

"Oh, okay." Mu Juyi, who was a little hesitant to help Bai Jin wipe the sweat from her cheeks, sounded like Ji Yue

The phone call made my whole heart skip a beat, and I felt like I was guilty of being a thief.

Strange, how could he feel this way? He didn't do anything to Bai Jin behind Ji Yue's back

Bad thing, why do we feel this way?

Mu Ju hesitated for a moment, then took the phone and walked to a place where Ruolin couldn't hear her. "Hey, Miss


Ah. "

"Mu Tong's heart trembled slightly when he heard this. At this time, Ji Yue could say anything but question him.

I really doubt him, but what does it mean to smile without warmth? ?

"Well, Miss, if you have anything to say, please tell me. I'm a bit busy here.

"You're busy taking off your clothes, brother, aren't you~?"

"Yes, take off your clothes. What clothes should you take off? It's nothing." Muzun was a little broken.

, as soon as he talked to Ji Yue, his emotions became tense involuntarily.

"Hmm? Why are you panicking because you didn't take off your clothes? Besides, boys can be honest with each other.

Just wait, what are you nervous about? ~" A joking voice came from Ji Yue on the other end of the phone.

It's just that it's all cold.

Mu Chu trembled, and then realized that he had been deceived by Ji Yue.

"No, Bai Jin just drank some wine now, so he is not sober. I am now responsible for taking care of

Look at him, he hasn't posted anything else.

"I know, so what are you nervous about?" Ji Yue continued to ask, with a persistent attitude.

The speed makes the wooden tenon feel stretched.

"To be honest, Miss, I also drank some wine and was a little hot, so I said

The words are a little unfavorable. "When Mu Ju explained, his palms were full of sweat, for fear that Ji Yue would see it.


But why is he so nervous? ? He obviously just knew Bai Bai inadvertently.

It’s just Jin’s true gender. I haven’t done anything extraordinary. Why do I have to endure this kind of torture?

Can't stand it?

He Muju is the god of pure love, how could he attack Faxiao who is already engaged?

Although the white hibiscus is indeed very beautiful.

"Oh, that's it, but can't you just drink? Why did you drag my brother along?

Where are the adults? ~"

It was my oversight, sorry. "Muju sincerely apologized.

After hearing Mu Ju's apology, the other end of the phone was silent for a long time before speaking slowly. "Brother, recently

How are you doing?"

"In general, neither good nor bad." Mu Ju answered truthfully.

"How was your meal?"

"As far as food is concerned, it's pretty good."

"Can you sleep in the wilderness?

"Yes, yes."

"Mu Ju must protect my brother well. I heard that there are some ferocious beasts lurking in the wild.

Will attack travelers passing by at night. "

"Don't worry, I slept next to the white hibiscus. I mean I was watching from the side.

Nothing will happen. "

"Oh, that's it." Ji Yue thought thoughtfully, then smiled. "Well, thank you for your hard work, Mu.


"No hard work, no hard work, after all, he is the eldest person in this team.

Naturally, you have to bear more responsibility. "I originally wanted to say that as the only man in this team, fortunately, I didn't

Tianlong's mind turned quickly enough and he quickly changed his mind.

He breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that the eldest lady's temptation to him was over, so he let go of his guard.

"Okay, then I won't bother you."


"One last question, is my brother's body intact?" Ji Yue's conversation took a sharp turn.

"No, no, I mean, Mu Tenon, who was still awake, was wide-eyed.

Eyes, only then did he realize what he had said subconsciously.

It's over, he was careless and didn't dodge!

Ji Yue's move was extremely clever. She pretended that she had no doubts about him. It was symbolic.

I asked a bunch of simple and common questions, and at the end, I violently interspersed a major question.

The wooden tenon that relaxed was hit instantly.

"Well, no, this kind of thing, as soon as I say it, I mean, I subconsciously do it.

Following the previous answer, the wooden tenon gave a feeble explanation, but all this has been

To no avail.

At this moment, he swallowed, and the hand holding the receiver trembled slightly, all because of the electricity.

The other end of the conversation is gone

"Eh?" Ruolin looked at the wooden tenon in the distance curiously, always feeling that the other party's state was a bit strange.

, as if petrified.

Does Senior Muju always use this style of phone call? Is this a performance art?

"Well, um, young lady?" After a while, the wooden tenon, who really couldn't bear the torment, took the initiative to open the door.

Mouth. "Things are not what you think. I think I can explain

"Haha." Regarding Mu Chu's attempt to save the situation, Ji Yue only gave him two sneers.

"Muten, did you know? I was successfully promoted to a formal priest a few days ago." After that,

Ji Yue's topic jumping ability was very strong, and she moved directly to another seemingly unrelated topic.

"Really, then congratulations, eldest sister

"But during my promotion ceremony, a very strange thing happened." Ji Yue said with hurt words

Brain said in a tone of voice.

"Ah? Something strange? Something."

"At the official promotion ceremony."

""When Mr. Pope personally put on the official priest's hat for me, suddenly, that hat

It turned green, as if someone had painted it with a layer of green paint. It was so green that it reflected light.

It also makes me panic. "

Tenon stopped talking.

"It's so strange. Do you know what is the specific cause of this phenomenon?"

"This probably involves some metaphysical issues, I'm not sure." Mu Yan decided to pretend not to listen.

Understand the hints in the other person's words and play dead to the end.

"No way? You don't even know." Ji Yue was very surprised.

"I wasn't there, so it's hard to imagine that."

"But I went to a fortune teller, and he clearly reminded me that only you know the truth.

What happened? Can you tell me?

Tenon stopped talking, just because he couldn't talk any more.

"Click!" At this moment, a crisp sound came from Ji Yue's side, like something

Broken in half.


"But it doesn't matter. The fortune teller also told me how to avoid this kind of weirdness.

The phenomenon. "

"Really, it's great to have a solution." Muzhu still planned to continue to act stupid.

"Do you want to hear it?

"The solution is like this. Click!" Before Mu Ju could answer, Ji Yue spoke again.

There was a crisp cracking sound.

"Well, what do you mean?" Mu Chu didn't quite understand what it meant, but he vaguely felt a chill. "That's it." Ji Yue said with a smile. "Do you know what I'm doing now?"

"have no idea. .

"Cut the cucumber

"Like this, - go down with the knife."

"Crack!" There was another crisp but particularly harsh breaking sound.

"Well, the cucumber has been cut into two pieces, and the problem is naturally solved." Ji Yue smiled like a flower.

"?!" The corner of Muzhu's mouth twitched.

"Do you understand? If not, I can continue to explain to you?"

"No, no need, I understand.

"It's best if you understand.

After leaving a meaningful word, the phone was hung up, and Mu Ju held the phone dumbly.

"Senior Muju, those villagers seem to be taking action. What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, it's okay. Bai Jin's sister is confused when she cares about her. She always told me how to take care of her."

Good brother, hahaha, let’s go, don’t waste time, take Bai

The hibiscus is screaming, we should go out


"Oh, okay." For some reason, Ruolin seemed to see the sweat overflowing from Mu Ju's forehead.

Is it too hot in the room or is it caused by drinking alcohol?

She couldn't understand it and didn't think much about it, so she poured a glass of water and planned to wake up Bai Jinjin. After all, it was late at night.

The evening has just begun and the show is about to begin.

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