As night falls, the entire starry sky is painted with a dim tone like a crayon.

Several figures sneaked out of the village. "Have the three young knights gone to bed?"

"When I went to bed, I was very drunk. I guess I have already slept to death now."

"These knights are really elegant."

"Isn't that just like that? He claims to be a formal knight sent from above, and his level is just like that.

How high can a knight of this age achieve? Most likely he is someone who was sent to take the blame. "

"Okay, stop trembling and go up the mountain quickly. If you start late, it will be too late to find you.

"Let's go, let's go." Several dark figures colluded and jumped up the mountain pass.

They walked around a dense forest with ease and looked around cautiously.

After walking for more than 30 steps, I will check to see if there is anyone following me around, and listen carefully to see if there are a few more footsteps.


After they bypassed the bushes and crossed the swamp, they came to a relatively flat place on the mountainside.

On the flat hinterland.

Tents and camps made of wood and linen can be seen everywhere, and there are no horses in the mangers.

It was filled with crude spears and knives.

"Who?" Several people were stopped by two bandits wearing turbans.

"We are villagers at the bottom of the mountain. There are cavalrymen coming from Lime Village to suppress bandits again. Let's come here to pass

I know your boss will move quickly. "One villager took off his hood.

The two bandits looked at each other.

"Come in."

Arriving at the Zengpi tent, which is the base camp of the bandits, a tall and thick-looking man was standing there.

Sitting on the deerskin seat, he held his huge head in his hands.

"You said those canned goods are here again to suppress the bandits?" The bandit leader frowned his thick eyebrows. "How many people did they come?"

"three people."

"Tsk, the more the suppression goes on, the more reverse it becomes. How dare three people come to suppress the bandits? Is my little brother a vegetarian?" Hearing this, the bandit leader said contemptuously.

"But I think those three people are not ordinary. They seem to be official knights from big cities, or

Don't underestimate the enemy too much.

"A formal knight from a big city?

How old are they?

"Well, they are all very young. The three of them are probably not yet twenty years old."

"Pfft, it's just a little turtle grandson who doesn't have all his hair. What are you so worried about here?"

The bandit leader laughed

The village chief wants you to move your position quickly to avoid any trouble that may arise later.

end. "

"Trouble? What kind of trouble can there be? Those three little brats can still wipe out our entire brood of brothers."

Is it possible?" The bandit leader did not listen to the advice at all and waved his hand. "I'm not going, not going anywhere.

"But, if you do this, you may run into those knights. If you kill them,

It’s hard for our village to explain the injury!” the villager said with a bitter face.

He came out to become a knight at such a young age. If he said that he had no connection with the Temple Association, the village chief would not believe it.

Eighty percent of them are eldest young masters and eldest ladies from some big families. If this happens,

What's the point of losing it? I'm afraid the whole village will be buried with them.

"You are so scared, why don't you just kill them? Beat them down and throw them out of the village. Who knows?"

We are the ones who did it? They are just little cubs with no hair on all their hair. What can you do to me?'

"Oh, really?" At this moment, a joking voice floated into the hall.

"Who is answering my call?" The bandit leader frowned.

"Those three brats you mentioned are not all hairy." A figure walked out of the darkness.

Standing as straight as the spear in his hand.

"Who are you? ?" The bandit leader narrowed his eyes and picked up the mace at hand.

"Eh?!" The villagers suddenly turned pale with fright. "Ride, sir knight? What are you doing?

Follow me."

"It's just a little trick, don't you really think that my drinking capacity is bad?" Wood Falcon smiled.

No, I caught the guy with a guilty conscience, right? "

"No, no, this matter."

"What are you still trying to explain to these canned people?" the bandit leader said fiercely. "Now that they have been discovered, we cannot let the three of them go down the mountain so easily."

"You must stay here!" "On the contrary, none of you can escape." The tip of the wooden falcon pointed at everyone present.


"What, what should we do? The villagers were panicked. They were found to have had an affair with the bandits. That was

It's a serious crime that will affect his family! If the village chief finds out, he'll be afraid of lizards having their tails docked, so he kills them to protect himself.

Three death sentences, then everything will be over!

"What else can we do? ? Today, these knights can't go anywhere, otherwise we all have to

Go to the guillotine!" the bandit leader said fiercely.

"Young men, surround him and don't let these knights run away!" The bandit leader shouted and summoned

He called his brother, but he didn't get any answer.

"The villagers were stunned and didn't understand which song this song was from.

"Why are you so stunned?

Are you all asleep? Come out quickly and give these knights

I'll clean it up!" Seeing that his shouts were ignored by Huali, the bandit leader was angry. "Stop calling me bald man. At this time, your dog legs have almost been beaten by my companions.

Solved cleanly. "Wood Falcon spread his hands and showed a mocking expression.

"Bald, bald uncle? ?" After hearing this, the bandit leader became even more angry and picked up the mace for a while.

He screamed strangely and was about to hit the wooden falcon.

I saw each other ducking one by one, and then slightly stumbled towards the bald bandit who couldn't hold back his strength.

The balanced opponent immediately fell to the ground and gnawed in the mud.

"You're so big, so be careful when walking. If you're not careful, you might get an earthquake." Mu

Falcon smiled provocatively.

He didn't even need to take action, the big man's weight was enough to knock him to pieces.

Eight prime.

"You guys, should you stay where you are, or do you want me to take care of you myself.

Several villagers who were about to escape quietly suddenly trembled, stopped and turned back tremblingly.


"Ride, sir knight, spare us! We are old and young, we deceive you.

It's wrong, but we can't be entirely blamed for this matter." The villagers were shaking like garlic cloves. They were so frightened that they could not speak clearly when they thought that the crime of adultery among bandits would be punished by the guillotine.

"You guys want to run away?" Wood Falcon sneered. "It's really stupid. You just said

If you ran away, the charge is really solid. You colluded with bandits to murder the knights of the Temple Association. You

Where do you think you can go? Even if you go to the end of the world, what will happen to your family?

What to do?"

Wood Falcon's words were very intimidating, and all of a sudden the few children who still had a chance to take chances were

The villagers were so frightened that they knelt down and begged for mercy, crying with snot and tears.

"What's going on with those damn guys?" At this time, the bandit boss fell down from the ground.

He got up, covering his head and cursing.

"Mr. Bandit, are you looking for them?" A golden figure stepped in, one in each hand

Dragging the bandit who rolled his eyes and fainted like a pig to death

They looked at the handsome blond young man and the beautiful girl who walked into the big tent side by side. The bandits

The leader knows that everything is over.

"We have eliminated all the bandits in this village. Mr. Bandit, please stop resisting. Frankly,

Bai Congkuan resisted Congyan. "Bai Jin threw the fainted bandit to the ground.

During the confrontation between Wood Falcon and the bandit leader, the two of them had left everything behind

All the little bandits were brought down. Although it was almost all Bai Jin who contributed the force, Ruolin, as the archer,

Watching the whole show didn't help, so I went up to replenish two arrows from time to time.

"You, you killed them all?!" The bandit leader's eyes were about to burst.

It's as if the three knights are the villains.

"Mr. Bandit, your subordinates' combat effectiveness is not as good as that of Bandit, and is one level lower than that of Zhan Wu Zha."

Level four scum of war. "Bai Jin complained calmly.

"So you just ."

"Calm down, originally I didn't want to keep you alive just because your subordinates are too powerful in combat.

Weak, much weaker than I imagined. I doubt whether they are real bandits. After all, they are interested in

I didn't even kill anyone there. "Bai Jin explained.

"So, I just knocked them all unconscious with the hilt of my sword, without killing anyone."

Hearing this, the bandit leader breathed a sigh of relief.

"Sir Knight, we really have our own reasons for doing this. If we don't do this, we may not even survive." The villagers begged, but the bandit leader said

interrupted with a loud shout.

"What's the use of telling these canned skins? ? You really treat them as knights who can save the world by hanging pots.

Is that so? They are just the minions of that gang of officials, they don’t care whether we live or die?” said the bandit leader.

Zi coldly snorted.

"If the temple is truly righteous, will we fall into the trap of others? ?"

"What do you mean? You've done something bad and you still want to argue?" Wood Falcon raised his eyebrows.

"Bad things? Huh, although I'm not a good person, but when it comes to bad things that are harmful to nature, I-

I have never done this, but you, can you count how many innocent lives you have on your hands?

?" Even if the bandit leader was controlled, he would not give in and even bit him back.

"You guy."

"Wait a minute." Bai Jin stopped Wood Falcon who was about to have a seizure.

"Mr. Bandit, have you reached any deal with the villagers?" "With a few villagers here, or with the entire village?" Bai Jin added,

By asking this question, you are trying to determine whether the other party is acting alone or is being protected by the entire village.

In this case, it makes sense to escape the knights' repeated attacks. There is a village for this gang.

It is not difficult for bandits to escape capture by taking cover.

"Who are you? Why should I tell you?" I didn't realize that this bald bandit uncle was still

He is a tough guy, unable to reverse the situation and not willing to give in.

Bai Jin is not annoyed either, he is not in a hurry and is not slow.

He glanced at several villagers nearby.

"Gentlemen, I personally hope to clear your suspicions, but if you refuse to tell the truth,

If you are prosecuted, then we may only be able to arrest you and this group of bandits on the charge of colluding with bandits.

Caught. "

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