Blood Princess and the Knight

30~Knight Girl’s Choice

"Mr. Villager, I personally hope to get rid of suspicion for you, but if you continue to be stubborn,

If you don't change, I will hand you over to the lord of the last city and let him condemn you. "Bai Jin no

I like intimidation, but I have to say that this trick is effective against uninformed villagers.

The results are significant and save a lot of trouble.

"Mr. Knight, don't, don't hand us over to the city lord." When the villagers heard that they were about to be sent

Going to the city lord, I suddenly became nervous, and everyone's face turned pale, as if it was not the city lord, but

A demon who chooses people to devour.

"Why? If you are not guilty, why are you afraid that I will hand you over to those who have jurisdiction over you?

Personal hand, on?

"You, you don't know something, that city lord is an out-and-out.

"Why are you telling them so much? Do you still expect these canned food to host it for you?

Fair?" the bandit leader snorted coldly. "Innocent, don't forget that they are the minions of the official grandpa!

"Shut your mouth." Wood Falcon glanced at the bandit leader and gave him a threatening look.


"Keep talking." Bai Jin squatted down and looked at the villagers. "Justice is in my heart. If I am wrong, I will not

For you, I will give you justice no matter what. "

"Really, really? Then, Mr. Knight, we all said, we all said, in fact we

I am also forced to have no choice."

"Bah, you are so stupid! You have explained everything in such simple words, do you know

It would be better if some crimes were left undisclosed, but if someone confessed to him personally, then the charges would be confirmed! Bandit leader

Zi wanted to continue to say something, but his mouth was blocked by a cloth.

"Shut up, you just don't seem to understand." After Wood Falcon blocked the bandit's mouth with a piece of cloth,

Tie the opponent's arms behind his back.

"Go on." Bai Jin stared at the villagers.

"Alas, we have no choice but to do this." Looking at Shan who was tied up like a crab,

The thief leader, the villagers shook their heads and smiled bitterly.

"Then what's going on?" Wood Falcon frowned, and Ruolin next to him also turned his gaze.

"As you all can see, there are no bandits around Lyme Village at all. The so-called bandits are

We villagers pretended to be ourselves. "The villagers helplessly told the truth." In other words, this bald man is not a genuine bandit, but one of your fellow villagers.


"Yes, including the bandits here, they are all disguised by us villagers down the mountain."

No wonder the fighting ability is so bad.

"There is no such thing as bandits in Lime Village. It is really too poor. Poor

There is no oil or water at all, and even bandits don't like this place. "The villagers spread their hands.

"Why are you doing this?" Bai Jin continued to ask.

Mr. Knight, you must know that we are just a group of little ants with no power or money.

Although we cannot recognize the outside world clearly, at least we can recognize ourselves. "The villagers sighed.

"Maybe one day we will become a victim of federal political struggle, maybe one day we will not be able to afford this building.

The village in front of you will be trampled and crushed by the invading demon species. When all this happens, no one will

Pay attention to us, because we are just a group of inconspicuous insects.

"But before that, we have to solve our livelihood problems first, otherwise, we will be here

They starve to death before these disasters come. "

Bai Jin listened to the other party's words quietly without speaking.

"Mr. Knight, you probably don't know much about it. We small villagers who are isolated from the world are just

If you want to have a bite to eat, you will definitely not take risks. Of course we know, pretending to be bandits and bullying.

It's a capital crime to hide it, but there's nothing we can do about it, we really can't survive. "

"The city lord of the last city, the exorbitant taxes imposed by that lord have left us with no income, and the village

The land is full of hunger and death, and the arrival of those taxing knights is equivalent to us following them all year.

They didn't listen to them when they explained the situation. They just used the stolen goods and went door to door to save us for the winter.

All the remaining grain was confiscated. "

"In Lime Village, few villagers died of old age or illness. Almost all of them stayed at home and died of starvation.

If you don't believe it, you can go to the back mountain and have a look. All the bark and grass roots on that mountain have been

Chew it clean. "

Mu Falcon moved slightly, remembering what Bai Jin had said to him.

You can eat by changing your child, but you can't choose food when you are hungry.

"We have no choice but to resort to this trick in order to survive. Let the villagers pretend to be bandits.

Pretending to be robbed by bandits, they handed the food to the villagers pretending to be bandits in the mountains. There are many mountains around Lime Village.

, we are familiar with this place, and it is getting better

"Is what you said true?" Wood Falcon interjected.

"It's absolutely true, my lord." The villager said with a bitter face.

"However, we have been to the city lord's mansion in the end city. The city lord's residence doesn't seem to be any better than yours.

No matter how you look at it, he doesn't look like a corrupt criminal who kills the goose to get the eggs. How do you explain this?

"If there is any lies in what I say, then Mr. Knight will gouge out my eyes.

!" the villager posted

A poisonous oath was taken.

Wood Falcon turned his attention to Bai Jin and asked her to make a decision.

This promotion trial was supposed to kill the bandit leader entrenched in Lime Village, but when he came here

After figuring out the situation, I realized that there were no so-called bandits in this place. They were all intruders.

Villagers pretending to be.

So, what to do now?

Pretending to be stupid, he insisted that there were bandits in this village and that it would be the fastest to deal with them.

A quick and convenient way, but Mu Shun knew that Bai Jinyi would never do this.

If what the villagers say is true, this knight with a strong sense of justice will never pretend to be deaf.

Just sit back and do nothing.

After all, she is a good person who will never ignore others asking for help.

But this will be a lot more troublesome. The promotion trial may also be affected. Wood Falcon will choose

When the choice was placed in Bai Jin's hands, the choice had actually been made.

"Let's go and have a look at the back mountain." The choice Bai Jin made did not go beyond Wood Falcon's expectations.

The former's tone showed her determination, "I won't force you to go or not, but this matter

I have to control it to the end" means something like this.

"Let's go." Wood Falcon stretched and made the decision without hesitation. "I've known you for a long time

It will complicate things again, but there is nothing we can do about it.

"Hey, wait for me." Ruolin also followed. Both seniors had made their choices, and she had no choice. But to be fair, she didn't have much scheming to think of so many things, but

If so, she would even want to help these villagers.

"Take us to the back mountain. If the situation is true, we will make a judgment as appropriate."

"Okay." The villagers can only place their hope on these young knights.

When we arrived at the back mountain, it was almost the next morning, and the rising sun reflected the back mountain.


Twisted and dead tree trunks. It was covered with mutilations, as if it had been bitten by some crazy creature.

The ground was full of potholes and a mess.

The trees were dead, their twisted and crooked extensions like the wrinkled hands of a witch.

"There are mass graves ahead." The villager pointed ahead.

As everyone moved forward, large and small lumps of earth bulged out, like edema on the surface of the earth.

Just standing here can feel a chill that makes people shiver, and the sad wind howls.

, as if thousands of resentful spirits are roaring and roaring.

"The big one belongs to the old man, and the little one belongs to the baby." The villager's tone also had a hint of trembling.

It seemed that he recalled the tragic situation here.

"There were too many and not enough tombstones. In the end, we had to simply bury them and bury them in the

There were indeed living lives there, some of them were in their twilight years, and some were just living

They are still in bud. They didn’t even leave their names behind during their lifetimes and after their deaths.

No one answered, a sense of sadness swept over everyone present, and the scene fell silent.

, like a pool of stagnant water that has lost its vitality.

"If you still don't believe it, you can dig it open and have a look." The villagers were a little embarrassed to say.

"Let's go." After a long time, Bai Jin turned around. "Um, Mr. Knight? You guys?"

"Aren't you leaving?" Bai Jin turned around and said strangely. “I don’t want to seek justice from the initiator.


"I want to! But" the villager was stunned for a moment, then answered subconsciously but hesitated.

They are just a group of small villagers, how can they have the qualifications to fight against powerful officials?

"You just need to answer whether you want it or not."

Of course this is what I wanted to do. "Hearing this, the villagers nodded fiercely.

"Okay." Bai Jin glanced at Wood Falcon.

"You have to figure it out yourself. I don't care anyway. I can do whatever you ask me to do. But this

One thing I feel is that we alone are not enough. "

"you mean?"

"Please help me, Miss, to check all the asset records of that guy and collect enough evidence."

That guy can be convicted. "Wood Falcon said calmly.

"Is this really okay? Will it trouble Ji Yue too much?" Bai Jin hesitated.

"You're thinking too much." Mu Falcon rolled his eyes. How much does Ji Yue love Bai Jin, except for Bai Jin herself?

Everyone knows it except you.

As long as Bai Jin opens her mouth, Ji Yue will happily agree to the request no matter how unreasonable it is.

Dabai Jin has never asked Ji Yue for anything. On the contrary, Ji Yue wants to get involved in everything.

Help Bai Jin.

"Okay, I'll give it a try." Bai Jin didn't hesitate. Even she knew that this kind of thing can only

The three of them definitely can't handle it. After all, they live in unknown places in the Human Federation.

She has no right to speak. It will be different if the eldest lady of the Flame Spear family intervenes in this kind of thing. I heard

With Ji Yue's name, they should be very active.

"Hey, Ji Yue, it's me."

"Brother, are you finally willing to call me?" On the phone, Ji Yue's voice sounded so

What a trace of dissatisfaction.

After being here for so long, I never thought of calling her. The first time I called her, she

She took the initiative

I called Bai Jin, but the other party hadn't picked up yet. To be honest, Ji Yue was a little moody.

Sorry, I'm a little busy these days. "Bai Jin also felt a little guilty about this.

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