Blood Princess and the Knight

31~Siege of Dead Soldiers

"I haven't called my lovely sister and fiancée at home for so many days, brother.

Are you the kind of person who forgets your old love when you have a new love? "Ji Yue's words on the phone contained

With a hint of sour vinegar smell.

"New love?

Bai Jin was stunned for a moment, then frowned. "What does new love mean?"

It's not a question, she really doesn't understand what the new love here refers to.

Ji Yue was speechless for a moment, and she was planning to continue to have a temper. She suddenly didn't know what to say.

What's the matter? This wave can only be said to be a natural conspiracy.

"Humph, there is no new love, why did you call me so late?" Ji Yue felt a little aggrieved. "Obviously, I've been waiting by the phone for the past few nights, waiting for my brother's call, but nothing happened.

Waiting like an idiot. "

"Ji Yue, if I remember correctly, your sacrificial crowning ceremony has passed, right?"

"Ah? Yes, yes, it was held a few days ago, what happened?" Bai Jin's topic jumped very quickly

As a result, Ji Yue's thinking was a little unable to keep up.

"How's it going? Did it go well?"

"Well, if it's me, of course it will go smoothly," Ji Yue whispered.

"Sorry, I couldn't come to congratulate you in person that day. Can you forgive me?" Bai Jin whispered.

He said, his tone laced with guilt.

"Eh? Why does Lord Ji remember this kind of thing so clearly?

"I remember everything about Ji Yue very clearly. It will be your birthday in one month.

Well, um, I will send my blessings on time, no matter what kind of gift I promise you.

"Well, my brother is better than Ji Yue on the other end of the phone, who is almost twisted into a maggot."

This is too foul. "

The corner of Muzhu's mouth, which was listening to the conversation between the two, twitched. If it weren't for the wrong gender,

He wanted to become Bai Jin's teacher and ask for advice on how to make girls happy.

I don’t know if it was unintentional or I learned it deliberately, but the conflict between Bai Jin and Ji Yue has always been there since childhood.

Yes, but Bai Jin usually resolves it as soon as she opens her mouth.

Mu Ju would like to be called the master of seducing girls.

However, Bai Jin doesn’t think he can learn this set of wooden tenons. After all, he has no intention of flirting with girls, but he manages to hit Ji Yue’s G-spot by accident every time. I don’t know if it’s just luck or this. two

Human nature is a match made in heaven.

After some pleasantries, Bai Jin got down to business.

"This is roughly what happened." After briefly explaining the matter, Bai Jin's tone became serious.

Solemn and formal. "Ji Yue, can you help me?"

"Hmph, this is the only way I can think of my sister, stupid?" Ji Yue said though

He still said he was arrogant, but in fact his anger was almost gone.

"Is this the Lord of the City of the End City? Well, I looked at the information about him. He has repeatedly caused trouble in the End City.

Report to the federal high-level officials about the end of the city's tax exemption on the grounds of famine. "

"Tax-free? That is."

"Yes, according to your description, brother, that guy deceived the superiors and deceived the inferiors and enriched himself by feeding the common people.

It’s been in the bag for a long time. "Ji Yue's work efficiency is absolutely reliable, but Bai Jin mentioned that the Lord of the Last City,

All the information about this person from childhood to adulthood includes which school he attended and which temple he graduated from.

All the hospital files are placed on Ji Yue's desk.

Can he be brought to justice?"

"You have to collect enough evidence, but it shouldn't be difficult. Corruption and bribery

No one can try to make this kind of thing watertight, there will definitely be spider threads

"Mr. Knight, danger!" At this moment, the villagers' shouts made Bai Jin stunned and raised his head.

There was an arrow right next to her head, and it seemed to be just a few inches away from her forehead.

A figure blocked the way.

"Muten!" Bai Jin quickly put down her phone and supported the man who blocked the fatal arrow for herself.


"Ahem, damn, I was actually hit. The sneak attack was due to the height difference between people. The arrow

The head stabbed into Mu Ju's chest, blood spilled from the corners of his mouth, and his gums were stained red with blood.

"Senior Muju!" Ruolin rushed over to help treat the wound and was about to pull out the arrow.

But he was blocked by Bai Jin.

"Don't pull it out, you will lose too much blood!" Bai Jin regained some composure and looked at the arrow flying towards him.


After the attack was successful, the person hiding in the dark no longer hid, and walked out from behind a dirt bag openly.

They are a group of soldiers dressed as fully armed mercenaries.

"Who are you? Why are you attacking us? ?" Ruolin asked.

The mercenaries said nothing, picked up their weapons and rushed forward.

Have these people been following them? Without so many people following them, there's no way-

There was no movement. Could it be that they had been ambush here for a long time? ?

There is no time to think about who hired these soldiers to hunt them down. Bai Jin will be punished by

The injured wooden tenon was handed over to the bandit leader who had tied it up earlier.

"Please, take him to retreat."

"Tsk, it's useless, the thief leader is lamenting that we were plotted against.

"Being plotted? What does it mean?"

ah. "Ruolin doesn't understand the situation.

"What else could it be? Just think about it and you'll know. Maybe the city lord has already figured out what we did.

After realizing it, it is very possible to send his dead soldiers to follow. Now, it is probably

Seeing that things were not improving, they received an order from their master to kill him. "The bandit leader Shen


"You are not local knights. If someone dies here, you can blame us.

Non-existent bandits, perfect environment for killing, right?"

"Now is not the time to talk about this!" Mu Ju coughed twice and used his spear to support his body. "have to

Find a way to get out.

"You can't kill them! You think these dead soldiers trained by the powerful are just soldiers and crabs like us."


"Take him away first." Bai Jin drew out his long sword. "You villagers, hurry up too

Let's go. Unrelated personnel must retreat immediately. "

"Are you crazy? Do you want to beat them all personally?" The bandit leader's eyes widened.

"It is the duty of a knight to protect unarmed civilians." Bai Jin stared at Ben quietly.

The attacking mercenary tightened his grip on the sword in his hand.

This is the first time she has faced life and death. She knows that this trial match, which is different from the academy, is real.

may die.

Isn't she afraid? Of course she is, and she is so afraid that her feet are weak and she wants to run away. In the eyes of the mercenaries in front of her, it seems that she is not a person, but an animal to be slaughtered.

These guys are used to seeing life and death. They are cold-blooded and ruthless. Human life is just a number to them.


Everyone in the college may have conflicts, but they are all petty and will not escalate to human life.

When she faced these mercenaries, it was as if she, who had adapted to the warmth, was suddenly thrown into the ice and snow.

She is afraid, she is like running away.

But she knew she couldn't. Behind her were her companions and the people, even if she was just a returnee.

The unsworn knight is also willing to fight for the unspoken oath.

‘I swear to always be kind to the weak, and I swear to fight injustice bravely. '

'Humility, integrity, mercy, valor, justice, sacrifice, honor, soul!'

Even if the oath has not been formally sworn, she has already recited it silently in her heart thousands of times. How could she

Possibly running away? ?

"Hurry up!" Bai Jin gritted his teeth and faced the group of hired soldiers who had no regard for human life alone.

"Bai Jin! Damn it, you're just messing around." Mu Ju shook off the bandit's head who was holding him up.

He wanted to follow up and help but was unable to do so. He was hit by an arrow and is now very weak.

"Mr. Knight, I think I'd better listen to the blond Mr. Knight and leave quickly! I

Even if we continue to stay here, we will only get in the way. "

"Let go! She is going to die." Mu Ju gritted his teeth.

"Clang, clang, clang!" The sound of weapons clashing came, and the sword in the girl's hand kept changing in the air.

In exchange, the long knives of several strong men were intercepted, unable to hit them at all.

The mercenary soldiers seemed to be aware of the girl's extraordinary skills and no longer underestimated the enemy.

Use the human sea tactic to completely crush the opponent to avoid overturning.

Her hands were trembling slightly. Bai Jin knew that she could not face so many enemies at once.

But he was entangled and unable to retreat and evade, and soon fell into a desperate situation.

Ruolin used a bow and arrow to try to cover Bai Jin, but it was only a drop in the bucket to no avail.

"Oh, let's go quickly, Lord Knight, otherwise we won't wait until that gentleman can no longer hold on."

Is there no chance at all? ?" Seeing that Mu Ten still didn't intend to leave, the bandit leader could only say bitterly.

Mother-in-law dissuaded her.

Mu Chu didn't understand these principles, but he just couldn't convince himself to take steps.

"She is my comrade-in-arms. If she wants to leave, you can leave." Muju no longer hesitated and shook off the villagers' restraints.

Bound, holding the spear and tremblingly stepped forward.

He knew that he couldn't exert any strength after being injured, and might even be held back, but

He pushed forward anyway.

"What happened? Bai Jin?" Just when Ruolin wanted to say something, she

A panicked voice came from the receiver at hand.

"Hello? Is she Bai Jin-senpai's sister? We are in trouble, here in Lime Village

"Why are you back? ?" Bai Jin, who had several wounds on her body, looked miserable.

When she saw the returned wooden tenon, she suddenly felt a little angry.

You must know that Bai Jin almost never gets angry and has an extremely good temper.


"Oh, how can you let you take all the limelight by yourself?" Mu Ju smiled boldly. "Britain

It's not okay for you to do it alone. "

"Now is not the time to be cool. Do you understand that if we don't leave, we will all die?" Bai Jin is really a little confused.

Angry, to be precise, anxious.

"I understand, but again, you can't be a hero by yourself. I won't show my nakedness today.

These mercenaries really treated me like food and ran away.

Wooden Tenon-Pull out the arrow from the chest, the bloody arrow

He broke it and threw it

There was a crisp snapping sound on the ground.

"Do you think this kind of thing can hurt me, just like this? Don't underestimate the knights, you bastards!

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