Blood Princess and the Knight

32~Bring hope to everyone

"Don't underestimate the knight, you bastard!" Mu Ju stepped forward with a gun, not caring about his own injuries.

And up.

"Be careful!" In order to cover the breakthrough of the wooden tenon, Bai Jin had to keep up with the opponent's pace.

"Mu Ju, you are injured, go back quickly!"

"Haha, there is no word of retreat in my dictionary. If you want to evacuate, take the villagers with you!"

On the contrary, Mu Ju asked Bai Jin to lead the villagers to retreat.

"You are a wounded person, you should retreat!"

"I'm a man. If I don't resist, who will resist? Is it possible that I should leave you and run away on my own? ? That's still the case.

A man?"

Bai Jin was speechless.

"Mr. Villager, you go ahead and tell the villagers down the mountain to leave quickly." Ruolin put down the

cell phone.

It was impossible to expect rescue, no rescue could arrive in such a short time,

So we can only rely on them.

Of course Ruolin was afraid of death, but she had to leave her companions behind while they were fighting bloody battles.

She can't do it.

Young people are full of energy, and their way of thinking about problems often lacks calmness, but it is precisely because of this that

A person is most beautiful when he is young and vigorous.

Even if her power is weak, she still wants to do her best for the two seniors, and takes out the quiver

He took a deep breath but could not calm down the panic in his heart.

Like White Hibiscus Tenon, she faced the battlefield of life and death for the first time.

"So, what about you?

A villager who had previously tipped off the bandits could not bear it. Over the years, they had seen

The knights in it represent the minions of those in power. It wasn’t until this moment that he understood that this

There are really people in the world who put their faith before their wealth and life.

These young men with little strength but enthusiasm are the real knights.

"We are knights, and it is our duty to protect the unarmed." Ruolin said Bai Jin just now

What I said was said again.

"However, as we watched these young knights fight desperately for time, the villagers

The people were touched.

"No but, go and notify your relatives and friends and ask them to leave quickly! These hired workers

The soldiers are red-eyed!"

After Ruolin's reminder, the villagers realized that they were not just Ziran, but also

own family and friends

Without any further hesitation, they had no choice but to go down the mountain, but one of them stayed behind.

Ruolin nervously set up her arrow and aimed at the enemies around Bai Hibiscus - Mingqi wanted to get closer, but she couldn't.

Accidentally missed the shot

Ruolin knew that she was too nervous. What the archer needed most was to calm down.

However, at this moment, she had lost her cool.

No, I have to help my seniors!

Ruolin pressed her temples and took a deep breath. When she opened her eyes again, her eyes were already covered with ice.

This is their family's [Holy Martial Arts]. Although the bloodline has been diluted from generation to generation, it has been passed down to this day.

It can play a great role in the battlefield. Although the side effects are also great, in order to maintain the arrow's

Accuracy, she had no choice.

Yes, Ruolin, who has awakened the Holy Martial Arts at such a young age, is definitely a genius among geniuses.

It is her excessive low profile that makes her appear inconspicuous.

"Tsk, damn it." Even Mu Ju knew that he was just trying to show off his strength, and he was injured.

The vital point prevents him from exerting any strength. Once he exerts force, the wound will be pulled, and the corners of his mouth will continue to bleed.

Did this hurt the internal organs?

The sharp knife slashed down with a painful wind, and the support of the wooden tenon was already a powerful crossbow.

the end.

"Whoosh!" An arrow saved the siege in time and nailed the mercenary who was about to attack him from behind.


At first glance, the accuracy is extremely terrifying. Just at the moment when the mercenary showed his flaw,

Insert it into the part of his neck where the armor is exposed, and kill him with one arrow.

The sudden change shocked both the enemy and ourselves, especially the mercenaries who did not suffer many casualties. After seeing their companions killed in an instant, everyone became alert.

Ruolin saved Mu Ju with this blow, but exposed herself to danger. Everyone present

All the dead soldiers were eyeing her, and they all came up with the idea of ​​​​getting rid of the archers first. After all,

There is nothing more terrifying than a fearsome archer with great accuracy.

They have already put it into action!

[Wrath of the Watcher]

Bai Jin jumped up and hit the ground with her long sword like a war hammer, trying to get close to Ruolin's body.

The enemy was slightly shaken away by the dust.

In just a moment, Ruolin's bow and arrow rose again and took the lives of two more mercenaries.

This further strengthened the mercenaries' determination to take the lead in getting rid of Ruolin.

After all, under the human sea tactic, there is absolutely no way that Bai Jin and Mu Chu alone can protect Ruo.


[Sky-Breaking Sword Dance]

"Ruolin, retreat first!" The long sword in Bai Jin's hand rippled and swept across the circle to temporarily repel her.

killed the enemy.

"No, I won't retreat." Ruolin, who is usually very weak,

At this time, he behaved surprisingly

Tough, she nocked the arrow again and said decisively. "I want to fight together with my seniors."

Bai Jin didn't have time to explain why there were so many mercenaries. The mercenaries were already outflanking him.

surrounded them.

The three of them were back to back. They were at the end of their rope and had no way out -

An arrow was inserted into the neck of a mercenary unpreparedly again, and the accuracy was still the same.

So terrifying.

The mercenaries didn't need to communicate. One look determined the priority target to attack.

When all the long swords and Ruolin were close at hand, the spear like an iron bridge resolutely

He stood in front of Ruolin.

"Senior Mu Ju!

Don't underestimate me, you bastards, you are still far away from killing me!" The wooden tenon pulled hard

He smiled, but the blood-stained smile was somewhat ferocious.

Mu Ten tried his best to protect Ruolin from the wind and rain, while Bai Jin on the other side was surrounded by several mercenaries and had no room to escape.

The Watcher's Wrath smashed a mercenary's sword into pieces. Bai Jin stepped forward and pierced his throat with the sword.

took his life.

And these mercenaries are not vegetarians. When Bai Jin made an attack posture and exposed his flaws,

The long knife was full of force and slashed down fiercely.

No matter how flexible Bai Jin was, she was still stabbed several times, and the light armor she wore was broken.

There were blood marks on his back and arms.


The scarred Bai Jin has no time to rest, and the dead soldiers will not let go of the weak enemy.

Opportunity, he kept chasing her, waving the sharp weapon in his hand to kill her, and she suffered more wounds.

In several places.

"Whoosh!" Two sharp death lines hit Bai Jin's chest and back of her head respectively, deliberately

An attack that targets the weak points of the human body will undoubtedly cause death if hit.

Bai Jin ducked low, but moved slowly due to her injuries. She only heard two tearing sounds of cloth.

There was a cracking sound, and the blond hair was spread down, and after being restrained for a long time, the peaks of the plain were deliberately restrained and then rose from the ground.


"?!" The dead soldiers who were shocked by the scene hesitated for a second, and it was this second that gave them

gave Bai Jin a chance to react.

She covered the wound, kicked away the dead soldier in front of her, raised the sword with her sword in hand, and knocked down one of the dead soldiers.

The unsuspecting dead soldier was killed.

It was her first time to kill someone, and the blood of others flowing on the blade made her feel even more uncomfortable.

After barely getting rid of these dead soldiers, more dead soldiers surrounded them. When they came up, there was nothing in their eyes.

No pity for the enemy, no pity for the dead comrades, - the lifeless eyes cannot see

To get angry.

Not only did Bai Jin feel pity for these dead soldiers, but the fight with blood and sword was their entire life.

Content, I could feel the slightest breath of life in his eyes, as if there was no life.


But compassion is compassion, she would not hand over her life so easily.

Because unlike these people whose lives are meaningless, she has people she must protect.

The blade of the sword changed flexibly in her hand, and the number of fallen corpses gradually increased, and the sweat on the girl's body

Stains and blood stains were also pooling.

She couldn't count on her companions to help her, because those two people were in a worse situation than she was.


The wooden tenon, which had been fatally injured, had several more injuries at this moment, but despite

In this way, he persists in fighting, and he roars and roars, not only to frighten his opponent, but also to

Don't let your fighting spirit and excitement retreat. Once you retreat, he may collapse on the spot.

Ruolin's condition was even worse. Even though she was protected by the wooden tenon, there were still too many people attacking her.

, had no choice but to use the bow in his hand to block, and was cut into two pieces as expected.

Now she is unable to launch an offensive to support Bai Jin, relying on the bow broken in two parts and her body

The light armor on him was strong against the sharp blade, and the situation became more and more dangerous every time. It was obvious that he would soon be unable to hold on.


Bai Jin bit her lip. She was so full of heart but not strong enough that she could not save anyone, not even herself.


The sharp blade fell, and she had no strength left to resist. She could not lift the sword in her hand.

The sound of the knife entering the flesh was clear and clear, but the severe pain that was expected was not felt.

Bai Jin opened her eyes in surprise and found a huge body standing in front of her.

“Bandit, uncle?

"I stopped believing in bullshit chivalry and chivalry very early on. Those things are...

It was used by the powerful to deceive the masses. The uncle who played the bandit leader was like the same

He stood in front of Bai Jin like an iron tower, letting blood flow freely.

He used his last strength to raise his head.

"How stupid is a guy who risks his life and everything for his beliefs? How pitiful?" The uncle smiled miserably.

road. "Yes, from the moment I thought so, I forgot about my childhood longing for knights.

Got it all clean. "

"Mr. Knight, no, Miss, thank you for reminding me of my childhood dream of riding dirt."



The knife at the back was still piercing the body of the bandit uncle. Under the red-stained blade,

The uncle's body is as fragile as tofu.

"Miss Knight, I hope you won't be defeated by reality like me and give up on your dreams.

Uncle Xiang tried his best.

"If, if there really is such a pure knight in this world, please give me hope.

Please bring it to those who are suffering like us.

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