"If you are a true knight, please bring the light of hope to those like

I'm the same, you're still suffering, please.

"I know, I know, just back off!

"Your Majesty Qi Tuji, I am no longer able to survive. Although it is impossible, at least let me die like a knight.

This is my childhood dream. "

The ruthless knives oozed blood, and the vicious thugs had no emotion or mercy.

In my heart, I saw this annoying man still standing upright and refusing to give way even after being stabbed several times. The sharp weapon in his hand entered.

The attacks became more frequent, and blood had stained the earth red.

However, soon, their knives could not be pulled out and were stuck motionless in the flesh.

The fat figure of the uncle still stood, his eyes lost their luster and were covered with blood.

But his fingers clung to the long knife that had penetrated his body, as if it had turned into a sculpture.

"Uncle Bandit!

Unable to pull out the long sword, the thugs simply gave it up and took out the spare short blade from their waists.

, bypassing the uncle and walking straight towards Bai Hibiscus.

The nights are long and the dreams are many. They don’t want to create complications and must quickly deal with these three young knights.

Just fine.

These trainees don’t know what it means to cherish the beauty and cherish the beauty. They started their world at a young age.

There is only killing and being killed. They don’t even have the seven emotions and six desires that humans should have.

Walking meat is like a cold machine.

"Bai, Hibiscus tenon noticed this side and shouted weakly.

Ruolin was stabbed several times and huddled next to her, seemingly dying.

No one can protect yourself

She didn't protect the uncle who died tragically or the companions who were in trouble, no matter which side they were in.

Why, why is this happening?

Bai Jin's shoulders trembled, and she gritted her teeth while holding the blood-stained sword.

If, if she was strong enough, could she have prevented all this tragedy from happening?

?If she is strong enough, will she be able to protect those people who are suffering? If she is strong enough, will the world be a better place?

"Pfft!" Blood splashed out, but it was not Bai Jin's blood.

"Killing for life, you have a lot of lives in your hands." At this moment, Bai Jin's sword penetrated

The refined iron armor of the thugs crushed his heart.

The bright red blood stained Knight Ji's long golden hair. She gritted her teeth and shouted at the thugs.

The final ultimatum.

Naturally, it was impossible for the thugs next to him to watch. Some of his companions used their bodies to block the enemy.

weapons, which bought them valuable offensive time.

When the weapon is stuck and is attacked by the enemy, there are only two possibilities: either abandon the weapon,

Or get stabbed directly.

The thugs are not vegetarians. Most of them are orphans in orphanages.

In addition to eating and sleeping, he is training how to kill people. He can use the knife faster than some professional killers.

You have to be quick, accurate and ruthless, and if you find the flaw, you will definitely hit it and it will be impossible for the prey to run away.

"哐哐哐!" - The sharp long knives were slashed down, like falling silver, but they didn't stop.

And all the same ones were bounced away.

"?!" The thugs stared intently with their eyes widened.

The knight girl had a layer of gleaming silver armor on her body at some point, with the shape of a lion's heart.

Shoulder armor, silver cross heart plate, arm guards decorated with exquisite ancient inscriptions and knight boots, lower body -

Skirt made of silver nail leaves.

Under the Valkyrie's helmet decorated with silver wings, her blond hair flutters in the wind.

"Watching all this from a distance, Muzun was dumbfounded.

"I will not have any more mercy for pure evil." Knight Ji held her hand and slashed at herself.

The long knife and the indestructible gauntlet crushed it to pieces.

The thugs took a step back. Although they were unclear about the situation, they would not give up because of changes.

Stop here.

Either these three knights died, or they died, there was no third possibility.

Maybe they also knew that the armor that appeared out of thin air on the girl was difficult to deal with, so they gathered

The remaining people launched a fierce offensive towards Bai Jin.

"Clang, Clang, Clang!" The long knife that could easily split a buffalo could not leave even a trace on the silver armor.

This seemingly exposed Valkyrie armor actually has no flaws, even if it is cut to the forearm.

The bare skin parts of the thighs that are not protected by armor will also be bounced away, which is completely 360

Defense without blind spots.

Knocking it here and there, nothing happened to the armor. Instead, it knocked all the long knives in the hands of these dead soldiers.

Broken and bent.

The thugs were confused. They had never encountered such an unexpected situation. This made them

There is a feeling of being overwhelmed.

When they were carrying out selfless output, Bai Jin was not idle, ignoring any slashes.

He has already taken the lives of several thugs with the sword in his hand.

The situation of the battle was reversed at this moment.

Seeing more and more fallen companions, their expressions became solemn, but it was just

Just solemn, eyes

There was no intention of retreating at all.

"Even those who have lost their way and never returned have a chance to atone for their sins." Bai Jin put away her sword and sounded an ethereal voice.

"It's not too late to surrender now. I will protect your lives as a knight. After that,

There will be laws to punish you.

Bai Jin's words are destined to be ignored by no one. They are a group of dead soldiers without emotions, just like

As ruthless as a murderous weapon, death is just a noun to them - a state.

That's it, there is no more meaning beyond that.

They turned a blind eye to the crimes they committed. Bai Jin did not continue to persuade them to surrender. Since they were lost,

If the person persists in his obsession, she will enforce the law impartially.

It was a completely one-sided massacre. The indestructible armor was immune to any form of physical damage.

Attacking, the dead soldiers also thought about using collision or physical skills to make Bai Jin lose his balance, but then

What they didn't expect was that even this kind of physical technique that would cause staggering was helpless against that armor.


Shoulders, kicks, and punches will all be pushed back by that armor, except to prove

Forces can do nothing but act reciprocally.

A shocking scene appeared. Even if these dead soldiers fought to the last person, no one shouted to surrender, let alone confessed who instructed them to do this. They were so cold that they didn't even look like soldiers.

Is a

After the battle, when it was confirmed that all threats had been eliminated, Bai Jin dropped his sword and panted.

Sitting on the ground, he stared blankly at the scarred red earth.

There is no one in this world who is truly not afraid of death. Those who are not afraid of death are not people.

The so-called not afraid of death is because they are more afraid of things than death, so they stand up

And these people are not afraid of death because they have lost their humanity.

Perhaps for such people, death is a relief for them, because they

We have never truly lived.

This kind of person is both hateful and pathetic.

The blade of the sword became dull due to being stained with too much blood. Also becoming dull was Bai Bai.

Hibiscus heart.

She hugged her body and huddled in the corner, not knowing who she was feeling sad for.

Maybe it was the villagers who died after being tortured, or maybe it was the big man who died tragically trying to save her just now.

Uncle, or these sad and hateful guys.

Her mind was as messed up as she was, and there was no doubt that she was responsible for all the injustices and debts. There was no doubt that the only person who caused this tragedy was -


"Bai Jin, are you okay?" A voice came from behind her.

She didn't turn her head, but asked in a low voice. "Fortunately, you and Ruo

Is Lin okay? "

"Don't worry, Ruolin just fainted temporarily, she didn't suffer any serious injuries, and the bleeding stopped.

In my words, well, ahem, it's not bad. "

"That's good."

"But you, I don't think you look okay." After the disaster, Mu Ju felt happy in his heart.

Fortunately, there are worries.

Bai Jin seems to have awakened a new ability, but something is wrong.

This incident has affected Bai Jin's character, which Mu Ju doesn't want to see.

Where's my cell phone?" The two of them were speechless. After a while, Bai Jin opened the conversation first.

"At Ruolin's place, you want?"

"Give it to me." Bai Jin's voice became low, she buried her head in her knees, her tone also sounded

There was a hint of crying. "I want to say a few words to Ji Yue."



OK "Mu Lun endured the injury and took the mobile phone from Ruolin with some difficulty.

Passed it to Bai Jin.

She dialed the only number in the address book of her mobile phone. After a brief busy signal, the familiar

A familiar and anxious female voice came from somewhere.

"Bai Jin, Bai Jin? Is that you? What's wrong with you? Why did you hang up the phone suddenly? You

What happened there?!”

"Ji, Yue Baijin covered her mouth, but she couldn't hide the grunt and exhaustion in her voice.

On the other end of the phone, Ji Yue's heart skipped a beat. She had never heard Bai Jin be so sentimental and emotional.

Chu Chu's pitiful words and helpless feeling, if conditions didn't allow it, she would have wished to do it right now.

Flying to Bai Jin, hugging her cold body into his arms -

OK, something serious happened.

Ji Yue's face turned cold, but her tone gradually became calmer. "Brother, don't worry, Ji Yue -

I've been here all along, tell me slowly, who bullied you?"

"Please, seek justice for these innocent souls and bring the culprits to justice."

"Okay, I understand. Where are you now? I will send my soldiers to pick you up."

After informing Ji Yue of her detailed address, the call was hung up.

"Is this the Lord of the Last City?" Ji Yue sneered, clutching her phone tightly. "I'll make you regret it

Himself was given birth to.

How he is corrupt is none of Ji Yue's business, but he should never offend her sister.

Moreover, it made her cry.

Bai Jin is not the kind of weak woman who is always wiping her tears. Ji Yue knows very well that she can make her

To be so sad, that man must have done something extremely

for something excessive.

Soon, the old housekeeper was called to Ji Yue.

"Are you going to launch a thorough investigation into the city lord of the end city regarding corruption?" the steward asked.

"No, it's not just corruption, it's also murder, arson, housebreaking, robbery, fish and meat, people's attempts to bully men and dominate women.

For murdering Qi Zhi, who was appointed by the temple, I will be charged with any crime and dig out all the dirty information about him. After a month, I don't want to see this person still in the world, understand?" Ji Yue looked coldly. .

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