Blood Princess and the Knight

34~The Lord is responsible for forgiving you

"Why haven't those useless guys come back yet? You want me to stay in this shabby house?"

How long? ?" The fair and fat man walked back and forth in the room, and finally said angrily, unable to bear it anymore.

"Sir, if you calculate the time, they should be on their way back." The guard said respectfully.

"What the hell are you coming back! Counting the time, they should have arrived at noon yesterday. Why are they still waiting for one now?"

Is there any movement?" The fat man was extremely angry. "Those idiots are so inefficient in doing things. They are really wasting their money.

They are dead! How long are you going to let me, the city lord, stay in this dilapidated house and pretend to be a good person?"

"Maybe there's some trouble."

"It's just three trainee knights. They can't even solve this problem. It's a shame that I have such daggers on them."

So much time and effort was spent on it, applying poison and polishing, but it was delayed when it was supposed to work.

Mud and water, is that true? ?”

Lord City Lord, after all, those three trainee knights are all from the Flame Spear Knight Academy.

Student, is there something wrong with killing someone when you say it? "

"What's wrong? Don't forget that this is my territory, and what if you kill me? Marry me."

Just blame those bandits. The Flame Spear Leader can't say anything about it. I'll go there in person afterwards.

Wouldn't it be enough to just pay a visit and apologize to the Knight Academy and send some gifts? What a big deal. "Fat City"

The Lord disapproved and snorted coldly.

"But if those three students have special status, their families are not willing to let it go.

So what if?"

"Where are there so many special students? You think you are just a student from the Flame Spear Leader?

Human? If that were the case, wouldn’t it be very shameful for us city lords?" The fat man glanced at the guard -


"Okay, don't talk so much, just go take care of your duties."


The guard left the room, and the fat city lord sat down. After looking around for no one, he quietly followed.

He took out a bottle of red wine from the table cabinet and was about to pour himself a glass when the guard came in again.

Come in.

"What are you doing? ? Didn't I let you go about your own business? Why did you come in again?

What happened this time? "

"Lord City Lord, there is a group of people outside the door, saying they are looking for you."

"Oh? Those idiots are finally back." The fat man breathed a sigh of relief. "Let those guys in

Come and report the situation to me, hurry up, don't let others see you gossiping. "

"Uh, Lord City Lord, those people don't seem to be the dead soldiers you sent out."

"Not a dead soldier? ?" The fat man frowned and smelled something wrong. "no

Who else could it be?”

"They said that they are knights affiliated with the Fire Spear Leader's inspection team and were ordered to come to investigate your case thoroughly.

The problem of tax evasion. "

"Flaming spear leads the inspection team..." Fatty City Lord was stunned for a moment, and then became a little funny. "Ji led by the Flame Spear

The inspection team is here to investigate me, the city lord of the end city, what a great official power it is?"

"You ask them, why are they inspecting me? Our last city is a subordinate city under the name of the Holy Shepherd.

Even the Holy Priest Leader and the Holy Priest Leader didn’t say anything, so the Flame Spear Leader wants to get in? Does it have the qualifications?

"If you have this qualification, Mr. City Lord should ask your immediate boss, the Saint

Mr. Pastoral Lord. "At this moment, a voice came into the house, and a man in a leather coat

The man came in with a group of fully armed knights.

"What are you doing? Breaking into a private house?" The fat city lord frowned upon seeing this. "how

Do you Flame Spear Leaders want to use your power to bully others? ?"

"Mr. City Lord, don't make a fuss. Likewise, don't try to create any conflict between the two lords."

Excuse yourself for the contradiction. We have obtained the consent of Lord Shengmu for this inspection. "Headed by

The leather man put his hands in his pockets and acted very lazy.

"Lord Holy Shepherd agreed? This is impossible!"

"Don't believe it? OK, I'll give you a chance now. You can take out your mobile phone and dial

Call your lord to see if this is the case. "The unbelievable appearance of the fat city lord

This made the man smile slightly.

What a nonsense. "His confident look made the Fatty Lord feel nervous, but because

In order to prevent the other party from trying to explode Hu, the Fatty Lord still chose to call and ask, but he was asked to face

Color is pale.

"How about it, Mr. City Lord, are you now willing to believe that our investigation of you is justified?"

"Hey, it's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding." The fat man performed a Sichuan Opera face-changing show on the spot, and there was a moment of silence.

His face was full of flattery, and his fat face was filled with smiles.

"Sir, as you can see, what motive could I have for tax evasion?

After paying the tax, would I still live in such a shabby house? Everyone, I misunderstood, this is completely a misunderstanding.

"I heard that the city suffered serious disasters at the end of these years. Lord City Lord, you have worked hard and are considerate of the people.

For this reason, I have repeatedly reported to the temple and asked for exemption from taxes, right?" The man slowly took out a book


"I'll give my answer after thinking about it.

These things are clearly recorded in your file. "

"Yes, that's what happened. Hey, this place in the end city has no eggs, so it's really hard.

Common people, all I can do is ask for help. The fat man put on a sad look.

look like. "Really? Are these disasters related to this?"

"It is indeed true. Is it possible that I can still lie about the disaster? That is not an act of deceiving the superiors and concealing the truth from the subordinates.

Well. "The fat man refused to admit it. "If you don't believe it, you can ask the local people. Famines have indeed occurred in recent years. "

"We asked about it on the way here, but the people mentioned it and admitted that it did happen.

There has been a locust plague, but I don’t know anything about the tax exemption.

Hey, I am indeed exempted from many harsh taxes, but so is our family.

I have to eat. I am also a city lord after all. I can’t not collect any taxes, right?

I have enough to support my family

"Making a living for the family?" The man interrupted the fat man as if he had grasped something important. "you

Say, you only need to support your family?"

"Ah? Uh-huh, yes, yes, it won't make me unable to eat."

"Okay, what a man who can't even eat." The man smiled, then waved his hand, and the rider beside him

Scholars understand.

"Mr. City Lord, I thought we could have a pleasant afternoon tea time, but now it seems

Not likely anymore. "

"Everyone, what are you doing? Let me go. Where are you taking me?

"Take you back to your home." The man asked the knight to hold the fat man between his arms and then walked out. The guard next to him wanted to say something.

Youzhi just wanted to stop him when the man glared back at him.

"If you don't want to cause trouble, it's best not to get involved." This look seemed to mean this.

The guards looked at each other, even though they knew that the city lord was in trouble.

They are the guards of the city lord's palace, not the city lord's family soldiers. In theory, who is the city lord?

It doesn't matter, their wages will not increase or decrease accordingly.

So, they chose to turn a blind eye to it.

"You guys, what are you doing? ? I'm warning you that no matter what I say, I will be in the last city.

City Lord!

"So, we are planning to take you home, Lord City Lord." The man smiled.

Look at him.

"Go home? What do you mean my home is right here?"

"No, no, no, your home is not here, hey, it has been so many years, you

Don’t you even know which one your home is? It doesn’t matter, we will take you there. "

The knights put the fat city lord on the carriage, and soon the carriage drove to a place far away from the end city.

A luxurious manor.

"Mr. City Lord, won't you show us around?"

Where is this place and what do you want to do by bringing me here?"

"Isn't this your home? Why, don't you recognize it?" the man said playfully. "This land is written

It’s all in your name, so why isn’t it yours?”

"What a joke! How could this be my home? My family has never been framed like this.

The city lord lost his mind in anger, and suddenly realized that he had already spilled the beans.


"Why don't you say anything anymore? Keep talking, your family isn't that small, is it?" The man looked victorious.

He looked at him coldly with his hands folded as if he was holding the coupon. "Then, where exactly is the City Lord?"

"I, I don't know what you're talking about

"Really? This is really a pity." The man shook his head. "It's a pity that the Lord City Lord just missed it by giving him a chance to be frank and lenient."

"What kind of leniency for confession? I don't know anything at all.

"Lord City Lord, you don't really think we can't find out where your home is, do you?" The man threw it to the city owner.

Mainly one form. "We have already found out the location of your home. Well, what is written on it is

The location of your home. "


"Speaking of which, Lord City Lord, your family is really rich. The ceiling mezzanine is full of gold. You

How much corruption does it take to reach this level?"

"You all know it!"

"Of course, we checked very carefully, and we didn't miss any clues at point J."

"The city lord gritted his teeth and remained silent. He knew that he couldn't deny it this time. Even the Holy Priest

The lord of the land wasn't even on his side.

If you keep the green hills, you won’t have to worry about running out of firewood!

"Mr. City Lord, if you still want to deny it, you can continue. I will listen."

"I plead guilty, I abide by the law, sir, I confess, I confess everything!"

"Oh, I won't deny it." The man looked at him with a smile.

"No, no, I just hope that the temple can give me a chance to be a new person. I will definitely respond well."

think about one's sins

"No one can make mistakes without being a sage. Don't worry, the Lord will forgive you." The man clasped his hands together.

"Since you have pleaded guilty, why don't you just admit to these charges as well?"

"For example, killing people, setting fires, robbing women, bullying men, dominating women, abusing private power, giving bribes and accepting

"Wait, wait! What are these?" The fat city lord looked confused.

"Huh? What else could it be? The crimes you committed. Look, it's all on this page.

, a full list.

"Wait a minute, these are my

"Nothing? Didn't you just admit it yourself?" The man's eyes turned cold and he tightened

Then he said jokingly. "I'm sorry, the Lord will forgive you, but my lady will not."

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