At the end of the matter, the Lord of the Last City was brought to justice, but the matter was not made too public.

It was just a claim that the Lord of the End City was dismissed from his post due to malfeasance, and the newspaper only left

After reading this brief narrative, the common people would only sigh a little, and finish this with a meal.

Something was forgotten.

The matter was resolved, but the promotion trials of the three people inevitably encountered obstacles, because

Because the client was arrested, the trial of the three of them ended in failure. Fortunately, Yu Ji

Yue pushed her behind. Passing the trial is not a problem, but there are also criticisms of doing so.

Many, for example

"Do you know the white hibiscus in class three and the wooden tenon in class one?'

"I know, there aren't many people in the whole school who don't know about the Golden Sword and Brown Spear of the Knight Academy. What's wrong?


"You haven't heard yet. It is said that these two people actually went through the back door in order to get the scores for the promotion exam.

Trust the relationship. "

"Really? With their strength, they don't need to do this at all, right?"

"You don't know, the task they drew is the most difficult level A, in order to complete this

Mission, they are looking for connections and using the back door!"

"Even, I suspect that this level A promotion trial was obtained by them through a secret operation.

After all, they who have completed the promotion trial of level A and been promoted to knight apprentices are better than us.

Priority will be given to admission based on qualifications. "

"Is it true? This inside story is really dark.

"Along with them there is a classmate named Ruolin, tsk tsk, who is so lucky?

I couldn't stop him, so I was put together with two good friends and passed the test easily. "

Nowadays, rumors like this have spread to every corner in the academy. The students adhere to the principle of not doing anything.

Guan Ji's nature of hanging up and watching the fun without taking it too seriously, passed it on from ten to ten, and finally the whole ride

It is known to everyone in the scholar academy and has become a hot topic. Of course, it is more about them.

This kind of behavior is condemned and shameful.

However, the two parties involved as the port in the eye of the storm turned a blind eye to this and passed by the people who were discussing the matter.

The student seemed not to have heard it and just passed by, as if the person being discussed was not him.

"Senior Muju, Na Ruolin hesitated to speak.

After being taken back by the soldiers of the Flame Spear family, the three of them rested at home for several weeks.

After a period of recuperation and treatment, everyone was talking about this matter when he returned to the academy.

"I'm sorry, you have to suffer with us this time."

"No, I'm not talking about this. Ruolin shook her head desperately.

She is nothing at all. After all, she is unknown in the academy, and the severe verbal injuries she suffered are not.

There are relatively few, but these two seniors clearly did nothing wrong, but they did one more thing

A good thing that was praised was spoken of so badly.

Ruolin was a little unwilling.

"Senior Bai Jin, why don't you go and see her?" Ruolin suggested. After all, Bai Jin is no better than a wooden tenon.

As a girl, she may not be able to withstand these rumors so much.

After a life-and-death battle, the three people's feelings are gradually sublimating. At the same time, if

Lin also learned about Bai Jin's biggest secret, her gender.

"No, Bai Jin is not such a fragile and vulgar person. She won't care about these rumors.

, on the contrary, I think she should have more important things to think about now. "Muzun said this

"Compared with this, are you more troubled by this matter?"


"Really?" Mu Ju looked at the girl with a smile on his lips, as if he had seen through everything.

Okay, okay, there is a point. I always feel that it is not a good idea to let it pass on like this.

Method. "

"It is said that rumors stop only among the wise, but spread on others. We cannot stop them anytime and anywhere.

Isn’t that what others say?” Mu Ju didn’t seem to care much about this.

"That's right."

"In this case, if you really care, if someone says this to you in front of you, just come here

Tell me, how about I beat him for you. "Mu Ju said half-jokingly.

"Senior Muju, what are you talking about? There's no point in hitting people." Ruolin waved her hands quickly. "I

I didn't care that much, I just felt that the two seniors were aggrieved. "

"I don't really think so. The key is Bai Jin. She has made great contributions. How can I

He didn't do anything, he just carried him by the side for a few times. "

"Okay, it's almost noon, I have to go find that guy for dinner." He glanced at the sign on the wall.

In the meantime, Mu Ju stood up and was about to leave. "Wait, wait a minute, um, Senior Muzhu, I have something to ask you. I don't know.

Ruolin poked at each other with her index fingers, which seemed a little hard to say.

"Huh? What's the matter?" Mu Ju turned around.

"You, you and Senior Bai Jin are the same thing, I mean your

What kind of relationship mode do you have?" Ruolin tried her best to pretend to be nonchalant and asked.

This question came up, but her flushed face betrayed her. "Is this what you want to ask?" Muzhu rolled his eyes. For some reason, he wanted to tease this young man.



"How can opposite sexes get along?" Mu Ju's expression suddenly became ambiguous.

stand up.

"It's difficult. Could it be that Ruolin was a little nervous. "Love, couple? ?"

"Well, that's what you said, I didn't say that." Mu Ju waved his hand.

"Eh?! So, is this really the case?" Ruolin intertwined her hands, showing her

Be anxious and restless.

:That's right. "Mu Ju held his hands, as if the old god was here.

"Well, Ruolin covered her face, a little at a loss.

Recalling her past yearnings and the wooden tenon that blocked her fatal blow, Ruolin finally

Yu realized a fact.

She's probably lost in love

So that’s it, it turns out that Bai Jin and Senior Muzhu really have this kind of relationship, right?

They are actually childhood sweethearts who grew up together, and their relationship has been extremely good since childhood. How can I do this in this situation?

Maybe step in?

"Hug, I'm sorry, I thought I disturbed everything!"

"You're kidding, don't take it seriously." The girl's reaction made Mu Ju feel really funny.

"Eh, eh?! .laugh" The girl who was about to cover her face and flee the scene was stunned.

"I'm just trying to coax you. After all, I see that you're not in a good mood, so I just want to liven up the atmosphere.

, ahem, sorry. "Seeing the other person's cheeks full of flushing and disappointment, Mu Ju also knew that he was playing a trick

A little too much

So, what is the relationship between senior Mu Ju and senior Bai Jin?

"Relationship or something, they are probably childhood sweethearts who grew up together.

"What a general statement." Ruolin pursed her lips in a rare gesture.

"To be specific, it's probably the kind of good, good, friend, huh."

"Is that the only way?" Ruolin's eyes widened, and she honestly didn't believe it.

Although she was very confident in her appearance and figure, even so, in front of Bai Jin

Also eclipsed.

After being with such a talented and beautiful child for so long, Senior Mu Ju has never had a heartbeat.


Ruolin asked herself that if she were a boy, she might not be able to remain indifferent to this.

She didn't know that it was only recently that Mu Chu figured out Bai Jin's gender issue.

Before this, the two of them were more like brothers.

"Why are you looking at me like that?

"Mu Ju raised his eyebrows.

"Senior, don't you like girls?"

"Why do you think so, I don't like girls, do I like boys?" Mu

The corners of his mouth twitched.

"Think about it, senior Bai Jin is so good-looking, has top grades, and has a perfect figure.

She fully meets the requirements for a male to choose a mate. Her breasts are really big. With such a perfect and outstanding girl -

Come on, it’ll be a little strange if you don’t feel excited, right?”

"That's what I say, but how do I put it? It's probably because I'm too familiar with it, so I'm very familiar with it.

She didn't think anything wrong in that regard, so what on earth are you thinking about in your head? "

Wooden Tenon had the idea of ​​​​hitting Ruolin's head.

"Bai Jin is engaged, how could I come up and interfere in her from the air?" Mu Jubai

He glanced at Ruolin.

"Ah? Is Senior Bai Jin engaged? Who is it? Who is it?" Ruolin's eyes paused after hearing this.

From time to time, little stars twinkling with gossip.

"Shh, keep your voice down, don't make this matter public." Mu Ju quickly looked around.

"Oh, if you don't tell me, don't tell me. Senior Muzhu, Senior Bai Jin's fiancé

Who is it? "Ruolin really wants to know which lucky person is blessed to have such a perfect fiancée.


"I can't tell you this. Besides, who told you that he was your fiancé?" Mu Chu glanced at her.

"How can she still be a fiancée if she's not a fiancé? Ruolin immediately covered her mouth after saying that.

It felt like I had discovered a bigger secret.

The campus is still the same campus, just slightly changed.

Bai Jin could obviously notice that there were more eyes staring at her than usual, but she didn't understand.

Why is this, I don’t want to figure it out.

After experiencing the last incident, she gained some understanding of world affairs. She has been thinking about it these days.

Questions about the armor that appeared on his body.

"Is this the Holy Martial Arts?" Bai Jin was a little hesitant.

There are only a few people who can awaken the Holy Martial Arts. Bai Jin never thinks that she is special.

That one, but it was in her that Shengwu awakened.

This made her feel incredible and a little confused at the same time.

As the saying goes, with greater ability comes greater responsibility. Since she is a holy warrior, she feels that she should do more


The chatter around her became louder, and it seemed that they were all directed at her, but Bai Jin never heard of it.

Smell, her thoughts were all elsewhere.

"Hey! That golden retriever standing over there!" A rough shout brought her back to reality.

I looked up and saw a seven-foot-tall man standing in front of me.

strong man.

"Is your boy that Bai Jin?" The strong man is accompanied by two strong brothers~Gui, Meiyu

There is a sign written all over the place that the person who came here is not a good person. It is obvious that this guy is here to cause trouble.

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