Bai Jin agreed, and Black, who was riding a tiger, not only couldn't refuse, but also had to show off.

Look like you are looking down on the other person, otherwise, with so many people watching, you will lose more than just

It's his own face, and it's the face of the Sacrifice Academy.

But it doesn't matter. Blake immediately thought of an excellent idea.


"Don't you think this is a bit dangerous?" Bai Jin thought for a while and reminded him.

"You don't dare anymore? Ha, that's all."

"No, I'm just worried about your safety." Bai Jin looked at Blake expressionlessly.

"What a joke! It's just a demon's territory, what kind of security risk can I pose? It's you, in the end.

It's easy to accept, otherwise Blake looked around, leaned in front of Bai Jin and whispered. "If I put

If your fiancé's identity is publicized, wouldn't it cause a lot of trouble?"

Blake's words were almost threatening. "There are too many variables in the demon species' territory, not to mention the group of vampires. Are you really sure?"

"Tch, if you are afraid, then just terminate the engagement with Miss Ji Yue. I think Miss Ji Yue

I probably also disdain a timid fiancé like you. "Blake continues to provoke

Do you really plan to go?" Bai Jin looked directly into Black's eyes, as if she could see through them. "Then there is still falsehood? Who am I, Black, one of the three heroes of the Sacrifice Academy! The vampire territory.

Now, if you break in, break in, who is afraid of whom?"

"Okay, I understand, I'll go with you." Bai Jin sighed lightly. "Don't be brave, it's still too late to admit defeat!" Although Black had his way, he still had to

Some are reluctant to go.

As long as Bai Jin gives him a step down and admits that Bo himself is indeed not as courageous as him.

, he might just let it go and not talk about it. I didn’t expect this kid to be so stubborn, even if he wants to be tough

Even if you drag yourself into the water, you are not willing to admit defeat.

Okay, you pretend to be tough in front of the public. When we get there, we will see who is tougher!

"Ha, I haven't explained the rules clearly yet. We don't have another day, but today!" Bu

Lake continued to play with fire, unaware that he was pushing himself into the pit.

"I understand, please do as you please."

"Aren't you scared?" Blake's eyes widened. In fact, his feet had already started to move.

I felt weak, but with so many people watching, I had to finish it even if I was kneeling.

"If you want to go, I can only follow you.

"Hehe, hehe, you really know how to be brave, boy, stop pretending, I know you are scared now

My legs are already weak and my limbs are weak!" Blake said tremblingly.

Mr. Lake, if you don't want to go, forget it. "Bai Jin also seems to be looking at

Out of the other party's timidity, he suggested.

"Don't do this! I think you're scared. You want to find a way to get off the stairs, so I'll ask

Do you dare? If you are a man, accept my challenge!"

"Okay, please." Having said that, Bai Jin didn't intend to say anything more.

A gesture of invitation.

"Okay, I want to see when you can show your true colors!" After saying that, Blake snorted.

With a loud voice, he drove away his two horses.

"You all go away, I want to have a duel between men with this boy, and everyone else will

Stay away, lest anyone say I cheated on my promotion like him!"

"But Master, you

"No but, are you planning to make me renege on my word in front of everyone? ?" Bu

Lake glared at Ma Zai fiercely, spoke forcefully, and felt bitter and helpless in his heart.

Damn it, what could be better than this? ?

Isn't he afraid? He's afraid. He's scared to death. But with so many people watching, he's just giving up.

But he lost.

What a joke, how could he be defeated by a guy who took the promotion exam through the back door? ?This

If word got out, where would he put his face? What did Miss Ji Yue think of him?

Maybe, because of this fraud incident, Miss Ji Yue only has soft food for this.

The pretty face was filled with disgust. At this time, all he had to do was take advantage of the victory and pursue Ji Yue in one fell swoop.


Encouraging themselves like this, the two of them got on the carriage in a daze, and came out in a daze.

After arriving at the border town, they came to the mountain range at the junction of the Scarlet Blood Territory and the Human Federation.

As the largest clan of demons, the Vampire Clan occupies the largest resources and territory among all continental forces.

It is a huge one and borders many forces, but it does not send many troops to garrison it.


This is vampire-style self-confidence, or arrogance, contempt for all ethnic groups except oneself

He is even more disdainful towards human beings, and will not send soldiers to garrison there at all.

From their point of view, going to war against ants is a ridiculous thing in itself.

So the two of them came to this mountain easily.

"Oh, what's up? Don't be afraid! Ahead is the border of the Scarlet Blood Territory, and there are many people living in it.

They are those blood-sucking monsters with green faces and fangs that feed on humans! Needless to say, you are already scared to death.


Blake smiled awkwardly and stopped his shaking shoulders.

"Classmate Black, let's go." Bai Jin looked indifferent. "Why are you so scared?

Strong. "

"Who, who is scared?" If Bai Jin had said it differently, Blake might have gotten off the road.

But she didn't know how to look at her face, but she said these words in a provocative and mocking way, which made Bu

Lake was furious.

What an enviable guy, not only has a lovely wife at home, but also has a good body and is still a

Born with a golden key in his mouth, this pretty boy who does nothing and relies on others still dares to laugh at him now

Myself, can I bear this? ?

Blake figured it out, people live in this world just to fight for reputation, how could he be

How does this kind of embroidered pillow compare?!

"I think you're scared! Just keep pretending. I'll see how long you can keep it up.

Ah!" Black yelled fiercely, and then walked away in a swaggering manner, pretending to be calm.

Towards the mountains ahead.

Vampires are vampires. Come on, what if you meet a vampire? He is a dignified person after all.

He has earned the reputation of being one of the Three Heroes through his strength, but he still can't deal with a few vampires?

Black cursed in a low voice to encourage himself, but as he walked, his steps

Stopped unconsciously.

"What's wrong?" Bai Jin, who was following behind, saw Blake in front of him trembling. He stepped forward and found a blood-stained notice board standing at the entrance of the mountain range, with several sharp spears standing next to it.

If you take a step back, the sky will be brighter, if you take a step forward, you will perish. 'The blood stains on the notice board were early

It has turned into a dried dark red, and these human civilizations are crookedly written on it with bright red dye.


Not only that, the sharp spears next to it were pierced through human skulls, and some of the deep-sea surfaces had not yet been completely penetrated.

Weathered and covered with disgusting maggots

"Blake was so frightened that he took a step back. If Bai Jin hadn't supported him, he would have almost sat down.

on the ground.

"Are you okay?" Bai Jin gently helped him up. "Why are you so afraid to come? We still have to

Go back quickly. "

Blake didn't know what to say, but he was already giving up.

For him, who had never seen a dead person, this scene was terrifying enough.

Ordinary people often experience mental collapse when exposed to death threats.

It only took less than a second for Qi Fengfa to lose his fighting spirit now.

Coupled with this eerie aura, it suddenly felt like the entire mountain range was shrouded in shadow, as if

It's like an old monster from the mountains may appear at any time, which is like the atmosphere of a horror movie.

Blake, whose feet were trembling and couldn't even hold on to the ground, knew he couldn't continue to be cruel.

It's embarrassing enough, he can't even stand up

But he was still a little unwilling.

"You, aren't you afraid?"

"Me? Well, generally speaking, I should be a little scared." Bai Jin gave a general

Answer, this scene is indeed a bit scary, but compared to the previous siege, it is really not

What a big scene.

The corner of Blake's mouth twitched. What are these words? Are you afraid of what's going on in your heart?

Isn’t it clear? In terms of general rationality?

"If you're scared, why did you come with me?"

"What if I don't follow you and you are in danger?"

"Blake was stunned." This, this is why you have to follow me? ?

Then since you don’t want to come and drag me into the water, why don’t you give me a step down? ?”

"What are the steps?" Bai Jin tilted her head and asked. "Didn't you insist on coming? Look at you

If you want to go, I can only follow. "

Blake was silent. He didn't know what attitude he should take to communicate with Bai Jin at this moment.

Well done, but for some reason, he felt a little touched.

I admit, you did win this time, but don’t be complacent, next time

Next time, I will always defeat you

"Shush." ​​Bai Jin suddenly made a shushing gesture, frowning slightly, as if listening carefully.

What a sound.

"Someone called for help.


"I couldn't hear what she was saying, but the timbre suggested it was a little girl, and she was screaming very anxiously.


"You wait here, I'll go rescue people." Bai Jin stood up without saying anything.

"Wait, wait a minute! How can there be anyone in this deserted mountain?" Blake didn't wait.

After clarifying her thoughts and situation, Bai Jin ran away without a trace.

"This guy!" Looking at Bai Jin who ran into the Scarlet Blood Territory and gradually disappeared,

Blake was a little anxious. He wanted to follow, but the terrifying sign stopped him.

Way to go.

My legs are starting to feel weak again

Bai Jin ran all the way, and the sound got closer and closer to her. It seemed to be a small tree in the mountains.

In the forest.


After acquiring [Holy Martial Arts], Bai Jin's five senses have become more sensitive than ordinary people, and she can

Enough to hear subtle sounds at extremely long distances.

The call was getting closer and closer, but Bai Jin still couldn't understand what she was saying.

Maybe it's because of the language barrier?

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